
Harry Potter and the Young Occamy's Path

Here he was, Natsu Orion Flamel in the Harry Potter world. What is he going to do? Is he going to completely stay out of it or is he going to carve his own path? Let's find out! P.S: Copyright of some characters in the book and the world is belong to J.K.Rowling. So now this shitty sentence out of way, enjoy! P.P.S:English is not my native language, so I'm going to ask you to overlook some of my mistakes and grammer, especially with tenses. I mean, what's up with those tenses, it's always so confusing, it never feels right ,arggh! Anyway, enjoy! :)

natsukun · Others
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21 Chs

Chapter 14: Preparation for Hogwarts

After I sent Dumbledore out, I grinned. Everything went according to the plan. I went back inside and start coaxing my little devil brother, I may have sent him to his room a little harshly while talking to Dumbledore, so he pouted a little. Seriously what am I going to with him.

Two days later we went to the Diagon Alley. Harry was so excited that he didn't stop jumping around for a second. First stop was Gringotts! After a particularly annoying goblin showed the vault, Harry withdrew some money. When we got out of the Gringotts, we were still awed about all the gold, and this is just his trust vault. Ahh, it should be nice to be rich.

We got his robes, books and other materials. Then we sat down to eat ice cream of course! Seriously this kid and his ice cream. I sighed.

While my mum and Harry were eating their ice cream, I went to the Magical Menagerie to buy him Hedwig. Without Hagrid to buy him, I have to buy her. She was a good companion to Harry in the series, I would hate to ruin that for him. So i bought her and went next to Harry and said " Happy birthday!!! "

"Wow, she is beautiful!!" he said. And then he hugged me. He named her Hedwig. Some thing don't change i guess.

We have left one more shop. Ollivanders. Same as me, he went in by himself, as it is the tradition. And when he got out of the shop, i saw the holly and phoenix feather wand. And he called Ollivander creepy old man. I laughed. Apparently wand still chose him, despite the changes in his character after my meddling.

It was the day before his birthday, Harry hold the Mandrake leaf in his mouth for a month for now and today is the fullmoon. We sat in our backyard. I gave him his potion. He drank it in one go. He hold his wand over his heart and recited 'Amato Animo Animago Animagus' He closed his eyes while sitting in the grass. I wondered what will it be his form. He sat there for like five minutes. And when he opened his, he ran straight to me while yelling "It's a wolf cub, a wolf!!"

"It's wonderful, I'll bet you're a really squishy cute little cub." I dreamed of playing a little wolf cub. Argghh, this fluffy feeling!

" Not at all, hmmph , it's a big scary wolf!" he harrumphed at me and stick his tongue out.

" But I heard you you said a cub." I said teasingly.

"It's .. it's.. " he said , I laughed so hard.

"Brotheeerr!!" he whined.

"Okay, okay." I laughed a little more. "So tell me about your big bad wolf inner self" I tried to say in a scary voice and then laughed.

" Hmmph, you're the one to talk, mother hen Occamy!" he glared at me a little.

"Heyy!!" I flicked his forehead.

"Anyway, laugh all you want, wolf was little but it had a horn in his head and at the tip of the horn was a lightning was crackling. It looked really scary. Hmmph. And also it has a really beautiful white fur, it looked like so soft to touch."

"Bloody hell! It's a Raiju! A lightning wolf, living mostly in Japan. XXXX ranked creature with a extreme temper, when his enemies cross him, he electrocute them with lightning generated from the tip of his horn. Otherwise He's docile and peaceful. Bahhahaa, that's my temper thrower little cub." I ruffled his hair while laughing. And then he bit my hand.

"Here is your temper!" he said while started to run inside.

"Heyy!" I chased him for a while. Then I started to explain him about how should he start to transform.

Next day for his birthday, I promised him to take him to ice cream again. So we went to the Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. We sat to a table and started to watch firsties' shopping spree. Just when we laughed to a boy who stumbled at the pavement, a girl approached to us in the back and said "That's rude you know, to laugh at someone."

When we turned around, we saw a girl with a bushy haired, chocolate brown eyes holding too many books for her height. And next to him stood two person who probably is her parents. And behind them stood there a stern looking woman.

"Professor McGonagall, hello ma'am. How are you? Introducing the magical world to first years? " I asked.

" Ah yes, Mr. Flamel. Also thank you, I'm fine, though apparently not fine as you. I'll admit I haven't seen you laugh this much at Hogwarts. And I remember you said it's childish to what you're doing right know. " she smiled.

" Ahh, I'm sorry it's just my brother who brings this side of me. " I said smilingly while ruffling Harrys hair.

She smiled at that. "I didn't know you had a brother Mr. Flamel." she said while turning her head to Harry and froze. "Harry." she whispered.

"I'm sorry do I know you Professor?" asked Harry with one brow raised.

" Oh, I knew your parents Mr.Potter." She said smiling sadly. " You look just like your father, but your eyes.."

" Is my mother's, yes they say so." he said while smiling sadly.

" Brother you said, Mr. Flamel?" she asked.

"Well you see..." before I explained, Harry interjected. " He is living in the next house to ours and he is taking care of me since i was a toddler. So he's like a big brother to me."he said while hugging me. My eyes get little moisty. I know he hadn't said anything that emotional, but when he says these thing to me I get really emotional. I hugged him back and squeezed him a little.

Professor McGonagall too looked emotional as she smiled to us with a little moisty eyes. "Well that's wonderful. Did you get your supplies then Mr.Potter?"

" Yes, I got them a few days ago Professor. " he said.

"Very well then, I'll see you at Hogwarts, it was really good to meet you." she said.

"Likewise." then they shook hands.

Then she turned to Granger's. I recognized Hermione of course. Hmm, she doesn't have that big front teeth. Actually she just looks like in the movies.

After talking for a while, Professor McGonagall told them their final instructions and bid them farewell.

Hmm this could be a really good opportunity to get Harry acquainted with Hermione. So I asked " Would like to join us for ice cream?" My brother looked at me questioningly.

"Sure, We would love to." Hermione's father said.

"Hi, I'm Natsu Flamel, I am a fourth year student at Hogwarts and this is my brother Harry Potter." we shook hands.

Apparently, Hermione's mother's name is Emma and her father's name is Dan.

"So what's is like to grow up in the magical household." Hermione asked.

"Oh, I wouldn't know. My parents are magical but, I'm staying with my aunts. They are muggles. I didn't know I am a wizard till I was seven years old. My aunt didn't tell me about magical world. I found out, because I caught my brother doing magic. And then he started to explain to me." and they turned their towards me.

" Well in my defense I did know he was a wizard, cause he mentioned a few days before about his accidental magics. One day, when I studied runes in my backyard, he suddenly came in, I lost control of it and stone exploded but I managed to protect us so no worries there. As for the question, I didn't grow up in a magical household either. My mother is a witch but my dad is muggle and we've been living in a muggle area, so we don't use magic much around the house. I too learned I am a wizard when I was seven actually. You see I'm adopted, my mother didn't know I was a wizard till my first accidental magic. Only after that she told me. And it was a shock to both of us."

"Wow, that's a quite story you got there." Dan said.

" But wait, you said you're studying runes when Harry was seven. That makes you ten. I heard that ancient runes was elective lesson and you can take them third year and forwards, and people started to experiment them without supervision at their final years earliest. I knew it, I've been left behind. " and then she started to rant. Trust Hermione to find about the runes in my whole speech. Seriously did she learn this in bookshop or something, this should be her first day.i sighed.

Harry interjected before I say anything "Hermione calm down, its my brother that is the problem."

"Heyy!!" I flicked his forehead. They snickered at that.

" He is kinda a genius actually, especially in runes." I literally blushed at that, who knew Harry's words have that effect on me. My little teddy bear thought that I was a genius. Ahh, I feel so happy, I know I am a praise-whore but, when it comes from my teddy bear, nothing beats this feeling.

" Hey don't let that get it to your head. Actually let me rephrase that, it's not that he is a genius." Hey! That hurted you know. "It's actually wizards and witches are extremely stupid, even though they grew up in magical house, most of them do their first spells in Hogwarts and don't really try to learn about them in Hogwarts too, they are really lazy. Actually cause of this 'medieval look' around you right now, they're lazy, they don't change that much, cause either they are too lazy to change and satisfied the way it is or it's because they are idiots and don't improve much. Or it's both. So don't worry, you're not behind at all. As I said most wizards and witches doesn't do their first spells until Hogwarts and ones that do, they can only do a couple of them, my brother is a exception"

Wow I didn't expect this from Harry. While it was true, i still didn't expect from him. " Oww, my little teddy bear is finally growing up, look at his speech oowww!" I laughed at his blush, probably because i said teddy bear in front of Hermione.

"Brotheeerr.." he whined. I snickered at him.

"Anyway that way really rude you know. There are some who are capable. At least one in a year. But we're getting out of topic , you shouldn't say things like that in public you know, there are ears on the wall after all. And some may surprise you, so don't underestimate them."

"And you're telling me rude, you've basically said there is only person capable for a year, and you're telling me I'm rude. you're impossible, bahh! And most of what I said, I heard them from you actually." he said cheekily.

"You cheeky little brat." I grumbled.

They smiled at us. Hermione wasn't freaking out anymore at least.

"You know you could come to our house sometimes, we would love to answer your questions if you got any and Hermione you could ask your questions about lessons if you want." I said.

"That would be great, thank you." said Dan.

After we changed our addresses , we went to our home.

Last month gone with me teaching Harry his animagus transformation, dueling and training. Also, Granger family visited us a couple of times , Harry and Hermione started to hit it off. So that I hope Hermione wouldn't be alone in her first months that much.