
Harry Potter and the Invincible Bookworm

This is not my book, i am simply translating another for writing practice.

Daoistmz6tiS · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Chapter 4

The sound made Aaron stunned for a moment.

"Please note: Now the first task has been released, Win the super prize in the Quality Quidditch Supplies event."

The ethereal voice sounded particularly relaxing, which eased Aaron's nervousness.

"But if the mission fails, what will be the punishment?"

"There will be no penalty, but if the first task fails, the system will no longer serve the host."

"Um… Will there be any off-site support?" The threat of losing the chance he might have in surviving the incidents that will happen in the future, effectively made Aaron nervous instantly.

"In order to make the host adapt to the Greatest Bookworm System better, we have prepared a novice gift pack. It is in the inventory."

"How do I open the inventory?"

Just thinking of the inventory, a different space appeared in Aaron's consciousness. .

There were 3 objects lying in the space.

A simple parchment tied by a read thread, a wizard gown and a book.

Aaron first chose to open the parchment, the red rope fell off automatically, the roll of parchment opened, and displayed "Wisdom God's Blessing, 15 Minutes left."

Function: It can only be used once. Within the time range the user will covered by the halo which will provide the user with a stronger good luck effect and magic power amplification effect, and will also temporarily gain the wisdom of ancient wizards. (Note: It's effective time can be paused)

The item was simply tailor-made for completing the first mission!

"Use the halo for 3 minutes.", said Aaron as he chose to use it.

A clear stream flowed from the inventory, and Aaron mind became unprecedentedly clear, and he gained the wonderful feeling of being in control of the world.

"Are you ready, please?" The clerk said as he urged Aaron.

"You can start." Aaron said as he was impatient to try out the halo.

"What is the incantation of the fire making charm?"

"When Jupiter and Venus meet, what does it indicate?"

"What is the habit of Devil's Snare?"


30 questions which included topics from the History of Magic, Astronomy, Arithmetic and Divination were successfully answered by Aaron within 3 minutes.

This smooth rhythm of answering questions had already stunned the audience.

Ron had also become extremely excited.

"Congratulations, you have won our super award, a broomstick from the limited edition series Neptune!"

The clerk held out a noble and mysterious looking starry silver broom.

Although Aaron has didn't know much about broomsticks, he could tell that it was an excellent broomstick.

The arc of the tail of the broom looks comfortable and the smooth lines ensured the speed of the broom, and the very soft lambskin on the handle was pleasant to hold.

"This is the best broomstick one can get. It performs even better than the mass-produced Nimbus series! Aaron, can I touch it?" Ron was already incoherent with excitement.

"Of course!" Aaron passed the broom to Ron without the slightest hesitation. Ron seemed to be out of breath with excitement while holding Neptune like a rare treasure!

"May I go to Leaky Cauldron to find my father-Mr. Owen Harris? Let him come here?", said Aaron as an adult was required to come forward for him to be able to take the prize home.

"I am more than happy to help you with that!" The clerk said as he had been completely impressed by Aaron's knowledge.

After Aaron gave him the directions to his father to the skinny and clever clerk, he quickly ran out of the store .

When Ron stroked "Neptune" for the 10th time, Mr. Harris entered the store with a shocked face.

"Oh my God, I can't believe it." Mr. Harris looked at his son incredulously.

"Father, why don't we talk about this at home!" Aaron suddenly said realizing he didn't know how to explain this to his family.