
Harry Potter and the Legend of a Phoenix

A Phoenix has risen! A new prophecy is written, clashes among both sides, Anthony enters the fray. Will he save his new friends and so-called Phoenix? A young man who didn't achieve anything in his life was granted another chance. No one had really loved him in his past life and he didn't really have the chance to grow up. But after his death he was sent to a place he could start over again. The MC decides that he's had enough of having no impact in anybody's life and his willpower is reborn! Now he's in a new world with no clue to do except to become powerful. Follow his journey and watch how this young man leave his regrets behind and start anew! *Updates some of the earlier chapters so that the MC is more relatable and his logic is also a bit more logical. Overall I have bettered the MC, it’s clearer in the later chapters though, I still don’t want my MC to be an all-knowing God. I need some character development to keep it fresh. So this means the MC will not be OP from the start. *None of these characters are mine except the ones that are OC. All rights belong to J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers.

TFDM · Book&Literature
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37 Chs

Take flight

It happened on the day of my eight birthday. I was just chilling in my bed practicing some spells under my sheets. But then that wave of nausea hit me again so I decided to go to sleep. No training tomorrow, tomorrow is a special day. Maybe my dad will show me around Diagon Alley like I asked!

But when I woke up in the middle of the night desperately needing a pass I noticed I didn't have any arms. And everywhere was this weird wing membrane that was connected to every piece of my body. I felt like a kite. First things I noticed that it wasn't a really comfortable form, my balance was all off and when I tried to stand up or even fly I would spiral out of control and almost kill myself on the edge of a shelf.

Luckily my hard skin seemed to morph into this form or my head would've been split open on that shelf. I wanted to go outside and test this bad boy to see what I was capable of but I couldn't go outside. My door was too difficult to open and my window was only left slightly ajar. I decided my best bet was to try to push open the window and if that didn't work change back into a human.

Oh shit I forgot, how do I change back into a human? I tried to think human thoughts but all I could think of was letting people eat me to spread corona and that just gave me bat thoughts again. We'll at least I have a fitting theme song now. So when I climbed up my curtains all I was mumbling was ''Batman! da da da da''

I made it to my window. Now let's see how much strength I have. We'll that turned out to be a lot. I had my regular strength as a human but in bat form. So I got out of the house pretty easily but now was the jumping down from my window part. In all good consciousness I knew that if I just spread my wings and slowly let myself glide down all would be fine. But I had a severe fear of heights in my past life and all I could see myself was as decoration for the pavement. With my brains spread everywhere.

I gave my final blessing to my mum. May she find peace in my death and of course bring a lot of candy to my grave. If I go to the spirit realm I at least want to eat candy on the way there.

So I jumped! And it didn't go fucking well at all. I caught a tailwind and it made me spiral like a damn centrifuge into the ground. It's like I kamikazed the ground, oh those poor ants which I crushed. May they rest in peace. Luckily I didn't die. That's probably due to the fact that my mass was so small that I could've jumped from a skyscraper and not have a single scratch.

So I discovered another downside of this form. I'm so small that every little wind that I experience in the air will have a lot of effect on me. So every time a little wind clips my wings I start spinning like a record player. All I can think about when I'm spinning is that song 'You spin right round baby, right round'' And I hated it. Imagine that being the last song that you hear before you die.

That made me think. Would your radio continue playing if you crashed and died? So you're just chilling there thrown out of your window smashed into the road and then your radio is still playing 'Shake It Off by Taylor Swift' on max volume. I shuddered, yeah hell no I'm dying like that no thanks.

Silly thoughts aside I decided that the smartest way to start is from a building so I climbed to the top of my house and jumped. I felt the tail wind again but I knew that was coming so I countered it by leaning sideways a bit. It seems I need to use my primal senses more to understand how this form works. Definitely the flying doesn't seem to be a cinch.

But there I was! A few metres in the air flying down my street. The possibilities this could have were insane! I could sneak to Diagon Alley and my parents would never know. That was a very alluring thought. I could purchase some books on vampires in general and some more complicated books on spells. I had achieved a Lumos Maxima and some other beginner spells like 'Wingardium Leviosa' and I was growing tired of trying the same spells. At Least I could use some wandlessly and some even without speaking the words.

I was most interested in the dark arts. I mean how could I not? I was a creature basically fused in the dark arts. But that wasn't the only reason. Nearly every fucking murder in this world was caused by a dark arts user. You just use a simple 'Avada Kadavra' or 'Diffindo' and it was over for you. Just one or two words and that could spell the end of your life. Literally. Hehe spell. I'm funny.

If you think about it a wand isn't just a stick with some special core and it's own anxiety and other stupid emotions it was a gun. Just aim at someone and say a couple of words and they're dead. If you're good with using a wand you don't even have to say it, you just think about the feeling of using the spell and boom, you killed someone.

Silly thoughts aside. It was time to do some reconnaissance. So I went to the nearest forest to check for a safer place to practice some dark arts spell in the future or some other spells that go boom. The forest near my house seemed to be okay. I heard a werewolf howling a bit further into the forest but if I don't go out during the full moon I would be okay. I think.

I decided to go back home. I grew tired and my wings were getting tired of supporting my weight. I needed some training to go further than a few miles. When my mum woke me up I excitedly told her about my new found ability which she obviously already knew because she was talking to a fucking bat in my own bed.

She told me to focus on human emotions. Those of love, compassion and even regret or anxiety. Well focusing on regret wasn't too hard for me. I just thought about my past life and boom I was human once more. But now I craved to eat rats which wasn't a good development.

My mum had baked me a birthday cake and I loved her for it. It had a little bat on it with a wand on it. Which made me question how she even knew that it was going to happen today. Which she just answered with '' A mother's instinct'' which most definitely was bullshit but oh well.

I asked my dad if we could go to Diagon Alley which he just responded with ''Next year bucko'' and ruffled my hair which made me want to punch him into the shadow realm. Who breaks a fucking promise to a kid. So now my dad was giving me strong Itachi vibes so I decided to be real angry with him for the rest of the day so he would get me a gift when he got back from work.

Later that day my mum further instructed me how to handle this form and how to quickly change forms. She even instructed me to change forms mid-punch which I thought was weird because who was an 8 year old even supposed to fight. But at least I knew how to do combat now in my bat form. I couldn't wait to dish out *clears throat and speaks in a low raspy voice* JUSTICE! to some petty criminals.

My plan worked! My dad came back with another spell book which was full of 3rd year spells. I was definitely going to have a blast with practicing these. Literally. Most 3rd year spells consist of blowing stuff up. I wonder why Hogwarts thought it was a good idea to teach 13-14 year olds how to blow shit up. I was literally itching to try it and blow up every tree in sight. I felt like a demolition man.

Even though my dad didn't bring me to Diagon Alley that didn't mean I wasn't planning to go myself. Our hearth was connected with the Floo network. I knew that because I saw my mum and dad using it pretty often. So I could use that or I could just fly there. We were on the outskirts of London and I don't know how long I can fly for. And I certainly wasn't in the mood to get cat-called by other bats, or get eaten by a cat.

So at the crack of dawn I decided to go to Diagon Alley. I brought my backpack with me so I could put my purchases in there. I also brought some pounds with me so I could exchange them at Gringotts. I wasn't sure if I was able to trade with the goblins because I wasn't magically mature but I know that they like money a lot so maybe I can strike up a deal.

So I said the words ''Diagon Alley'' and smashed the Floo powder into the fireplace. Luckily I could articulate words unlike a certain dumbass *COUGH* Harry Potter *COUGH*

So I arrived safely and I started my journey in the magical community of England.

Another chapter later today! Maybe even two! Who knows? Hehe. Stay tuned for more and have a good day :)

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