
Harry Potter and the Shadow Wars

I have been reborn, the aftermath of the war still remains in my body, the moment of truth has come, I will close my eyes to the inevitable destiny that accompanies those who cross the limbo of life into the unknown, the passage from life to death . Regrets? My only regret is that I will not see the land where I was born again, nor could I give those who once loved me the life I dreamed of, the war took everything from us, the war ... I do not own the story all credits to teacher jk rowling

kevin123poke · Book&Literature
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Time passes

The worst part of this war is that it doesn't end

what happens to people, how is it possible that they continue to send man to die like this

I have been in the front for some time the rounds are to be 1 week at the front and then return

It's been a long time, but the truth is that the more time passes, the more indifferent you become, death becomes a companion and friend.

Reason no longer reigns

We degrade

This seems one of the most ingenious tortures that we have ever been faced with

We discovered that, when it comes to ways of killing, man has no end to his imagination.

Shrapnel, bombs, bullets, sabers

This artillery war requires troops to maintain their position during all attacks

Even when the projectiles are filled with poison gas

Now all sides try to find the most lethal formula

I will never forget that day, the day that I mistakenly thought I had seen it all

Sitting in my position as always, I could see in the distance how the men turned purple

Then they scream for air and complain of a burning in their chest and stomach

We have seen it all

The gruesome injuries

And the deadly avalanches of shrapnel

But that's nothing compared to that haze that obscured the sun for hours that seemed like centuries


All men now live with a horror of poison gas

Obsessed with smell

They sniff everything like hunting dogs


What madness has taken hold of all these men

1 year

2 years

3 years

The survivors can consider themselves lucky, but we have lost Juventus or face

or sanity


I had to watch many of my classmates die in the most incredibly terrifying ways you can imagine.

pierced by bullets

destroyed by the bombs

embraced by flames

but that does not even close to the reality of surviving day to day, where bugs, rats and pests devour us while we are alive.

We live like rats, among rats


Only his memory keeps me sane, in this world of terror

She sends me letters

Some have tears on the leaves


Most letters go through military censors, who seize any letter that speaks ill of the war

Or how bad we had it here

So I can only tell you about my well-being and that at night

I always dream of her


it's her

the one that gives me the strength not to fall faint

the hope that one day I will return to her arms

she tells me that the war is not as far as I expected

To the east, our greatest ally has declared war on our country, it is a total surprise

They have betrayed us

Our allies are now our enemies

We weren't prepared, no one was

And my town is near there

In a place


There are only farmers, women and children there


Cold sweat runs down my back


Only one who has lived through war knows what soldiers are capable of

For the first time I felt a chilling terror

Recently our enemies destroyed our telephone network we were cut off, this message will not reach here

Every second is important from now on


I need to return

I need to defend her.

I run out of my hole in the trench, alarming my companions

- ... what's up, where are you going - said one of my colleagues

I move from the front quickly and directly to my superior who looks at me with a strange look and asks me

-What's up? ...

The road had been long, I try to catch the air

in a very hasty way I try to explain the letter she sent me

From the war

Of betrayal

But the man looks at me with a stunned look, which soon turns to anger

-Major, the…. They are coming, they have betrayed us, they are coming, I need to go back. My, my wife my parents everything is found - I tell him desperately

The older man swallows his anger, he looks at me in surprise, incredulous and very disappointed, he answers.

-I did not think you were a coward ..., you have proven to be an excellent soldier on the battlefield, but I did not think that behind that fierce soldier a coward would hide, return to your post or I will lodge a bullet in your skull

I don't give up

I try to convince him

I try to explain to him that the situation and that the letter ...

but I can't get anything

the eldest takes the letter from me and destroys it in front of me, near the fire that lights up the hole where he lives

very soon more soldiers approach the gap interested in my words

-Last chance soldier, return to the front or I will send you to be shot, TAKE IT, AND YOU WHO LOOK BACK TO THE FRONT.

All the soldiers run scared to their positions


Anger invades me

I try to go against the older

But two soldiers come out of another hole and grab my arms pulling me out of there and throwing me into the mud

They seem very outraged by my words, as if it was taboo to talk about that kind of thing

-…. go away, don't keep insisting, we all want to get out of here, but we don't make up ridiculous excuses - the soldiers tell me

I try to see last

once the face of that wretch

but i can't remember

I only know that fear and despair overwhelm me

I need to go back and if that includes escaping from this hell and changing it for another, I wouldn't mind dying if it's fighting for her to get out.


I ran away

I had to collect many favors, from all my acquaintances

The time I spent in this place made me very knowledgeable

It was dangerous and the danger of being hit by a bullet from those who call themselves my companions is very high, but it doesn't matter, I'll go see it.

If I will see her again

I'm already looking forward to seeing her






I reach to take a horse

The wheel tracks that bring us supplies every day mark my step, but I have to be careful, if they saw me running away, they would finish me off without a second thought

I pass through many abandoned villages very close to the front, they seem like they were recently abandoned

In war we peasants and farmers are the last to flee because we hate to abandon our harvest and our animals

- «People around here have nothing

Nothing before them but the endless walk open

The people who work in the fields

People around here

It only has an eternal misfortune »

After riding for a long time

I can finally see a clear

the horse that I carry by my side falls to the ground from exhaustion

shortly after crossing this mountain is

there is my love


But I see smoke in the distance, and my heart stops for a second

I have to hurry.

Come on mate

Come on, we're almost there.

I get to town

But the bombs with which he lived daily fall on the population

are being bombed

-Because, because they are attacking, they are a people, they do not have weapons - I shout uselessly at nothing

and I scream a name

I scream it

Desperate that he can hear me

but there is no answer


I run to the house we bought

Inside hastily, until the hit of a pot greets me

It's her

I hug her tightly and hold her arm

I try to get her out of the house, but she stops me

is protecting what appear to be two children

I can finally see her well

she is still as beautiful as ever and I on the other hand seem to have aged.

But her smile hasn't changed, not one bit

Still the same as in my dreams

I touch her beautiful brown hair

They are thick and that beautiful smile that I fell in love with






the memory goes

but the sound of a cannon brings me back to reality I want to run

It's late, the bomb has fallen

me and she looked at each other

even in the last breath she did not take her eyes off me.

So i got here

This is how everything happened

I curse destiny


because of others

we have to die, because it is this injustice

'Cause I can't give her all that she deserves



kevin123pokecreators' thoughts