
Harry Potter and the Invincible Bookworm

This is not my book, i am simply translating another for writing practice.

Daoistmz6tiS · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Chapter 2

At night while the wind was blowing harshly, and in the quiet night, Aaron woke up as he felt the air become extremely cold. He was startled to see a silhouette wearing a black cloak and holding a sickle standing in one corner of the room.

Aaron rubbed his eyes and looked again but the silhouette had seemingly disappeared.

Aaron quickly calmed himself and fell asleep again.

In the morning, It had stopped snowing and the air was fresh.

After cleaning himself up, Aaron took his younger sister to play in the hall, waiting for others to arrive and eat breakfast.

"Aaron, you and Emily eat first, don't wait." Mrs. Harris happily directed the bacon, sausages and the black pudding to fly to his plate, after pouring a cup of Ceylon tea for herself, and milk for the children

"Okay, mother." The authentic English breakfast made Aaron feel better.

Although their family is not very wealthy, with the savings left over from the husband's previous family, they were not poor like the Weasely family. Therefore, Mrs. Harris was never stingy in her children's food.

As a nurse at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, she knows the importance of a healthy body. She also doesn't compromise in clothing as she tries to maintain the the decency a pure-blood family should have.

"Good morning, mother." Roland said while dressed neatly.

"Good morning, Honey." Mr. Harris followed behind.

Daisy and Albert had also finally came arrived.

Albert ate breakfast slowly. When Mrs. Harris urged him to eat quickly, he said that he would not go shopping today and he had to report something important to the ministry.

Since he received the task of protecting Harry Potter half a year ago, under the instructions of Mr. Harris, he transferred Aaron, who was the same age as Harry, to the school where Harry was staying, to get close to the famous Harry, hoping that his child would be able to build a connection with Harry. After all the boy who lived was someone who was worth befriending.

Before Aaron's accident, he used Confundus Charm on the headmaster of the school and successfully transferred to Harry's class.

However, Aaron didn't understand this matter until he merged with the new soul. These adults had never explained their purpose to him, and now Aaron knew why Mr. Harris transferred him to a muggle school.

The Harris family were very capable and tacitly packed the items they would require.

Aaron is very looking forward to the departure. Aaron wondered if they were going to leave using a portkey, or if they were going to use floo powder.

"Aaron, come on." Mrs. Harris already greeted him outside the door.

Now, the family of 6 walked for around 200 meters until they stopped in front of a street lamp on the side of the street.

In Aaron's eyes, the street lamp looked very ordinary.

"The Harris family would like to visit Diagon Alley "

Mr. Harris said while tapping the streetlamp with his wand. Purple rays of light flashed in the clear daylight and contour almost as wide as an ordinary mall elevator formed on the ground.

The family walked into the aperture.

Mrs. Harris pressed lightly on the groove of the lamp post, and a stone gray long stone box appeared. She put 6 Knuts in the box and pressed the groove again, and the stone box quickly retracted.

The purple rays of light flickered brightly and all that was left in the location was a street lamp.

Aaron became extremely dizzy and felt his stomach turn.

Though it was only for a moment, Aaron felt like he was in it for a long time.

After staggering for a while, he say the moving logo which was displaying the mascot of the famous Kowaslki bakery chain which happened to be a penguin with golden hair.

He realized that he had suddenly appeared in an extremely lively street .

"It is indeed amazing. These unfathomable Ruqiu elves have made great contributions with their space magic to the magic circle!" Roland exclaimed.

"Well, children, we can come back to experience space magic again when leaving, but first we need to go to Gringotts to collect some money, and then you will be able to receive your monthly allowance ."

Mr. Harris said while looking at the children.

"Maybe I will have enough left to buy a new robe for myself." said Daisy.

"Then you will have to be very frugal this month!"

Mrs. Harris said while she lovingly touched her daughter's soft golden hair.

Emily was still young, so buying a sweet ice cream and a doll is enough to keep her satisfied.

The family walked and talked until they came in front of a tall white building.

The first thing that caught his eye was the bright bronze gate. This gate is so old that it has witnessed the rise and fall of many Aristocratic wizard families!

At the door stood the Goblin guard wearing a scarlet red and gold uniform. When the Aaron family stepped into the door, they bent over and saluted, and stretched out their crumpled, furry palms to show the family the way.

After walking a section of the road, I saw a silver gate with verses warning people not to be greedy.

"It's true. Wealth gained with hands is the most reliable. Don't think about reap without sowing."

Seeing the youngest son paying attention to the verses, Mr. Harris took no time to educate.

"So Harry Potter managed to break in and take away the Hufflepuff Cup. After all his hard work, he won't be rewarded." Aaron thought wildly.

The family walked through the a second gate made of silver and entered a spacious marble hall. A huge conical chandelier hung in the center of the hall.

About 100 Goblins were sitting behind the long counter, some were scribbled in the big ledger, some used a balance to weigh coins, and some used magic monocles to verify the authenticity of gems and other precious metals.

"Vault No. 625." Mr. Harris handed the key to a Goblin behind the counter, wearing a suit.

"Please follow me." Goblin bowed and pointed the way.

"Oh, my dear, I will be waiting for you here. Do any of you children want to stay with me here?"

Mrs. Harris didn't think she had to go through the bumps.

"Mother, Emily and I will be with you."

Daisy said as she had decided to stay behind as she was afraid that traversing the corridor quickly would mess up her haircut that she had carefully managed this morning.

Aaron and Roland followed father and got on a tin cart under the guidance of the Goblin.

The trolley quickly traversed the maze-like winding corridors. During the ride, Aaron saw an underground lake with huge stalactites and stalagmites hanging above it .

The cart stopped in front of the giant circular stone doors marked with the number 625.

Goblin opened the stone gate with the key. The door opened, revealing the dozen piles of gold Galleons and several piles of Sickle that were exuding a seductive halo to Aaron.

There was also some very old stone tools and iron tools of unknown origin placed in an orderly manner on shelves against the wall.

"Perhaps they are artifacts. Although they look like ordinary tools, it is obviously carefully protected."

Aaron was more interested in these artifacts than money.

"The wealth we have always bamboozles me!" Roland sighed contentedly.

"Diligence and thrift is a virtue." Mr. Harris quickly grabbed a few Galleons, and put a lot of Sickles in a purse.

"It should be enough." Mr. Harris patted his purse contentedly.

After leaving Gringotts, Mr. Harris handed the bag to Mrs. Harris.

"Five gold Galleons and 5 Sickles are available. Daisy, this is yours. I think it should be enough to buy a new gown."

"Oh! Thank you, mother, I am so happy, I love you!" Daisy accepted the money happily, expressing his gratitude.

Mrs. Harris took the same amount of coins and handed them to Roland.

"Thank you mother." Roland took the money and quickly put it in his backpack.

Aaron looked at Mrs. Harris eagerly.

"Well, Roland and Daisy can move freely. Remember to meet in front of the Moon Palace dinning hall at 12 o'clock. You are not allowed to turn up late." Mrs. Harris said.

"Mother, where is my pocket money?" For money, Aaron did not hesitate to sell cute.

"Good child, you are with us. We will go to Tom's shop first and buy you a big ice cream?" Mrs. Harris calmed his son.

"Okay." Although Aaron is also eager for money, he hasn't thought about what to buy.

"My dear, give Aaron some Sickles first." Seeing his son's frustration, Mr. Harris couldn't help but plead.

"Okay, okay, don't lose it." Mrs. Harris said while giving Aaron 10 sickels and put another 10 knuts in Emily's pocket.

"Okay, let's go." Mr. Harris waved his hand, high-spirited and vigorously took his family to go shopping.

The coins in the pocket seemed to be clamoring to spend them.

"It feels great to have money in your pocket." Aaron looked at the dazzling array of shops on the street, touched the coins in his pocket, and couldn't help sighing.