
Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path

=== Author: Temporal Knight (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11898648/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Rune-Stone-Path === Synopsis: 10 year old Harry finds a chest left by his mother with books on some of her favorite subjects. Discovering he has a talent for understanding and creating runes sets Harry onto a very different path than anyone had expected. Shortcuts, inventions, and a bit of support go a long way!

DaoistViking · Book&Literature
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157 Chs

Accusations, Associations and Applications (Part Four)

The foursome hurried down the corridors of the castle. With any luck Lockhart would be at the staff meeting and they'd have backup. Shiva was directing them towards his office first though since it was on the way. She didn't even stop to say anything as they pulled up outside. Shiva just slashed her wand down with a muttered banishing hex and the door slammed open.

As the four stepped into the office Lockhart looked up from in front of his desk pushing his trunk closed. "Oh, hello, everyone." Lockhart's smile was strained and his face pale. "I'm afraid I just received a call from my editor and I must be off immediately."

"You're not going anywhere, Gilderoy," Shiva said glaring at the man.

"Where's, Tracey, you bastard?!" Daphne snarled. Her wand started to come up but Harry held her arm down shaking his head and nodding towards Shiva, letting his mentor take the lead.

"Come on, Gilderoy. We're going to the rest of the staff and you're going to explain some things about what's been going on around here since you showed up."

"I really have no idea what you're talking about. I must be going," Lockhart shifted slightly so that his side was facing the group with one arm hidden. He started to bend to seemingly pick up his trunk but spun with his wand out. Before an incantation could leave his lips four disarming spells slammed into the man. Lockhart was thrown back into his desk while his wand flew out his hand and smashed into the ceiling with a crack. The wand dropped back to the tiles, almost broken into two but held together by a sliver of wood and unicorn hair.

"Real smart, Gilderoy," Shiva said with a snort before picking up the wand and pocketing it. "Now where's the girl?"

"What?" Lockhart wheezed holding his head and shakily getting to his feet. "The Davis girl? How should I know?"

"Because you're the one who took her, arsehole!" Daphne yelled. She threw off Harry's arm and pointed her wand at the teacher with the tip glowing. "I lost her near Myrtle's bathroom! Where did you take her!"

Harry froze. Myrtle's bathroom. Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Moaning Myrtle. Moany. 'Bloody hell…'

"The entrance is in the bathroom," Harry said gaping.

"What?" Neville and Shiva said giving him a quick glance before returning their attention to Lockhart.

"Dobby said that the last time the Chamber was opened 'Moany' died," Harry explained feeling numb. They had been sitting right outside the bloody thing for nearly a month and never once noticed it! "The only 'Moany' I can think of is Moaning Myrtle. Moaning Myrtle who haunts the place she died. Daphne, you lost Tracey outside Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. The Chamber's entrance is in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom! I can't believe I didn't see this before! I am such an idiot!"

Neville's mouth dropped open as he processed what Harry was saying. Daphne's glare just hardened though her wand tip stopped glowing. Shiva's eyes narrowed in thought before giving a short head nod of agreement.

"Good enough for me." She flicked her wand towards the entrance. "Move it, Gilderoy. To the bathroom. Harry, take Daphne and Neville and go get some backup."

"No," Harry said with a firm shake of his head.

"Harry this is not a debate."

"If you think I am leaving you alone with him and a basilisk you are insane!" Harry snarled at her losing his grip on the rage that seethed up. "You are the closest thing to a bloody loved one I've ever had and I'll be damned before I let you go into the Chamber alone! I'm coming with you!"

"As am I," Daphne said stepping beside Harry. "If Tracey is down there, there is no way you are leaving me behind."

Neville moved to stand with the other two students. "And I'm not backing down from this either. I'd never be able to look at my mum and dad again if I let you three go alone."

Shiva growled and muttered, "Merlin-be-damned teenagers. Fine! But you all listen to me and do exactly what I tell you yeah?" Three answering nods later Shiva continued, "Good. Okay, fine. Tilly?"

A small house elf popped into view near Shiva startling the three students and Lockhart. This one looked far better off than Dobby though she was still clad in little more than a fancy tea towel. "How can Tilly be helping Mistress Shedy?"

"Tilly, go to Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, Snape and Dumbledore. Tell them I believe the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is inside Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and I am en route with the assumed perpetrator – "

"What?!" Lockhart squawked.

Shiva ignored him and kept going. "Tell them I believe the instrument of attack to be a basilisk and require immediate assistance. Got that?"

"Yes, Mistress Shedy," Tilly said bobbing her head. "Tilly will be telling the Professors immediately." She popped out of the room with a snap. Shiva nodded and turned to the others gesturing towards the door out.

Lockhart tried protesting again but found himself tossed out the door by a flip of a wand. The three others followed along behind him as the stumbling staff members started walking towards the ghost's bathroom and the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.

As they got to the bathroom, Harry grabbed Shiva's arm. "Shiva, I should go first."

"Like hell, kid. Not happening," she said snorting.

"I'm the only one with glasses. I'm the one who talks to snakes. If I go first and it's there I have a far better chance of surviving than anyone else here," he said staring at her. "You know I'm right, Shiva."

She worked her mouth for a few moments before scowling. "Sometimes I really hate that you can use logic, you know that? You open the door and take a quick peek. That's it. Nothing else. You see anything besides Myrtle and you slam that door closed, got it?" Harry nodded and Shiva let out an explosive sigh. "Fine, everyone step back. Lockhart, stay where I can see you." She motioned to Harry and made sure she could cover both the door and Lockhart.

Harry took a deep breath and cracked the door to Myrtle's haunt. He opened it just a sliver, enough to take a short scan of the room beyond. It was empty. Letting out his breath Harry pushed the door open completely and waved the others forward.

As they trooped into the room, Myrtle floated out of her stall. "Hello, Harry. Hello, Neville. Come to visit with me?"

"Actually, Myrtle we need to ask you a question," Harry said taking the lead. Daphne looked ready to jump down the ghost's throat but Neville gave her a slight shake of his head and she backed down.

"Really? Me? How can I help you?"

"Well…please don't freak out Myrtle because this is really important," the ghost nodded at Harry's plea, "we need to know if you remember how you died."

Myrtle just shrugged. "It wasn't exciting. I was crying because Olive had said something mean. There was a noise – a boy had come in and started talking and hissing. I got angry at him because this is a girl's room so I opened the door to yell at him. Next thing I know I'm staring into these giant yellow eyes and then I'm dead. Nothing fun like Nick."

"Merlin," Shiva breathed out, "it really is a bloody basilisk."

"Do you remember where the eyes you saw were, Myrtle?" Harry asked.

Myrtle shrugged again and pointed towards the sinks. "Over there. Are you going looking for whatever killed me?" Harry and the others nodded. Lockhart squeaked. "If you die, you can share my bathroom, Harry. You too, Neville," Myrtle said bashfully. Harry and Neville both tried to ignore the fact that a ghost apparently had a crush on them.

Harry walked over to the sinks and started looking on, under and around them with Daphne coming over to help. Shiva stayed watching Lockhart.

"You know I really don't know why I'm here…" Lockhart started. "I mean, sure I may have lied a bit on some of my books but kidnapping and attempted murder? Me? Really?"

"Yup," Shiva replied simply.

"I'm really only good at one spell you know. I'm a genius with memory charms. I'm not very good at anything else. I simply don't have the necessary skill set to kill someone even if I ever had the motivation. What would be the point, Babs?" He held his arms out to his side. "Why would I bother trying to kill anyone? All I want is fame and fortune. I have both. I have witches lining up to sleep with me. Why would I risk any of that to try and kill some students?"

"Search me." Shiva glared at him. "And are you really going to keep using that horrible name that I hate while I am half convinced you're a wannabe murderer and have a wand trained on you?" Lockhart paled again as the implications sank in.

"Potter!" Daphne exclaimed. She pointed towards a section of one of the sinks. "Look, a snake motif. This must be it!"

Harry shifted around to look at the spot she was pointing at to see a tiny snake etched onto the side of the faucet. "Worth a shot. Everyone ready?" Three answering nods later Harry turned back to the sink. "Open." He said to the snake motif. Nothing happened.

"That was English, Harry," Neville said. "Try parseltongue."

"It's not exactly easy to do on command you know," Harry grumbled irritably.

"Well you don't exactly practice it," Neville rolled his eyes. "Try imagining it's real before you say anything again."

Harry sighed and turned back to the little imprint. He tried to imagine the thing waving its head at him and shifting its body. After a moment Harry felt something click in his head and he whispered, ~Open.~ This time the snake responded. It coiled into a circle around the faucet and the entire sink structure sunk into the floor exposing a dark tunnel leading underground.

"Well…" Shiva said dumbfounded. "That's new."

"Let's go. Tracey's down there," Daphne looked ready to jump down before Harry grabbed her and pulled her back from the edge.

"One second, Daphne." Harry pulled over his pack before popping the top and grabbing the rune case Shiva had gotten him last Christmas. "Neville, Daphne, here. Sorry, Shiva I only have two extras," he said with a shrug. "These are Concussors, Reductors, and Blastors. They work basically just like the spells they're named after but you just have to channel a bit of magic into it to activate it instead of going through a wand motion. The rune pattern directs the spell so make sure it's facing away from you and your fingers aren't covering it. That hurts. A lot."

Daphne frowned at him. "I can fire a reducto with my wand, Potter."

"Yeah, I can too but this is faster and you can use it in your off-hand while using a wand in your main hand if you want. As long as you don't use it continuously for five minutes or so it shouldn't disintegrate or crumble on you."

"Should we wait for the reinforcements?" Neville asked.

Both Shiva and Daphne shook their heads. "If Davis is down there already every second we wait could be worse for her. There's nothing I can say to make any of you stay up here?" Lockhart raised his hand before she snorted at him and he closed his mouth. The rest just shook their heads. Shiva sighed but nodded. "Very well. Lockhart, you first. I'll follow. Then Harry, Neville and Daphne you bring up the rear."

"I really don't think this is a good – " Lockhart said before Shiva flicked her wand and he soared into the tunnel shrieking like a teenage girl.

"You know I'm starting to think maybe he really isn't the controller," Shiva said with a sigh. "Be careful everyone. If he isn't, Merlin knows just who is actually down there controlling the bloody snake. Keep on your toes, keep your mirrors out, and be ready to shut your eyes if you see scales." She stepped up to the edge and muttered, "Merlin help me and Goddess watch over these kids and their idiot of a Professor." She stepped over the side and slid into the tunnel.

Harry quickly jumped in after her. He heard Neville and Daphne follow him down and then there was a grinding noise reverberating down the tunnel along with what little light filtered through disappearing. Harry flew out the end of the tunnel skidding along on the dirt and mud before stopping near a small pile of bones against the wall. The lower section was lit up by Shiva's wand and he rolled out of the way as Neville and Daphne flew out on his heels.

"Tunnel closed as I jumped in," Daphne said getting to her feet and brushing her robes off. "Looks like the reinforcements aren't going to make it." Shiva swore and Neville turned a bit green before squaring his shoulders.

Harry just shrugged. "Well, I fought Voldemort alone last year. I'm already doing better so far."