
Harry Potter and the Legend of a Phoenix

A Phoenix has risen! A new prophecy is written, clashes among both sides, Anthony enters the fray. Will he save his new friends and so-called Phoenix? A young man who didn't achieve anything in his life was granted another chance. No one had really loved him in his past life and he didn't really have the chance to grow up. But after his death he was sent to a place he could start over again. The MC decides that he's had enough of having no impact in anybody's life and his willpower is reborn! Now he's in a new world with no clue to do except to become powerful. Follow his journey and watch how this young man leave his regrets behind and start anew! *Updates some of the earlier chapters so that the MC is more relatable and his logic is also a bit more logical. Overall I have bettered the MC, it’s clearer in the later chapters though, I still don’t want my MC to be an all-knowing God. I need some character development to keep it fresh. So this means the MC will not be OP from the start. *None of these characters are mine except the ones that are OC. All rights belong to J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers.

TFDM · Book&Literature
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37 Chs

King's Cross

A/N: Hey guys I know it has taken a while for me to start this project up again but I've finished this year of uni and thought it was time to begin again. I now have a clearer direction of where I want this story to go but don't expect me to start mass posting again. I still want to take my time whilst creating this novel to create best thing I can for you and me. Hope you all have been well and are actually interested in me continuing this novel.

I'm also interested to know if you guys would like me to create a discord or something so you can ask me more personal questions or just more questions about the novel in general. And you guys can also remind me to keep writing that way because I know I just forget to do something or just simply procrastinate. Thank you for listening to my ramblings and enjoy this relatively short chapter. I was just getting used to writing again and had to read up on the past chapters a bit and I suggest you to do the same otherwise it might be a little confusing.

But that's enough, I hope you've been well and enjoy!

When I got back I showed Invicta around the house and what Lucifer had to compete with for attention the coming years. Lycan approved of my purchases and I went upstairs and crashed on my bed.

I still could feel that my body wasn't perfect yet, I was tired quickly and couldn't focus for too long without losing attention. I sighed, ''I can't wait until I go through puberty, my body will be much faster and stronger that way.'' I said to no one in particular.

Lucifer jumped on my bed and nodded like he understood and put his paw on my forehead. He looked at me and closed his eyes, he looked like a wise sage bestowing his powers on me before he passed. A cat-like Oogway.

I laughed at his antics and grabbed him and held him close to me and we played for a little bit. After that I fell asleep without eating dinner and with Lucifer sleeping on my head, nearly suffocating me.

The following days passed quite quickly. I resumed my training with Lycan, Celeste and Alaric. I was positive that I now had about 40% control of my power but what we were doing until now was just base power. If I was going to specialise myself in a fighting style it would take longer and the jumps between power levels would become smaller.

My bond between Raiden and I had grown and thanks to him becoming an advanced spirit and now being able to control his powers better thanks to combat training and of course training with Lycan about the spiritual and all of that nonsense he was now able to relocate wherever he wanted.

There was still a slight problem, we weren't sure of how charitable the other spirits would be if Raiden would be travelling through their realms to get to Hogwarts. But we had no other choice, whatever was waiting for me at Hogwarts was strong enough to get the attention of that Thunderbird and Phoenix.

What and who they were was still a mystery to me but I felt at ease that they had my best interest in mind. The Phoenix said he would handle the Demon but I didn't really believe him. Why that was the case I was not sure of, but I remember him being uncertain.

He certainly emanated a lot of power. Ancient power. But I could still feel he was frightened. Setting those thoughts aside for now it was time to pack my stuff. Today is the day I'm heading for Hogwarts

I had mixed feelings, of course because of the whole demon thing but that was not my only concern. It was sort of a gut feeling. I couldn't explain it if I tried. I just knew things were going to go down there, it always does in that place.

I packed my things and went down for the usual. I must've had quite a down expression on my face whilst I was sipping my tea because my step-dad put his hand on my shoulder. His eyes were kind, he always made me feel more at ease, even though he wasn't here that much thanks to his work at the ministry.

''Hey bud, what's up. Aren't you happy that you can finally get a proper magical education and don't have to reread those books all the time anymore?'' My step-dad said in a reassuring voice.

I shrugged my shoulders, ''Yeah I guess so.'' I answered him whilst I stuffed another pastry in my mouth. My step-dad sat beside me and looked at me with a sharp gaze that I felt to the bone.

''You know, I was never a great wizard unlike your dad. I always looked up to him, everything came so naturally to him. But even though I wasn't the most handsome, the smartest or the most talented I still found a place I was comfortable. Hogwarts is a grand place and you have to remember that you don't have to fit in.'' He said with a look full of sorrow but also with a tinge of nostalgia.

I nodded and felt a bit more cheerful now. After all, I had already made some friends at Ollivander's. How hard could it be to actually fit in, or don't. I finished the rest of my breakfast quickly and my step-dad left for work.

He said it was a shame he couldn't walk me to the fire red train. But shortly after that he stepped into the green flames and left me on my own for a bit.

A little while after that my mum came down along with the rest of the family. Only my mum and Alaric were coming so I was just about to go outside with them to the monument when Lycan took me aside.

''You'll need this.'' He grabbed a potion from his cloak and handed me the concoction. ''What is it?'' I inquired, the potion had a blueish color I thought but when I was sure which color it was it changed again.

''This will change the color of your eyes. You can't walk around with sunglasses all the time. They'll think you're crazy, or worse, a vampire. Take this at the start of every week, remember not to take too much or your eyes will keep changing colors until the effect wears off.''

Lycan gave me a pat on the shoulder and after a while of awkward staring also a hug but then acted like it never happened and sent me on my way. But before I joined Alaric and my mum I hugged Celeste.

She seemed shocked at first but then patted my head, ''You ought to behave, if I get even one complaint I'll come there myself and take you off that damn school full of disgusting magic.'' She said with a snarl.

I nodded but shortly after that I gave her a wide grin and ran after my mum. We touched the monument and landed in Hyde Park once more. Alaric was carrying most of my stuff and he looked like a model whilst he was doing it.

He had some trendy sunglasses on and a white blouse. He was wearing a cross for some reason. I remember asking him about it not too long ago and he responded that he liked ''Pissing off the big G'' or something along those lines.

He had his blouse tucked into bleached straight pants and he was wearing a belt of some brand I didn't recognise. He was wearing some simple beat up sneakers. My mum on the other hand was wearing a red dress for some reason which seemed blood red because of her white, nearly see-through skin.

Alaric hailed a cab and we went straight to King's Cross. When we got out Alaric paid him in some currency which definitely did not look like pounds and quickly grabbed my stuff and my hand and made a run for it.

My mum just stood still for a moment in confusion but got the memo when the cab driver started yelling gibberish in English but mixed with another language. He was surely cursing at us in some way.

My mum gave Alaric ''the'' stare and held my hand as we walked through the station. You could easily make out who was a wizard and who wasn't. Some even didn't seem to try and were walking in robes and hats with plants on them and other creatures that I didn't recognise.

We headed towards the station we were meant to go to. The station between stations. A gate to my new wizarding life. It all felt so real and tangible all of the sudden. I could finally feel myself settled in somewhat that I was becoming one with this ridiculous world.

Thank you for reading and let me know about the discord thing!

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