
Harry Potter and the Seer's Ambition

After Voldemort came back at the end of the triwizard tournament, Harry tried his best to inform the wizarding world that he was back but faced with denial and ridicule, Harry could only fume in anger. Little did he know that Voldemort wasn’t the biggest threat he would have to face. Receiving power from unexpected sources and armed with Information he didn’t expect to have, Harry sets out on a mission to bring the dark lord and his followers down and uncover one of the world’s least known secrets. ============ This novel has been posted on Webnovel, Scribblehub, Fanfiction & RoyalRoad. This story was supposed to be a rewrite of my earlier book, Harry Potter and the Dark Phoenix but the plot ended up so different that I figured I’d just make a new book out of it. I might, at some point in the future, rewrite the earlier book with the earlier plot but that will have to wait for this one to finish. This is an AU so please keep that in mind. Constructive criticism is welcome, needless bashing is not.

Beynn · Book&Literature
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34 Chs

The Hearing (1)

The next several days went by like a blur for Harry. He spent the day cleaning the house. Now that people no longer needed to tiptoe around with Sirius' mother's painting gone, it was a much simpler process. His nights were spent with Lily, though she was not comfortable enough to cross the line. They still spent every night going to town with each other. Their voyeur enjoyed the increasing intensity of Lily's and Harry's moans every night as well, though the thought of getting caught by her roommate while masterbating might have helped increase her arousal.

Finally, on Wednesday evening during dinner, Mrs Weasley turned to him and said, "I've ironed your best clothes for tomorrow morning, Harry, and I want you to wash your hair tonight, too. A good first impression can work wonders."

Harry nodded and continued to eat while he turned to Arthur Weasley.

"How will we be getting there?" asked Harry.

"You'll be going with me to work and then we can go to the hearing. It's near to my office after all," said Mr Weasley.

Harry nodded. "Am I allowed a witness for my defence?" asked Harry.

Arthur's eyes lit up, "yes, of course! Lily was there, right? She could prove your innocence."

Harry nodded, but then he hesitated and turned to Lily. He pulled her to the side. "is it alright for you to come with me?" he asked in a whisper. "someone might recognize you."

Lily smiled at him and took his hand in hers, intertwined their fingers and squeezed his hand tight. "I'd much rather be recognized than have you expelled," she replied with a sweet smile.

Harry broke out in a grin and hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek. They stayed in their hug for a few moments before an irritated cough broke them out of their little world.

Harry turned in the cough's direction and cocked an eyebrow. "What?" he asked.

"Get a room," grunted Ron.

Harry shrugged and went back to the table with Lily.

The night went by in a flash. The next day, Harry woke up rather early, got ready and wore the newly ironed clothes, after which he quickly made his way towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen he saw Mr and Mrs Weasley, Lupin, Tonks and Lily sitting at the table.

"M-morning, Harry," said Tonks, yawning.

"Morning, late night?" asked Harry.

"You have no idea, Dumbledore really knows how to make people work," said Tonks, tiredly.

"What will you have, Harry?" Mrs Weasley quickly got up and asked, "Porridge? Muffins? Kippers? Bacon and eggs? Toast?"

"Bacon and eggs sound lovely," he replied.

Mrs Weasley quickly whipped up a plate and placed it in front of Harry, who promptly dug into his meal.

Mr Weasley looked at his watch and said, "Harry, Lily, we should leave soon."

"Ah, of course, Mr Weasley," replied Harry and quickly wolfed his breakfast down and got ready to leave.

They made their way to the Ministry in the regular non-magical way, taking muggle transportation, eventually reaching a red telephone booth in the heart of London.

Getting in, Mr Weasley dialled a number and the telephone booth confirmed their reason for the visit and popped badges out for Harry and Lily, as visitors.

The three then made their way towards security and finally made their way to Mr Weasley's office, to the second level underground.

The moment they stepped into the office, though, a timid, elderly man approached Mr Weasley, visibly flustered.

"Arthur, thank goodness!" He said, "You need to hurry, there really isn't much time left."

"What are you talking about, Perkins?" asked Mr Weasley, with a confused stare.

"The Potter boy's hearing! It's been changed to eight o'clock in the old courtroom Ten -"

"What?" exclaimed Mr Weasley. "We barely have ten minutes left. Come along, you two. If we rush, we might not be too late."

So they made their way back to the Atrium and down to the Courtroom Ten. Though they were several minutes later.

"Go on in, Harry, hurry," urged Mr Weasley, pointing to the door.

"Wait till I call you in," Harry said to Lily and stood in front of the door. He held the handles, then took a deep breath to steady himself, then opened the doors and walked in.

"You're late," said a voice.

"I didn't know the hearing time had been shifted," Harry stammered.

"That is not the Wizengamot's problem," replied the voice. "It is the defendant's duty to ensure they are on time."

Harry frowned. 'To hell with that. I'm not taking their shit lying down.'

"If you changed the hearing time on the date of the hearing, then it's very much your problem to make sure I know about the change in a timely manner. If you're going to unjustly try someone for a crime they didn't commit, then you should at least have the courtesy to not try to tamper with the trial," replied Harry furiously.

"Do not talk back or we won't even need this trial before we consider you guilty. Now take your seat, Mr. Potter," said the voice in a chilly tone.

Harry looked up and saw a portly man sitting in the center of the stands. His face was turning more and more red in anger as Harry spoke.

Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic.

Looking around, he could see that there were around fifty of them.

Harry snorted and took his seat in the chair in the center. He made himself as comfortable as he could in that wooden chair with chains that he had once seen in the Pensieve.

He stared straight in front of him and noticed the broad, square-jawed witch, Madame Amelia Bones, sitting to Fudge's left.

To his right sat another witch, who he couldn't see clearly.

"Very well," said Fudge. "The accused being present - finally let us begin. Are you ready?" he called down the row.

"Yes, Sir!" said a voice from down the row. Harry looked towards him and smirked. Percy, who wasn't expecting such a reaction from Harry, was rather taken aback and looked incensed.

Fudge, however, continued without noticing.

"Interrogators: Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister for Magic; Amelia Susan Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement; Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister. Court Scribe, Percy Ignatius Weasley - " Fudge went on for a while before he finally stopped.

"Madame Bones," Harry said, interrupting Fudge. "Am I allowed to bring in a witness?"

Amelia Bones looked a little surprised at him interrupting Fudge, but still replied, "Yes, by law, you can request us to locate a witness and have them brought in."

"Great!" said Harry as he stood up. "There won't be any need to bring them in. They're already here."

"I will not stand for this!" yelled Fudge. "who knows what kind of person he would bring in and pretend to be his witness."

Harry ignored Fudge and walked to the doors and let Lily into the courtroom. She looked rather uncomfortable and very nervous, but her nerves calmed down considerably when Harry held her hand reassuringly.

"Madame Bones, could I trouble you for another chair?" asked Harry.

Amelia nodded and waved her wand. In the next instant, a chair appeared next to his own. Harry helped Lily take a seat and took the seat next to her.

"Mr. Potter! This is a hearing on your-" Fudge said, however, he was quickly interrupted by Harry.

"In a minute," said Harry, "So, Madame Bones, correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to be quite the full house today, on such short notice in fact, is that normal for a case of underage magic?"

"The case is no simple underage magic, is what I gather. Violation of the Statute of Secrecy is much more serious than a simple case of underage magic," replied Amelia.

"I see. Is it also policy to expel students and confiscate their wands and destroy them before a hearing has been granted?" asked Harry.

"Of course not. The ministry has no authority over the students of Hogwarts and whether they are expelled or not. Not to mention, a wand can only be confiscated once a person has been convicted," she said with a frown. "What does this have to do with anything, Mr. Potter?"

"Oh, I was just wondering if the entire ministry was incompetent or if it was just the Minister," said Harry with a smile.