
First time

Finally! Tomorrow I will be sleeping in a dormitory inside of Hogwarts! I really need more guidance in my magic studies. My grandmother is a very strong wizard, but she is a teacher who knows more about practice than theory because she is not used to teach. I need theoretical instructions because I want to understand the theory behind each branch of magic. I don't want to follow a pre-established path in magic because I want to build my own path and for that I need to understand the connections between the chakra points and magic, how the first precisely interferes in the process of producing magic and, more important, how to improve the process as a whole. And to do this, I will need real teachers, people who are accustomed to explain magical theories.

Other thing I need by now are books and no place better than Hogwarts for that. The Hogwarts library is super famous and portrayed as one of the most complete. The problem is that I believe that most of the books I need on magic theory should be in the restricted section. To access them I will need the permission of the teachers.

That's the main reason why I can't imitate Neville just to help replicate the events of Harry Potter first book. That would cost me precious time and would also make the teachers see me as a weak and untalented wizard. I need to cause some astonishment with my magical abilities, but nothing that can not be explained, of course.

My parents' situation is able to explain my willpower in wanting to be one of the greatest wizards of all time in order to make them proud and that's not even an excuse. It is a real objective, as it also was in my previous world, I want to be the best I can for them. Besides I don't want my transmigration to be a known fact. It is way obscure and it may afect the whole world in a wrong way. After all, there may be some spies from other powers inside Hogwarts. There are a lot of professors and students Harry don't know of. The books also don't say much about how all of them behave in the final war against Voldemort. I can only trust those who have shown their loyalty to Dumbledore and to the European wizarding community.

So my situation must remain hidden and for that, I must learn about Legilimency and Oclumence quickly. I don't think any professor is better in Legilimency than Dumbledore, so he should be my biggest challenge. He is too smart and too strong. He is a typical chess player. He knows a lot about every wizard inside Hogwarts, and he sure knows a lot of me already. My parents were, after all, members of the Order and my grandmother trusts him blindly. I fear he may use some methods to see my mind and intent, as he don't want a variable that may hinders Harry Potter in his fight agains the Dark Lord.

I don't know anything about Legilimency outside Snape's quotes in the books, so I don't know if Dumbledore is able to use it on me without me knowing about. I believe he can not, but my real hope lies in Occlumency. From what the books explain, it is the art of clearing your mind, making it free of thoughts. From this perspective, I can't think of anything better than my meditation technique for it, so I'm not much afraid.

At worst, Dumbledore discovering the secrets of my mind will not be that bad. I do not want to tell Dumbledore anything for now because that would be like picking up his chessboard, throwing it away and bringing a new one. Besides, my fight is different from his and Harry's fight. He as the teacher, has to defeat his student. Voldemort is the mistake he wants to correct to rest in peace. He have already done enough for the world. He have already saved the world during World War II, when he defeated Grindelwald. I don't think he deserve another war nor the guilt to know he is one of the biggest responsibles for the end of the world, as he forgot to realize the whole world picture while planning against Voldemort. Or maybe he just have trusted the wizarding community, but I don't think he is that naive. My guess is that he knows how dangerous Voldemort is, so he focused all he could in defeating him.

Moreover, this war will not happen in this timeline if we, the europe wizarding community are strong and united enough. Besides, I want to save Dumbledore, not give him more variables for now. He is such a great man, I'm really excited to see him for the first time tomorrow.

In fact, I'm quite anxious to meet all the characters presents in the first Harry Potter book in Hogwarts tomorrow. I like all of them, even Draco, Seamus... I want to check on the girls too. Harry don't know or don't notice a lot of wizards outside the ones in the first year. I'm 11 this year, I guess I could start thinking in kissing someone. I do not feel atracted to 11 years old girls, but I think it should be okay to kiss some 13,14 years old girls who appear to be older. I didn't kiss anyone for almost two years, I miss women's scent a lot. Just being able to see and interact with the opposite sex again at Hogwarts is already a blessing to my mind.

Besides my mind, my body is starting to develop too. I had forgotten how much a boy at the beginning of his puberty can be this horny. My little Neville has been constantly awakening at random moments. I think that's why I've been having more and more wet dreams. At least, these wizard robes help hide my little guy. The problem is they help to hide women's body too. Tsk, wizards still are so traditionalists, a fairer outfit would not hurt anyone.

"Neviiile, have you packed all your suitcase for tomorrow?" My grandmother still yells a lot.

"Yes grandma! Everything is ready! Don't worry, you know your grandson will do well. Hehehehe."

"Do not get convinced boy. You're not even 20 percent of the wizard your father once was. I expect nothing but outstand in Transfiguration! Do not embarrass me at Hogwarts! Now go to sleep!"

"Okay, Okay!"

My grandmother looks a little worried but I don't know why. She knows I practice a lot everyday, she already should be more confident in me. I guess it is just her modus operandi...

My bedroom is cleaned, I have done almost everything. There are only two things I'm not sure what to do, the Triquetra and Trevor. The Triquetra is because I do not know if my "wallet-closet" is able to hide it well enough, and I also do not know if I'm prepared to go after treasures now. Draco made it clear about the dangers of treasure hunting. Tsk, I'm just going to wrap it in a cloth and hide it here this year. I'm not ready for it yet.

Now there is just Trevor. What am I supposed to do with you, huh, little buddy? You're so helpful, but running tests on you is prohibited, so I will not be able to train much with you at Hogwarts and besides, having a frog is so shameful. It's almost like writing LOSER on the forehead. The problem is Grandma will not want to take care of you. Tsk, I'll hide you in my wallet-closet and drop you free at hogwarts. If it's our destiny, we'll meet at the end of the school year, okay?

He simply looked at me and jumped off the table. He must have understood absolutely nothing. Now it is all ready. There is nothing left to do, I only have to sleep now. I have to be well rested for the beginning of my journey at Hogwarts tomorrow.

My grandmother likes to get there early. It's still 9:30 and I'm already inside the 9 3/4 platform. I can see she is still worried with something. Her eyes are far away. The train is already stationed in front of me. It is very imponent. It has a scarlet red collor. I don't remember the model in the books, but I can tell it looks different from a usual train. There are a lot of students and parents here. Some faces I think I can recognize, but I'm not 100% sure. I'm looking for Hermione as I know Harry and Ron arrive very close to 11 o'clock.

"Hey grandma, you know I will not look very cool if you stick together with me like this" I complain a little, I don't her to see me talking to a girl.

"Tsk, I will leave when you board the train and it departs. I have to keep an eye on you. The wizarding world is not as safe as you may think. Only when the train starts to leaves the station does its protection spell activate. You are my only grandchild, I need to ensure your protection..." She looks really concerned with somethin then she complements. "And why staying with your family is not cool? Did you arrange a meeting with anyone today?" She looks at me suspiciously. " Hurry, tell me. Who is the person you know? I need to know who it is."

Before I can answer, I see Hermione's family right in the corner to my right. Hermione's mother sees me and points in my direction. My grandmother notices. Hermione smiles with her mouth closed, perhaps out of shame of her teeth. They start coming towards us. My grandmother whispers "So was really a girl..."

"Hello Neville! Hello..."

"Ms. Longbottom. I'm Neville's grandmother and you are?"

"We are the Grangers. My daughter met Neville in the wizard bookstore some time ago and setted a meeting here. I hope they get along well. You know, we are excited about our little girl being a witch, but we are also

worried about her well-being in school. We know Neville comes from a wizard family, so I hope he can help her to adapt better." Hermione's mother says concerned but very friendly.

"Mom, stop talking about it. Everything will be all right." Hermione quickly interrupts

"Hahahaha" My grandmother laughs then she puts her arms around me and says "My grandson will help your daughter for sure! I raised him well." She then puts her hand over Hermione's head and says "But she will have to help him too, he really needs a friend."

We both got embarrassed. My grandmother talks a little more with Hermione's parents and after a couple of minutes, we give each other some space to say goodbye to our respectives families.

"Ah Neville, you grew up so much. Grandma will really miss you. If you need anything, just send me an owl. The girl is pretty, but I think you are too young. Besides...nevermind. Just be a good boy, aside from being a great wizard like your father."

"I know grandma! I will miss you too! I love you so much. I will write you every month. I don't know why you are worried, but don't be. I will always make you and my parents proud." I cry a little bit. My grandmother gives me a tight hug. I cry a little more. From the day I transmigrate to this day, my grandmother was my only daily human interaction. I will really miss her.

I try to hide my tears quickly. I look at Hermione and she's doing the same. She looks at me and we smile at each other. Then we boarded the Hogwarts Express for the first time, together...

Thanks for your support!

If you have any doubts about the chakra points, I tried to explain about it in my second introductory chapter. Read it! =)

I will repeat myself, if you find any error in grammar, textual structure or misspelled names, please, tell me! Sometimes it is a translation problem to my native language. For example, room of requirements is like 'Precise room' in my native language, so I may write it wrongly without knowing!

Avdrancreators' thoughts