
Harry potter and the hidden prince

This is about a boy, who is honest and straightforward to a fault, and what's ahead lies his greatest challenge. Will he be able to make it through Hogwarts without causing unnecessary trouble? Or will he get into trouble because of it?

tree_says · Book&Literature
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46 Chs

A New Addition

" That's the most fun I've had since Egypt! " A happy and content Louis excalims, standing next to Draco looking none too happy.

" I'm pretty sure casting the petrification spell and tossing them straight into the sea while their ship drifts away is called 'fun'. " Louis waves his hand nonchalantly, dismissing the obvious.

" They'll live, the spell will wear off once the life boat I tossed for them is near enough. Besides I didnt petrify their legs, so their still able to keep their noses above the water. "

Draco let's out a sigh laced with exhaustion, not in the particular mood to explain to Louis that throwing pirates into the sea after erasing their memories with no recollection of who they are, is a 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 idea.

" Anyways, I'm starving! Let's go look for something to eat! " Completely ignoring what happened just mere moments ago, Louis drags along Draco and the two head back to the market in search food.

Being dragged from the springs all the way to the castle is something Draco never, ever wants to experience again. He'd rather swim with the squid in the lake than get dragged along by Louis.

" You're no fun. " Louis states, watching Draco suffer from lack of air like the wonderful friend he is. " You don't even attend classes. "

" Cause their no fun, well that and I already know what's being taught for the next few years. " Louis says matter of factly, making Draco raise a brow at him.

" Then why are you even going to Hogwarts? "

" That's what I asked mother and father, all they said is that it's a good chance for me to improve my social skills with humans. " Narrowed eyes is the only response to his answer.

" Don't look at me like that, I can help you study if you want? " His eyes narrow even further before Draco agrees with an even breath " Fine, thank you for the offer. "

" You're welcome. " Louis grins happily and proceeds to drag Draco once more to a small stall selling interesting looking food.

• • •

At Hogwarts, bright and early - before the sun was even up, early - Richard brought Neville to the forbidden forest as promised. And never has Neville Longbottom been so confused at what he's seeing.

" Is that a lion? " He asks Richard befuddled, " Yes. Yes it is. " Richard doesn't even have the energy to express emotions in his words, or face.

Staying up all night to read and sleeping for only thirty minutes, is a horrible idea.

" How is it even here? " He asks once more, the information not being able to be absorbed properly.

" Louis. " Richard says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

" That doesn't male things any clearer. "

" With Louis in the mix, nothing is ever clear. "

" Are you sure your okay? You look - how do I say this nicely....dead. " Dead eyes just stare at Neville, " I've noticed. "

After a h̶o̶r̶r̶i̶b̶l̶e̶ wonderful breakfast, Richard - looking worse for wear, walks with Annie - looking mostly alive - on his right and Neville on his left, heading for the first class of the day.

History of magic.

" I'm going to take a nap, wake me up when class is over. " Richard drones, dropping onto his seat like a sack of potatoes, followed with his head landing on a pillow he pulled from inside his robes.

" Same. " Annie follows, landing on her seat more gracefully - though not that much quieter - and knocking out the second her head touches the table.

" Okay...? " Neville assures them, weirded out by the fact the two Princetons are sleeping in class, something he has never seen them do ever since they became friends.

" Must have had a rough night. " He guesses before turning his attention to professor Cuthbert Binns starting class.

After History of Magic, was a blur for Richard and Annie, they have no idea how they ended up in the dining hall for Lunch from sleeping in class.

Grabbing an assortment of food from the assortment of dishes, Annie notices the professoes whispering to each other, looking excited about something.

Well, Snape looks the same as always, but there's a small glint in his eyes that betrays his emotionless face.

" What do you suppose their talking about? " She asks Richard who's looking more alive than compared to breakfast.

" Don't know, and I don't really want to know. Besides, Louis is coming back for Dinner, can we really afford to split our attention on something not even here? " Neville raises his brow, sitting next to Richard.

" I thought Louis was in school? He was in History of magic. "

" ....Should we tell him? " Richard turns and asks Annie. Due to lack of sleep, it took her a moment to recognise what he asked, but when she did, she's full out judging his decisions in life.

" You had all the time in the world to tell him before bloody shit hit the fan, and You ask that 𝘯𝘰𝘸? . " Lack of sleep does no one good.

" Have you seen what happened last year? Where in the bloody heck was there a good time to tell him? "

Not in the mood to have such a weird conversation with the sun still high, Richard blocks his food from Annie's line of sight and proceeds to shove his food.

" We'll tell you after lunch. " Annie decides, facing Neville then proceeds to stuff her face.

• • •

" I'm going to miss this place. " Draco says sadly, not really that eager to head back to Hogwarts, not when Narvana is such a fun place for vacation.

" You can come back with me next year, Their celebrating Narvana's hundredth year during our holidays. There's going to be a lot more fun things to do then. " Louis suggests, already looking forward to visiting the country again.

" Sounds good. " Draco says happily.

" Come on, let's get going, Meister's getting impatient, and hungry. Mostly hungry. "

" Aren't you the one who's hungry? "

" For Jello, yes. I've not had Jello for so long! " Louis' tone of voice makes it sound as if he's a man starved of food, and low on cash.

Rolling his eyes at the 'very serious' answer, he still humours the young Princeton by quickening his pace to get to Meister faster.

With all their things in hand, Draco and Louis bid farewell to Narvana, and in a blink of an eye, their back at Hogwarts.

• • •

Making sure the stand-ins were gone first before walking towards the hall for dinner after the last class for the day ended, souvenirs in hands.

" We're back! " Louis announces happily, placing down multiple bags on the table for Annie and Richard to see.

" I wanted to head back to my dorm to do some homework, but he didn't let me. " Draco grumpily informs, placing down his own bags of souvenir down on the table next to Louis' bags.

" You've worked hard. " Sympathizing with Draco, Richard and Annie nod their heads in appreciation.

" Thanks. " Draco numbly says, stealing one of Louis' jello cups and starts shoving them into his mouth, not letting the the victim to retaliate.

Halfway through dinner Headmaster Dumbledore stood up from his seat and raised a hand, gaining complete silence from the students.

" I understand that it has been a stressful time for all of us, but there is something to announce for you. " Whispers break out among the students, wondering what it could be.

" Do you suppose it's a new Defanse against the Dark Arts professor? " Fred asks his twin, the two sitting together on the left of Louis.

" Doubt it, professor Lockhart's looking smug as usual. " George points out, nodding his head at the man's direction.

" Why's his hair green? " Louis asks, noticing the new look on the proud looking man.

" We may or may not have gone rogue in class today and may or may not have permanently turned his hair colour. "

" I can't say if I'm impressed or scared. " Draco says, shifting further away from the twins from his seat on the right of Louis. " We'll take that as a compliment. " Fred proudly says next to George modding his head in agreement.

Silence falls down once more when Dumbledore raises his hand to finish his announcement.

" There is a transfer student, who will be officially joining the second years tomorrow. He will however, be sorted into a house before he gets settled in. " Whispers break out once again, the noise mainly coming from the second years.

Not liking the constant interruption, professor Snape gives the students a very Harsh look, immediately silencing them.

Continuing his announcement as if he didn't just get interrupted, Dumbledore addresses the attention to the left of the hall, near the teachers table " Allow me to welcome our new student! "

All eyes look to where Dumbledore addresses, only to find no one there.

Not a soul in sight.

A couple seconds of pure awkwardness passes before the doors of the dining hall abruptly opens and a boy stumbles in, closing the grand doors shut tight behind him immediately.

All eyes are on the boy. Silence envelops the room still, but this time, it's a mix of curiosity and displeasure.

" All I wanted was to take a quick swim in the lake with the squid, but Noooooo, the Basilisk had to block my way. " Louis hears the boy mumble under his breath just as he walks past him, heading to the front of the hall.

Standing atop the stairs, the boy looks out at the students, eyes the colour of fire rising from the ashes contrasting with his messy black yet tamed bed hair, school robes that look as if they were thrown on haphazardly without care, all with that grin on his face that just screams freedom.

His eyes sweep across the students, pausing for a second on Harry before stopping on Louis, happiness and joy radiating from eyes looking like a warm fire in a cold winter night, and for some strange reason, Louis feels like he knows the boy and a sudden burst of happiness deep down in his chest follows.

He sits on the stool with all the grace of a knight, legs parted and hands on his knees, looking like he's asking for a good ol' fight, and the sorting hat is placed on his head.

His warm fire eyes stay on Louis for a bit longer before closing them, humming a tune no student of professors recognise (from the looks on their faces), a tune strangely familiar to Louis even though he's never heard it before.

" GRYFFINDOR!! " The sorting hat exclaims, making the boy stop his humming and break into a wide grin as the Gryffindor table claps with excitement at their new addition.

Eyes looking like flames spreading chaos all throughout, the boy walks down the Gryffindor table, a slight smile on his face as he thanks the students who welcome him with a bounce in his steps.

Many of the students from Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw alike, figured he was heading for Harry Potter, since that would be what most of them would do if they were in his position.

Only proven wrong when he walked past Harry and continued on his merry way, stopping only when he reached the end of the table, where Louis and his merry group of friends are currently seating.

To be more specific, he stopped directly in front of Louis, his hand held out for a handshake with a wide grin that hides his fire-like eyes.

Without missing a beat, he speaks " We meet again as promised, Typhon! "

Am I tired?


Did I add another character cause I was bored with Chamber of secrets?


Do I regret it?

This is SPARTA there is no such thing as REGRET.

Do I sound like I'm high on caffeine?


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