
Harry Potter and the Records of Adnales

One tries to find the truth about his family and the other getting pulled by the current of fate because of the past. A mystery born from a mistake because of misunderstandings. A/N; Update schedule, 1 chap every 2 weeks on Thursdays (can have an abnormal update if a situation happened and I'm forced to update it not at the scheduled time). cover art by "alka_1214" in Insta. aka yours truly

Alcaine · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

The Lesson (Pt.02)


Have you ever thought… When you close your eyes, it would never open again? Or maybe, when you opened it, it was just total darkness? Everywhere you tried to 'see', is just pitch black.

And, in the end, all you can do is just, listen… listen and 'experience' it. But I never could really know what's happening.

Well it's happening to me,

…But also note the fact that, unlike what ever depressing thoughts you're thinking right now, I got a 'beating' by my 'Teacher'




"Left! Right! Left! Left!"

Mrs Crowell shouted at me while keeping up her pace, tapping me with a cane to the parts that I neglected to defend. "Come on Iryan, Focus!" She shouted once more, this time tapping my left shoulder

"I…" I breathe out between the sharp intake of air, "Am!!!"

I raised the wooden sword above my head and attacked the air. Which later, made contact with the ground harshly. And I swore I heard the sword crack for a moment there upon contact.

I could hardly feel my legs by now, they were aching and shaking. As well as my hands. The math lessons in Braille were hellish enough for my poor brain. And now this??? Hah! This household is trying to kill me!

I swung the sword to my left when my sword came into contact with something, probably the cane.

"Good, keep it up!" Mrs. Crowell praised me,

So it was the cane!

I curled the edge of my lips up in triumph As I bent my knees down to avoid the cane that went over my head horizontally.




She was right, a tired physique will make a mind get muddled easily. Hah! I could barely focus right now! Everything seems to be more faint as all I can hear is my sharp intake for air supplies.

Hearing was starting to get more and more difficult as time passed by, and the surrounding sounds were now overlapping with the sound of my own laboured breathing.

And there was it,


My hand gave in and dropped the wooden stick to the ground, making a loud thump. Not long after, my knees bent over, and I fell back- sitting on the damp grass in the back garden of the Crowell's house. Huffing and puffing- greedily taking as much oxygen as I could, inserting every single gallon I can muster into my system.

"... That's all for now, then." I heard Mrs. Crowell sighed, also putting down the cane she was holding to the lawn. And then, another rustling and thumping sound across to where I was sitting. She probably sat down on the grass too. "Ten minute break, and then we'll continue" she informed in a curt manner as usual.


Can't it be longer~

I dropped my entirety to the soft grass and closed my eyes. The morning wind blew past me, it was cold yet- fresh. The sweet humming sound of birds entered my ears as well as the sound of the tinkering cars that pass by occasionally. And the damp smell of the grass morning grass was all that I could smell.

These were the only things that haven't changed since he left the house with Mrs. Flickchered around a week ago.

I was kinda surprised when I heard that he left. Pity, who knew our friendship for a few months without much interaction would be so fragile~, I snorted in my head. Oh the tragedy, to think we were getting close…

He left. In the middle of the night. Without telling me. Not a note. Heck, not even a simple bye.

Damn him,

Any who... I wonder what he's doing right now? Kinda hope he'll bring back some souvenirs when he gets back. Some snacks from foreign countries sound nice too.

"You know," Mrs Crowell started "Iryan…"

I sat up but kept my eyes shut as they have been most of the time, "Yes?" I faced to her general direction,

The grass shifted, "...ehem, I've been wondering. Do you… want to take… revenge on… them?" She asks carefully, wariness lacing her voice like honey to a bee, "I mean, over to whoever…" she trailed of, I sort of understand why, though


I was a bit taken back by her question, and I think she knew that by the sudden hitch of her breathing. My eyes, accidentally- and automatically, widen open.


I closed my eyes again,

"Hmm," That's an… unexpected question, and why all of a sudden?

Question; Do I want revenge?

And the answer was supposed to be simple, right?

Do I want revenge?

The answer was simple. "No," I didn't want it. It's too much of a pain to want it. It may sound unfilial of me to say this but, I'm not that close with my parents nor do I feel any strong attachments to them to begin with. Sides, even if I want to, what can I do? One, I dunno who killed them, even if I know where they are now? Are they even still alive? Cus Im pretty sure my parents aren't that weak to make the perpetrators leave without any less than a major wound.

"Oh," she sounded surprised, which she had the full reason to, "I see…, that's good then. At least you won't be blinded by it" but pleased, which made me confused. Blinded… huh? Well ain't that a funny way of phrasing it. Kinda ironic too.

There was a shuffle from her direction. The sound of her making contact with the ground as she went towards the house, "Let's end today's practice here. I just remembered I had something to do." And with that, she left. The sound of the back door open and closed entered my ear.




Well that went well…

I dropped to the comfort of the damp grass behind me. At least there won't be anyone nagging me dirtying my clothes.


After a while, Iryan was starting to feel bored from doing nothing. So he decided to take a small walk to the park that he often went to with Mateo.

He walked towards the familiar paved path leading to the small park with a cane at hand to help him navigate the way. The road was rather rocky and uneven. the officials should really fix them, he thought, would be kinda dangerous for some folks.


The sound of the swing caught his ears, he wondered, who could it be.

This park was rather abandoned because of how earie it was by this time of year. And the fact there was only a single swing In the middle of an empty park doesn't help promote the area.

"Hello?" He called out

"...Are you talking to me?" A weak voice ask him back

"Is there anyone else that's here?" Iryan genuinely asked, but to the other boy, it may have sounded like sarcasm.


"Ok," the blond nodded his head, he went towards one of the trees there and sat down on the grass

"What are you doing? Isn't it cold sitting there?" The weak voice asked him, Iryan chuckled in response

"Nahh, I'm used to it. I came here occasionally, the breeze here is nice ya know. And there's rarely anyone here, so I usually came just to relax"

"I see…" the voice trailed off,

Iryan hummed while he thought, should he end the convo or try to spark some topics with this mysterious boy…. Let's start with the basics then;

"My name is Iryan by the way, what about yours?"

"Harry, Harry Potter"

"Alrighty then sir Potter, nice to meet ya!" Iryan move his head to the general direction of the voice's owner

"Please don't use sir, you looked older than me"

"Oh? How old are you?"

"Turning 6 this July,"

"Oh! So it means we're practically the same age!"

"Huh?" Harry blinked. Well, he knew he was considered smaller than the average. He couldn't help but question the person that was sitting under the tree across from him.

Then again, it couldn't be helped. Iryan's height was rather tall for someone his age, probably a good 8 inches taller than Harry himself. And the fact he somehow radiates a type of aura makes him look much more mature.

"Is it okay if I call you Harry then?"

"Ah yes, I don't mind"

"You can call me Iryan, or Ryan if you prefer" Iryan smiled towards him,

"Ok then… Ryan," Harry drawn, "do you live around here? I never saw you before"

"Yea, it shouldn't be hard to spot it. It's The… 'witch house' i heard some of my neighbors say"

"The witch house? You meant that house that's covered by greenery all over?"

Iryan hummed, well the place did smell like what a forest should be and he could feel leaves every time he touched the outer walls. So maybe? "Yea, surprised?"

"Should I?"


Their afternoon was spent just like that. They asked some minor questions along the way like their hobbies and likes/dislikes, etc. It was relatively peaceful. Time passed by without any of the boys noticing.




"Oh shoot, My aunt would be furious if I stayed out any later!" Harry stood up, brushing his pants off before dashing off "See you later Ryan!"

"See you soon too, Harry!" Iryan waved and dropped his hands when he could no longer hear footsteps. He stretched his legs and stood up. Leaving the spot he had been sitting on and looked up.

"I probably should also go back"

welp, I tried

hope its doesnt sound too... cringe, esp the beggining. anywho

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. :3

Alcainecreators' thoughts