
The Chosen One of Kord

Harry was abused. When he was but a few years old, he would be beaten, starved and treated as a maid by the Dursley Family. He would get beat when he bested Dudley Dursley at anything. But because of this abuse, Harry learned. He learned to be mediocre when he needs to be but he still kept learning. He studied even harder by escaping to the libraries, just talking to the neighbors gave him wisdom.

That is when Harry gained confidence in, learning to study and using those into his day to day life. Harry learned a few ways to plant tubers and other veggies because of his talks with Mr.John Smith, the old veteran that Harry usually helps with cleaning, per orders of the Dursley's. He didn't become malnourished, maybe a bit underweight as protein is hard to come by as the Dursley's give him little to none of any meat.

He learned how to sew from Mrs. Figg, he also got a small sewing kit from her. Harry used those to sew his big giant hand me down clothes from Dudley to fit him.

But without a doubt, the best one was Ms. Richardson, Harry helps out with cleaning around her house. Ms. Richardson is a teacher from America. She has a large number of books that she needs a small library or reading room in her house. She lets Harry borrow some of her books, ranging from fantasy to non-fiction, even sciences. Harry asked her why she has such an erratic book collection. "Those books are usually just for a hobby when I get bored I'll get, for example, a physics book. I may not retain everything but I might learn something interesting. That is the fun of reading!" She exclaims with a proud face and raised chin. So Harry borrowed those too.

Harry's life although not the best, is simple enough for him to be satisfied, but of course, trouble is to be had when one lives in the presence of hatred. He was just 8 years old when it happened. There was an end of the year exam in Dudley's and Harry's school. Harry wanted to leave as soon as possible so that he can leave early and go to an actual library that was near Little Winging. In his hastiness, he didn't think to leave a few mistakes on his answers and just answered everything, correctly.

In the following week, Harry was recognized to be a genius by perfecting the exam. The Dursley's protested that Harry couldn't have scored that and tried to get Harry suspended for cheating. So, Harry, a bit pissed off because he has to take another exam for doing "Too Well". So Harry just perfected the tests again and smirks at Petunia and Vernon.

The moment they got home, Harry was beaten with a stoker. Luckily it wasn't heated up and was hit by the stick only. Before Vernon or Petunia could even do more damage to him, Harry ran and locked his small cupboard under the stairs. Vernon even almost destroyed the door if not for Petunia stopping him and warning him that it might waken the neighbors up if they were too wild and loud.

That night, Harry was crying, he got beat again, this time even harder. He looks at his skinny arms and legs. Even with the food that he secretly and openly eats in front of the Dursley, he is still underfed. He is weak, if only he had power, he wishes he has power, he wishes that he can have the power to protect himself. He screams that to his mind, but alas, nobody answered his prayers as he doubts nobody can listen to what he was thinking.

If he only knew that there was one, there was one being that was listening to him. "So that is where my descendants went!" The storm lord had an affair with a human woman a millennium or so ago. They had a kid who was created his own family. Through this family, the blood of the storm lord flows into the mortal realm. That is why the storm lord is a bit particular when it comes to them. The very last descendant that he storm lord saw was a man named Giledon Potter who accidentally entered a rift and shot himself to another universe.

Now the rift to that realm is open once more, and Kord heard the cries of a small child. Wanting power to protect himself. "So that is the last my last descendant? I can only feel the smallest drop of my blood in him. Fine, I'll give it to you." The storm Lord snaps his fingers and entered Harry's dreams. He told Harry "I'll give you a spark to start, but if you want more, study, find a reason to get stronger other than selfish reasons." Right after that, Harry woke up with a shock, literally as Harry has visible electricity running throughout his body. He was about to shout in shock but this time, a sudden headache hits him. This one was so painful that it didn't even let him scream as he just straight up fainted.

During his sleep, he saw a lot of things. The first thing that he saw was his father's memories. It was a nightmare as he saw his parents murdered. Harry decided not to get stuck with that memory and move on as he feels like there are many more things to see. He saw events that looked like it happened far before he was even born. He saw spells, he saw magic, pure RAW magic that he thought shouldn't exist.


Blood is a very, very powerful thing. It can prevent death as long a reasonable amount is exchanged for the deed. This is what Lily did to protect Harry from Voldemort. A blood ward that reflected the Dark Lord's curse to him.

There are other uses for it. Back in the forgotten realms, blood can be used to gain power, like sorcerers. It can be used to seal gods and it can also do the opposite. Giledon Potter found another use for it. Something that he only succeeded in because he had the help of Merlin and Atrius. They managed to put memories in their bloodlines. They gave it this magic the name "Inheritance". This magic will seal memories that were deemed important by the Inheritor and sealed it in the bloodline. It acted like a Pensieve for the inheritor. "Inheritance" is complex magic that has a bit of intelligence to it. It chooses the Inheritor with the basis of having purer blood than their siblings. This helped the family in choosing the head of the Family and stop the fights for the leader position. This also helped if the Leader died an untimely death. "Inheritance" will be not be transferred to the oldest son but the most deserving in the family, meaning purer blood. They hid this magic from the world as they don't want to let anybody else find the secrets of the families. The biggest of which is the "quest".

As Merlin doesn't have descendants, he instead left a quest for the Peverell and Potter descendants. A quest to find his legacy. All of these things were slowly forgotten by both of the families as the years go by. How could such complex magic make a mistake like letting it be forgotten?

There is a small problem with their "Inheritance", the memories are stored in the bloodline. This became a problem as they didn't count on the fact that bloodlines can actually thin out. The 2 families don't want to die out so they had no choice but to mingle with muggles and other wizarding families. As this happens, the memories being contained in the bloodline was slowly being forgotten.


When Harry woke up his eyes were bulging, he still has a small headache but he has the biggest smile on his face. When that giant being blasted him with a lightning bolt it purified his blood. All the memories sealed and kept inside the bloodline was broken like a damn. Memories flooded his mind of all the past Inheritors. He was saddened by his father's memories as Harry saw James' death. He discovered another part of the magic called "Inheritance", it was a collection of not just the Potter Inheritors, but also the Peverell's Inheritors. The memories are a bit jumbled up for the time being so he doesn't understand everything just yet but it didn't phase him one bit. "This is going to be fun but I need to do something first."

Harry went out before Dursley's and ran towards a bus stop, he got on and went straight towards the city. He looked for an empty alley and made sure that no one was around. He even looked behind the dumpsters to see if there was a homeless person there, there wasn't any.

Harry wants to make sure that he'll do it correctly and not fail. "House-elf of the family, come to me!"

He looked around and nothing came. "Maybe I said it wrong? Maybe they don't want to be called House-elf? Ummmm, helper of the family? Come to me?"

There was a loud and sudden Pop that was probably heard for about a few blocks. In front of Harry is an elf. A real 6-foot tall male elf of the forgotten realms. He was wearing a butler's suit and was looking around. His eyes rested on Harry and looked at him with his beautiful heterochromatic eyes of green and blue. The elf bowed down and started speaking.

"Well, Hello young Master. My name is Crawford. I am certainly pleased to know that the family continues."

True Polymorph will be permanent. I'm the DM of this story, so when I say permanent, I meant it. Dispell will not work.

Next chapter, Giledon is Lonely

I’m just using Grammarly for edits, still, please point out the mistakes.

Thank you for reading. ( ・_・)ノシ

LonelyGodKingcreators' thoughts