

I'm literally in shock. Every word Draco utters seems to resonate at my core. I don't know why but I fell there is something calling me every time I look at the pendant. Calm down, Arthur!

" I know this must be tricky, to believe in the existence of other worlds and universes is actually a bit scary. But there is a phrase from a great master who says the truth resonates within our being. Your intuition shows you the true way. What does your intuition say to you, Arthur?"

"It says you are right, but my intelligence don't let me believe in it. It's so illogical. Can I touch the Triquetra?"

"Take it, it should be yours now."

The moment my hands touch the Triquetra, it begins to glow at its three extremities. I feel an energy go through my whole body. My mind seems to go into a state of deep meditation. I'm sitting alone. There is a dark blue aura emanating from my body, forming some sort of protective circle around me. In front of my body and a little above my eyes, the symbol of the Triquetra shines in a golden yellow color. The Triquetra starts to rotate and I can fell like a golden energy from it appears to be entering a vacuum just above my eyes. It is in the point of my Crown Chakra. The energy enters and begins to go through my other 6 Chakra's points, feeding them. They start to line up, connecting my whole body to the Chakra's points.

Suddenly I start to hear a voice. It seems to be coming from inside of me, but I'm not talking or even thinking anything. Then there appears a form enveloped in a light as clear as the sun. The voice is ringing again in my mind, this time I start to understand it. It appears to be saying...

"Hello Arthur!"

"Who are you?"

"I am the reunion of your past lives, I am all that you have managed to evolve. I am your intuition, your contact with higher dimensions. I am you, although you are not totally me. I contact you a lot through your dreams, I always try to led you to the right path. Today, however, there was a forced alignment on your chakra points. The Triquetra is a portal that aims to take our being to another dimension. The key to opening it is probably to recite the phrase passed to Malfoy by Merlin.

Usually these journeys only lead me, our most sublime essence, but there is some kind of power related to reincarnation in this artifact. I feel, just like you, a call. It looks like the Harry Potter universe is calling us."

"What should I do?"

"Look Arthur, in each incarnation we have a mission to fulfill. You have a mission pending in your present world. But there also seems to exist a pending mission in the world of Harry Potter. You have the power to decide. It's your choice, as always. "

"Will I be able to return?"

"The connection I feel with all our souls in all other worlds is perennial. Just as there is a way out there must be a way back. The forced alignment is over. You are fully balanced. You will wake up in a few seconds. Remember, you must always have faith in us. Be aware of your inner voice. All the answers are there."

I open my eyes. It seems like a long time has passed, but Draco is still looking at me waiting for an answer.

" What do you think will happen if I activate Triquetra? What will happen to our existences in this world?"

"I really don't know, but I feel that my mission is completed. As I said before, I do not have all the answers. I just have the vaguest idea that I am helping to shape a better fate for my world. Destiny is a very peculiar force, it leads you to a certain path, almost like a call. Obviously the decision to fulfill it is personal. That being said, what is your choice, Arthur?"

"I know what I'm supposed to do but I'm afraid Draco. I don't want to leave my world. My grandmother, my friends, Gabrielle, my plans, my career. Besides, what difference could I make in your world?I don't even know how to cast a spell, and I'm not one of those fans who can remember all the spells and every little detail in the series. I have an excellent memory, but I have never spent my time decorating every detail."

" It should be your choice my friend. What I can say to you is that I feel relieved, you know? Looks like a lot of weight left my back. It's kind of funny, I always thought I would be a great historical figure in my world, someone powerful, important, remembered for generations, idolized. It took me a while to realize I had another type of mission, one much more humble.

My mission has always been to support the great historical figures of my world and I've always fought against it. My pride couldn't stand it. I was afraid to be ordinary. I had to lose my world to learn to be humble. I probably will not be remembered nor idolized by the generations to come. But I have no regrets. There is greatness in supporting others."

He stops, he seems to be reflecting his choice of words.

"If I had to give you a tip, it would be that you should not let fear overcome your intuition. I know, the unknown is scary, but more frightening than the unknown is the regret of not having followed your path out of fear or pride. Follow your intuition, Arthur! Ever!"

I am moved. I always thought Draco's role in the story was just being a counterpoint to Harry. Be a constant reminder of what Harry would not want to be. I myself have never seen the real difficulty of being humble when you have everything like Draco. If Gautama Siddhartha himself had to isolate himself from the material world to reach the spiritual apex, Draco had to lose his world to achieve the same. No wonder pride represents the capital sin. It is too hard to allow yourself to be in a position lower than what you are born with. It is too hard to imagine yourself smaller than the others when you are of the nobility.

"Thanks, Draco. I will do what I am suposed to do. My core is telling me to go to your world. I'm not affraid anymore!"

"Hahahaha, It should be me thanking you."

I laugh too. "Do you have any magic tip for me? You know I don't know anything related to magic."

"Nah, I'm not that accomplished in magic to guide you. My words may harm more than help you. If anything can help you is your knowledge. You know my world well enough and even has some very good techniques from your own world. Your breathing technique, for example, is splendid. I noticed that when you opened your eyes after completing those three respiratory cycles, your mind was serene and clear. I can say that this should be very useful in your magical studies.

What I can offer you is another kind of tips, related to what to expect from my world:

1) you can not forget the story you know is told from Harry's point of view. There are much more secrets in the wizard world than the ones described in the books. Your family should know much more than Harry about them.

2) Remember, the simple fact that you're not the same Neville of my time travel will trigger a butterfly effect. The future will not be exactly the same as the books you read. Don't trust them blindly .

3)The Triquetra will be a huge help to you. My family was forced to make an Unbreakable Vow with the Hogwarts founder's. We vowed to never enter the school grounds with our pendant. The spell is always renewed when the next Malfoy inherits it. You're not a Malfoy, neither you vowed anything, so you should be able to use it freely in the school. But be careful. Where there is treasure, there is danger. A lot of powerful wizards have died in treasure hunts. Most treasures have some sort of protection, so take every possible precaution when dealing with them

4) Lastly, don't forget you are a pure-blood. Your family is fragile without your parents, but your name still represents a considerable force. There will be treasures to be inherited by you."

"Do you know what my family's treasure is?"

"I do know some of them, but i suppose it's better you to find it yourself."

"Okay, I will remember it all. Lastly, do you want to play a game of chess? I always wanted to defeat you in the Quidditch and Ron in wizard chess. Since we only have the possibility to play chess, why not play a game?"

"Hahahaha, no problem, but despite not being better than Weasley, I'm good too"

We played three games. I won them all but even losing Draco's face remained serene. Before activating the pendant I decided to go home and at least say goodbye to my grandmother. I think she noticed the sadness in my voice. I already miss her, even though I know I will find her soul in the Harry Potter's universe.

I ended up spending another week in my world. In this time, I managed to read all the Harry Potter's books again, with the exception of The Cursed Child.

I spent two nights with Gabrielle, before I decide it is time to go. I kissed her one more time,

"I'll see you soon baby!"

"I don't want it to be soon, I want it to be tomorrow! Or did you forget we agreed to go to the movies to watch Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2?" She laughs. Her aura is always cheerful

"Hahahaha, okay! Okay! I'll try to be there on time!"

"Don't try! Be there! Humpf!"

She smiles to me. Oh God, she is really beautiful.

I get home. I give my grandma another big hug and say i need to study in my room. I unpack the Triquetra and immediately I start to feel the call again. I do my breathing yoga and I feel ready! World of Wizards, here i go! I'm excited, so I shout...


I just think i should deliver to you this chapter ahead of schedule because it represents the beginning and the base of my novel.

I hope you are enjoying so far!

Once again, I'm really open-minded to criticism and suggestions.

English is not my native language. If you find any errors in grammar or textual structure, let me know!

I wiil always try to make this novel better!

Thank you for your support!

Avdrancreators' thoughts