
Harry Potter and The Kingdom of Magic

John gets reincarnated in the world of Harry Potter. He is well aware of the plot but because of his existence various variables are created, can he find his way to the end? He is also determined to enjoy his life but can he do it? And what is the Kingdom of Magic? Join my discord by the link: https://discord.gg/qhExQTnTg5 Restarting...

Krishna_9373 · Book&Literature
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Accidental Magic and System

~Carrow Castle~

He was shocked by the majestic appearance of the castle. He believed that it was a mid-level lifestyle so how could we have such a grand castle? But then after entering the castle, he understood the reality, there were 3 house elves and the conditions inside would be considered just a level above the House of Weasleys. He had thought God was mistaken but who knew he was the one to be mistaken.

John had overheard my parents' conversation and understood that he was to be born 2 months later but due to some incident he was born earlier than expected and my father had to cancel the meeting with the death eaters scheduled one month later as he had promised my mother to stay with the family for at least one year. So, John connected the dots and concluded that my father would have been killed by Death Eaters and then killed my mother so he would have never been born hence there was much less info about them in the books it seems that he created a variable in the story. Still, he was happy that his father and mother lived.

6 months later,

John was able to walk and started speaking. Father and mother were happy when he started talking and thought that he was a genius so they started encouraging me to learn the etiquettes and different languages.

Voldemort had fallen in July and his parents were deciding whether to remove the Fidelius Charm but his father said that he had sworn a magical oath and so he had to complete it. My mother was glad about it when they heard the Longbottom story. His father has been asking the house elves to bring the Daily Prophet to understand the overall situation.

John had not yet found any magic activity or the system so he had practiced more of the etiquettes and Math. He also learned Russian, Italian, German, and French. His parents were surprised by my progress and started calling him a prodigy.

2 and ½ years later something unexpected happened.

John had asked my parents to take him to the stable to see the animals. He was directly rejected but on constant pleading his father allowed me to go but on condition that he would have to spend more time with his family than books.

We reached the stable which was in the backyard of the castle. he was watching the Thestrals and Hippogriffs but suddenly a young hippogriff ran towards him, he was scared and the adrenaline was continuously releasing the hormone. Suddenly, a flash of red-colored light occurred and the young hippogriff was unconscious and he also fainted.

~ Carrow Castle ~

John opened his eyes and saw himself in the room then suddenly

[Ding! The host has undergone accidental magic and activated the system]

(John: hey I've finally got the system let's see what its uses are.)

[host can talk to the system through the mind as well.]

(John: So, tell me what is your function and how will you be able to help me in becoming the greatest Wizard of all time?

System: The system is Achievement Analysis System where the host would be evaluated and then corresponding rewards will be provided. You can say 'status', or 'inventory' to view them. Does the host want the newbie gift?

John: Yes.)

Suddenly, Drake Carrow, John's father came in and rushed towards him. And he was followed by John's mom who embraced me.

Jessy: Dear, how are you? Did something happen I would immediately throw those creatures in the basement and use them for potion materials.

John: No, need to do it Mom and it also helped me in awakening the magic so you should just forget about it.

Drake: Ya, how can we forget about it? Our son has become a wizard. So, let's celebrate it. I will throw a banquet on the next weekend.

John: No need Dad, and let the matter of me being a wizard be secret because we don't know about the Death Eaters, they might even take action.

Jessy: Honey, John is correct we should stay low-key till the situation is more stabilized and we don't even know who might harm him.

Drake: Ok but we will celebrate it tonight. Bobby, Prepare the Eastern cuisine, we will have a celebration tonight.

Bobby (House elf): Yes, master.

He then apparated.

John: Mom I will sleep for a few more hours; I am feeling a bit tired.

Jessy: Ok, dear but take care I will tell Nannie (house elf) to inform you about the dinner and drink this potion, it will help you recover at a faster rate.

Soon, John's mom and dad went and John ordered 'status' in his mind.


Host: John Carrow


Title: None

Magic core: Undeveloped(12% developed)

Magic Capacity: 10

EXP: 0/10

Talent: Legilimen

Skills: None

Languages: English, Russian, Italian, German, French

Familiar: None

Wand: None

Bloodline: Carrow(45%), Trelawney (31%), Ollivanders(12%), Black(8%), Gryffindor(4%)

Artifacts: None]

100 powerstone= 1 bonus chapter

200 powerstone= 3 bonus chapters

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