
Ch. 142 Wolves to the slaughter

Sneaking out of the castle is simply a breeze for the four of us.

I have about five different ways of getting out without anyone knowing and I'm going to let those stay a problem until later. It will be the last chance I give the Malfoy family before I simply erase them like the others. If they still push their pathetic excuse of a son down their path then they shall die like the rest. I don't care about how they could change, they've had over a decade to change and they still continue to poison the entirety of the UK with their stupidity. I will keep giving the pussy chances, but one needs to put their foot down at one point.

For tonight's escapade however, we simply used the vanishing cabinet I moved to the ROR for the night and appeared into a secured room of my medical facility. I just had my faithful aide move the thing there for the night as well and no one would know. All we had to do was reach the place quietly and the four of us we so skilled that we each had our preferred method of near perfect concealment: Christian had an interesting vine from somewhere in South America capable of bending light around itself to attract helpful creatures or hide from those who consume it and made a cloak from them, James created a metal band capable of achieving similar results as an invisibility cloak, Tory like to make a potion giving you the ability to blend into the background like an overpowered chameleon and I simply removed every possible trace of my myself and made it impossible for anythings senses from registering me. Just a bit of fun and a small challenge amongst each other.

We reached the Room and the cabinet with no issues whatsoever, and dressed ourselves for the ambush. Each removed anything which would get in the way like school robes and equipped our protective gear. I activated my concealed gear with a simple thought whilst putting on my own basilisk/dragon hide coat. Although one couldn't see the metals protecting my arms, you could see my armored hand and legs.

'Now I feel like an actual battlemage.' I thought as I put on the mask James had prepared for me.

My friends were also finished equipping their own gear, letting us simply walk into the cabinet one at a time to reach our destination.

As soon as I exited the cabinet Scott and Geri were saluting and kneeling before me in that order.

"Is everything in order?" I ask sternly as everything needs to be ready.

"Yes boss. Everyone's in position and only the area you said you'd take charge of is remaining. Are you sure you want to take that on with only four of you though?" He answered and asked carefully.

"I have at least equaled Dumbledore in power and skill, my friends are as good as our best, we will be enough." I responded with confidence as my friends puffed their chests out in pride.

"If you say so boss. It's hard not to improve when you're teaching so I'll believe it if they've had years of it." My aide replied with a chuckle.

"All they need is true experience to solidify they knowledge and training. My friend in the wolf mask is ahead of the others in that department due to his teacher, but more experience will aide him still." I said to get their heads back to reality. "Everything good on your end Geri?"

"Yes my lord. I will not let this night end in failure. I will rip out that animals heart and crush it in front of him." She replied in a voice so cold it sent chills to some of the guards.

"In all things a clear mind must prevail. Your emotions will drive you, but don't let them blind you. I do not want to lose you, Scott will drink and cry himself to oblivion of it happens." I replied in a effort to lighten the tension and the mood slightly.

"C'mon boss, not now." The man in question whined at me in embarrassment.

"See. He's already being annoying. So come back in one piece alright? You have a place to return to after all." I followed up with a chuckle as I ignored him.

"That I do my lord. And after you shall grant my boon yes?" She said in response after I gentle look towards the man.

"As promised Geri." I said with a nod to reaffirm my word. "Now all of you head to your designated locations. You three will be with me so follow. Word from our spies say our targets will arrive in 30 minutes. Check for anything or anyone not in their places in 20. We leave nothing to chance. Now go!" I ordered as my rulers aura naturally flowed out of me.

"""Yes sir/my lord!""" All of them responded besides my friends as they quickly departed.

"So those are your aides then?" Victoria said after everyone left.

"Yeah. Both of them are very skilled and have been of tremendous help for years now." I replied with a smile under my mask.

"They do look like they care for each other deeply, but the women seems to hold herself back. Why?" Asked James as he couldn't really understand without knowing them.

"Geri's full name is Geri Greyback." I simply answer with a sigh.

"Wait! Like Fenrir Greyback? The guy you planned all this to kill? You don't mean to tell me you're making her kill her own family!?" Exclaimed Christian in shock.

"On the contrary. She approached me in an effort to protect her people and hopefully kill her own father in exchange for servitude. It is time for me to give her freedom and closure, as well as honoring my promise." I answered my friend.

"And what are the additional promises you two talked about?" Asked Tory as a result of some curiosity.

"I simply promised to do her a favor after her father had been taking care of. It is up to her to ask." I simply answered.

"If even his own daughter wants to rip his heart out, how monstrous is this dementor fucker?" Asked Christian in amazement.

"He is no monster. Simply a rabid dog that needs to be put down once and for all. Now let's get into position as well." I said as I started walking with my friends quickly following.

We swiftly entered the area I marked out for myself and my friends. To put it simply I decided to be the one blocking the path of their retreat. We are above the north entry gate where a fake set of doors we installed for them to demolish, and our job is to stop any who would try to escape when they realized only a slaughter was awaiting them. It will give my friends experience in dealing with desperate ennemies whilst I make sure none slip past our harm them too much.

If we used the goblin made steel gate which had been further enchanted by me then they wouldn't even be able to get in, so we made a fake wooden one for them to break and avoid suspicion by having an open gate with no guards.

"So what is the actual plan and what's our job?" Asked Christian after we had settled into our position.

"Basically we will be the ones killing those trying to escape once things turn bad for them. Every other entrance is blocked, every resident has been moved to their designated areas. Every building has been sealed and warded as per defensive protocols, meaning no one can come in without a hell of a lot of magic. So this leaves this gate as the only place those running away will be able to exit the town from. You three will be first and I'll be back up for this op, so go wild." I answered with a small smirk.

"Although I am hesitant to kill in cold blood I do understand the fact that I need to do so at one point." Sighed James as he understood his role.

"Man up buddy! These are literally the worst werewolves in Europe. They murder, cannibalize, rape and infect anyone they please. They are the some of the worst filth in the world at the moment and are one of the reasons why people hate werewolves so much in the modern age." Said a very fired up Christian.

"Oh stop being a Gryffindor right now. Just do your job so we don't need to have our arses whipped by Aedan on this. I'm so going to kill more with my new recipes than you with your outdated equipment." Teased Victoria as she poured water over Christian, only to then pour oil and light the fire again.

"Bring it! I'll show the little slytherin how a real man fight! And if you think this stuff is outdated then you haven't seen what it can really do in combat." He responded back with gusto.

"Alright you two, as much as I enjoy friendly competitions it's time to be quiet. I don't want any of those beasts to notice us so I'll be concealing everything I can as well." I interrupted with a chuckle as I waved my wand in a circle above my head once as my magic to effect to all but erase us from existence.

No one could see, smell, feel, hear or taste us. It's almost like the fidelius charm but people still remember us and it is only temporary. Took me a while to figure out this fun form of concealment but it's pretty over-powered since it stops even magical means of detection.

And twenty minutes later, on the stroke of midnight as the full moon stood at its peak, the wild howls of the beasts were heard heading towards us.

'Fucking animals can't even do a stealth op properly. This is just bullying at this point. But it's a good thing I put compulsion runes around the portcullis to make them rune towards the medical center. Don't want these animals running around all over the place trying to rape, eat or turn anyone.' I thought with an expression of disgust under my mask.

Then they burst out from the Forrest a bit away from the entrance as a large pack, with a few noticeably larger werewolves at the front being led by one seemingly half a size larger than the rest.

'Looks like his lifestyle agrees with him at least.' Was another thought which crossed my mind as I observed the werewolf we had long ago identified as Fenrir.

His pack simply charged at the mildly enchanted doors and started to strike at physically with their inhuman strength and durability, even going so far as to ram the things with their bodies. And slowly cracks could be heard as the doors started giving way more and more, letting chunks fly off and holes open up for the beasts to grab onto and rip open further. Only lasting a few minutes as they finally break through and start running into the town towards their target.

"Grrr. Follow. Let's end those fools. We are superior and we will end all in our path to conquest. First this so called cure. Then we take whatever we want from these insults to our kind!" Snarled the still transformed Greyback as he rallied his men and charges in the lead.

'Didn't know one could still speak in that form. I guess being in touch and so accepting of his animalistic side might have synchronized himself with lycanthropy and formed a sort of symbiotic relationship. It gives control and additional strength whilst he infects and acts like a beast. Weird and stupid. Hope no other fool becomes disillusioned after this and thinks that's the way to get control of his lycanthropy, not after I basically let anyone infected get vaccinated regularly for free when it gets fully approved worldwide.' I thought once again as I analyzed the differences between Fenrir and other werewolves.

Not even five minutes had past before lights of all colors started lighting up the area ahead, signaling that ambush.

"Well that's probably the prettiest slaughter we'll ever get to see." Christian suddenly said as he got up from the chair he was waiting on.

"True, but now she should get ready for our job." Agreed Victoria as she joined him to head downstairs.

"I'm still not truly comfortable with this, but I'll back you two up as best I can like always." James followed up as he joined our two friends.

I did the opposite and headed up to get a better view of everything while keeping my magical senses on everything happening in the town. And when I mean the town, I mean the whole town. My senses grew in proportion with my magic and abilities, I could cover the entire town and know precisely what is happening in every nook and cranny. It is also massively easier on my brain without two thousand people to keep track off as well. Under 200 is much more manageable after my practicing this with Hogwarts +700 as I gradually improved my performance. Too useful a skill to not develop properly and all.

But with said senses I could already feel the first two deserters fleeing from the ambush and heading back here.

I silently watched as my three friends readied themselves into their most solid three man formation with Victoria and Christian attacking and James supporting. It is the one they use against me the most as well.

The two werewolves suddenly appeared as they were desperately trying to flee from the forces behind them, only hesitating for a moment after seeing the trio in front of them before continuing their mad attempts at escaping death.

The instant that happened my friends burst into action.

James was in charge of immobilizing the two by firing twin incarcerous in extremely fluid motions as they tangled the feet of the approaching beasts in two perfectly aimed shots, causing them to trip and tumble to the ground due to their momentum.

Victoria decided to pin her target to the ground by taking a page from one of my favorites: tranfigurating chains from the ground. And Christian used a devils snare seed he brought and threw it at the tumbling werewolf he was targeting, cast a quick spell and made the plant grow at break beach pace as it landed on the beast and started to entangle and choke him. Two for one as it slowly killed the struggling bastard. My lovely fiancé then pulled out a glass vial filled with a squirming purple fluid and lazily threw it on her target. As soon as the vial broke on her command the liquid splash all over the struggling werewolf and quickly after howls and whines of extreme pain were heard as parts of him started to disappear wherever the liquid spread, apparently as it was eating him alive. Only when his head was gone and the body stopped squirming completely did she do a quick wand gesture did the purple liquid vanish, leaving a headless corpse with chunks missing in various areas.

Soon after four more desperate werewolves ran in our direction, not even stopping when seeing the two corpses of their former comrades in front of them. All they saw was three people standing in front of them and not dying tonight. So they ran towards the only obstacles in their way with singleminded fervor.

This time Christian began the play as he threw a moon dust grenade in front of the charging wolves, causing a sparkling cloud of silver dust to emerge in their path. As soon as they ran into it however the effect was almost immediate as they started coughing painfully as then ran and having two stumble to the ground in pain. Anyone could tell the silver dust was working extremely well on their lungs.

At this moment two silver daggers flew out and struck the two wolves on the ground as they tried to breath properly, hitting them right in the middle of their foreheads and up to the hilts. They then spun while still inside their skulls and then flew back in the direction they arrived, landing in the sheaths James had hidden on his legs. He got a few glances ffo our two friends for that little move.

Christian decided to use another of his new toys and shoot a still heavily coughing werewolf with a few silver bolts from his enchanted crossbow. And let's just say the practice dummy only died after he was shot half a dozen time and become a unicorn at the moment of his death.

Victoria transfigured two large stone hands to hold the last werewolf in the air by his arms and then started to throw a few concoctions at him while he screamed in pain as a result. One melted his legs until the bones had nothing holding it and dropped to the ground. Another started making all of his fur fall off wherever the liquid went. The third resulted in him having something which looked like seizures constantly. The next made him catch on fire and the fire was green as he fainted in pain from the fire which didn't seem to end. And the last one melted him into a black puddle in a matter of moments.

Yeah, note to self, don't piss off the wifey without a full proof method of detecting potions and poisons.

After that only one last werewolf managed to come our way and I simply decided to make that one explode with a bolt of lighting from my wand since the battle seemed to have finished and all three of my friends had at least killed one.

So with a quick jump and an arresto momentum I joined them on the ground.

"The three of you did fantastic in teamwork and execution. In sync on every move and not even one got remotely close enough to even have a chance at harming any of you. Now I've got to go meet up with my people, if you don't want to see the results you guys can wait for me at the cabinet. It shouldn't take too long." I said reassuringly as I knew this would be hard for them, James especially.

"Nah mate. Gotta see this through properly. Part of how our world is." Answered Christian with a rather laid back manner.

"I will follow. I am to be your wife and I will not run away from any aspect of your life." My cute and scary fiancé said with determination.

"And I will see the results of the mission I took part off, even if it is against my nature. It is something I need to do." James finally said as determination flashed in his eyes.

"Very well, let's go." I simply gestured as I walked towards the ambush site.

When we got there my people were already cleaning up the killing field.

I could see explosion marks, parts of the ground gauged out, transfiguration leftovers, bloodstains, some bits of people, bodies unmoved, healers running around the wounded, men giving orders and my aides with an armless, snarling savage looking man chained up and on his knees, which looked painful since his legs were broken too.

"Give me a report." I calmly said as I looked over the area.

"We have 12 lightly wounded with noting more than small scratches or abrasions. 1 mildly wounded with some blood loss. 3 severely wounded already moved to the emergency room we had prepared, mostly done by that monster on the floor since he took pieces off of them. No casualties and no expected ones since the healers guaranteed our severely wounded would make it. On their side, we have 43 of the counted 51 who assaulted and as you can see 44 if you count Fenrir over there." My trusty aide reported in all seriousness.

"Good. I am extremely relieved that none of our men or women had to go down because of that bastard. The remaining 7 tried to escape after deserting, none even made it near the gate and their remains await for the cleanup crew. I'll go visit the wounded to make sure no lasting damage remain soon enough. So why is he still alive by the way?" I said calmly as I also questioned the current state of our primary target.

"Well, Jenny wanted to kill him in front of you for some reason. Really adamant about it." My slightly exasperated aide said.

"I can guess why, so let's get this over with then." I replied as I walked over to Geri holding her fathers chain.

The man struggled as he wanted to stand to try and but me like a rabid dog, but a quick stomp from his estranged daughter brought him enough pain to make him stay down.

"I am guessing you wanted to do this to prove yourself beyond any doubt correct?" I directly questioned with an authoritative tone.

"Yes my lord. I will execute this animal leading the people to ruin for his twisted views and remove any doubts over my loyalty to you and your house." The savage beauty answered with fervor.

"Then show me. And claim your reward." I commanded regally as I started impassively at the scene.

Without a word from her, she simply drew her goblin made blade and cut the man's head from his neck in one smooth and precise motion, making him freeze for a second before it slowly fell to the ground and roles near my feat.

I simply stated at the head of one of my targets and moved on as he was no longer a threat nor was he important.

"And now you claim the promise you requested?" He asked with a raised eyebrow behind my mask.

"Yes my lord!" She enthusiastically replied.

"Then speak. If I can grant it I will." I answered.

"I wish for the name you granted me to be my true identity in this world. I want the name he gave me and the he made me bear to be erased with him." She declared to my slight surprise, but I understood.

"Very well. I will make you name Jennifer be your name in everything from blood to magic. Your last name however shall not be the one I grant you, but the name Greyback shall be erased from you forever." I declared in an absolute tone.

"Master, why are you not giving me a family name? Was I not worthy?" She desperately asked in a panic at my declaration.

"Ah. You misunderstand. The reason I am not granting you a family name is because it would be quite short lived in my opinion." I said with a slight chuckle.

"I don't understand master. Why would I not keep the name you give me?" Jennifer asked in confusion.

"Because someone else will share his with you very soon if I guessed correctly and it is one I am sure you would prefer above all else." I answer with a sly grin on my face as I point to Scott standing nearby with a now very red face, which was quickly matched by her own understanding of my meaning.

"I look forward to you introducing yourself to me properly in the future. But for now I will do my duties and finish up. The four of us must return before the morning after all." I said with a hearty laugh as I left to oversee the wounded with Tory joining me and James and Christian helping with the clean up.

Overall I would say a near perfect operation. Especially since only participated minimally. I think I might have been able to kill most of them myself, but my people and friends need to grow as well for the incoming battles.

Hello. Long chapter today and Fenrir is finally dead hurray.

I know it wasn’t the most exciting battle, but it wasn’t supposed to be in general and I wanted to showcase a bit more of my other OC’s individuality in combat.

Most probably forgot the other name I gave Geri way back which was Jennifer Roth. Named after Yennefer for her looks and last name from Rachel Roth aka Raven from DC.

And if you don’t get my last little bit about her last name oh well.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts