
Harry Potter and the Legend of a Phoenix

A Phoenix has risen! A new prophecy is written, clashes among both sides, Anthony enters the fray. Will he save his new friends and so-called Phoenix? A young man who didn't achieve anything in his life was granted another chance. No one had really loved him in his past life and he didn't really have the chance to grow up. But after his death he was sent to a place he could start over again. The MC decides that he's had enough of having no impact in anybody's life and his willpower is reborn! Now he's in a new world with no clue to do except to become powerful. Follow his journey and watch how this young man leave his regrets behind and start anew! *Updates some of the earlier chapters so that the MC is more relatable and his logic is also a bit more logical. Overall I have bettered the MC, it’s clearer in the later chapters though, I still don’t want my MC to be an all-knowing God. I need some character development to keep it fresh. So this means the MC will not be OP from the start. *None of these characters are mine except the ones that are OC. All rights belong to J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers.

TFDM · Book&Literature
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37 Chs

The King

(A/N): As you might have noticed I decided to continue with the novel, and I'm quite happy that you guys enjoy it. We also hit 200K views so thank you a lot for that!

I'm very happy to continue because I have loads of plans with this fanfic. Some are definitely risky and you might not like but I can't wait to let you guys see how this all unfolds. There is still a lot of stuff that needs to happen. I also updated the synopsis so that the title of the fanfic is a bit cleared up. Because I noticed that people were having trouble understanding it. Thanks for reading!

8 months had passed, I was still 10, I turned 11 in october and normally that would mean I couldn't go to Hogwarts this year but luckily Lycan and Dumbledore seemed to be friends, it's always nice to have friends on the inside.

I had done a lot of training these past couple of months. Raiden and I managed to beat the level 2 metal statues in the basement and were currently on level 3, but I don't see us beating them anytime soon.

I had grown a couple of inches, I was 5 feet tall now, which was slightly above average for my age. My face wasn't as round as it was before, it was slightly more defined, and I also could visibly see my muscles, but that wasn't that strange considering the nearly daily training I have.

I had become a real gentleman, I trotted down the hallways with my chest forward and was polite to my elders. But that didn't mean I had grown stiff, or had a stick in my ass. I still liked to plan pranks on several members of my family with Oni.

Sometimes Alaric would join me but most of the pranks were on him. I also tried to prank Lycan once but when I did that he looked at me with such an expression that was full of disdain. It felt like he would snap his fingers and boom, I would be dead.

It was like Lycan had eyes in the back of his head, he would notice everything going around him, I guess that's because his heightened sense of magic, but, come on, doesn't he ever relax when he's around his family?

I had also figured out that Lucifer liked to eat fish, and I mean a lot, if he could smell fish he would basically beg for me to get it for him. And when he didn't, well, let's say that even God would fear his fury.

I could confidently say I was at 35% of my strength right now, but it was growing day after day. I had balanced out the power difference between Raiden and I and we had become a solid team. It was a lot easier to talk to a human figure than an orb. Also that Raiden could easily leave my body meant that we could bring a lot of variety into our attacks.

Alaric even gave me more CDs as a present for my process. I definitely liked getting this kind of affection, gift-giving might be the best thing there is, if you're the one getting the gifts of course.

Currently I was eating dinner with the family, dinner was a quick affair, most of the time it was. I was always really tired from training, more than I had ever been in my past life. So I just devoured my dinner in almost one go and went upstairs.

When I was on the first step of the stairs Lycan called me back. ''We have something to discuss, Anthony.'' Lycan said in a serious tone, I walked back to my chair with a curious expression.

I sat down and Lycan waved the other family members away, this was a private matter. Celeste sneered at him, ''Why can't you discuss this in your private chambers?'' Celeste said indignantly.

Lycan had an indifferent expression on his face, ''Because I don't want to.'' Lycan said simply. This definitely ticked Celeste off and she stormed back to her private chambers. ''Now that the nuisance is gone, it's time to get to business.'' Lycan said whilst he intertwined his fingers.

I paid close attention, ''We have to discuss the matters of your eyes, and also your cat.'' He eyed Lucifer when he said that. Lucifer looked around like he was trying to say: ''Me? Or do you mean the cat behind me?''

I chuckled, I always enjoyed Lucifer antics, even though he could be a little clingy. But I was his only friend after all. Lycan continued speaking, ''I've thought long and hard about letting you bring Lucifer to Hogwarts and I've decided, you may bring him, but under strict rules.''

I was almost doing cartwheels of happiness. Raiden was nice and all, but I couldn't cuddle with Raiden in bed, that would be a little weird. Lucifer was ideal to cuddle, I'm pretty sure that many students in Hogwarts would worship him.

''The conditions are as follows: You must keep him on a close watch, he isn't allowed outside of the dorm, secondly: Don't make a cult, I know young boys are prone to make cults around cute things and I could definitely see it happen to Lucifer. Thirdly: Always maintain the magic around his third set of legs, I don't want any of the students to know he's a wampus cat. I've already informed Dumbledore and he reluctantly agreed, but I don't trust him to keep his promise, so don't do anything that will tempt his wrath.''

Lycan paused for a second and took a sip of water, he thought for some moments but there didn't seem anything he wanted to add, ''I think that's all.'' I sighed when he said, that's all? Those were a lot of demands, I'm not sure if I will be able to escape Dumbledore's wrath. Lucifer was a bit uncontrollable at times, and keeping a watch on him constantly would be a pain.

''Oh there's one more thing, before you go to Hogwarts I want you to be able to cloud your mind, I'll send you to train with the Wampus cats tomorrow. They'll be able to train you well in the arts of Legilimency and Occlumency, but beware of their temper, they are known to have one. But I suspect you'll be alright due to your bond with Lucifer.'' Lycan said whilst looking at me and Lucifer. He was nearly cross-eyed when he looked like that.

I nodded, that seemed like a great idea. I didn't want Snape to take a look in my brain and discover I'm a half-vampire, I'd be expelled before I can say quidditch. Speaking of quidditch, I had some real talent on the broom. Every Sunday I was allowed to fly around the property, it was a blast.

Raiden would fly beside me whilst I was in the air, It was really funny to see him do these weird tricks and make it rain on random muggles. There'd be this storm cloud that would follow them specifically. It was maybe a bit despicable but it was funny, and who doesn't like some fun.

Lycan told me that was enough for today, and I was just about to run off when Nilsey came in with some pastries. I devoured 3 in one bite, but I was already a bit full so I couldn't eat much more. I ran upstairs and did my routine for going to bed.

When I woke up, sunlight met my face, and I was bading in sweat, I had nightmares maybe every other night. I also started to get visions during the day and it was messing up my vibe. I'd be just laying on my bed trying to get my dignity back after a long day off being beaten up by metal statues and suddenly I'd get visions of the cloaked figure.

When I got to Hogwarts I would break that fucker's nose. I had enough of seeing him, he'd become a nuisance, and a big one at that. But I wasn't sure that I could take him on alone though. Maybe I wasn't fully prepared yet, oh well, there was no turning back now.

I wasn't going in blind though, I had mocked up a plan, if the cloaked figure would appear, I was ready, to some degree. Raiden would always keep an eye on me, I really hoped my dorms weren't in the dungeons otherwise I might be in big trouble. Luckily I also have Lucifer at my side. He could do a jedi mind trick or some shit on the cloaked figure.

I chuckled inwardly, I did my morning routine and came downstairs. Lycan was waiting for me, he patiently waited for me to finish breakfast and led me outside. The sun was beaming down on us, but the weather was already changing, I could feel that fall was coming.

''I'll only show you the way, Lucifer will have to do the rest.'' I nodded at Lycan's words and tossed some salmon at Lucifer. Nowadays I had a special pouch for him so he could have some snacks if we were gone for a longer period of time.

''Counting on you buddy.'' I said with an expectant look in my eyes. Lucifer waved my comment off, he had everything under control. Lycan and I walked into the forest, towards the hills. After a while of walking Lycan stopped, ''This is as far as I can go, the wampus cats aren't that fond of me…'' He had a nervous look on his face when he peered towards the hills.

This was the first time I've ever seen that Lycan was nervous. It was pretty amusing to be honest, Lucifer jumped off my shoulder and led the way. He trotted with confidence towards the hills. I bade farewell to Lycan and told him to leave some pastries out for me.

After those words I ran after Lucifer, he was waiting for me in front of a hill. He meowed something to me, I could only assume that he warned me that we were close. When we were on top of the hill I could see several wampus cats, but they were adults.

They were huge, some of them were running around on their hind legs which was a pretty funny sight. The young ones were playing around and had cat fights. Lucifer was already trotting towards the pack and ushered me on.

When I entered with Lucifer they were all looking at me, several adult wampus cats tried to put me under hypnosis and turn me around but Lucifer hissed at them. When I got the the centre of the pack there was a huge wampus cut.

It was almost the size of a Zouwu, the colors from it's fur had faded, Lucifer greeted the King of the wampus cats playfully. It clearly was Lucifer's father and they fought a little. But the size in difference was unbelievably large of course.

I bet he could trample me, just like an AT-AT. The King had yellow eyes, in comparison to Lucifer's red ones. The King pushed Lucifer to the side and observed me closely. Suddenly I could feel a humming noise in my head and all my memories were dragged out of me. In one instant the King had taken me apart and had access to all my memories.

The King seemed to humm a little and spoke, but when he spoke his maw didn't move. He spoke directly into my head, ''You certainly have more potential than that other vampire, but I sense something else in you… Something ancient, besides that spirit that you're contracted with.''

The King seemed to be deep in thought and searched even further in my memories, but shortly after that the King stopped. Luckily the King didn't seem to have access to my memories from my past-life. God must've kept it under lock and key or something.

''I don't know for now, but that's alright, I'll definitely find out.'' The King spoke in my mind. His power was immense, the entire valley seemed to bask in his strength. I wouldn't say that I was scared, but I was definitely frightened by his power. He could make me do cartwheels and I wouldn't even know.

''But before I train you as I agreed with your ancestors long ago, you must endure a trial!'' The King spoke in my mind and his words reverberated in my mind. It was like someone was ringing a bell, an experience I wouldn't recommend.

''What's the trail?'' I inquired, The King roared, when he roared the other wampus cats also roared. This made my ear ring even louder, ''A trial of courage, but I'll allow you to take my son. My son is still foolish, maybe looking death in the eye will make him grow up.'' The King said in a cruel face.

Lucifer meowed loudly at his father, clearly not happy with the current developments, and I agreed with him. I wasn't really fond of looking Death in the eye, he's a dirty masochist after all...

So yeah once again, thanks for your support. The amount of chapters will drop this weekend though. I'll be gone for the weekend, but don't worry, the pace will continue after that.

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