
Harry Potter and the Dual Lord

Arthur Holly fell asleep like any other day. And he woke up like any other day. Except that he didn't wake up in his own body, but in a three years old one. Arthur transmigrated into what seemed to be the same world he previously lived in, except in the past, before he was even born. But everything changed the day of his fourth birthday. For those who want to buy me a cofee: https://ko-fi.com/slyow9

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Sorting Hat

As soon as Arthur chanted the spell, rumblings were heard. After a few seconds a toad sped up in the room, flying. Before it could reach him Arthur made it stop midair and made it hover in front of Hermione.

He then said "Here." But Hermione didn't seem to care about the toad anymore as she looked at Arthur with fervor. She eventually asked "What was that spell? And how did you…"

Arthur put up a finger and said "Please, just take the toad. If you want to learn about magic, then there's a school waiting for you. I don't want to be rude but I think those professors will be better than me in explaining the spells."

But internally Arthur doubted it. Their charm teacher may be the international duel champion Flitwick, it doesn't mean he is good in knowledge. AT least not as good as Arthur.

Though Arthur knew for certain that even if he did know every spell Flitwick does, he would still lose miserably despite mastering the spells better than him. Experience isn't something that can be learned in books.

Hermione nodded and said "Of course, who would teach better than teachers. Thanks for the toad. Again, I am Hermione."

Arthur didn't really want to talk to her but realized it would be rude so he replied "Arthur. Nice to meet you."

Hermione was a little embarrassed that he didn't say his last name but ignored it and continued "Well, see you at the sorting ceremony. It was a pleasure to meet you, Arthur."

Arthur smiled softly and replied "Likewise." Hermione blushed and ran out. Arthur had grown handsome as his impurities had all been washed away during his years of suffering, and none would ever be able to enter his body again. This made him get an almost perfect body.

As for Hermione, because of her large front teeth, she never had been in a relationship before. So seeing the handsome Arthur smile at her like that made her heart flutter.

Hermione may be intelligent, she is still a kid so things such as appearance is important.

Seeing her flee like a small rabbit, Arthur smiled and closed the door. He only had to wait for five minutes before the train stopped.

As soon as it did Arthur took out his wand and casted the levitation charm on his trunk. He could do it wandless too, but that would be useless. First its not like he was in a hurry. Secondly people would bother him to no end if he showed wandless magic.

But the most important reason is that magic with a wand is so much easier, especially element-less magic.

Arthur got out of the Hogwarts Express, and mixed in the huge crowd. Arthur didn't really know where to go until he heard a voice yell "First Years, over here!"

Arthur looked and saw a giant man waving a lantern toward the group of students. Arthur made his way through the crows and joined the people standing in front of the half giant, Hagrid.

Arthur saw Harry in front of the group, but there was Ron with him, and he didn't really want to see him so Arthur stayed in place.

As Arthur followed Hagrid he saw that he was about to take the boats to get to Hogwarts. Arthur didn't know a lot of people, but fortunately most were like him so many were going in random boats.

Arthur choose one of the boats that had a girl and a boy within, and sat in the corner. The two were talking to each other and they seemed to have hit it off as friends.

The two turned to the newcomer and both nodded. Arthur said "Arthur." The boy replied "My name is Peter. She is Karol. Nice to meet you."

Arthur smiled and asked "Do you know magic?"

Karol nodded and said "We both have wizard parents. You?" Arthur nodded and said "Yeah, I know magic. Which house do you want to be sorted in?"

Peter shrugged and said "It doesn't really matter, I don't know anyone." Karol nodded and added "Same here. You?"

Arthur said "I will let the sorting hat decide."

The two nodded and the three continued talking until they reached the castle. There they followed Hagrid until they met one of their future teachers, Minerva McGonagall.

In the meanwhile Harry had finally seen Arthur, but couldn't really go talk with him because of the crowd. But he was happy to see a familiar face in the crowd.

The first years followed McGonagall toward the main hall, where four giant tables were set, all for students, while a last one was set at the other end of the hall for the teachers.

The sky was covered in candles, and above it seemed to be the stars, although according to the talkative Hermione this was only a spell.

Soon the first years arrived at the other end of the hall, standing between the older students and the professors. In front of them a hat was on a chair, and as McGonagall made the hall fall silent, it suddenly sung.

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

if you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folks use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

Once it was done the first years clapped politely and quieted down once more. McGonagall took out a parchment and said out loud "Susan Bones!"

A red haired girl stepped out nervously, and walked with small steps toward the stool. McGonagall took the hat in her hands, letting the girl sit.

McGonagall put the sorting hat on Susan's head, which began talking quietly. After a few seconds it shouted "Hufflepuff!"

The girl got up with a bright smile as the entire table for the Hufflepuff began to cheer. As she walked to her table McGonagall said "Hermione Granger."

The girl got sorted in Gryffindor as in the original work. Next many were sorted, including Harry Potter. When his name was called everyone quieted down, then when he was sorted in Gryffindor the table cheered louder than ever.

As people were getting sorted, Arthur was trying to guess which house he would be sorted in. He was quite sure it wouldn't be Hufflepuff as he doesn't have any of the qualities needed to be there.

But the other three were all viable options. Gryffindor because what kind of bravery would be needed to prepare fighting against the gods themselves?

Ravenclaw because of his thirst for knowledge. And finally Slytherin, he possessed lofty goals.

As Arthur was lost in thoughts he heard a name he never believed to hear here.

"Elena Gylys!" Arthur looked, and there she was. Elena, the vampire princess. Arthur didn't believe what he saw. A vampire in Hogwarts? Well she does have magic, but wasn't their castle somewhere close to Durmstrang?

As Arthur looked at her, she looked back and looked at him with a small smile, obviously happy to have caught him off guard.

She walked out of the thin crowd left and finally came into everyone's view. The boys had their breath taken away from the beauty, almost not believing how beautiful she was.

She elegantly sat down, and as the sorting hat was discussing with her he heard a few whispers coming from the students.

"Is that the vampire princess?"

"How could they let this monster in Hogwarts!"

"I bet she will at least kill one person during this year, if not more!"