
Harry Potter and the world of Reversed Sexual libido (SI as Harry)

A man from our world wakes up in a world where the libido of genders has been reversed. The men are not more feminine they are just not interested in sex while women became horndogs. He understands he can do whatever he wants and day by day chooses various women to satisfy his urges by surprising them with a man who can actually get erect. Will he be able to keep up with the demand or will he genuinely try to make a cure to the men's libido so that he can have some fucking rest. 1 chapter ahead for free below. 1 Chapter will always be ahead go to the discord in pinned post https://p@treon.com/swattywriter You will have to go through a link from scribble hub as the page is 18+

Kam_Bam · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 15

The last class of the day had finally ended, and Harry was already waiting outside, leaning casually against the stone wall, watching students trickle out of the classroom. His eyes caught Hermione's as she exited, her books clutched tight to her chest. She raised an eyebrow, curious. "What happened with Lavender?" she asked, falling into step beside him.

Harry shrugged, his tone flat. "She got too greedy."

Hermione blinked, clearly confused but not wanting to pry further. "Oh…" She nodded, though it was obvious she didn't fully understand. But she didn't press him, which suited Harry just fine. He reached out, grabbing her hand without warning, his grip firm and leading. Hermione blushed at the sudden assertiveness, her heart quickening in her chest as he pulled her along. 

They moved through the corridors in silence, weaving through the students until they arrived at a familiar, hidden room—a place where they had 'experimented' before. The door clicked shut behind them, the echo of it lingering in the quiet. Harry turned to face her, his expression serious now, all the usual playfulness stripped away. 

"Do you really want to fix the male problem?" he asked, his voice low, direct.

Hermione's brow furrowed slightly, not quite sure where this was heading, but she nodded. "Of course, Harry, you know I do. But… why are you so passionate about it all of a sudden?"

Harry's eyes darkened, his gaze intense as he stepped closer, his presence heavy, almost suffocating. "There's a potion," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "a potion that takes away a man's magic. I've seen three people almost dosed with it in the short time I've been back here."

Hermione's eyes widened in horror. "That's… that's barbaric! Who's making it?"

"Everyone," Harry growled, his frustration bleeding through. "That's why we need to stop it. We need to find a way to sabotage that fucking potion forever."

Hermione bit her lip, thinking quickly. "If everyone's making it, then it must be in a textbook somewhere. It's not some secret recipe."

Harry nodded, already knowing where this was going. They spent the next hour scouring the library, searching through dusty old tomes and potion textbooks until they found it: a third-year potion. Basic, accessible. Anyone could brew it if they had the instructions. Harry's jaw clenched as he scanned the page.

"We can't sabotage it," he muttered, tossing the book aside. "We'd have to change every single fucking text it's ever been written in."

Hermione sighed, rubbing her temples. "It's impossible." She was quiet for a moment, deep in thought. "Maybe we could create an antidote?"

Harry shook his head immediately. "No. The potion knocks you out as soon as you take it. What the hell good would an antidote be if you can't take it before you're drugged?"

Hermione frowned. "How exactly does it work?"

"McGonagall told me it gives the user a magical boost… but it drains their reserves if they aren't careful. The older you are, the safer it is to use. But anyone under 45? They're fucked. They'll lose their magic if they keep using it."

Hermione's mind was already racing. "What if we made a potion that men could take in the morning, something that counteracts the lust potion before it even has a chance to work?"

Harry snorted, shaking his head. "What, so every man in Britain has to buy and take some expensive potion every fucking day? No. We need something permanent. A vaccine."

Hermione looked hesitant, biting her lip again. "But… some people still want to have children, Harry. They'd take the potion anyway."

Harry cursed under his breath, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Shit… fine. We'll go with your plan, We will find a way to make sexual desire more normal among men"

Hermione nodded, understanding, but there was something else in her eyes, something more primal. She shifted slightly, rubbing her thighs together in a subtle motion that didn't escape Harry's notice. He grinned, his eyes glinting as they darted around the library. Only a few people were scattered at tables nearby, none of them paying attention.

Harry reached into his bag, pulling out his homework. "Let's get to it, then. Do your homework."

Hermione blinked, thrown off by the sudden shift, but she nodded, pulling out her parchment and quill, trying to focus. Harry's hand slipped under the table, fingers sliding up Hermione's thigh slowly, deliberately, his touch like a predator stalking prey. She stiffened, her breath catching in her throat, eyes darting nervously around the library. The room was quiet, save for the faint scratching of quills on parchment and the soft shuffle of pages turning, but all of it faded into the background the moment his rough fingers brushed against her bare skin. 

His hand crept higher, her skirt hiking up as he pushed it aside. Hermione's pulse quickened, her whole body burning with heat, a mixture of panic and arousal twisting inside her gut. She kept her head down, trying to focus on her homework, but the words on the page blurred. Her heart pounded, and she bit her lip, hard, fighting back the moan that was threatening to escape.

"Harry… what are you doing?" she whispered, her voice shaking, barely more than a breath. Her thighs squeezed together, her body betraying her. "We'll get caught…"

Harry leaned in, his breath hot against her ear, voice thick with dark amusement. "You've been such a good girl today," he murmured, his tone low, almost mocking. "Didn't beg for my hand once. So now I'm rewarding you." His fingers slid higher, brushing against the edge of her panties, teasing the soft fabric. "Now shut up and enjoy it."

Hermione swallowed, her throat tight, her body screaming at her to stop him, but fuck… she couldn't. She didn't want to. Her thighs parted instinctively, giving him more room, her breath coming faster now, shallow and uneven. She gripped her quill tighter, the scratch of the nib on the parchment barely concealing the trembling in her hands.

Harry's fingers found the wet spot on her panties, pressing against it just enough to send a jolt of pleasure shooting through her body. She sucked in a sharp breath, trying to stifle the whimper rising in her throat. Her cunt was already soaking, the thin fabric clinging to her, slick with her arousal. Harry grinned as he felt it, his fingers moving in slow, teasing circles, pressing harder, making her squirm.

"You're fucking soaked," he whispered, his lips brushing her ear. "God, you're such a slut."

Hermione bit down on her lip, the shame twisting inside her like a knife, but it only made her hotter. She shifted in her seat, her body trembling as his fingers teased her, the slick sounds barely audible over the rustle of parchment and the faint murmurs around them. She could hear her own breath, ragged and quick, the blood pounding in her ears as her body screamed for more.

Finally, Harry slipped his fingers beneath the soaked fabric of her panties, pushing them aside. Hermione gasped, her hips jerking as his fingers found her wet folds, parting them, the heat of her core enveloping him. He dragged his fingers through her slickness, feeling how fucking ready she was for him. She was drenched, her cunt practically dripping onto his hand. 

"Fuck, you're wet," he muttered, his fingers sliding between her lips, rubbing her clit with slow, deliberate strokes. The slick, wet sounds of his fingers working her filled the small space between them, and Hermione's thighs clenched around his hand, her body betraying her. 

Her breath hitched, a soft whimper escaping her lips as his fingers moved faster, rubbing her clit in tight, agonizing circles. "Harry…" she gasped, her voice a broken whisper. "We… we'll get caught…"

But Harry wasn't stopping. He didn't give a shit about the risk. His fingers moved lower, slipping inside her, pushing deep into her tight, slick heat. She moaned, biting her lip so hard she thought she might draw blood, her whole body jerking as he thrust his fingers in deeper, stretching her. She was so fucking tight, her walls clenching around his fingers, squeezing them as he fucked her with his fingers slowly, methodically.

The obscene, wet sounds of her cunt filled the air around them, and Hermione's face burned red, a mix of shame and pure, raw lust clouding her mind. Her hips rolled against his hand, unable to stop herself, chasing the pleasure he was giving her. His fingers moved inside her, thrusting deeper, faster, curling up to hit that sweet spot that made her whole body twitch. 

Hermione's quill slipped from her hand, forgotten as she gripped the edge of the table, her knuckles turning white. Her breaths came faster now, shallow and ragged, her chest heaving as she tried to keep quiet, tried to hold back the moans building inside her, but it was fucking impossible. Her body was on fire, her cunt throbbing around his fingers, slick and needy, her thighs trembling as she fought to keep her composure.

Harry leaned in closer, his breath hot against her neck, his voice a low growl. "You love this, don't you? Love being my good little slut." He thrust his fingers deeper, harder, his thumb rubbing her clit with just enough pressure to make her whole body shake. "You'd let me fuck you right here if I wanted, wouldn't you?"

Hermione whimpered, her body trembling, her breath coming in short, desperate gasps. "Yes, Harry… please…" she whispered, but she didn't even know what she was asking for. All she knew was that she was so close, her body teetering on the edge, her mind barely holding on. 

His fingers plunged faster, thrusting in and out of her slick heat, curling inside her to hit that perfect spot again and again, her cunt squeezing around him, milking his fingers as he pushed her closer and closer to the edge. The wet, slick sounds of her arousal mixed with her soft whimpers, and Hermione's whole body tensed, her thighs squeezing together as she felt her orgasm building, her muscles tightening.

Finally, she couldn't hold back anymore. Her orgasm ripped through her, her body convulsing, her walls clenching hard around his fingers, squeezing him as her release poured out of her. She buried her face in her arm, trying to muffle the moan that escaped her lips, but it didn't matter. Her whole body shook, trembling violently as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her, her thighs slick with her own juices.

Harry didn't stop, his fingers still moving inside her, slower now, working her through the aftershocks of her orgasm. Her body twitched and shuddered, her breath coming in ragged gasps, her cunt still clenching around him, still soaking wet. When he finally pulled his fingers out, they were glistening with her slick, dripping with her arousal.

He brought his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean with a satisfied smirk before leaning in close, pushing them against her lips. "Clean them up," he ordered quietly, his voice dark, commanding.

Hermione's eyes fluttered shut, her lips parting as she sucked on his fingers, her tongue swirling around them, licking up her own cum like a good little slut. Her body was still trembling, her skin flushed, her thighs sticky with her release, but she obeyed him without hesitation, her mind hazy, lost in the aftermath of her orgasm.

When he finally pulled his fingers away, he smirked down at her, his voice casual, amused. "Finish your homework," he said, like nothing had happened. "Then go back to the common room."

Hermione nodded weakly, still catching her breath, her body a mess, her cunt still throbbing, aching for more. But Harry stood up, adjusting his clothes with a grin, leaving her there to recover.


Harry sat down at the Gryffindor table for dinner, a satisfied smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. Ron, already halfway through a plate of food, nudged him with his elbow. "Oi, why was Lavender looking for you earlier?"

Harry shrugged, grabbing a roll and tearing into it. "She wanted something I'm not giving her anymore."

Ron nodded sagely, shoving another forkful of food into his mouth. "Yeah, asking for money is always a bad idea."

Harry laughed, shaking his head. "Never change, Ron."

Images of characters and 1 chapter ahead for free below. 1 Chapter will always be ahead on the pinned post linking to another page. If you want more you can pay $4.50/month for 9 chapters ahead on the story but one chapter will always be ahead in the P@treon page.

https://p@treon.com/swattywriter (Go through scribblehub as 18+ pages do not show up in search)