
Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path

=== Author: Temporal Knight (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11898648/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Rune-Stone-Path === Synopsis: 10 year old Harry finds a chest left by his mother with books on some of her favorite subjects. Discovering he has a talent for understanding and creating runes sets Harry onto a very different path than anyone had expected. Shortcuts, inventions, and a bit of support go a long way!

DaoistViking · Book&Literature
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157 Chs

Closure (Part Two)

The morning started off as pleasantly normal as every morning for the past three years. Petunia Dursley had seen Vernon off in the morning with a nice plate of breakfast for him. She smiled as she set a new plate down in front of Dudley. Her little boy was taking the time during the summer hols to better his diet and exercise regime with his friends. The wrestling team had already served to remove some of the baby fat from her boy though he had to work on the rest by himself to ensure that the improvements continued.

As Petunia plated his meal a frown briefly crossed her face as her mind involuntarily dredged up bad memories. It was only a few weeks past the anniversary of the day that her…nephew had left them for good. They weren't entirely certain that the boy had ever made it to his new home – he certainly wasn't sending them a letter and why should they have to track the little runaway after what he'd done to Marge and Ripper? Vernon had made the recurring event into a sort of family holiday and used the excuse to take them all out to a wonderful dinner on the town. Of course her husband conveniently forgot that once the boy had vanished, Petunia had been forced to relearn how to take care of the house. Cooking, cleaning, laundry…weeding. The yard work had been some of the worst. Dudley was always being so sociable so she couldn't ask him to do the work and Petunia couldn't be expected to simply give up her Best Roses award now could she?

It had taken some time, but she'd finally figured out just how the Potter brat had managed to get her garden looking so beautiful. Petunia had already been informed that she'd won the Roses and the prize personnel should be arriving shortly to drop off her trophy. It would fit nicely on the mantle next to the picture of Vernon accepting his new promotion that they had heard about this morning. She couldn't wait to hear all about it once he returned!

The doorbell's ring saw Petunia quickly rising from her seat and waving Dudley to keep at his food as she moved to the front. Taking a brief moment to puff up her hair into an appropriate presentation, she opened the door all smiles. "Hello, I'm so glad you've finally seen the effort put forth into my roses again and – " Anything else she was going to say degenerated into choking, inarticulate sounds of distress and terror. The woman coming to her door was more appropriate to a visitor during Christmas. A ghost from the past. A dead woman.

"Hello, sister," Lily Potter nee Evans said with a sickly sweet smile spreading across a face framed by flaming red hair falling barely below her cheekbones. "I think it's about time we had a bit of a chat don't you?"

Petunia finally found her voice again and let out a high-pitched scream. She held the note for nearly five seconds with the ghost of her dead sister smirking at her before the world went black and she felt the floor rush up to meet her.

Moaning, Petunia reached a hand up to rub her forehead feeling a small bump there. "Well that's a perfect way to handle the stress of receiving my award," she muttered to herself. "Humph as if she'd come here."

Sighing, Petunia opened her eyes and searched for Dudley, assuming he'd been the one to carry her to the couch. Her eyes roamed over the occupied seating across from her before making their way to the kitchen doorframe. They'd covered half the distance before her mind caught up with her sight and Petunia's head froze. Ever so slowly twisting her head back around to stare across from her, Petunia saw the horrifying visage from her nightmare staring back. Her hand flew up to her chest while she kicked her feet back. The move succeeded in flipping the couch over and dumping Petunia onto the ground where she scuttled back towards the wall and tried to blend into the wallpaper while still screeching.

"Wow, Lils, your sister has almost as impressive a set of lungs as you do," an amused voice came from the other couch.

"Honestly, this would be funnier if Harry had felt comfortable enough to come inside with us," Lily Potter replied with a sigh.


Petunia finally had to stop screaming in order to breathe. She took in a shuddering breath and stayed very still for a few seconds longer to see if she could escape from the ghost. She'd have to find Dudley on her way out…

"Oh for crying out loud, if you're not getting her up, Lils, than I will," the second voice said. A second later Petunia screamed again as she was thrown into the air by invisible hands and plopped down onto her newly righted couch. "Better now, Mrs. Dursley? Not that I really care how you feel of course, but we should at least try to be polite about this. I'd rather this not end in bloodshed and as demonstrated by our last difficult meeting I need to be the one to maintain my cool." Petunia finally noticed that an unknown woman was sitting next to the ghost. This 'visitor' had light brown hair and wore shorts with a t-shirt though the wand in her hand left no dispute about the freakish nature.

The ghost snorted and leaned back into the couch crossing its arms. "Honestly I think you may be the one my dear sister should be more worried about here, Shiva. I'm pissed at her, but I unfortunately expected behavior like this from her. Maintaining a near constant state of disdain for your sibling really tends to tone done the vitriol that you can muster up at a moment's notice. I'm sure I'll get there by the end of this…conversation."

"Shiva…you're that woman! The whore!" Petunia screamed. She scowled and turned to glare at the ghost. "So this is just a trick by that little freak! Bravo, well done! Now kindly get out of my house before you infect my son!"

The ghost's mouth set into a thin line though the bitch that had 'adopted' her wayward nephew was the first to react. "A, I am not a whore. B, yes, I am the one who adopted Harry. C, this is not a trick, your dear sister is indeed among the living again; actually that is thanks to Harry from a certain point of view. D…keep your bloody opinions to yourself or I start cursing everything in this room."

"Told you, you had to worry about her instead of me," the ghost said with as her mouth relaxed into a smirk. "For the record Tuni, I really advise against commenting on the sex life of my girlfriend."

"Girl…girlfriend?!" Petunia sputtered. "But…but…but you're dead!"

"Try to keep up, sister. I never actually died. I've only been – in the words of a story greater than mine – Mostly Dead," Lily said.

Petunia felt the fear coil up inside her like poison. If Lily was truly here and not an illusion or an echo…she tried to scowl again and hide her terror beneath bravado. "Well, if you're alive than you obviously cared less for your child than we did. Dumping the little freak here with decent normal folk like us…" Petunia trailed off as she noticed the temperature in the room had plummeted and her breath was visible as she breathed out. The visible wand in Shiva's hand was vibrating and sparking while Lily's eyes had closed and she was breathing in short pants. Petunia performed probably one of the most intelligent acts of her life then as she very carefully stopped all movement.

After nearly two minutes the wand had stopped sparking and Lily was breathing more normally. Shiva unclenched her fisted hand and flexed her fingers before speaking very slowly, "Petunia Dursley, I am trying very hard to avoid killing you. I've already done it to several people who threatened my son. Please. Stop. Tempting. Me."

Lily nodded. "Petunia, I was in a coma until a little over a year ago. I have done everything since waking up to ensure that I was there for Harry to make up for his…upbringing with you. You had my son for twelve years and he never even called you a family. Shiva had been his mentor and friend for less than four years before he thought her as his mum. Perhaps you should consider that when you cling to your precious 'normality'."

Petunia frowned at that. She knew she'd never treated the boy like family. She didn't need her perfect little sister to explain that. Harry Potter simply hadn't been family. He'd been a freak just like Lily. He'd had the power to do things that Petunia could only ever perform in dreams. He hadn't been like her. He hadn't deserved to sit at the same table as her son and let Dudley grow up just as bitter and hateful as she'd been. It had only been right to try and ensure that Harry had learned what it was like to do things without the universe bending to his will…hadn't it…?

"Mrs. Dursley," Shiva said breathing out a long breath and shaking her head. "The only reason we haven't come here before now is because we've been busy killing Voldemort and his posse then dealing with the aftermath. Now that we're done though – "

"That insane terrorist is dead?" Petunia blurted out. Even she remembered the stories of the monster that Lily had spoken of so long ago. That he was finally under the ground…

"He is," Shiva said cocking her head to the side and staring curiously at Petunia. "Harry brought him to death's door and his girlfriends kicked him the rest of the way."


Lily's smile was mocking as she replied. "Yes. That, 'worthless little freak' managed to defeat the most powerful magic user of our generation. Funny how that works out isn't it? Oh and he's also rather intelligent too for that matter. I'm sure you're proud of Dudley finally understanding that he actually has to attend class in order to graduate, but my Harry managed to start his own business before he turned fifteen. He's been so successful with it that he's entered into a partnership with a long established owner in Australia of all places."

Petunia could only goggle at the two women. Harry wasn't smart. He barely managed to achieve passing grades and he'd always been so slow to pick up anything that they tried to teach him and…and it had all been an act. Petunia scowled at that thought.

"We're here trying to figure out how to deal with you," Shiva said rolling her wand between her fingers. "Harry's sole request has been to not hurt Dudley. Nothing about you, nothing specific for Vernon other than that it be painful both mentally and physically." Petunia couldn't help a shiver running down her spine at those words and she wrapped her arms around her chest. "Now my vote was for Azkaban…child endangerment and abuse is taken rather seriously in our world you know? However, Lily has successfully convinced me that this would only serve to make you feel justified in your hatred of us and your treatment of my son."

"So we have a better idea," Lily said smiling as she leaned over and put a paper and pen onto the coffee table between them. "You're going to write a letter to the local paper. It will detail everything that you did to Harry while he was in this house. Shiva and I will review it to make certain that nothing is missing. We're not expecting you to make anything up, Tuni. We merely want you to write the truth."

Petunia felt the color drain from her face as she thought of what the neighbors would think reading such an account. How they would be horrified. How they wouldn't understand that she hadn't had a choice; she'd had to make sure that he grew up normal. That he…that he… "Oh god…please no!"

"Do you finally understand, Mrs. Dursley?" Shiva asked softly. "What better way to prove how unnatural you and your husband have acted than by having your own peers explain it?" She laughed softly before continuing. "Oh and a copy of the letter is going to be sent to the police as well."

Petunia felt herself start to cry as she shook her head back and forth. "Please…"

"You did this to yourself, Petunia," Lily said, all amusement gone from her cold, hard voice. "I understood eventually why you hated me, Tuni, and I made peace with that. But with Harry…all you had to do was treat him normally and you were just too blinded by hate to do that…you brought this punishment down on your head all on your own, sister."

Petunia wept louder and stared at the paper in front of her. Without another word she reached her shaky hand for the pen and started to write.

Harry twirled the high-backed chair around in a circle. Using his feet to kick it fast enough that he grew slightly dizzy, Harry kept the speed up for almost half a second before finally stopping the spin and wobbling back and forth. "Why doesn't Hogwarts have these? We need to bring some of these to the castle!"

A snort of amusement and a shaken head was his answer as Shiva leaned over and playfully slapped the back of his head. "You're practically more mature than me, kid, and you're acting like a toddler with a new toy. There is no way that spinny chairs are making an appearance in the school. No way."

"Always spoiling my fun," Harry pouted.

The phone on the desk in front of them buzzed and the third person in the room reached out and pressed the intercom's button. "Go ahead, Mary?"

"Mr. Dursley is on his way up, Sir."

"Thank you, Mary. Everything is ready for his arrival?"

"Yes, Chairman," the voice on the other end replied.

"Excellent, thank you, Mary, that will be all." He took his finger off of the phone and the line went dead. Turning a smiling expression on Harry he winked at the young man and nodded. "If you wanted to maintain the surprise, Mr. Potter, you should probably turn back around."

Harry sighed and sat up straighter. "Yeah, guess it's time to get serious. Thanks for your help with this, Sir."

Harry saw the Chairman nod again before his face was hidden from sight by the high back of the chair. Shiva reached down and gently squeezed his hand before she quickly left by the side door to wait for her cue with Lily. Harry followed the door as it clicked closed and shut his eyes allowing the sound to cement his resolve and set his spine. He'd made it through years under this man, his mothers had finished dealing with Petunia in the morning…he could keep his composure with Vernon long enough to make this work. He'd just have to keep thinking of it like it was all a grand prank by the twins. It was all mental. It was all…mental.

The main door to the corner office opened and thudding footsteps pounded into the room. "Chairman Brown, it's such an honor to meet you!" Vernon Dursley rumbled. Harry could already see the smile plastered onto the face of the walrus without even needing to turn around. He forced his mouth into a smile imagining the walrus bobbing his head and clapping for fish with that giant grin. "When I heard this morning that you wanted to see me personally, why I couldn't wait to tell my wife the news! I am so very proud to have been so recognized, Sir! That the Board itself has taken notice of my work…it's simply astounding!"

Yup, there was the head bobbing. Harry had to suppress the laughter bubbling up inside him. Letting it out before his cue wouldn't have nearly the right effect. Chairman Brown chuckled softly and said, "Mr. Vernon, I have never heard nor seen your name before this morning. Frankly from what I'm seeing at the moment, I'm amazed you're able to fit behind your desk quickly enough to get any work done." Harry didn't need to hear the blubbering to picture the wide eyes, slack jaw and bulging vein. "Thankfully for you, my opinion is rather immaterial at the moment. Grunnings Drills has a new majority owner and he has specifically requested to meet with you this morning to discuss your future here."

"Really?" The note of cunning in that single word was so laughably weak and transparent that Harry again almost lost his control. Daphne would've hexed the man for daring to think that that counted as shrewd. "Well I am more than prepared to show you exactly why the new owner has recognized that I am to be promoted."

"Well, let's see how well you do with that shall we?" Brown asked, the sarcasm practically thick enough to choke on. "Harry? Mr. Dursley has arrived."

Harry made certain that the huge smile was still plastered on his face as he kicked his chair around and stopped it directly facing Vernon. The walrus was sitting in a chair at the far end of the table with his blubber spilling out over the edges of the armrests. As Harry's turn completed and Vernon caught sight of him, the vein bulged and the man's face reddened. Vernon's eyes widened and his mouth snapped closed hard enough to rattle his mustache. Slamming his hands onto the table the walrus surged to his feet and raised a shaky finger to point at Harry. "You! You little FREAK! What have you done to the Chairman?! You've used your freakishness on him!"

Harry shifted his smile into a confused frown and cocked his head to the side before leaning over and asking the Chairman in a loud whisper, "Do you have any idea what he is talking about, Mike?"

Brown shrugged. "Not even an inkling," he replied in the same stage whisper obviously meant for Vernon to hear loud and clear. "Perhaps he feels you drugged me?"

"That's gotta it," Harry nodded rubbing his chin as he leaned back into the chair giving it a slight spin for effect. "He always used to accuse me of drugging his family, apparently he thinks my skills have improved if I can get the head of a major company 'under my spell'." A quiet snort of amusement from Brown greeted that comment and Harry barely managed to maintain his solemn face as he saw Vernon's face crimson.

"You've used your little stick on MY COMPANY, you little freak! How dare you!" the walrus screeched, his jowls trembling.

"Well that's just rude!" Harry said gasping and holding a hand to his chest. "To imply I'd stoop to sexual favors is underhanded, Vernon! And the fact that I'm still only 16…are you accusing Chairman Brown of being a…a pedophile?"

Vernon's lips curled and spittle flew from his lips though he couldn't seem to muster a coherent reply beyond a growl. Brown saved him as he sighed and shook his head. "I see this is getting us nowhere. Perhaps proof would assist in moving the meeting forward. We are all busy men and this is already looking to extend beyond the schedule." He reached over and tapped the intercom. "Mary, please send up, the owner's assistants with their acquisition paperwork."

"Right away, Sir," the intercom voice squeaked.

Harry had just enough time for a half spin of the chair before Shiva opened the main door of the room and waltzed in with several sheets of papers. She laid one in front of Vernon and waltzed around the table to place two more in front of Harry and Brown before standing to the side and looking through the rest in her hands. "Those are the declaration pages, gentlemen. Harry, Lily will be up in a moment with the entire document. They were taking longer to copy than we had expected since the machine jammed."

"That's fine, Ms. Babbling," Brown said waving off the 'issue'. "I imagine the final page is more than sufficient to assuage your worries, Mr. Dursley?"

Vernon swiped the piece of paper off the desk with one meaty paw without even glancing at it. His eyes locked onto Shiva's and his face turned puce. "That harlot is the same sort of freak as the boy! They've played with your mind, Chairman! Arrest them and throw away the key! The whore has already sold herself and she has been teaching the freak since he ran away!"

Harry's control slipped and the pens around the table vibrated for a brief moment while his green eyes seemed to flash. He clenched his hands and with a Herculean effort he forced a smile onto his face – though one would have to be blind to mistake it for something natural. "Still with the sexual references, Vernon? I had hoped we'd be able to keep this civil, but you're not really helping that effort…"

Vernon's face darkened even further all the way down to purple. Harry wondered for a moment if this was all going to end up being pointless since the man seemed only a few seconds away from a lethal stroke or aneurysm. His ponderings were interrupted as the office door opened again and his red-headed mother walked in. Lily was carrying a pile of papers so large that her face was hidden behind the stack. "Mr. Chairman, your secretary said you were waiting on the acquisition stack? I have three copies here, Sir."

"Mr. Dursley was the one who needed it, but might as well distribute the others here as well so we can answer the man's questions. If he ever gets around to reading the work. I don't see why you're still bothering to continue with this meeting, Mr. Potter. He doesn't seem very open to anything you have to say and I hate to show such discredit upon my company to the new owner…" Harry snorted softly and shook his head at Brown's sad tone. The man was apparently a far better actor than he was!

"It's no problem, Mike. We shouldn't be too much longer after Vernon takes a moment to peruse the documents and verify it's all legal and I haven't used any trickery," Harry replied.

Lily dropped a stack of papers close enough to skim Vernon's hair and mustache before she walked around and regally set the other two stacks down in front of the others. "The signed pages are tabbed, gentlemen. Mr. Dursley, you should really breathe before you pass out." Her amused sneer joined Shiva's muffled snort.

"That BLOODY BITCH is DEAD! The FREAK has used his MAGIC to raise her from her GRAVE! KILL HIM NOW before he murders US and brings us back as PUPPETS like he did with his two WHORES!" The walrus' vein was bulging so hard and so fast that it was almost hypnotic as Harry watched it.

Brown held two fingers to his head and murmured, "I think we've heard enough. If I let this go on much further, I'm going to kill the man…"

He didn't even have to reach for the intercom before it buzzed again. "20 seconds out, Sir!"

Harry sighed and spun his chair once more as Vernon started sputtering and seeming halfway between running towards them and throwing his chair. "Vernon, I want to thank you for making this easy. I honestly thought I might have to actually try considering we're sitting with the Grunnings head…but apparently you're even more idiotic than I remember."

"Oh and Vernon?" Lily said crossing her arms, leaning against Harry's chair and grinning evilly. "I already said hello to my sister this morning."

"YOU UNDEAD HARLOT!" Vernon's internal struggle ended and he knocked his chair to the side as he tried to rush around the table. He made it a quarter of the way before the door was kicked open and five police officers rushed in. Vernon's hands were outstretched towards the three smirking members of the Potter family as the first officer came to a halt and raised his hand from his belt. Harry's grin grew so wide it hurt as the copper let loose with the taser. Vernon reached the end of the table just as the little points of metal embedded into his back. A shrill shriek of surprise and pain sprung from the walrus as he flopped onto the floor twitching at Harry's feet.

"Excellent timing, gents," Shiva said saluting the police. "Appreciate that save."

"Please tell me we kept this fool going long enough to gain the rope to hang him with?" Brown asked still rubbing his forehead.

The officer with the taser shut it off and nodded slowly. "We were only moments away from calling it off ourselves, Sir. I'm…truly sorry you had to live that…that…vitriol again, Mr. Potter."

Harry just shrugged. "I learned to try and tune out Vernon Dursley years ago, but I appreciate the sentiment, Sir. I won't have to appear at the trial now?"

"Not if I have anything to say about it," the cop muttered. He walked over to the walrus and scowled. "Vernon Dursley, you are under arrest for child endangerment, threatening a minor, attempted assault, attempted battery, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, child neglect, child abuse, attempted murder…" Harry tuned the man out as the remaining officers lifted the fat fool from the floor and began dragging him out of the office.

Lily moved from her perch and reached down to hug Harry hard enough to leave bruises. "I am so sorry," she whispered. "One day, I'll figure out how to make up for you being forced to stay with him."

"It's alright, mum, it's in the past," Harry murmured patting her back and kissing her cheek. As she pulled back, Shiva moved in and lightly hugged the red-head from behind. Harry smiled to his rescuer and turned back to Brown giving the older gentleman a genuine grin and a deep, formal bow. "Chairman, thank you so much for helping us. I know this little show took up a lot of your time, but I really can't say how much it means to me being able to see that man behind bars."

Brown looked up and nodded to the young man with a warm smile. "I was happy to help, Mr. Potter. I am ashamed that such a person was employed by my company for so many years. Surely there were signs to his nature evident…a thorough investigation is already being launched to ensure that anyone who ignored the problems is brought to task." He paused and chuckled softly before continuing. "Are you certain I can't convince you to actually purchase part of the company? I think your imaginative tactics could greatly help Grunnings as we move forward and it might help you heal a bit to partially own something that your abuser once thought was rightfully his."

"No thank you, Sir," Harry replied with a shake of his head. "I'm honored, but that's a bit too expensive for me at the moment. Besides, I have my own business to run. We really shouldn't take up anymore of your time. If yourself or the police need to contact us, you have our number."

"I do," Brown said. Harry and his mothers stood and moved to the door. "One more thing, Mr. Potter, now that the microphones are off…was there any actual magic involved?"

Harry paused with his hand on the doorknob. He looked briefly to each of the women flanking him. Shiva sighed and turned her eyes to the heavens seeking divine assistance while Lily just rolled her eyes at him and waved her hand in a 'whatever' fashion. Chuckling, Harry turned just enough to meet the man's gaze. "Nothing today, Chairman Brown. Have a fantastic day, Sir." He twisted the knob and led his mothers outside breathing content that finally the Dursleys were getting their due.

The day after his relatives had been dealt with the local Surrey papers were having a field day with Petunia's confession and Vernon's arrest. Harry had read enough to know that both his Aunt and Marge were also expected to undergo trials before he'd set the paper aside and invited some friends to spend the day. Tracey, Neville and Susan had jumped at the chance and were currently lounging on his couch while Harry amused them all by having his stuffed bear ride a toy broom around the room. The bear might be fully Muggle, but a simple sticking charm kept it in place while the broom was enchanted to maneuver and avoid any objects and walls.

"Gotta say, figured you'd be a griffin person," Tracey said laughing as the bear zipped past her and curved around towards a small bookcase. "Or maybe panther or lion guy. I mean, you must have the stamina for a bear so that does make some sense…" her grin widened at the blush spreading over Harry's cheeks before she continued on, "but bear is really more of Neville's thing. Right, Sue?"

Susan rolled her eyes at her friend. "Sure, Trace. Neville, is a bear."

"Ouch," Harry said wincing in empathy for the other young man. "She's still mad at you huh, Nev?"

"They both are," Neville replied with a deep sigh. "Hannah dropped off cookies this morning – they were completely burnt, top and bottom."

"Of course we're still angry at you!" Susan huffed and crossed her arms glaring at him. "You tried to fight an army. ALONE! You're not off the hook with either of us until you prove you understand just why we're angry."

"I will never get women," Neville confided with a sad shake of his head towards Harry. "I feel for you, mate, stuck with four of them and two mums."

Harry chuckled as Susan rolled her eyes and punched her boyfriend in the shoulder. "Thanks for the sympathy, Nev, but I'm learning to deal with it. It's a constant battle."

Tracey snorted and waved her hand in dismissal. "Hey, none of you have to deal with Luna. She's worth like six girls. I love the little ball of energy, but she is bloody exhausting! Harry, I'm totally stealing Daphne back tonight. I need a break."

Harry's eyebrows raised at that. "Daphne is a break huh? Wow…Oh and by the way, the bear was a gift from my mum. It's hair is like mine too!"

"Ah, now I understand," Tracey nodded sagely while Neville took to peering closer at the bear as it kept zooming around. Dobby popped in with a plate of biscuits just as the stuffed animal zoomed in front of him. The elf squeaked in surprise and jumped back narrowly missing getting a broom tangled in his ears.

"Bad Bearsy," Dobby muttered glaring at the offending toy amid the chuckles of the humans. "Dobby must be checking landing area next time."

As he set his tray and popped back out, Susan rolled her eyes at the manic elf. "I wish our elves were that awesome. Hey did you guys hear about Snape?"

Neville perked up and nodded quickly with a wide grin. "Oh yeah! He's leaving Hogwarts! Finally the greasy git is running for the hills!"

"I admit to being slightly disappointed he didn't die in the battle…" Harry said grimacing. "I suppose he probably found a corner to hide in as soon as everything started though."

Tracey shrugged and grabbed a biscuit. "Yup, never left the sanctuary. Millie said he claimed to be 'providing necessary potions to the wounded'. Arse didn't even try to fight; probably too scared of being seen on the losing side to risk doing anything. Mum said that Slughorn is coming in to replace him now that he's resigned. From what I hear, old Sluggy is supposed to be awesome so that's a plus!"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, my mum only had good things to say about Slughorn. Snape sent word to her that he's going to establish a little apothecary in the middle of nowhere. Works out well for everyone I guess. We don't have to see him, he can keep living in his fantasy world that Lily Evans still cares about him and best of all he is going to be kept far away from children."

Tracey smirked. "Broody and alone in the woods running a shop for other broody, gits. Better than he deserves."

"Could be worse," Susan shrugged. "He did somewhat help us with his information this past year."

"He was never as evil towards your House as he was towards ours, Sue," Neville said. "I doubt we'll ever agree on this one."

"Probably not," the red-head said.

Before anyone could respond to that Harry caught sight of Fleur entering the room and looking around with a mild frown etched on her face. "Has anyone seen ze wayward metamorph? I was supposed to be teaching her how to cook ze cakes, but she has disappeared."

"Nym? In the kitchen?" Harry asked wide-eyes locked onto Fleur. "Fleur, are you insane?"

"If I can teach Gabi, I can teach anyone!" Fleur said. She shook her head and muttered, "So many fireballs to 'cook ze cakes'…I wish ze girl had done it to annoy me…zat she actually zought it was easier…" Trailing off Fleur frowned and turned her attention back to her current missing cooking partner. "If I could find Tonks I could train her. Ze woman is hiding from me, I am certain of it…"

The chime signifying a returning guest sounded then and all eyes turned towards the main entrance as clomping boots resounded through the hall followed shortly by a muffled greeting. "Morning, Skelly! Looking good and dead like always!"

Harry blinked at that and his mouth dropped open in shock as his currently pink-haired partner tromped past the door to the sitting room. "Nymphadora!" Harry finally managed to call just before she passed beyond the frame completely.

Tonks stopped and turned back cocking her head to one side. "Yeah? What's up, Wonder Boy?"

Harry worked his mouth for a few moments trying to find the correct way to address her. Around him the rest of the room's occupants had fallen completely silent and were no help whatsoever. His eyes took in the combat books, soaked in both water and grime; the military camo pants, covered in ash; the giant metal tanks on her back, connecting by a large hose to a nozzle-gun contraption Tonks held nonchalantly over her shoulder clutched in her fingerless black gloves. Finally Harry managed to shake himself out of his stupor and ask her the all important question: "Nymphadora, luv, is that a bloody flamethrower?!"

Tonks smirked and shifted the nozzle-gun. "Yup," she replied popping the consonant. "Just taking care of some loose ends, you know. Torching some zombies and all. Hate those undead bastards. It's all good now though; cave's been cleared. I'm just going to throw this back into the storage shed. See you all in a few!" Without further ado, Tonks bounced away whistling a jolly tune.

Harry slowly closed his mouth and leaned back into the couch as all eyes shifted from the open door towards him. Running a hand through his hair Harry groaned. "I lead a weird life…"