

As the Dursley's slept in the comfort that they had finally placed the freak in a rightly deserved cage, not knowing that the same freak was humming a soft tune while having a relaxing time with his thoughts.

My trunk was packed and my mind at ease. As the clock struck twelve and I welcomed my twelfth birthday, the room brightened up as if the twins were just waiting outside the window for the clock to get into the position before making their presence known.

I had a small smile on my face as I recalled how it went the first time around. Fred or George I had no idea which, peeked from the window giving the usually unusual greeting.

I asked them to quickly rescue me before continuing further small talk as my relatives could be up any minute and prevent me from escaping their grasp. For once it seemed that they could already understand my seriousness and did not ask anything but just told me to step back from the window and be ready to come aboard.

With Ron missing from the action there was no unnecessary wastage of time and the grills on the window were pulled from the wall in one fluid motion of the cars throttle.

As was expected my uncle was up and understood that something was wrong and I must be upto something freaky and was banging the door with all his might. This time though it was not as if I had not known about the rescue beforehand and so I had already placed many pieces of furniture by the door.

Even with the preperations I had made I was unsure if it will go wrong somewhere and so I quickly placed my trunk on the now empty back seat and got in. The twins required no go to chant before they made their way under the stars and began the journey to freedom.

As the car made its way through the night sky I had a sense of comfort and relief that I had experienced when I was rescued for the first time in my life just because someone had given enough importance towards my happiness. This was the first moment of the very few along the many years when the image and bond of Ron in my mind grew deeper and stronger.

It was an hour after we took off that a single twisted house with barely space for four, if seen and judged from its appearance, was visible from the gradually increasing sunlight. The twins made sure to land the car a bit further from the house so as to try to not get caught.

The twins gestured for me to follow them slowly and be as stealthy as possible so that they can sneak me into their room and buy some more time to explain to their mother how they suddenly have an extra underaged kid in the house after waking up from what was to be a one night sleep.

I had known mrs. Weasley probably the most among the whole bunch after Ron and Ginny. This gave me the confidence that however sneaky they or rather we try to be it was impossible that she would not know what goes around in her own house.

The Mrs. Weasley that I knew was happy taking care of her family all throught my previous life without ever showing the fierceness of a warrior, but in the final war against voldi and hisss goons ( pun intended ) she displayed bravery and fierceness one would accept from a lioness showing everyone that even if a lion is the king of the jungle it is the lioness that is better at hunting.

The first time around when I saw the Weasley house I was awed by the fact that someone could live normally while being accepting of magic and raise a family. My introduction last time around was Ron's friend, this time around it was to be the twins friend. I had no idea how much that small chage will affect the lives around me.

We made our way into the house, the twins still trying their best to be silent. The door opens with a slight creek sound and we enter the house. As we reached the stairs there was a loud voice that made us stop in our track.

Turning around we could see the ever loving Mrs. Weasley with a rolling pin in one hand, a stern look on her face and the obvious signs of a rather healthy amount of breakfast that was being made single handedly for the rather unusually large magical family.

Mrs. Weasley started by reprimanding the twins but stopped midway noticing a extra kid in the room.

I got ready to reintroduce myself to her but instead was met with a joyful hug, for a moment my heart shrunk and I felt a sense of crisis.

As everyone knew that the weasley's were loyal to the order and had almost complete faith in dumbles, after their own family, so I thought that Mrs. Weasley too somehow was back and remembered the future events.

One would think that I would be happy to have an adult ally so that I can accomplish a lot many things faster without making myself known and so can reduce the risk but not me. I was AFRAID.

I myself only knew of dumbles plans, ambitions, and evil at the very last minute and apart from me the only living people to witness were Ron and Hermione.

Ron and Hermione did not remember of that future , as I had observed in the first year. Mrs. Weasley on the other hand had previously survived the last battle at Hogwarts and like us and everyone else to that point had considered dumbles to be a becon of hope for the world and honourable.

If by a miracle she too was brought back then unlike me, who knew to be careful around dumbles , would directly reach out to him and reveal all that we knew of the future. The good, the bad and the necessary, that she might think unecessary and end up giving critical information that would hamper or straight away ruin the plans I had made painstakingly.

As I was imagining worse case scenarios in my head I neglected the nodding of heads from the twins, but Mrs. Weasley noticed and reprimanded the twins that even though they were out to bring Harry and she didn't mind but they could have asked for help.

At first I thought I heard wrong because last time when I came back with Ron and the twins even though I was not included in the scolding and no one was punished but I am sure that in my memory they were given a much stern warning.

This change too struck me odd and my brain once again went into overdrive but now in the opposite direction.

Now I was thinking that even if she came back we were not from the same point of future and she might just be from a very near future to the current time and thus is only aware of the mistreated harry and was trying her best to be supportive.

The truth of the matter and her strange behaviour was very different from the wild thoughts I was having.