
Harry Potter and the Tragic Path

A new Harry Potter Fanfic! Yeah, I wrote this simply because I hate the Dursleys. Harry Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived was a smart child with terrible living conditions, all of which were coordinated by a manipulative old man. Unfortunately for him, and the rest of Magical Britain, Harry doesn't act how most would expect. Beat someone down enough and eventually they'll SNAP! Read my other books : Elder Blood Witcher : https://www.webnovel.com/book/elder-blood-witcher_15882698206325105 Steel Waste : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 Modern History : https://www.webnovel.com/book/modern-history_16738054905046405 Join my discord community! : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF if you want to support me than go to my Patreon at : https://www.patreon.com/Nagross, Thanks!

Niggross · Book&Literature
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129 Chs

Horde Mode?

"Would I also end up like that if I looked into the abyss?" Harry asks, still somewhat unsure about what the abyss actually is.

Kali hums, "Well, that's an interesting question. As I said before, most people with access to the abyss are Warlocks, people who make dealing with demons, conduct rituals, and sacrifice pieces of themselves for power... Much like what you attempted, but, unlike the man I mentioned, you still retain control of your soul... So, if you locked eyes with a Demon God you may just receive terrible pain, or your soul could be destroyed... Either way, it's best to leave such things alone." she cautions him.

He nods, "I understand." and attempts to step over the corpse... Only for it to grab his ankle and collapse forwards against him, taking a large bite out of his side.

"AAAARRGHH!" he exclaims as the corpse rips his flesh from his side, quickly he thrusts the flame he was holding into its head and forces magic into it instinctively, turning the flame blue as it proceeds to melt the flesh and scorch the bone of the creature.

It quickly lets go and attempts to extinguish the flames enveloping its head, but it's already too late as its brain liquefies and evaporates.

Harry stumbles backwards and leans against the wall while probing his wound... The man hadn't been dead long, but despite this, it would probably still get infected if he left it. Fortunately, the spell Kali had taught him to remove toxins from food would work in this situation.

His hand glows a faint green as he holds it above his bleeding side, afterwards using a knitting spell to close the wound... It's very, very painful, but he wasn't willing to force Kali into action, which is what would probably happen should he pass out here.

"Are you okay, master?" she asks, watching as he tends to himself.

Harry slowly nods, "A flesh wound... How did that thing attack me? Shouldn't you have sensed it?"

She nods, "I should have, but its magic matches the ambient magic surrounding us... Tell me what this means, Master." she asks, wanting him to take this as a learning moment.

"You couldn't sense it, meaning it wasn't a spell... The ambient magic must be artificial and attributed to something..." he says, slowly gaining control of his heartbeat and adrenaline.

"Correct, whatever is at the end of this cave is responsible for it... I would suggest you burn any corpses you find... Unless you like getting bitten, Master?" she asks seductively as if Harry had not just had a chunk taken out of him by a corpse.

Harry shakes his head, "Are you teasing me again? I don't know what would be sexual about biting, Kali..." he mutters, cautiously stepping past the corpse and deeper into the cave.

"Ooh, you're so cute... I can't wait to show you how vast sexuality truly is, master." she coos from his shoulder.

The duo ventures deeper inside, coming across a couple more corpses, all of which Harry burns. Of course, the corpses react and try to attack him, but they're easily defeated. Eventually, they stumble upon a large section of the cave, the walls are smoother than before and hold small lit brazers that provide a minimal amount of light.

Near the entrance, Harry could see a few more corpses, but that isn't the most eye-catching thing... That would be the small group of people huddled in the corner erratically muttering seeming incomprehensible babble.

At the end of the room is a small entrance to the next room that seems completely and utterly wreathed in darkness, the light produced by the braziers not even breaching past the boundary.

Harry takes a nervous glance at his shoulder where Kali's located before composing himself, "Hey!? Are you okay?" he asks across the room, wondering if the group of people were coherent enough to understand him.

Immediately as he asks, all of their heads swivel around to face him, their eyes wide with trails of blood under them like the lifeless bodies he'd found. As soon as they see him their bodies jolt as if pushed by an unseen force, they spasm slightly before screaming, sprinting, and crawling as fast as they can towards Harry.

Obviously, Harry had been expecting this, he transfigures a couple stone blades from the cave floor and grabs one while the rest defend him. He still has time to conjure another spell with his other hand, but as he's thinking of what to do, he notices that the lifeless bodies the people are stepping on and over start moving once touched.

Realising he was outnumbered and that it was only going to get worse from here, he cuts his wrist and uses Kali's Blood Leech Tendril spell. One bursts from his wound, but it doesn't look like what Kali's had she'd used it... Instead, the tendril looks like a snake, with two large fangs protruding from its head.

The snake quickly lunges into one of the crazed men, piercing their neck. They try to escape its grasp but don't seem able to comprehend that the snake itself is intangible. As a result the man just thrashes around randomly on the ground while their blood is quickly sucked up and streams towards Harry.

The group had almost reached him, but he has enough time to cast one final spell. "Blood Barrier!" he exclaims, thrusting his off-hand forwards and causing a large spurt of blood to escape the wound on his wrist and form into a shield of blood before him.

The crazed people slam into it ineffectively and begin pounding on it like mad animals, all the while, Harry was looking incredibly pale. He'd used quite a lot of blood for his hasty spell, but this is quickly cured as his Snake Leech channels its stolen blood back into him.

With that done, Harry steps towards the blood barrier and thrusts his blade through it and into one of the crazed men. His blade slips through the shield and penetrates the chest of his target, causing them to release a gurgled scream and collapse back onto the floor.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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