
Harry potter and the vast outer world

Reincarnated into the harry potter world, our mc edward kimsely slowly found out that the world he lives in is far more than meets the eye. "I don't need to bother about dumbledore and voldemort.......actually, i didn't even care about them." "I should marry beautiful girls and need to take them away with me to.........no no no i shouldn't say main story here right author- sama?" [Yes, if you tell all the story here.....i will definitely kill you with simple plot like........by the time you born in harry potter world, i will place Bellatrix beside you or some dementors................hehehehe]---AUTHOR SAMA {shivers}-------MC Find out what's happening in new harry potter world as you also can start journey with edward kimsely.

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'Fluctus subeunto part 1'

Harry, hermione and ron who entered the dorm after completing their classes dumbfounded by looking at edward, who didn't even know that they have entered the dorm.

"Looks like edward is contemplating on something important! He may even be stumbled upon new idea of a spell. I think its better if we don't disturb him and also don't allow anyone to disturb him."

Harry said to hermione and ron that almost looked like a whisper to anyone who heard that. But ron and hermione looked like they clearly heard what harry said and nodded their heads.

"Hermione and me will stay here and not let anyone disturb him. Ron you go and fetch some food for edward, as he didn't even comes for dinner."

Ron also nodded his head and looked towards edward before running back to dining hall.

Soon students of gryffindor came one by one to the dorm and was asked by hermione and harry to not disturb edward. They are all puzzled by what edward was doing, but they didn't ask anything.

"Hermione! Its better if we ask all the boys in the dorm to sleep in the girls dormitory. I have a feeling that whatever edward is doing is not going to go well, as he may suddenly attack someone with his new spell right?"

Suddenly harry said to hermione, as he felt like that. He doesn't know why he is really feeling bad about all of this. Hermione was surprised by what harry said and didn't respond for a while.

"Let's go!! We will inform percy about this and he will definitely help us." Hermione also said this after hearing what harry said.

Soon hermione went to percy and asked him to come to edwards place. Percy after coming and seeing the state edward was in also got dumbfounded.

He soon asked all the people in the first year boys dorm to move to second year and third year boys dorm. All of them complained for a while, but still moved to different places.

Neville is the only one that didn't went away and stood by hermione and harry's side and said,

"You guys are watching out for edward right? I will also help you stand watch for him." This answer from neville made hermione and harry looked at him in a new light. They also tried to persuade him, but the easily frightened neville stood their side without a budge.

Soon ron came and dumbfounded by the empty dorm and asked what happened. Hermione simply gave him a outline of what happened. Ron also looked at edward with a bright smile on his face.

Soon, time has passed 11:00 pm. Percy once again came when he was about to go sleep to check the situation. After percy went away, in a matter of minutes a smile has formed on edwards face and he subconsciously took his wand and started processing magic into his wand.

Seeing that, edward is taking his wand out. Harry, hermione and ron alarmed by this situation. They also took their wands out and casted protego spell beforehand.




Three of them casted protego spell into three layers and also asked neville to stand behind them. Neville also understood that he isn't much use if something were to happen and stood at the back of them.

"Fluctus subeunto"

Soon edward casted a spell that they have never heard in their entire life. A wave of pulse like waves started spreading in the entire room. The waves are fast enough that whoever stand around 30 meters can see that waves are passing through them, but can't dodge them at all.

Harry, hermione and ron saw that waves pass through their protego spell layers that they have casted, as though they didn't even exist in the first place got surprised. But soon all of them including neville suddenly vomited a handful of blood from their mouths.

Only then they understood, that these waves only affected their inner organs. They didn't even consider their external defences, not to mention their protection spell.

A hint of dread can be seen on the four peoples eyes, as they looked at edward as though they have never seen him in their entire life.

But soon ron and neville got out of their dread, ron walked towards edward slowly. Neville on the other side started contemplating on something.

"Edward! Are you okay?" Ron asked as he put hand on edwards shoulder.

Edward suddenly dumbfounded by the hand on his shoulder looked at ron, whose mouth has a line of blood at the corners.

He waited for a while and looked at all the people that stood in the room. Looking at the room he understood what happened easily. He looked at the four people for a while, before a serious expression formed on his face.

"Thank you very much guys, I almost caused a serious issue that may have even cost your lives. Thanks for understanding the situation and taking necessary precautions. I should have been careful, before starting contemplating on something."


Edward said that and didn't let anyone talk and used his observato spell.

He looked at all four of them with his observato spell and checked their inner organs for any possible damage that may have caused. But soon found out that its not much, as they only need a simple treatment. He soon let out a breath and smiled at them.

Harry hermione and ron looked at edward with a puzzled expression as edward used observato spell.

Looking at the dumbfounded expression of those three and neville who stood there and looked at edward with a bulging face, as though he want to say something.

"Say neville!! Looks like you have found something about the spell that i used right?" Edward asked. He knew that neville is the top student in herbology.

"Ah! Edward the waves and the spell that used like it belongs to mandrakes sound waves. But, there is something different about it....." After saying upto that point, he didn't know what to say at all.

"Yup!! You are amazing neville. I got this spell that i have created, after i got enlightenment from mandrakes soundwaves. But, my spell targets entire inner organs of human body, including heart. And the waves i used is magical pulse waves, instead of soundwaves which only target eardrums of others. You guys are really lucky, this spell is still in infant stage and didn't have much power. If this spell is fully developed, you four would have already been died by rupturing all your internal organs."

He looked at the four and explained. All of them suddenly shuddered just thinking what would have happened to them, Ron who stood nearest to edward took a step back with fright.

"Also this spell intensity will increase with the amount and quality of magic. If professor dumbledore were to use this spell when he fight against voldemort, all he needs is a spell like this to kill him. Of course it can be considered vice versa also. I am also thinking of adding something into this spell but...." After saying that, he didn't say anything and looked at four of them for a while.