
Harry Potter and The Endless Library

zack a young lad dies and gets reborn as Hermione's twin brother jillion hi i am the writer and please be easy on me i am only 11 years old and remember the god in this fanfic is allllll the gods ever

omega_1295 · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

6: life

I hit submit but my parents thought that I was pointing at them.

Dad: "he is so cute" mom nodded "Jullion say hello to the world"

So apparently my name is Jullion but what is my family name anyways I look at how long it will take for my cultivation method to get finished.


[system interface

endless library

deduce and optimize

(a guide to powerful but easy magic pt.1

Time: 2 months, 15 days, 3 hours)

(demonic heavenly cultivation martial training

Time: 3 years, 5 months)



(a/n: hi I just want to say please read the D&O system it is so good it is only 23 chapters but you will not regret it it is so good)

mom: "Hermione say hello to the world" she was looking at the girl

'shoot I am Hermione's brother I am the twin of the one who makes 99% of power from the golden trio shoot' (A/N: I am writing for all ages yup it is because of that not that my mother is going to punish me nope)

' anyway I need to get ready, system use one of the instant slots (A/N: I swear in d&o system the main character has five read it if you don't believe me)

[yes host]

then a flood of information came to my mind it felt like I gained endless wisdom and knowledge then the feeling disappeared but I still know how to use it basically I train my body to the absolute limit and I don't need to worry about me being a midget or too tall I will just be tall for my age then I will cultivate there are two types of cultivation they are:

1. physical cultivation

2. spiritual cultivation

But there are three types of cultivators they are:

1. physical cultivators

2: spiritual cultivators

3. hybrid cultivators

The first two are self-explanatory but the third one is physically strong but they also have a very powerful spirit, which means that they are two times stronger but they are very because one needs talent and a lot of time. After all, it is two times harder.

(A/N: if you are dumb and don't know what they mean physical cultivators are superhumanly strong while spiritual cultivators are wizards but better they know the existence of runes but think that it is something they can not learn you might be thinking then what are wizards they are people who learn runes but their spirit is weak they think that some are born with power and some are born weak that is only half true they can cultivate to become stronger)

I then go to the endless library to see if I have talent- and I do, so I started practicing cultivation my cultivation was reset a lot and I learned from them after I became the highest form of an immortal I left and started acting like a baby.


it has been officially 7 years since I reincarnated when I started exercising at six years old I am now quite tall for my age at the end of last year I hit a bottleneck and stated cultivating I reached the first state of spiritual body and I started exercising again and officially broke the bottleneck anyways remember a guide to powerful but easy magic pt1 well now it goes all the way to pt3 and I also found out that after the first three times I was in the endless library that I needed to do quests but I have not gotten any quests and I also have done some "accidental" magic I also made my sister do simple exercises. (the cultivation stages will be at the end)

Mary: "Juli come and get breakfast it is getting cold"

Juli: "coming"


there are three types of cultivation stages:

1. physical:

body strengthening

body refining

body impurities removal

indestructible body

immortal body

2. spiritual:

spiritual gathering

spiritual condensation

spiritual impurities removal

indestructible spirit

immortal spirit

3. hybrid:

spiritual body

spiritual and body condensation

spiritual and body impurities removal

indestructible spirit and body

immortal spirit and body


song of the day


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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