
Ch1 Owl And Boy

As dusk fell, the sun was going to sink below the horizon.

A golden light projected on a large house at King's Road, London.

This was a classic British style villa. It was spacious, bright and stylish. The wall was covered with clawed climbers. The roof was covered with beautiful brown tiles. The grass and flowers in the courtyard were neatly cropped. A luxurious Bentley car was quietly stopping outside the garage.

What's a beautiful and peaceful scene!

Except for a weird view, a boy with black hair and an owl remained deadlocked at the balcony. They gazed each other with speechless dismay.

Irwin Mason stared at the owl in front of him with curiosity. Owls were unusual to be seen in the homes of local residents.

Especially it was not a normal owl. Have you ever seen an owl clutching a yellowish envelope made of thick parchment paper?

Irwin had a feeling that the letter was for him. However, he was not sure how to get it. The owl wanted to get some rewards from him, didn't it?

"Hello!" Irwin greeted and tried to communicate with the owl, although that made him look silly.


The owl hooted softly and tilted its head. Its brown pupil was full of alertness.

"Don't be nervous. I have no offense!"

Irwin tried his best to make his voice gentle, and he slowly extended his right hand. "Does the letter under your claw belong to me? I think..."

While he was talking to the owl, a loud cry downstairs interrupted him. "My dear, are you ready? We are going to leave!"

It just followed the voice of someone going upstairs.

"Oops, it's my mother. I can't let her see you!"

Irwin could not further communicate with the owl in front of him,

and he tried to drive it away.

"Wo!" The offended owl tried to hide.

"Sorry, my mother is allergic to birds. She cannot get along with any kinds of birds." Irwin waved and explained in a hurry. "You must leave here now!" "

It seemed to be a rude action to the owl. It finally found that the boy would not give it anything. A second later, it pecked the boy. It waved its wings and flew away, leaving the letter to Irwin's feet.


Irwin shouted and he watched the owl flew out of the balcony like a whirlwind and disappeared.

Before his mother came in, Irwin bowed his head and picked up the envelope. It was written in emerald-green ink:

Mr. I. Mason

3/F Bedroom,

6 King Road

Little Whinging


"The letter, and the owl just now..."

Irwin squinted his eyes and found that those gave him a familiar feeling.

"Irwin, speed up! Your father has already waited for us in the car." A well-dressed middle-aged woman walked in and said in a serious tone. "It will be absolutely rude if we are late when visiting somebody for the first time."

"I know, Mom!"

Irwin had no time to think about what happened just now. He put the envelope into a pocket of his trousers when his mother was not paying attention.

Their family was going to have a party that evening. The guest was his father's business partner. Exactly speaking, his father's construction company was going to purchase a large number of drills from that partner.

For Irwin, he did not need to participate in that kind of dinner party originally, but the guest had a child who was one year older than him and he was also studied at Smeltings Academy.

Irwin was 11 years old. One month later, he would go to Smeltings Academy. His parents thought it was necessary to let him know more about the school life.

"Mom, haven't you told me what's that senior brother's name?"

Along the road, Evan felt that he had to do something to disperse his attention from the letter. Before he read the letter, he was not sure whether he should tell his parents about the matter.

Maybe it was just a joke. His mother wouldn't worry about that.

"My dear, I told you last week that he was Dudley." Mrs. Mason replied.

"Dudley Dursleys, I dare say you will become good friends," Mr. Mason added while he was driving.

"Dudley Dursleys, this is really a good name!" Irwin bowed and lost in thought.

In fact, he did know one person also called that name.

If he didn't make any mistake, Dudley Dursleys should be one of the characters in the Harry Potter series in his past life. In the book, Dudley was an overbearing child who was petted from childhood, bringing Harry a miserable childhood.

Irwin had a deep impression of that guy, but it was not a good image.

However, it was only a character in the novel. Although he was reborn in England in the 1990s, there was no evidence that this is Harry Potter's magical world.

"Relax, it should just be the same name."

Irwin tried to persuade himself, but when he thought of seeing the owl just now, he was slightly uneasy.

While his parents were paying no attention, Irwin took out the letter from his trousers. He flipped over it quickly.

Turning the envelope over, Irwin saw a purple wax

seal bearing a coat of arms; a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake surrounding a large letter H.

Irwin's eyes moved open and his hands were trembling. He pulled out the letter and read:



(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme

Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Mason,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress

Oh, My God!

That was an admission letter from Hogwarts. He should have thought of that, no one who would use an owl to send letter except that magic school.

"My dear, you look so nervous." Noticing Irwin's unusual, Madame Mason tried to comfort him."I have heard from your father that the Dursleys are very friendly and Dudley is also a courteous person. My son, you will love this new friend."

"Yes, Mom!" Irwin replied subconsciously. "I'm not nervous, I'm just excited."

Over the past eleven years, he was preparing for the future according to the familiar reality world. Someone suddenly told him that he was going to contact with an unfamiliar magic world. Are you kidding

Fortunately, he was really into Harry Potter's film beforelife. Even if he couldn't remember all the events, he still had some superiorities over the other. He was a bit relieved.

The question now was how to explain to his parents.

Also, he would most likely see the famous Harry Potter.

While Irwin was losing in thought, his father slowly stopped the car and said gently, "Dear, we have already arrived 4 Privet Drive."