
Harry Potter and the Four Heirs

Merlin, not happy with how the future unravelled for the life of Harry Potter, intervenes early to set the course of history back on track. Implied Pairing Only. Smart!Harry Bash!AD Idiot!RW WARNING I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY I MERELY PUT IT HERE FOR ALL OF US TO APPRECIATE T'S STORY!! THIS FANFIC WAS WRITTEN BY SINKYE

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13 Chs

C8 The Cubes' Magic

# # #

After Michael left, but not before once more showing Harry his rooms and how to summon him, Harry spent his time waiting for dinner by looking out the windows across the parade ground and watching events out there unfold. It amused him.

Then he sat on the couch, turned the television on and watched some TV, real TV.

'It's nothing like Myrddin's time viewer, but it'll do,' he thought.

# # #

After a very delicious dinner Harry waited until about 8.00pm. He changed into a light mundane business suit without a tie. Then grabbed the box of cubes off the top of the chest of drawers where Michael put them and dropped them into his satchel. He turned off the television and left a note saying he'd be back at about 9.30pm on the coffee table in front of the couch in case someone came looking for him.

Changing momentarily into his animagus form he used the powers of the phoenix to flash to the same spot within the park where he first arrived. And changed his appearance back to that of a young man of about twenty.

A quick apparate later and he was in the same spot where he arrived earlier in the day with the colonel outside the Longbottom Manor.

He walked up to the door and knocked.

Once again, the little house elf, Penny, opened the door. "Yes, mister?" she asked.

"Could you inform Mistress Longbottom that the most astonishing young man she had ever met was here for his appointment?" asked Harry.

"Yessir," said Penny. "You be waiting in the parlour, please."

Harry entered and walked into the Longbottom Manor parlour just as he did earlier that day. The little elf popped away to alert Augusta.

A few moments later Augusta walked in with her wand at the ready. "Yes?" she asked suspiciously.

"One moment, Madam Longbottom," replied Harry, and dropped his glamour.

Augusta watched him do it and blinked at what she saw before her. "Lord Potter?" she asked. "How did you do that?"

"A minor Glamour Charm with a bit of wandless magic," replied Harry. "What you saw is the young adult I will grow to become, just without the scar.

"I thought it best to use the glamour so no one who was watching with magical eyes would be able to see 'the Great Harry Potter' approach and enter your home," he said, with a bit of a disgust on 'the Great Harry Potter'.

"I also think it would be best to begin employing passwords," he went on. "So that later, someone employing a similar charm or Polyjuice Potion, will not be able to impersonate me and come in."

"A wise precaution, My Lord," she said, 'resleeving' her wand.

"Neville's getting ready for bed," she continued. "We can go up to his bedroom, shortly. However, I must warn you, I don't think he'll be able to go to sleep. He's too excited."

"That won't be a problem, Ma'am," replied Harry. "The cube will put him to sleep very quickly. And you won't hear a peep out him before tomorrow morning."

"Will the cube wake him once it's finished?" she asked. "I don't want him to wake at 5.00am and not be able to sleep."

"If he needs it he'll stay asleep until he wakes as he normally does. He'll just change from an induced sleep into a normal sleep. The only difference is that he may then shift around in bed and knock the cube off his forehead. But, by then, it will have done its job and become inert."

Augusta nodded and called the elf back, "Penny!"

*pop* "Yes, Mistress?"

"Is Master Neville ready for bed?"

"Yes, Mistress! Master Neville be sitting on bed and waiting."

"Good. Thank you, Penny," said Augusta.

The little elf popped away again. To... wherever it was the little house elves went.

"This way, My Lord," said Augusta, before turning on her heels and leading the way.

Harry followed her up the stairs and down a short hallway before coming to a closed door. She knocked a couple times and, after hearing a hesitant 'Come in!', opened the door and walked in.

Neville was sitting on his bed in a pair of pajamas, fidgeting.

"Hiya, Nev!" called Harry cheerfully.

"Hi... Harry," replied Neville nervously.

"Nervous?" asked Harry.

"Errr... Yeah," replied Neville a bit sheepishly.

Helping his friend out, Harry said, "Well, I've got a confession to make. So was I, the first time Merlin tried one of these on me."



"Lord Potter cannot give you the cube if you're sitting on the bed, Neville," Augusta chided the young lad. "Come on; into bed."

Neville took a deep breath, stood up and flicked the covers back before climbing in. Then he pulled the blankets up and lay in the bed as stiff as a board.

While he was doing that Harry had brought his satchel around the front and removed the case of crystals.

Opening the case, he removed the first one next to the letter 'N' and sat on the edge of Neville's bed twisted towards the clearly frightened boy. And, closing the case, put it back in his satchel. He held the first cube in the palm of his hand.

"Before we begin, Nev, I know something about you that you don't know yet," said Harry.

"Oh?" the boy asked.

"Yeah," replied Harry. "I know that you happen to be one of the bravest people I have ever, and will ever, meet. Inside you beats the heart of courage of the lion of Gryffindor."



"Okay... Okay," the boy said in wonder, relaxing a bit.

"Now," said Harry. "Say goodnight to your grandmother."

Augusta walked across and bent to give Neville a kiss on his forehead. "See you in the morning, dear," she said.

"Goodnight, Gran," he replied.

"Oh, and before I forget - as if that is ever going to happen - if someone turns up on your doorstep and uses the word 'astonishing' in a sentence, it's probably me or someone sent by the Queen. I figured we can use a... seeecret paaaassword... between us," said Harry sounding all mysterious on 'secret password'.

Neville grinned in response.

Harry reached out and placed the cube on Neville's forehead. And, before the boy had a chance to tense back up again, tapped the top of the cube while saying, "Goodnight!"

And Neville was near-instantly asleep.

Getting up, Harry said to Augusta, "Okay. Are you going to be home during the day, tomorrow?"

"Yes," she said still staring at Neville, now with the cube on his forehead.

"He just looks like he's asleep," said Augusta with a frown.

"He is," replied Harry. "It's just a very deep sleep."

"Would you like me to come around and check on him?" he asked.

"Yes, please, My Lord," she said with what Harry heard to be a bit of gratefulness in her voice. "I want you to make sure he's okay."

"No, problem," said Harry. "I want to drop by Gringotts in the morning and find out more about my inheritance. Plus, see about Potter Manor. I can drop by after that?"

"Thank you, My Lord," she replied. Shaking herself out of her thoughts she then said, "Well, we best leave him to it. He needs his sleep."

Augusta then led Harry back downstairs and into the parlor. She walked right across to the fireplace and called the Ossuary.

"Amelia?" she asked.

"Hello, Gus," heard Harry.

"Are you ready for... your guest to come through?" she asked.

"We're ready," replied Amelia.

Harry then stepped up to the fireplace and, turning back for a moment, said, "See you tomorrow, Ma'am," before stepping through.

# # #

Stepping out of the fireplace, Harry was again greeted by a drawn wand.

He smiled and said, "I like that you're always ready, Ma'am. No matter how trustworthy you feel your friends are."

Smiling, nodding and resleeving her wand, Amelia said, "We of the DMLE need to be, My Lord."

And Susan walked into the room dressed in pajamas with a fluffy dressing gown belted at the waist.

"Of course," said Harry to Amelia before glancing at Susan. "Oh, and before I forget to tell both of you, we need to put in place a password that identifies people in the know. I told Neville and Madam Longbottom to use the word 'astonishing' in a sentence. Because I don't want to be recognized, I often use a glamour of a man in his very early twenties with the same hair and eye color. Just no scar."

Twitching an eyebrow just a little, Amelia replied, "A clever idea, My Lord."

"It's actually what I'll look like when I've actually become that age," said Harry. "There's less chance of someone being able to see through it. I'll have to change before I head off to the Grangers, so you'll see it then."

Amelia nodded for a moment, turned to her young niece and said, "And it's off to bed with you, young lady. Hop in and pull the blankets up tight."

Susan said, "Okay!" and ran from the room.

"How were things at the Longbottoms'?" asked Amelia turning to Harry.

"Neville was a bit nervous, but he had every right to be," replied Harry. "I promised Madam Longbottom I'd come by and check on him late tomorrow morning. I know it's a Saturday, but would you like me to do the same for Susan?"

"Yes, please, My Lord," she replied. "I've already planned not to go into the office tomorrow. Just in case, you understand."

"Of course, I do," said Harry. "While Susan's setting her memories into a semblance of order, and then building her Occlumency shields, she's going to be 'off with the fairies' as the non-magicals say. Better to have you around to remind her to eat."

"Off with the fairies?" asked Amelia quite shocked.

"It's just an expression, Madam Bones," said Harry calmly. "It means... daydreaming."

"Oh," said Amelia understanding. "What a funny way to put it."

Harry just smiled.

"Well," said Amelia shaking herself out of it. "We'd best go see how Susan is getting on."

Amelia led Harry down the hall to Susan's room, holding Harry back with a hand while she looked into the girl's room. When she saw that Susan was definitely in bed with the blankets drawn up tight, she motioned Harry to enter.

"Okay," said Harry walking over to Susan's bed and sitting on the edge of it like he did with Neville. "Susan, if you don't want me to do this, just say so and I won't. If it frightens you, then I won't."

"No," replied Susan excitedly. "I mean, I want you to do it!"

Harry nodded and brought out the cube case from his satchel. And removed the first one alongside the letter 'S', palming it in his hand while he closed the case and dropped it back into his satchel.

"You'll need to say goodnight to each other, you two, because as soon as I activate this Susan will be fast asleep," explained Harry.

Amelia nodded and stepped forward planting a kiss on Susan's forehead. As she stepped back she said, "Goodnight, dear."

"Goodnight, Aunt Amelia," replied Susan with a big grin.

Harry then reached out and placed the cube high on the excited girl's forehead, and promptly tapped it saying, "Goodnight."

Susan was, as with Neville, near-instantly asleep.

Amelia looked at her sound asleep niece and just shook her head in wonder.

"Now for the Grangers," said Harry.

Amelia nodded and led Harry back out to the lounge where the fireplace was located.

"What time may I expect you tomorrow, My Lord?" she asked.

"Well, I have to go to Gringotts first to find out about my properties and financial status - I promised the goblins - then Madam Longbottom will expect to see me. I expect to be here... about midday or shortly thereafter?" he replied.

"Then I shall expect you then," she replied.

Nodding, Harry asked, "Can I apparate out through your shields? The Grangers aren't connected to the floo network."

"Sorry, no, My Lord," she replied. "However, I'll see about having your apparation signature keyed into the wards so you may in future."

"Thank you, Ma'am," he said. "In that case I'll walk out to the street after first casting my glamour and a Notice-Me-Not Charm, and apparate from there."

"Thank you, My Lord," said Amelia. "Goodnight."

Harry walked to the door. Stopped to recast his usual glamour and smiled at Amelia who appeared to be shocked, yet again, at Harry's casual use of wandless magic. A quick Notice-Me-Not and Harry walked out the door and onto the footpath. Then disapparated.

# # #

With barely a sound Harry apparated on the Grangers' front footpath and allowed the Notice-Me-Not Charm to fade away. He walked up to the door and knocked.

A few moments later the door opened part way with Dan Granger standing just off to the side behind the door.

"Hello, Major," said Harry with a smile. "You wouldn't happen to be holding an MP5, or something, behind your back, would you?"

"Who are you?" asked Dan with a frown.

"I'm someone whom today the Queen called the most astonishing young man she'd ever met. I'm wearing a disguise so no one in the street will recognize me, just in case," calmly replied Harry.

A look of recognition of what Harry said crossed Dan's face. He hesitated a moment and then backed up the hallway about ten feet before saying... ordering, really, "Come in and close the door."

Keeping his hands in plain sight, Harry calmly stepped through the door and closed it behind him. Reaching up with his right hand he then caused the glamour to fall away. And stood there in his normal self-smiling.

Dan just grunted and brought the weapon he was holding behind his back, as Harry suspected, around to his front. It was a service automatic. Dan popped out the magazine, dropped it into his pocket and redocked the weapon causing the round that was loaded in the chamber to pop out the port. He caught it deftly with his off hand when he let the slide run forward. At all times the weapon was pointing down and away. Very professionally done.

"I see you've retained your weapon instincts, Sir," said Harry.

"Yeah, it surprised me, too," replied Dan before calling out, "It's safe, Emma!"

Emma came walking in from the kitchen and said, "Hello, ... My Lord"

"Good evening, Ma'am," replied Harry. "As I explained to the Longbottom's and the Boneses I think we need a password to let each other know we're the real people when we talk to each other, or those Her Majesty or the colonel send. I told them if someone uses the word 'astonishing' in a sentence then that should do, for now, to identify them."

"Come into the lounge, My Lord," said Dan, leading the way.

Harry followed him in with Emma right behind.

"Take a seat," instructed Dan indicating an armchair. He and Emma sat on a two-seater couch facing him.

"That password idea is a good idea, My Lord," said Dan. "And it's not like very many people actually use it in a sentence, so it's a good choice. We may want to come up with a better idea later, though."

"Yes, Sir," replied Harry. "Please also understand that I don't like to stand on formalities so calling me 'My Lord' is uncomfortable. However, calling me Harry, which is what I'd prefer, also isn't safe just yet."

Dan and Emma both nodded.

"So, please call me 'Lad' until after the 1st of September, at least," said Harry. "It's what Myrddin called me most of the time."

Both parents relaxed a bit on hearing that. "Thank you... lad," replied Dan.

Harry smiled and said, "You're the parents of one of my peers. You, at least, have the right not to follow any sort of courtly protocol. Besides, I'm not comfortable with the title yet, either."

Both parents relaxed even further with smiles of obvious relief.

"Thank you," said Emma. "I don't know how I'm ever going to cope with having a daughter who is a... Countess."

"She's your daughter. That'll never change," said Harry. "But you're going to have to hold off telling anybody until Her Majesty says it can be made public. The four Earldoms are listed in the old Peerage lists, but most such public lists don't even include them as the titles are so old. She's going to have the devil of a time correcting that."

"Just how old are the titles?" asked Emma.

"Nine hundred and ninety-one years, seven months and five days as of today," he replied. "They were created at the turn of the millennium by the combined wishes of the Kings of England and Scotland, King Ethelred the Second and King Kenneth the Third, in recognition of the four founders' work in creating the first school for magic users in the known world. They also provided them with the lands, and much of the surrounding countryside, on which Hogwarts sits.

"The only fiat placed upon them was that the magic users of the day who were taught there could be called upon by either Monarch in defence of either realm. If England and Scotland waged war upon each other, it was agreed the magic users could not take part. That ability to form military units on behalf of the realm remains, as no one has thought to have it removed."

"Oh, my God," said Dan. "If their Earldoms are that old, that makes them four of the highest ranking in the Life Peerage."

"Yes, Sir," replied Harry. "That is the problem that currently faces Her Majesty.

"I'll be talking to Her Majesty, however," he continued, "and begging her to hold off as long as she can on the Writs of Summons; the requirement to attend the House of Lords by the Lord Chancellor. I think we've all enough on our collective plates, as it is, then have to deal with that particular 'hot potato'."

After Harry finished explaining Emma looked up and said, "Oh, where have my manners gone? Would anyone like some tea?"

Harry smiled and replied, "Yes, please."

Emma rose and went into the kitchen.

"And I'll see if I can drag Hermione down from her books," said Dan, rising and walking into the entry hall to the foot of the stairs.

"Pumpkin!" he called up. "Our guest is here!"

Harry heard a bit of a girlish squeal, followed by the sound of running footsteps on carpet. Hermione then came running down the stairs and burst into the lounge.

"Harry!" she blurted before she suddenly skidded to a stop, flushed with embarrassment and said, "Oh... errr... Good evening, My Lord," with a quick little curtsey.

Harry just grinned back, stood and, with a courtly sweeping bow, said with deep formality, "My Lady Granger."

He came out of the bow, grinned, walked over and gave her a hug, saying, "Hiya, 'Mione!" and laughed while she stood there with her mouth gaping open.

When he let her go and stood back, she stared at him for a moment, before she gave him a little slap to the chest and said, "Oh, You!"

"That's better," said Harry with approval. "Hermione, we're friends, remember? As I told you in the Green Waiting Room at the palace before Her Majesty pulled that stunt of hers, us four are going to be close friends. And, quite frankly, I'll be damned if we stand on protocol with each other, other than that required on formal occasions. Okay?"

She looked at him for a moment with a grin of her own and said, "Okay."

Emma came walking in and saw the two pre-teens standing facing each other and stopped. "What did I miss?" she asked.

Dan answered with as straight a face as he could muster, "A formal accord."

"That's nice," said Emma, coming forward again to set a tea service on the coffee table. "Help yourself," she said.

After Emma sat, Harry waited for Hermione to sit in the final available armchair before resuming his own seat.

Then he leaned forward and began to make a cup of tea for Hermione first, before making one for himself.

Once everyone was settled back with a cup, Dan asked, "Now, about these cubes..."

"Yes, Sir?" asked Harry.

"How do they work, and what is on them?" asked Dan.

"The first one is different to all the rest. But that's only because it has to help Hermione get her mind ready for the others," Harry said. "The first one teaches Hermione how to order her memories and thoughts giving her an eidetic memory... perfect recall... teaches meditation, and Occlumency, the ability to shield the mind from those skilled in Legilimency, reading your mind.

"Myrddin and I argued over teaching Legilimency since it's hand-in-glove with Occlumency, but I convinced him otherwise. I don't agree with anyone having Legilimency skills as, if anyone then finds out, they'll never be trusted again.

"That one... cube... will take a normal night's sleep to run but will then take Hermione over two days to sort her memories and thoughts out. It'll probably be way quicker for Hermione to figure out how to do it, but longer for her to sort, because she's an avid... devourer... of information. As such she'll have more to sort than either Neville or Susan but start earlier.

"The meditation part is there because it's faster for the mind to do what it needs to do when you're meditating."

Harry paused for a moment to take a sip of his tea.

"The second cube is mundane law. Effectively, it's going to give Hermione the complete works of United Kingdom laws and a smattering of International law. This one will simply be a large library. Hermione, once she has her mind ordered, will simply accept the contents and file it away in whatever visual mental representation she has set aside for it.

"For myself, I created within my mind a Disney cartoon-style small town. And in that town, I put two law courts side-by-side with an atrium between the two. In one I've set up a library that has the contents of the second cube with an automatic index allowing me to call to my... foremind... whatever law I need to review.

"The third cube is magical law, with the largest majority component being British wizarding law. That I put in the second law court building with the same style of automatic indexing.

"In the atrium I put a combined indexing system that allows me to cross-reference the two sets of laws.

"The tail end of the third cube contains information and teaching on logic and philosophy. In my mind township I built a small university and I put logic and philosophy into one of the buildings there.

"The fourth cube is traditions and courtly behavior of both realms, ethics and morality. The first two have gone into a Manor House with two wings. One side of mundane traditions and courtly behavior; the other is wizarding. Ethics and morality, I put in with philosophy on a different floor within my university.

"The fifth cube is mathematics and physics. They also went into my university in their own building of two wings. And, well, you get the idea of how I set things out within my own mind.

"The sixth cube is magical medicine, potions and herbology. The seventh is mundane medicine. The eighth is technology and technomancy, and limits of the magical core and how to understand it. The ninth is arithmancy, runes and ley line magics. The tenth is cantrips, charms, curses, hexes, conjuration and transfiguration. The eleventh is wandless, druidic and other forms of magic. The twelfth is mundane weaponry and security systems, both magical and mundane. The thirteenth is business principles, leadership, tactics and strategy. And the last one is politics, diplomacy, languages and speaking with other races.

"The first, sixth and tenth cubes - with a smattering of the last cube - is about all Wizarding Britain bother to learn. And Hermione and the others are going to be masters at those.

"What the cubes won't teach, because they can't, is muscle memory. And, as you know Dan, muscle memory is developed through repetition. Practice, practice, practice."

Harry calmly sat back and took another sip of his tea and waited to see how they'd react.

"Wow!" exclaimed Hermione.

"How on Earth can you fit all that into a human mind?" asked Emma.

"I have all that, plus much more, within mine now. And there's plenty of room to spare. And I'm not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, either. These cubes are formed from my own memories of my learning under Myrddin. To Hermione, as it does to the others, it will seem as if she is being taught by Merlin, himself."

Dan sat stunned. He looked at Hermione and asked, "Are you sure you want to do this, Pumpkin?"

"Definitely, Dad," said Hermione emphatically.

He sighed and said, "Well; you'd best go get ready for bed."

Hermione set her teacup down, just about spilling what was left in it, and bolted up the stairs.

Dan looked at Harry and said, "The only reason I'm letting this happen is because I know my daughter. If I don't let this happen here, she'll just bug you until you let her do it once you reach Hogwarts."

"She could bug me all she liked; she would not succeed. There's no possible way I'd let her talk me into doing it without your consent. My personal ethics would not allow me to do it," replied Harry, looking straight back. "And I'm still under magical oath."

"I'm ready!" they heard, floating down the stairs.

Dan nodded and rising said, "Well, come on, then."

Leading the way up the stairs the Grangers walked to one of the doors opening to a room at the rear of the house. Emma went in first and called Dan and Harry in.

Hermione was in bed almost vibrating with excitement with the bedding pulled up to her chin and her hands gripping the top edge of the blanket and top sheet together.

Harry said, "You'll need to say good night now because, as soon as I activate the cube, she'll be deeply asleep."

Both parents went over and kissed their daughter good night. Then Harry walked over and sat on the edge of the bed as he did with Neville and Susan and removed the cube from the case next to the letter 'H'.

Placing the cube high in the middle of her forehead he said, "I'll come by after lunch tomorrow to see how you're doing."

"Okay," replied Hermione.

Harry then reached out and tapped the top of the cube saying, "Goodnight!"

As with the others, Hermione was near-instantly into a deep sleep and Harry dropped the case back into his satchel.

"Done," said Harry, standing back up and walking towards where Dan and Emma were standing at the door. "In about eight hours she'll either wake up or transition into a normal REM state of sleep. They she'll awaken normally as she does every morning."

"How will we know when it's finished?" asked Emma.

"If she doesn't move a muscle then it's likely she's still under its effects. If you look at her eyelids and you can see the eyeballs under them are moving in REM state movements, it's finished and she's asleep just like normal. If she's moved, such as rolled to her side, she's in normal sleep. If she's awake but staring off into space or meditating, then she's awake."

Dan said, "Okay, got it." As Emma nodded.

He then headed back downstairs, and Harry followed. Emma stayed to take one last look before she turned off the light and followed Harry down.

Once downstairs and in the foyer, Harry said, "I'd best be going. I have another busy day tomorrow. As I said, I'll come by tomorrow, but I have to visit Gringotts, the Longbottom's and the Boneses first."

"I look forward to it," said Emma. "Be safe."

"Thank you, Ma'am," said Harry. "Good night."

Then switched into his phoenix form and phoenix-flashed back to his suite in the palace.

# # #

The next morning Harry was up at 6.00am and dived straight in for a shower. He had already jumped in, though, before he realized he hadn't grabbed his bathing gear. But a look around identified his soaps and shampoo on the shelves under the shower head. A large, fluffy towel hung on a drying rail just outside the shower screen door.

When Harry had returned, last night, he found his note gone and replaced with a small pad and biro. So, at least someone got the message. And the bed was turned down with his pajamas laid out on it. It was only a few minutes later Harry was in bed and fast asleep.

Things were set up similar to how he had things back at Myrddin's Keep, so he wasn't going to have a problem adjusting to this.

After his shower, his first ever to the best of his recollection, he dressed in light tan-colored slacks and shirt, open collar, a blue V-neck pullover, and brown loafers.

He called for a butler - he didn't expect Michael to have arrived for work yet - but Michael entered. "Good morning, My Lord," he said, before asking, "How may I be of service?"

"Good morning," replied Harry cheerfully. "Ummm... What's on the menu for breakfast?"

"There is no menu, My Lord," replied Michael. "You just inform me of your desires, and I see towards meeting them."

"Okay... Ummm," Harry thought. "How about... a small bowl of cereal, for the bran, a couple of those little breakfast fish the English like..."

"Kippers, My Lord?" prompted Michael.

"Yep. Those!" replied Harry with a snap of his fingers. "For brain food. A couple of slices of toast, a glass of orange juice, and tea, please."

"Certainly, My Lord," said Michael, with a bow before departing.

Harry walked over to television and turned it on to watch the morning news. And waited for breakfast.

# # #

After breakfast Harry headed for Gringotts Bank. He phoenix-flashed to the park, glamoured up and apparated to the apparation point in Diagon Alley in a matter of seconds. He figured, this was clearly going to be his normal way of leaving the palace and returning. So, when he had a little time available to do it, he was going to set a See-Me-Not Charm locked with a rune to the spot. Better that than have a mundane, who had decided to picnic in amongst the trees, see him and freak out.

Walking down through Diagon he noticed no children except those his age and younger. Of course, the older kids still had nearly a month to go in their studies and Hogwarts would hold the end of year feast before sending them home. But a few kids who looked his biological age were being taken shopping.

He could see new school robes, cauldrons, telescopes and books being carried by kids and parents from one end of the alley to the other. Harry realized Hagrid would be dragging him through this same alley to collect the same items in just under a month.

Halfway down the Alley rose Gringotts. Harry simply walked in and up to an available teller. Flashing his Potter Head of House ring only to the goblin that was about to snarl something inane at him, Harry quietly said in the goblin tongue, *Greetings, goblin. I'm here to see the Keeper of the Potter Accounts. Do not address me by name while we are in public. *

*Of course, My Lord*, the goblin replied. *Director Ragnock advised us you would likely be coming in, and that the matters you would raise with us would be delicate. We are to provide you with every courtesy and do business in private. *

The goblin then reached down and pressed something just out of sight. Another goblin arrived on Harry's side of the teller partition.

"Yes?" the goblin asked, looking up at the teller.

"Griphook, this is the one of which Director Ragnock advised. Provide him every courtesy and take him to one of the private business rooms for our largest account holders," the teller goblin instructed.

Looking up at Harry with interest, Griphook said, "Follow me, My Lord."

Griphook led Harry through a security checkpoint and then towards the rear of the bank. He was led into one of the rooms near the far end and invited to sit.

Harry dropped his glamour and looked around the room. They were in a large business meeting room with an oval shaped table surrounded by comfortable chairs. He chose one near the door but on the other side of the table from it so he could see the door and sat.

A few moments later a much older goblin walked in carrying a number of thick ledgers. He walked over and dropped the ledgers onto the desk and took a chair right alongside where the ledgers were now sitting.

He did something with the chair that Harry couldn't recognize and, a few seconds later, rose to a point where he was pretty close to looking Harry in the eye.

Reaching over, the goblin picked up the first ledger and brought it to be in front of himself. He opened it and began to peruse.

"Lord Potter," the goblin said looking across at Harry, "I am the Potter Accounts Keeper, Blockrig. It is my responsibility to manage your accounts on your behalf here at the bank."

Harry just nodded in return.

"I hold for you the accounts of both your trust vault containing your trust fund, and a second vault containing the Potter fortune. The trust fund had ten thousand galleons placed within it on the death of your parents. Each of your birthdays, thereafter, it had a further ten thousand galleons placed within it. In total one hundred thousand galleons have been placed within your trust fund. On your eleventh birthday the funds going into it from the Potter fortune were to increase to fifteen thousand galleons.

"Also placed within the trust vault were a number of books, grimoires, family records, art works, jewelry and the like. There were also placed within it a number of magical items."

Looking down at the ledger the goblin then related, "Since the time of the creation of the trust fund some eighty thousand galleons have been removed, leaving some twenty thousand galleons within the vault. Further, all books, grimoires, family records and jewelry have been removed from the vault leaving only some art works that are specifically marked as belonging to the Potter estate. These are mainly paintings of family members."

Once he'd finished relating that bit of bad news the goblin went on, "We at Gringotts have long suspected this was not authorized by you or as part of the wishes of your parents, James and Lily Potter. We have sent you much correspondence concerning this. However, our correspondence has remained unanswered."

Harry was about to respond when the old goblin went on. "Director Ragnock informs us our correspondence to you has been... intercepted... before it has reached you. This, too, we have suspected. As such we have maintained a very close watch on what has been taken, by whom and when; and where it has been going. For some of the gold, just over fifty thousand galleons, we only know it has been taken as galleons out of the bank, not simply transferred to another account.

"We placed tracking charms on the other items that were within the vault at the time we suspected inconsistencies. We know where those items are currently located. All of the grimoires and magical items, and some of the art and jewelry, we are unable to locate as they were removed before the tracking charms were placed upon them.

"We were unable to stop the removal of your property and gold as the Ministry ordered that Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was your magical guardian and, as such, had guardian status on your trust account. This gave him authority to remove funds and items from the trust vault in your name.

"Mister Dumbledore has also sought to gain access to the vault containing the Potter fortune, other grimoires, records, art, keys and access to the Potter Manor and investment portfolios. However, even with Ministry approval, we have not granted him such. We goblins know your true magical guardian is Sirius Orion Black, Heir Apparent of House Black, who is currently in Azkaban. As he has not yet received a trial, irrespective of where he currently resides, he did not lose status as your magical guardian.

"I was informed directly by Director Ragnock, after he had spoken with you in the palace of your Queen, that I was not to remove Mister Dumbledore's access to your trust vault until such time as I had spoken with you. And I have been further informed that you have not allowed the magics of the ring and rite of inheritance to announce you as taking up your Heads of Houses rings.

"As such you are still viewed as a non-emancipated minor and Sirius Black is still your magical guardian, though the Ministry have forced the issue with Albus Dumbledore," said the goblin before frowning and saying, "I would know why."

Harry thought about that for a little while. He wanted to make sure he could get this old goblin, obviously trusted by his parents, to understand what was going on. He knew the goblin felt his honour had been greatly harmed by what Dumbledick was doing.

"There are things happening of great import, Blockrig," said Harry. "Albus Dumbledore is guilty of far, far more than just theft from my account against me. He is also well-connected and respected throughout the wizarding world. If we move too quickly against him, he will use his status as the so-called leader of the light, his status as the Chief Warlock on the Wizengamot, his status as a long term headmaster at Hogwarts, and his status as Supreme Mugwump of the ICW, to have the charges against him dismissed at worse, or rendered extremely lenient at best.

"Vengeance is a dish best served cold. I intend to utterly destroy his reputation. I intend to have taken from him everything he values. And when I am finished, he will have left not a knut, not a possession, not a stitch of clothing he can call his own. And the disgraced name of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore will be met with derision and contempt. No, I do not intend for Dumbledore to feel the cold kiss of the edge of my blade. That sweet release will not have allowed him.

"There are worse things than dying, Block rig. And you have done me and my family great service by keeping accurate records of what has been taken from my trust vault; and recording where much of what has been taken is currently located. I know you feel your honor has been harmed in this. But, it has not. And the world will know, and your honor will be redeemed when it all comes to light what has actually happened, and you will be richly rewarded in compensation.

"Evidence is already being gathered against Dumbledore regarding his crimes. It will all come to light soon enough. For now, I want him kept in the dark. I want him believing his crimes are undiscovered. I want to keep a close eye on him. And, when we are ready, we will destroy him. Are you with me on this, Account Keeper Blockrig?"

"My Lord, you do me great honor," the goblin said with a bow. "I will do as you ask. I am but your servant."

Harry then leaned forward and said, "I will need a copy of everything taken from my trust vault and what it currently contains today. I will also need you to send a copy of that under seal to Madam Amelia Bones at the DMLE, her eyes only, with your compliments. Send with it a note that says, 'Someone astonishing thought you should have this'.

"And, when the time comes, know that you have played an active part in his descent from grace, into the gutter of poverty."

"I will have it done immediately, My Lord," the old goblin eagerly replied.

"Now," said Harry, changing the subject, "I will also need a personal copy of records of what is in the main vault, about two thousand galleons in a purse of magical holding, and records of the property the family owns. And I want the key and details on the Potter Manor."

"I shall get it done, My Lord," said Blockrig.

He pushed a rune button on the top of a slate he had beside him and, shortly thereafter, another goblin walked in with a stack of ledgers.

"Good morning, My Lord," he said dumping his ledgers on the table, taking a chair alongside Blockrig, and similarly adjusting it. "My name is Cavepick. I have with me the accounts of the House of Slytherin, and for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. May I ask why you have not allowed your ring to emancipate you and notify the relevant authorities you have taken the Head of House position?"

"My reasons are my own, for now, Cavepick," Harry replied. "Blockrig knows why, as does the Director. I do not need for others to know just yet."

"I see," said the new goblin. "Very well. Though the ring has not announced you as Head of House, we goblins know exactly who you are. Therefore, you have access to the accounts of House Slytherin.

"First, you should know that House Slytherin does not have a vault. Gringotts did not exist when we last saw House Slytherin active," he said.

Harry nodded, understanding.

"However, there have been funds going into the accounts automatically from the Hogwarts account. Originally, this was about ten percent of the income derived from the operation of the school, divided equally across the four Houses. Over the years this was whittled down to less than one half of one percent; so, your House received one eighth of one percent However, we also add twenty five percent of the net rent on the lands under Hogsmeade.

"With interest accruing, each account now holds approximately 9.5 million galleons," said Cavepick.

Harry just snorted. 'At least the four of us have some decent seed money to revamp the school, now,' he thought. 'I had planned on using part of the Potter fortune to fund it.'

"And the Hogwarts account? Is there anything there that shows signs of gold being syphoned off from within the school?" asked Harry.

"No, My Lord," answered Cavepick. "However, I shall dig further and cross check against receipts. Do you have suspicions there is account tampering occurring?"

"Yes, I do," replied Harry. "But, for now, I just want the books of the school quietly checked. I don't want suspicions raised until us four Heirs are ready to move."

"Very good, My Lord," the goblin responded.

"Now, about the accounts of House Black," said Blockrig.

"No," Harry firmly replied. "I know I'm the Heir but it's Sirius's money. If he wants me to know he'll tell me soon. In the meantime, leave things as they are."

"Yes, My Lord."

"If that's it," said Harry standing, "I'll want the key to the Potter Manor and see what else is in the main vault. And make sure Dumbledore is not aware I've been anywhere near the bank."

"Of course, My Lord," said Blockrig also standing. "If you'll come this way, Cavepick can return the ledgers of House Potter to my desk."

Harry nodded, bowed to Cavepick, and followed after Blockrig.

Down at the vault, after a very... thrilling... ride, Harry went inside and took a look around. He quickly found the papers concerning Potter Manor, together with the keys, and placed them inside his ever-present satchel. Looking at his watch he saw he still had plenty of time to explore before he had to visit the Longbottom Manor.

He hadn't noticed it when he first walked in, but he saw what he now recognized to be the Potter crest up on the wall of the vault. He felt pride in himself and his heritage while he stared at it.

"Myrddin's helped me see what's really going on, Mum and Dad," he softly said to the crest. "And I'm going to make those who have wronged us, pay!"

Just before stepping back into the public area of the bank, and with his bag of galleons, Harry gave Blockrig a goblin parting and quickly donned his glamour. He strode out into the street as if he had not a care in the world. He went to the apparation point and disapparated away.

# # #

Harry apparated just inside the Great Wood some five miles northwest of Hastings on the south coast. The Potter Manor was located about here, somewhere.

He cast a few Charms, as the instructions within the vault told him, upon his key. And gently he began to see a very large house appear off to his right.

He trudged over and through the gate. Outside it had the appearance of being run down and in serious disrepair. He cast detection charms for as far as he could see either side and didn't find a sort of monitoring charm or other type of alarm.

He stepped through the gates to walk up to the Manor but, once through the gates, the place looked quite pristine.

He cast even more detection charms about the place and only detected the usual wards. Some of them were still in excellent working condition after all this time. Carefully walking up to the door, he cast further detection charms and found nothing.

Taking a deep breath, he then inserted the key in the lock. And the door swung open.

Just about to cast further charms he was startled by the appearance of a house elf who glared at him with its arms crossed.

"What you want?" it demanded.

"Errr... I'm visiting to see if anyone is here?" replied Harry tentatively.

"No one here. Go!" it ordered.

'A house elf guard?' thought Harry.

Moving carefully, he brought his right hand forward with the Potter Head of House ring prominent. The little elf, seeing the ring, stepped forward and grabbed Harry by the hand to look closely at the ring.

The elf suddenly dragged Harry forward by the hand, gestured the door shut and was suddenly dancing from foot to foot in excitement. "I be Pixie! Who be you, Master?"

"I'm... Harry Potter," replied Harry carefully, and dropped his glamour. "This house belonged to my parents, James and Lily Potter."

"You were the baby in Missy Lily?" asked the elf.

"Yeah, I was," replied Harry. "Pixie, right?"

"I be Pixie! You be Master Harry!" said Pixie excitedly. "Missy Lily said you'd come. She said you'd come a long time ago. Where you been? Pixie couldn't find you! Pixie couldn't find Master James or Missy Lily, either."

"I've been in hiding, Pixie," replied Harry. "I had to be in hiding because of a very bad man."

"Pixie happy you here now!" said the elf. "Where's Master James and Missy Lily?"

'Oh, crap,' thought Harry.

"They're both dead, Pixie. They died almost ten years ago," explained Harry.

The little elf suddenly stopped dancing about and stood flat-footed. "Oh," she said hanging her head. "Pixie knew. But Pixie think maybe Pixie wrong. So, Pixie wait until someone come tell her."

"It's okay, little one," said Harry kindly. "But I'm here now. How about you show me around?"

"O-Kay! Pixie happy to help!" said the little elf back to being excited.

What followed was Harry being half dragged, half cajoled, from one side of the manor to the other on both floors. Then he was taken down to the basement and shown the setup of a potion's lab on one side and an experiments lab on the other. There was quite a lot of dust down here and equipment that was, in some cases, rusted.

The little elf explained Harry's mother had forbid her to clean in there when she wasn't there to supervise, as Pixie had accidentally caused a minor explosion at one time. Harry told the elf she could clean it after he left so he wasn't there to suffer the consequences of all the dust.

However, there was one room Pixie had not yet taken him to see. It was on the ground floor, not far from the study. She took him to that room last. It was sealed by a heavy oaken door with the Potter crest upon it, and a metal plate with the outline of a right handprint where a lock would be.

Pixie indicated it and said, "Master Harry must place his hand upon the blood lock, sir."

Harry glanced down at Pixie. She was looking back with a sad look on her face. Turning to the door he reached out and placed his hand upon the plate. He felt a slight tingle and heard a click. The door swung open away from him.

It was the portrait room. Pixie did not enter herself. She stood outside the door and simply waited with sad eyes.

Harry had no idea such a room existed. He didn't know that, because portraits could move and talk to both each other and the people in the room, wizards often had a portrait room so the portraits could converse. But also, wouldn't constantly be watching what was happening in other rooms.

'Hello," said one of the paintings on the wall to Harry's left. "Who have we here?"

Harry turned to the speaker and saw a painting of a stern man with a rather stoic visage. He looked back with quite the curious expression. The painting turned to look behind Harry and called, "James! Lily! Come out of there!"

Turning about Harry saw a painting on the opposite wall of a room with a door at the rear. The door opened and two young adults not far past their teens came into view of the painting from the door.

"Quit your griping, granddad. We..." the male of the pair, a man bearing a striking resemblance to Harry, even to the glasses Harry used to wear, stopped and gawked back at Harry.

The red haired, fair skinned lady entering the 'room' of the painting behind the young man was... vexatious. "What on Earth are you babbling about now, Charlus. I..." she stopped in shock as soon as she saw Harry.

"Harry?" she plaintively asked.

When he had first spun around, Harry had been frozen in shock himself. He saw his father enter the room in the painting, followed by his mother.

"Mum?" he croaked. "Dad?"

"HARRY!?" his Mum cried.

His Dad, or at least the portrait of him, was shaken out of his shock by his wife's outburst. "Harry? Is that you, son?"

Harry was in turmoil. He knew about the magic of the portraits. He just didn't know his parents had commissioned one before they died.

"Mum? Dad?" he replied in shock himself. "Yeah. It's me, Harry."

"Good, God!" his father replied. "We always knew how old you'd be by now... but... this..."

"I...," his mother started, "I... oh, Harry!"

"Yeah, Mum," said Harry, coming out of his shock. "It's me. How are you both?"

"Prongslet!" cried his father with happiness. "We expected you ages ago. Why hasn't Sirius brought you around before now? Bring him here. I want words with that mangy dog!"

Harry sighed and said, "Things did not go as you planned with my life if... when... you passed away."

"What do you mean?" asked Lily with a scowl.

Harry sighed again and conjured an armchair behind himself. "That's a very long story..." he began, sitting down.

# # #

After talking to them for almost an hour, his father suddenly exclaimed, "Lord Slytherin? My son is the Earl of Slytherin?!"

"Hey! It wasn't my fault!" exclaimed Harry right back. "Mum did it!"

Harry could hear one of his fraternal grandmothers cackling with glee! He expected it was Dorea nee Black.

The portrait of his father looked right back in shock. James said, "I don't know whether to be... outraged... jubilant... or somewhere in between! I also happen to think it just may be the greatest prank ever!"

Then James began roaring with laughter. Lily, however, looked... affronted. "James!" she admonished the man. "Really!"

James was, by then, rolling on the floor with laughter. He even had tears in his eyes.

"Hey!" said James looking up at his wife while still laughing. "You did it! Not me!" That set him off again. His father was almost howling.

Even Harry had begun chuckling a little at the response of his mother and father. He turned to where the sound of Dorea laughing had come from and could see the old lady still giggling like a schoolgirl while dabbing her eyes with a lace handkerchief. Many of the other portraits were either grinning with happiness or looking a little affronted themselves. "Congratulations, Harry!" she said.

"Thanks. I think," he replied.

The sound of his mother calling his name drew Harry's attention back to the portrait of his parents. "Harry," she said, "Can you please continue your story?"

So, Harry continued with bringing the portrait of his parents up to date with what had been going on in his life. And where he was heading."

# # #

After the tour, and the couple of hours he spent within the portrait room promising to return when he could, Harry asked the elf if anyone had been there after Lily and James had left. The elf said a couple of bad looking men had been around outside the wards but didn't come in. But there was a man Pixie knew was Remus who came around every now and then to see if Harry had arrived yet. Pixie said he always left disappointed.

Harry said, "Well, if he comes again, I don't want you to tell him I've been here. Okay?"

The little elf nodded it's head vigorously and said, "Yes, Sir, Master Harry."

"I'll let you know when you can tell anyone that someone's been here, but that's not likely for quite some time," said Harry.

The little elf again nodded its head vigorously and said, "Yes, Sir, Master Harry."

"Okay, then," said Harry. "I only came to see how much damage there was to the house because I didn't know there was such a good house elf still here. Now that I know there is, I can leave again and be happy to know you're here looking after the place."

The little elf just about threw herself around Harry's left leg and bawled, "Oh, you are such a good master, Master Harry Sir. Pixie very happy to have you as her master. Pixie will clean even better for you, Master Harry Sir."

Harry was just about to leave when a thought occurred to him. "Pixie, how are you managing to survive here? How are you getting anything to eat?

"Oh! Oh!" she said. "Pixie does not show you. Come! Come!"

And Harry found himself half dragged out to the back of the little property.

"See?" she asked. "Missy Lily show Pixie how to be 'self suffy shent'."

Harry looked towards the back of the property and saw four perfectly arranged square plots side-by-side. In the first was a chook pen with a couple of chooks in it. The next lay fallow. And the last two had perfect little rows of vegetables growing in them. A little self-sufficient garden for the household to have their own vegetables, eggs and the occasional chicken.

Harry was amazed. 'Way to go, Mum!' he thought.

"Pixie grow her own food for Pixie and hens. What Pixie does not eat, Pixie take down to school at night and leave at food place there. Pixie sometimes give food to Master Remus. Pixie does not waste food."

Harry didn't know whether to laugh out loud or just cry. From everything he'd heard of his Mum. This was a clear indication before his eyes of the type of which she was.

He just looked down at the little elf and said, "Pixie you have done Miss Lily, you have done me, proud. Very well done."

Again, the little elf threw herself at Harry's leg. "Oh, Pixie so happy Master be so happy with Pixie!"

"Okay, Pixie," said Harry placatingly. "I have to leave now. I have things to do."

"Yes, Master Harry, Sir!" she said letting go.

"I'll be back when I can," he said.

Harry walked around the manor and out the front gate. Once outside he turned to look back at the spot where the manor stood fixing it in his mind. He rebuilt his glamour and apparated away.

# # #

Arriving at the Longbottom Manor he knocked on the door.

The little house elf opened, took one look at him and indicated he come in. Harry dropped his glamour.

"Oh!" the little elf said. "I tell Mistress you here." And popped away

A few moments passed and Augusta came into the room with wand drawn.

"It's quite astonishing how you always enter a room like that, Ma'am," said Harry.

Augusta paused for just a bit and suddenly resleeved her wand. "Hello, My Lord," she said.

"Hello, Ma'am," he replied. "How's Neville getting on?"

"You'd best come see," she replied.

Augusta led Harry back up the stairs to Neville's room. When Harry walked in, he saw Neville sitting crossed-legged on his bed in a full meditation pose, wrists on his knees, hands hanging over and down.

Augusta looked with concern between Neville and Harry. So, Harry called out, "Hey, Nev!"

Startled, Neville, still looking straight ahead, said, "Huh?" Blinked a few times, and then looked over at Harry. "Oh, Hi Harry!"

"Hiya Nev," replied Harry. "Have you been sitting like that all day?"

"Yeah, I guess," replied Neville.

"Nev. Mate," said Harry reprovingly, "You need to bathe, eat and get some exercise during the day, too! Sit like that for too long and people will think yer dead!"

Neville grinned, blushed and said, "Yeah, I do feel kind of hungry."

"Then eat something, lad!" ordered Harry, mimicking the sentiments of his own mentor during his own time meditating and building his mind. "And get some fresh air!"

"Yeah, okay," said Neville a bit shyly.

"Nev, you've got this," said Harry more seriously. "Relax. There's plenty of time. Oh, and far more will happen tonight while you're sleeping towards getting your mind resorted."

"Oh?" asked Neville brightening up.

"Yes, it's easier when you're asleep," replied Harry. "And, oh yeah! What did you think of... Merlin?"

"He's amazing!" gushed Neville with enthusiasm. "He's such a great teacher. Is he like that all the time?"

"Yeah, he is," replied Harry. "Now, eat, think about how you want to set up your mind palace, and play a little bit. You've still got almost two and a half days before I come back on Monday night with the next cube. You've got plenty of time."

"Thanks, Harry!" said Neville gleefully.

Turning to Augusta, Harry said, "Okay, I've now got to check on Susan."

Augusta nodded and led Harry back downstairs to the parlor.

"That's all it takes to get him to pay attention to me. Just raise my voice and call his name?" asked Augusta.

"Anything that grabs his attention, really," replied Harry. "He's just very focused on what he's doing."

"Thank you," said Augusta gratefully. "I was worried."

"I know," said Harry. "That's why I offered to come over."

Augusta nodded and took a pinch of floo powder. Tossing it into the fireplace she called, "Ossuary!"

# # #

Stepping through Harry saw Amelia where he expected her to be, and said, "I still find it astonishing to use floo travel."

Amelia nodded once and resleeved her wand.

"Thank you for coming, My Lord," she said.

"I promised to come and check up on Susan, so..." he replied with a shrug.

"Well, she's sitting on her bed with her legs crossed and staring at the wall," replied Amelia with a frown.

"And you haven't snapped her out of it yet," said Harry, knowing the response.

"No," she said. "And I'm worried."

"No problem," said Harry. "Is she at least dressed?"

"Well, yes," she replied. "I did at least get her to get dressed this morning."

"Then you'd best lead the way and I'll show you how easy this is," he said.

Harry followed Amelia to Susan's bedroom and saw the young girl sitting on the bed in the same fashion as Neville earlier.

'Funny', he thought. 'That's the same meditation pose I used. And Neville. The cubes must have carried more across than just my memories of the lessons, but also my memories of how I posed.'

"Hey, Susan!" called Harry from the doorway.

"Huh?" Susan startled, blinking a bit. Then she looked at Harry standing in the doorway.

"Have you been at that all morning?" asked Harry.

"I don't know. What time is it?" she asked.

"If you need to ask then you've gone at it too long. How hungry are you?" he asked back.

"A bit, actually," she replied with a frown.

"Well, don't you think you should take a break?" he asked. "You've got plenty of time, Suze. You don't have to get everything done on the first day."

"Okay," she said, thinking about it. "Something to eat sounds good."

"And spend a little time getting some physical exercise, too" ordered Harry. "Going outside and playing for a little while will help you to stay alert."

"Okay," she said climbing off the bed.

Amelia led the way back downstairs. On the way down Harry asked Susan, "And what did you think of Merlin?"

"Oh, he's really nice!" the girl replied. "I hope the teachers at Hogwarts are like him."

As Susan headed for the dining room, Harry turned to Amelia and said, "That's all there is to it, Madam Bones. If she meditates for too long just raise your voice a little and call her by name. She'll respond."

"Is this how she's going to be for all those cubes of yours?" asked Amelia.

"No," he replied shaking his head. "Just this first one. However, she may scare off into the distance for a few seconds every now and then when she's going over what the rest of the cubes give her. And even that will pass in time."

"Good," said Amelia with feeling. "I don't want to seem rude concerning this... gift... of yours, but it's rather disconcerting."

"I know," replied Harry. "That's why I offered to come. It wasn't for her benefit; it was for yours."

Amelia snorted and gave a light chuckle in response.

"Now, I'm off to the Grangers," said Harry changing the subject. "Being mundane folk they're even more nervous about this than you and Madam Longbottom."

"Okay, then," said Amelia heading for the door. "Thank you for coming."

Harry followed her to the door, redonned his usual glamour, and spoke. "You're welcome, Ma'am," and stepped outside.

Just outside the door he cast a Notice-Me-Not Charm and phoenix-flashed to just outside the Grangers where he walked up to the door and dropped the Notice-Me-Not Charm as he walked.

Knocking on the door he was, again, greeted by Dan in the same manner.

"Yes?" asked Dan.

"I would find it astonishing if you weren't holding a weapon on me right now, Sir," said Harry blandly.

"Get in here," Dan said stepping out of the way as Harry walked in before the door was closed behind him.

"Hermione's sitting on her bed..." he began.

"...With her legs crossed and her wrists on her knees staring at the wall at the foot of her bed," finished Harry. "And you don't know what to do."

"Well... yes!" said Dan.

"Is she dressed?" asked Harry.

"Yes, come on," said Dan, leading the way up the stairs.

With the door opened Dan stepped to one side and said, "She's been sitting like that all day. It's not natural."

Hermione was sitting in exactly the same pose he, Neville and Susan adopted.

"Let me ask you this," asked Harry. "If she was sitting on her bed focused on reading a book, what would you do?"

"Well, I'd call her a couple of times and, if she didn't answer, come up to her door and call louder," replied Dan thinking about it.

"Do that," said Harry.

Frowning, Dan turned to look at his daughter and called, "Hermione!"

"Huh?" started Hermione, coming out of her meditation. "Oh, Hi, Dad. Hi, Harry!" she said jumping off her bed and taking a couple of steps before tripping and falling on to the floor.

"Ow! Ow! Tingles!" she said rubbing her legs.

Dan walked over to make sure his little girl was okay.

"'Mione, you've been at it for too long," scolded Harry. "You need to remember to come out of the meditation to eat and move around for a little while. Merlin told you that, didn't he?"

Rising a bit more steadily to her feet with her Dad's assistance, Hermione replied, "Well, yes."

"Then do it. Your Mum and Dad were worried about you," ordered Harry. "And, if they worry about you much more, they're likely to tell me you can't have any more cubes!"

"Nooo," Hermione said just a little worried. "I promise I'll be good. I'll remember to take breaks."

Dan snorted.

Harry nodded and said, "Good."

"That's all, there is to it?" asked Dan.

"That's all," said Harry in response.

After making sure Hermione was going to get herself something to eat and rest a bit, Dan led Harry back downstairs and into the lounge. Hermione followed them downstairs but headed for the kitchen.

# # #