
Harry Potter and the Young Occamy's Path

Here he was, Natsu Orion Flamel in the Harry Potter world. What is he going to do? Is he going to completely stay out of it or is he going to carve his own path? Let's find out! P.S: Copyright of some characters in the book and the world is belong to J.K.Rowling. So now this shitty sentence out of way, enjoy! P.P.S:English is not my native language, so I'm going to ask you to overlook some of my mistakes and grammer, especially with tenses. I mean, what's up with those tenses, it's always so confusing, it never feels right ,arggh! Anyway, enjoy! :)

natsukun · Others
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21 Chs

Chapter 11:First lessons

At breakfast Professor Flitwick gave us our timetables. First lesson is Transfiguration with Hufflepuffs. When I got to the classroom, there was a tubby cat on top of the table staring at the class. Of course I knew who it was. I sat in the second row with some Hufflepuff boy and smiled knowingly at the cat. She looked at me a little surprised. Boy next to me tried to talk to me "I wonder where is the teacher, there is only one minute left to start of the class."

"Shhh, she is already here." I always wanted to do this scene, i snickered.

And the cat hopped on and transformed into a stern looking woman with green robe and pointy hat. "Excellent, would you tell me how did you notice that I'm an animagus, Mr. Flamel?" she asked.

" I've read them of course and I know for a fact that there are seven registered animagi at Ministry records and I know that you're one of them. And when people transforms their animagus forms, they always carry some human form's characteristics and in your case it's glasses shaped lines around your eyes." i answered.

"Excellent!! 10 points to Ravenclaw for your knowledge in animagus transformations."she said while i smiled at her.

"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned." she made her speech and passed us matches for each.

I thought about it before how I should play the school life. Should i be the genius student or play nice or go slow. I've decided that I going to be genius student, I'm going to hold back a little of course, but my ego needs to be satisfied XDXD. Kidding.. For my future plans, i need to be top student and get good marks from OWL's and NEWT's. And I'm a Ravenclaw, it wouldn't stand out that much. And also for school I decided to use my beech, walnut and phoenix feather wand. Other was in my left arm's sleeve for the emergency use.

So i turned match into the needle in the first try, i also added on its surface some twirling lines with stars. When Professor McGonagall passed by our side, she was shocked and asked me to perform again. After I did, She award another 10 points for Ravenclaw and congratulated me. I admit it felt good. Am i a praise-whore? Bahh, i don't care.

And in the afternoon, i got to the Potions classroom. I'm looking forward to this class actually. I'm going to show him that who is the dunderhead. I know he is not the bad guy, but in the books he messed around with my teddy bear. He asked questions on his first lesson which are not in the first year curriculum and treated him like shit for years. I know it didn't happen yet and I know some of them for his role as a Death Eater, but he did think him as a young James Potter. When i think about how he is going to act around him, i can't help but to be mad. Nobody messes with my teddy bear! Even in the possible future!! I tried to calm myself while waiting the teacher.

The door slammed open and he walked in to the front of class while his cape is flying a little cause of his speed but not that much high. Hmm, I wondered if he is using some sort of spell to make that. And that thought made me smile. And when I did that, he looked at me with one brow raised and continued:

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making," he began. He spoke in barely more than a whisper. "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death—if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."

Wov, no matter if I've thought him to be a vindictive jerk, that speech was impressive. I was genuinely impressed and it was true actually. I wondered if I thought too harshly about him. Just as I was a little lost at my thoughts. He barked at me. Then I thought, maybe not.

"Flamel! Well well. It seems we have our first dunderhead here, is that so.. Mr Flamel?"

" I don't know sir, that's for you to judge,sir." i smirked inwardly.

"Let's see then." he sneered. " What are the uses of monkshhod?"

"It can be used in Wideye Potion and Wolfbane Potion, sir." i said.


"If boiled, it's for Mandrake Restorative Potion, if you use it's roots , then Pepperup Potion."

"Murtlap tentacle?" he sneered.

"Murtlap essence and Felix Felicis."

"That's six year material Mr. Flamel, why did you read that ahead?" he smirked.

"Well its for in case of something like this happened, sir." then I smirked.

" Well well well, it would seem you're not one of the usual dunderheads, are you Mr. Flamel? And that'll be 2 points from Ravenclaw for your cheek Mr.Flamel ." he smirked back.

And then he turned back to his little speech, is it me or he actually liked me? I must be imagining. I sighed.

After the potions class, I went to seventh floor to find the Room of Requirements. I came to the wall across from the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy. I walked pass the area three times while think I need a room to learn warding. After the door appeared, I got inside and there it was a mountain of books and what appears to be ward stones and some other materials. My mouth started watering. I dived right in and immediately started with books. Argghh, I love this room!

So one week was past. I loved the Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology and ironically Potions Class even though I know the entire material. Actually DADA teacher was decent enough. As for the other classes, they were extremely boring. Outside of class, I spent most of time in the room of requirements. I started learning all the things i found hard to acquire materials for them. Like warding, alchemy, healing, curse breaking, rituals etc. I started to study all of them. I also ask for a training room and dueling room and starting to improve my dueling. And I can access to the books in Ravenclaw, restricted section and even Dumbledore's private library. I seriously love this room.

While in the Headmaster's office, all of the professors gathered to discuss the new students like every year's end of first week.

Dumbledore said " Yes, one week is past, how is the new students? Is there any student who stood out? or any problems?"

Sprout spoke up" In my Puffs , Mr. Diggory looks quite promising. And also Mr.Flamel was quite good in my class too."

Snape grumbled." Quite good she says. He even know the six year potions material, quite good she says."

Everyone in the room surprised.

Dumbledore said " Is that a praise you said to a non-Slytherin, Severus?" he smiled a little.

He harrumphed.

Minerva said " Yes, Mr. Flamel was quite remarkable,he turned the match into a needle in his first try and with quite a bit decorations too. And he was the only one that noticed my animagus transformation for years too."

Everyone surprised yet again.

Flitwick said " Yes in my class too, but I haven't seen him around much though, he seems to be quite reclusive person."

Dumbledore made a note to himself to pay attention to Mr. Flamel next time.

After discussing the students a little more, the meeting come to end.