
Ch. 89 Sirius Black

In a very very spacious underground area, hidden from the rest of the world, was a room that was used during peaceful interrogations. Well, peaceful to the cooperative and a nightmare for the less so. It was nearly identical to modern police equivalent, the only difference was the darker lighting, the smooth stone walls and the magical protections lightly humming as they worked.

In it, was a man. He had shaggy matted hair from it not being washed or cut in so long, sunken face and skinny body because of extreme living conditions, wounds around his wrists and ankles, and was only wearing an old and tattered prisoners uniform.

This was the Sirius Black as he sat in his chair, his head resting on the table as he was still stunned from his capture.

"Do it." Came my calm order to Oliver as he waved his wand over the man silently, ready to immediately put the filthy Sirius down at any moment.

In that instant, Sirius bolted up and tried to stand up to defend himself. Even if he's half delirious at the moment and is ragged, he is still a very experienced and clever man. He figured out how to be an animagus in school, helped create the marauders map, fought in the first wizard war, escaped from Azkaban, evaded all his pursuers and kept doing so until his death sparking the second war. But unfortunately we were more than prepared as he was completely attached to the chair he was sitting in, with it also being basically part of the floor, so we watched him struggle with all his might as he looked at me and Oliver in something close to insanity.

"It is an honor to meet a true combatant of the fight against Voldemort. I had wished I could welcome you properly. Let you rest and recover, but I know you would not trust me, nor would you wait due to your target." I say calmly to the aggressive man.

My words got his attention, stopping him from thrashing around as he did, and making him look intensely at me. With those eyes showing his mad determination to reach the rat.

"Sir, he's just going to try and finish what he started. Look at him. He'll do anything to end the boy." Oliver said, disapproving of the very fact I'm talking to the man. He's told me himself that he would end the man for the betrayal he's done.

"He would indeed do anything to finish what he had started all those years ago. Isn't that right Mr. Black?" I asked the man in my deep and calm voice, as a corner of my lips raised itself.

"I'll kill him! I'll kill him for what he's done!" He yelled out in mad fury.

"You see! You should have let me end the bastard as soon as i caught him sir! He's going to kill the boy-who-lived." Oliver exclaimed as he readied his wand, hoping for my command.

"You are missing a key element Mr. Gunn." I say without taking my eyes off the disheveled man.

"What? What am I missing? The man was his follower! He betrayed everyone!" He proclaimed.

"No. Someone did betray everyone, but it wasn't you was it Mr. Black?" I simply say, as I guide both men.

"But if not him, then who?" He finally asked the right question.

"You know?! You know the rat? You know he's alive?" Finally exclaimed Sirius as he understood what I was hinting at the whole time.

"It seems you are ready to listen Mr. Black." I say with a small chuckle.

"You know where he is? Tell me?! I'll kill him for what he's done!" He yelled out energetically again.

"What rat? Sir I need you to explain things right now." Oliver finally said as he looked at me.

"Oh, he means it literally and metaphorically. There is a man, Mr. Black, Mr. Potter and one Mr. Lupin, knew since their Hogwarts days. They were friends, trusted each other, and got into mischief together. These friends were all animagus, illegal of course as you've seen from our Mr. Black, and that friends form was a rat. Rather fitting when you think about what he's done in his life. And when the Potter's went into hiding, they used the Fidelius Charm, with one of these three friends as the secret keeper. This is the main reason why even Dumbledore thought Mr. Black here, someone closer to a brother to Mr. Potter, was the traitor and why everyone believes so." I calmly tell the tale to a stunned Oliver and a now quiet Sirius.

"But who was that then?" My man finally asked.

"One Peter Pettigrew, secret keeper of the Potter's, former member of the order of the Phoenix, and the Dark Lords spy in their midsts. A truly cowardly man who has faked his death and hidden from the world for the last 12 years. Isn't that right Mr. Black?" I say with a small smile at the nearly broken man.

"How? How can you know that?" Sirius asked very weary of the man who seemed to know everything. That knew about things only he should.

"I have a very intelligent young friend currently in Hogwarts. He told me of this. He figured it out. He found your map, traced it back to you and your group, but found the name of a man who should be dead on it since two years ago. My only assumption is that Pettigrew either didn't know how to conceal himself from the map, or believed that no one knew how to open it. But when you broke out, he informed me of what he knew and what you were most likely to do, so I ordered your capture. I wished to speak to you and hopefully prove the innocence that should rightfully be yours." I slowly explain to the man.

"If you want to help, then you'll point me to where the rat is, give me a knife and let me gut him where he stands!" He yelled out savagely.

"And how would that help you or young Mr. Potter?" I asked simply, making Sirius shut up and calm down immediately.

"Wha-what do you mean?" He asked nervously.

"From what I understand of your relationship with the Potters, you are most likely his godfather yes? Mr. Lupin has his 'issues' and would never accept the role with his personality. But you were like a brother, so the most obvious choice." I start off with in my smooth voice.

"Yes. I am supposed to be his godfather. I was the one who was supposed to be there." He very regretfully replied. "But because of the rat! That was taken away!" He suddenly yelled out, using his broken reasoning.

"And you will let him take it away again i see." I declare straightforwardly, making the man freeze.

"He needs to die for what he's done!" He tried to argue.

"Do you know how young Harry has lived without any of his fathers closest friends, all his fathers family passing away and no one who could properly raise and protect him?" I ask him in response, shutting him up instantly again.

"No, you don't. That's why you wanted to see him. That's why we could predict where you would go." I say to the very quiet man.

"From what my young friend from Hogwarts has told me, it has been a miracle the boy didn't develop into an Obscurus." I inform seriously.

Any possible blood or color from Sirius' face drains away in an instant. He knows what that means. He's from a most ancient and noble House. Of course he knows.

"Lily's sister is a petty and jealous individual. She suffered through an immense inferiority complex because of her sister. So she rejects everything that could represent her. She twisted every memory of the sister she once loved dearly, until they were all tainted. And she married the worst kind of muggle for a wizard to know. One who completely rejects anything that does not fit in his idea of what the world should be like. Small minded, short tempered, violent and tyrannical against those weaker than himself. Everything to distance herself from the world Lily had introduced her to." I informed him to get a better picture.

"How do you think killing the rat and getting thrown into Azkaban is going to help anyone better their lives? How will that help Harry? What do you think James & Lily Potter would like to see in this world? Their friends trying to kill each other? Or having them help and protect their child?" I ask the man, sending him extremely deep into his thoughts.

Seeing as no response was given I spoke up again.

"I am not asking you to forgo your hunt or forgive. In fact i want to help you achieve this. But I want you to at least consider capturing the man instead of killing him. That is all." I say and wave my hand in his direction, freeing him from his chair.

"Wha? Why are you doing this? You have no reason to?" Sirius asked, finally realizing that I have no actual reason to do this. He sees that I have trained and experienced men. He knows I have at least this private facility. My personal intelligence and my network are excellent as well. But I'm too young to know and have all these things. I am suspicious.

"There are too many evil men loose in the world, and I don't want one of the good ones to rot where they should be." I answer with many emotions in my voice as I look to the ceiling.

"I will provide you a place to shower and feed yourself properly. We will also provide you with clothing and offer you a choice of wand we have confiscated if you do not have access to one. We can also help you reach Hogsmeade. But after that will be up to you." I say as I order the still quiet Oliver.

"This is simply a choice. You can follow some of my men and they will take care of everything as I've ordered. Or you can simply leave and do as you wished anyway." I said without a care in my voice. It's simply because it is his choice and if he refuses my offers I'm not losing anything.

He was quiet for a while as he was thinking about everything I had offered him, talked to him about, and informed him of. I could see some rationality return to his eyes.

"You said a kid figured all this out. Who is he and why do you believe him?" He then asked unexpectedly.

"He's a very smart kid and the world will soon realize that fact. His name is Aedan Bones, nephew of Amelia Bones, the current head of the DMLE. He's also the son of one of your former colleagues from the Order." I answered with a chuckle.

"Wait! That kids alive! But the entire family was killed by the time we got there!" He yelled out in surprise as he remembered the scene of the massacre.

"Oh yes, the kid's very much alive. Very unique appearance though. I think you'll be able to tell when you see him." I responded with a smile.

There was another pause as the man looked at me seriously.

"I'll take the offer for food, clothes and a shower. The rest I'll do on my own. This is my duty." Sirius finally decided with fire in his eyes.

"Very well Mr. Black. Oliver if you could arrange everything please." I ordered the man besides me.

"Right away sir." He said respectfully as he left.

"Then I shall be going as well Mr. Black. I hope you will make the best decisions you can and hope to see a future where you are a free man." I say with a smile and turn around to leave.

"Wait!" He suddenly shouted.

"Anything else Mr. Black?" I asked with curiosity.

"You know me and everything that happened, but I don't know you." He said seriously.

"Ah! How could I have been so rude. I am Micheal Folster, a pleasure to meet you." I say politely and with a small bow.

"You already know who I am, but Sirius Black, same." He said as he held his hand out.

I raised an eyebrow at the sight, but shook his hand the next second.

"I hope your hunt is fruitful Mr. Black." I say as I look at his clearing eyes, still burning in determination.

"It will be." I responded with absolute certainty.

I know there is a lot of talking from Aedan, but I did my best to try and make Sirius realistically calm down as the convo went on.

I tried my best to make crazy Sirius come across properly, that was hard.

But playing with his guilt went well enough.

Also, I’ve been asked if I’m gonna hook up Amelia with Sirius later, any thoughts?


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts