
Harry Potter and the Fortunate Queen

“You will hear many of his Death Eaters claiming that they are in his confidence, that they alone are close to him, even understand him. They are deluded. Lord Voldemort has never had a friend, nor do I believe that he has ever wanted one,” Dumbledore told Harry Potter with absolute certainty. But what if Voldemort did have a friend? Not just a friend but the friend? A millennia-old wizard, who learned the secret of Hogwarts from the great Four founders, and had his own goals to take over the world? To stop that ancient wizard, an ancient power is called upon . . . in the form of a girl. A Muggle-born at that. Christina Norton has powers beyond anyone's imagination but she is too caught up in the Chosen One Harry Potter's life and catastrophes. But as she starts to uncover the plans of Voldemort, she realizes someone else is working with him. Someone who wants her dead. Why? She doesn't know. She just knows she has to save her loved ones and Hogwarts from Malgino and for that she is ready to go to the end of the world. And fight whoever comes in her way. Warning: It was my first book, so the first volume is going to be a bumpy ride. Things start to change at the end of the second volume, so if you can hang in there till then, welcome. Disclaimer: I neither own the original Harry Potter book series (I mean y'all already know that but still) nor the book cover (I guess I edited it but it doesn't count). If you want to support me: https://ko-fi.com/thewordsiren

Mystical_Snowflake · Book&Literature
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". . . they deserve to know, Molly, that their parents are risking their lives every day," Sirius' voice came through Fred and George's extendable ears, as though he was standing next to Chris.

"Not now Sirius, I've enough on my plate at this moment," Mrs. Weasley said sternly.

"Sure, it was just a suggestion, Molly, after all, they are your kids," Sirius said stiffly.

"So as I was saying," Tonks intervened. "They searched the whole area but they couldn't find the snake anywhere, it just seems to have vanished after it attacked you, Arthur. . . . But You-Know-Who can't have expected a snake to get in, can he?"

"I reckon he sent it as a lookout," growled Moody, "'cause he's not had any luck so far, has he? No, I reckon he's trying to get a clearer picture of what he's facing and if Arthur hadn't been there the beast would've had much more time to look around. So Potter says he saw it all happen?"

"Yes," Sirius sighed. "And he is blaming himself for the attack, and the things he is feeling — Dumbledore is really worried and I can't blame him, when Harry told me he saw the thing —"

"The boy's seeing things from inside You-Know-Who's snake, Sirius . . . Obviously, Potter doesn't realize what that means, but if You-Know-Who's possessing him —" growled Moody.

"I don't think he is possessed Mad-Eye," Sirius said a little loudly.

"But we can't ignore the fact that Dumbledore was expecting something like that," said Aurelia in a calm voice.

Chris slowly pull out the string from her ear as Mrs. Weasley changed the topic. She turned to look at Harry, who looked frantic as he saw everyone staring at him.

Chris knew Dumbledore was expecting something like that, it was because of the bond Harry shares with Voldemort but Voldemort wasn't possessing him. They all were thinking it in the wrong way but still somehow, they were right. If Harry could go inside Voldemort's brain, Voldemort could come inside Harry's brain. Everything he knew, everything about him, Voldemort will know it. And just like that, the secret work wouldn't be that much of a secret. Chris felt a chill down her spine. She felt weirdly exposed. Like Malgino knew where she was standing now like he knew what she was thinking. Why hadn't she thought about these things before? Everything was in front of her but she didn't bother to think about it. 

You blame Harry but you are worse than him, said the same voice inside her head. At least he couldn't figure it out because he doesn't know but you, you knew everything still you ignored. You are more stupid than him.

Do you really think you can stop Malgino from taking the keys when you can't figure out these simple things? 

Chris realized she was losing focus. She tightly shut her eyes to calm herself down.

"Yes, I will stop him," said Chris firmly in her mind. "If nothing else, I will try my best."

Chris opened her eyes.

"And the first step will be talking to Harry."

But before she could even try talking to him, Mrs. Weasley called them to say goodbye to Mr. Weasley and before Chris knew it they were all on the return train. In train Chris and Ginny sat together, both quiet.

"Are you all right, Harry, dear?" Chris heard Mrs Weasley saying. "You don't look very well. Are you feeling sick?"

Chris looked up and saw Harry really was looking very pale almost sick as he shook his head violently and stared up.

"It's not," snapped Chris.

Soon they arrived at Grimmauld Place and before Chris could catch up with Harry, he ran upstairs. Sirius asked Chris and Ginny to rest before dinner so they went there room as well.

"I don't think Harry is being possessed," Ginny said as soon as they locked the door.

Chris looked up at her, feeling surprised. Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I know he is not being possessed," Chris sighed throwing herself on the bed.

"I — I have my guesses," Chris replied staring up at the black ceiling. There were few moments of silence, then Chris spoke again, "Gin, do you think I am stupid?"

"Sometimes. Why?" Ginny retorted and Chris didn't see but knew Ginny was rolling her eyes.

"You know, sometimes I just feel. . . like I'm trying to be over smart and end up being a stupid, know-it-all, dumbhead." Chris said still without looking at Ginny.

Chris sighed.

That night, Harry didn't come down for dinner. Chris decides to check on him and saw him sleeping. She was still debating whether to tell him or not anything about his condition. Or how much she should say. The decision wasn't easy, knowing that Voldemort could hear her or look at her through Harry's eyes. It was really scary.

And the worse thing was Chris knew that Harry was also haunted by this whole Voldemort seeing through his eyes fiasco. Which meant he will try to leave, he will never want to get anyone hurt else because of him because that kind of person he was.

So at last, when Harry even skipped the breakfast and took refuge in a corner of the big drawing-room, Chris stomped inside the room loudly.

"Harry!" She called so loudly that Harry almost jumped in his seat.

"What?" He looked up at Chris but quickly looked away.

"It's lunchtime," Chris said. "Are you going to come down or sulk here all day?"

"I — no," he replied quietly.

"Are you really not hungry?"


"Never mind then," Chris said airily. "Come with me. We need to talk."

"No, we don't. I don't want anyone to talk to me," said Harry stubbornly.

"It's important, Harry," Chris said seriously.

"No, it's not. I know what're you going to say."

"Oh! Of course, you do, don't you?" Chris said sarcastically.

"You wasn't," Chris replied strongly.

"Come, I will show you something," Chris walked out of the room and a few seconds later Harry's curiosity won and he followed.


To be continued. . .

Hey guys...

Here's another chapter.


And thanks for your suggestions. I think I'll write my original story here.

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