
Chapter 9

The next day, I woke up early due to excitement as it is the day I start Hogwarts. I already packed my stuff in my new trunk last night. Going over things the last time, I am now ready for Hogwarts. Matron gives me a ride to the railway station. I made my way toward platform 9 and went through the barrier by following other wizards who were dressed in robes. Coming out through the barrier, I saw the Hogwarts express with a red engine. Since it is early at 10:00 AM, Platform is not crowded. I easily make my way to the train and board. I found an empty compartment towards the back and went in and put my trunk on the overhead rack. I didn't shrink it to avoid suspicion since as an orphan 1st-year student, I am not supposed to know any magic.

At exactly 11:00 AM, the train started to move. Since I already know the coursework, I didn't have anything to do. So I started to work on my occlumancy (No such thing as too strong occlumancy when you are about to meet 2 master legilimens). About 2 hours in, I was disturbed by the sound of knocking on my compartment door. I opened the door and saw an older girl of about 14-15 years old. She looked like she was crying recently. The weird thing was that the color of her hair was changing rapidly. She asked ''Hello, I am Tonks, a 4th-year student. I recently had a fight with my friends and don't want to talk to them right now, can I sit with you.''

"Yes, of course. Please come in." I replied and she came in and sat down on seat opposite to me.

I recognized her as Nymphadora Tonks, a metamorphmagus witch. From the books, she later married Remus Lupin and had a child with him. She died with Remus in the battle of Hogwarts. This pairing, like many other pairings, never set right with me. A beautiful, selfless (her joining order of Pheonix and fighting against Voldemort and death eaters) and a powerful witch (if her apprenticing under Moody is any indication ) like her deserve better. I always liked her in the books. I need to go out with her before gets together with Remus to have a chance. But now is not the time, I will ask her out after I pass out of Hogwarts, interacting with her in Hogwarts due to age difference will set my image as a cute little boy (yes, i am that cute, I still need to go through puberty to be called handsome) which will later become hard to change.

"So, are you a new student?" she asked.

"Yes, I just got my Hogwarts letter this year. Oh, I am Aiden Canis. " I replied politely.

"Canis as in that pureblood wizarding family?"

"Yes, I think so. I don't know much about my family. I grew up in an orphanage and didn't know about magic until a month ago." I replied feigning sadness (since they weren't my real family).