
Harry Potter and the Dual Lord

Arthur Holly fell asleep like any other day. And he woke up like any other day. Except that he didn't wake up in his own body, but in a three years old one. Arthur transmigrated into what seemed to be the same world he previously lived in, except in the past, before he was even born. But everything changed the day of his fourth birthday. For those who want to buy me a cofee: https://ko-fi.com/slyow9

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Arthur blinked and asked "What's a wizard mom?" Nat and Henry looked at Dumbledore in panic while the latter said "Sorry but you have to tell him. He already gained his admittance to Hogwarts!"

Henry asked "How so professor? He is only four years old." Albus nodded and replied "But he already has as much magic as a first year. I don't know how can this be possible, but the facts are laid in front of our eyes."

Nat sighed and took out a wood stick of approximately 12 cm and said "Arthur, we didn't want to tell you but now we have no choice. Your father and I are wizards. And wizards are special people who can do special things."

As she said that she flicked her stick and suddenly the table began levitating. She continued "We can do many more things, as we have a lot of power. But we can't control our power by ourselves. That's why we go to Hogwarts, to learn to control our powers."

Arthur pointed at her hand and asked "What is this?" Nat looked down and smiled "That's a wand, my wand. It helps a wizard do magic."

Arthur turned to Dumbledore and asked "Is it your school?" Albus shook his head and said "No, I merrily am its headmaster. In the past I have been one of its students too, then a teacher."

Then Dumbledore began to explain everything about Hogwarts and helped Arthur expand his knowledge on the magical world.

Just before going, Dumbledore said "In the end, I think I know what happens to Arthur."

The parents looked at him and he said "If I'm right then it is the excess of magic that made his young body suffer. But if it continues like that then by the time he becomes 11 everything will go away and he will become normal again."

The parents, although they knew their son would be fine when he becomes 11, were still happy to hear this, as Dumbledore was more reliable than a strange memory.

What they didn't know was that Dumbledore was wrong although he approached the truth, his theory still was wrong. If they followed his logic then Arthur would suffer until he becomes 21, not 11.

That's because his magic would continue to expand and by the time he is 11 he would have the magic of someone who is 18. Only when he becomes 21, that is when the body is at its strongest, that the pain would go away.

But fortunately he is wrong, as its the elements who are changing Arthur's body.

When Dumbledore left the house, Arthur initially wanted to go to his room but he was stopped by his parents.

Nat asked "Sweety, if you want we can give you lessons here?"

Arthur shook his head and asked "As a wizard?" Nat hurriedly shook her head and said "No, we'll leave that job to Hogwarts. We are talking about your school."

Arthur shook his head and said "I want to go back to my school." Henry intervened "But why? You can't go there with your condition."

Arthur smiled and said "If I am on the first row, then I can see and hear well." Henry continued "But how are you going to concentrate if you feel pain constantly?"

Arthur's smile widened and he said "School is too easy anyway, so it will leave more chance for the others to catch up."

Both Nat and Henry gaped at what he said and laughed out. While they laughed Arthur got back to his room and let out a small grunt. All that talking and moving had intensified the pain and he was on the edge of screaming.

The pain was really big, but the fact that its always there makes it less painful. The rest of the day passed by and soon Arthur nervously went for his bed.

He was afraid the previous night was only a dream. But when he closed his eyes and got transported to the same house, he was relieved. Then he noticed something was wrong.

The pain didn't go away. Merlin smiled seeing his student appearing but was surprised seeing his frown. He asked "What's the matter Arthur?"

Arthur replied "The pain from the light element, it didn't go away. I'm feeling it here." Merlin made a surprised face but then laughed out.

Not understanding what was funny Arthur asked "Why are you laughing?" Merlin shook his hands and after a few seconds he calmed himself and said "No, it's just that I overestimated myself. I thought I could bypass the elements by myself! How preposterous I am!"

Arthur rolled his eyes and went to sit. Merlin took a hold of himself and asked "Do you have any question before we start?"

Arthur nodded and asked "There's something I don't understand. If we become a wizard at 11, then how come children about to become wizards can do magic unintentionally?"

Merlin shook his head and said "Not everyone can do that. Those who have muggles parents can't do this. Only children of at least one wizard can have this happening to them. And don't be wrong, manifesting such things doesn't mean you would become a wizard, as it is only magical power coming from your parents."

Arthur nodded enlightened and said "Then we can begin."

Merlin nodded and said "So, I'll try to teach you everything I know. But before that, I have good news for you."

Arthur tilted his head and Merlin said "Because you still feel the pain it means the light elements has followed you here. And it should be the same for the darkness one."

Arthur shrugged and asked "So?" Merlin answered "It's amazing! Despite the fact you don't have magic and can't do attribute less magic here, the presence of those elements means you can work on your light and darkness spells."

Arthur opened his eyes wide and asked "That's very good then?" Merlin nodded but still said "Although it helps, with the elements came the pain and dull senses. So even though my presence and direct teaching will help a little, it will still be hard for you to practice. Moreover there's only the elements here, so you can only rely on them to launch your magic."

Arthur asked "What does that mean?" Merlin replied "It means that your spells will be less powerful than in the real world."

Arthur nodded and said "Then we can begin."

Merlin smiled and said "I like your enthusiasm, but first I need to explain to you your elements."

Arthur nodded so Merlin explained "As I said before your elements are contradictory, but they complete each other. Without light darkness can't exist, and the opposite is true too. That's why having the two is a blessing.

You can use your light to make illusions, purify, create light and many other things we will discover. Your darkness will be used to devour, hide, move and feel."

Arthur asked "Then isn't the darkness more powerful than light?" Merlin shook his head and said "You might be able to devour, but what will you devour if you can't see it? And don't underestimate the light's purification. It works very well against any dark creatures. In the end there isn't an element stronger than the others, they simply all have different uses."

Merlin added "But don't worry, we will study first, and later on we will discover everything there is to discover to your elements."

Arthur smiled and began to earnestly listen to Merlin. Then a kind of routine took place.

The day Arthur would go and learn in school, and the night he would learn with Merlin.

Despite his difficulties, Arthur still was on top of the class, and that amazed his teachers as they had been told what Arthur felt like at literally every second. He had been recognized as a genius.

Moreover they had been told that he would have his pain go away by the time he becomes 11 and that his intellect would unfold itself by that time.