

As I puked, I saw a peculiar sight. The people around were panicking, running away for some, or watching the show for others? The first reporters were arriving.

But among all those people, a group of them drew a peculiar sight. 7 children, all about her age, and from all ethnics. They all sat on a terrace. 6 of them were looking at the same person. A girl. A beautiful girl.

Elena? I looked at the still vomiting teacher and made my choice. I walked in direction of the group of children. As I approached I became more and more sure that it was her.

But what was she doing here? Isn't she supposed to be at school? In Hogwarts? She looked at me in the eyes as I arrived, and I instantly knew she wasn't the Elena I knew. She had changed. Now I am left to know whether it is good or bad.

I came to know Elena when I was only a little girl. My family was rich, Elena was supposed to come in my school, my father and her father knew each other, and this all led to me and her knowing each other.

I wouldn't say we are friends, giving that we don't really see each other a lot, but we are acquaintances. But then the deal her father made with my school was canceled because Mr Vampire King wanted his daughter to go to Durmstrang.

My school and Durmstrang being kind of rivals, they didn't hesitate to support the vampires in their decision. In the end, they get the exact same treatment when the Vampire King decided to put Elena in Hogwarts.

Anyway we may not be friends, I am still surprised she is here. And she is the only one I know personally among those people. Except for Krum, that idiot from Durmstrang. But I would rather talk to a stranger than that guy. I mean, he more of a puppet than anything. His talent really is his curse. Or maybe it is his lack of intelligence. Doesn't matter.

I smiled and asked "I wasn't invited for the party? So many talents, and yet the one we are all looking for isn't here…"

Elena replied "We were waiting for you. Come, I was waiting for you to do the introductions."

I went to sit on the only remaining chair, and looked at those around me. I didn't really need the introductions, I already knew all of them. Who wouldn't after all. Maybe those arrogant British people who think they are the best in everything.

But apart from those idiots, everyone with some importance would know who they are. Just like others know who Harry Potter is, but on a lesser scale.

Elena sadi "As you might have guessed, all of those people are from each of the schools. You can say there is one representative for each of the schools."

She pointed at herself and said "I am Elena Gylys, representative of Hogwarts. 11 years old."

I smiled and said "I am Levina Pavlovna, representative of Koldovstoretz. 14 years old."

A gorgeous blond girl who seemed the same age as me sitting next to me said "I am Fleur Delacour, representative of Beauxbatons. 14 years old."

A tanned guy, Hispanic, said "I am Sandro Ruiz Basco, representative of Castelobruxo. 11 years old."

Our dear Bulgarian said "I am Victor Krum, representative of Durmstrang. 14 years old."

Now another beautiful girl smiled and said "I am Jessica Holly, representative of Ilvermorny. 12 years old." Then she threw a stare at me, a challenging one. Damn Americans.

An Asian looking boy said "Liu Feng, representative of Mahoutokoro. 13 years old."

The only one remaining, a black guy, said "Adelawe Thabo, representative of Uagadou. 13 years old."

Elena clapped her hands once and said "Alright, now we all know each other. I guess you are all here for the same reason. Arthur Grindelwald."

We all looked at each other, and nodded. Then Sandro asked "Where is he? He must pay for what he did today! We can't let a murderer run in the wild."

Right, mister righteous. It isn't much of a surprise Sandro says this. He is known for being a hard believer of Light magic. He clearly stands against dark magic, and evil in general. No wonder he wants to chase after Arthur.

Elena smiled and said calmly "First please calm down." Sandro was about to talk back when I intervened "Sandro, my dear, you don't want to chase him. Not alone at least."

Sandro shot a glance at me and asked "And why is that Russian girl?" I didn't take the bait and pointed at the spikes "None of you know who those people are, right?"

Victor frowned and asked "Bounty Hunters?" I looked at him and said "Yeah, but some lowly average ones. They were the Whisperers. Ring any bell?"

Instantly everyone frowned, and Fleur said "Are you sure? I highly doubt a child could do that to them."

I looked at Elena and said "I am sure. How? Don't ask me, I wasn't there. Ask her instead. She came with Grindelwald, she should know."

Everyone looked at Elena, who suddenly laughed. We looked at each other questioningly; wondering why she was laughing. Eventually she stopped and said "You are all so naive. Do you actually consider yourselves to be his equal?"

Ouch. The pride. I must say, even I who was trained to contain my emotions, I didn't really like that. Indeed, everyone was angry. But Elena didn't care and said "Don't believe me if you want. You will see by yourself when you see him. Those bounty hunters? Think a little. Arthur killed them, and no one here even saw him. Isn't that already enough proof to show how strong he is?"

Adelawe frowned and asked "Why are we even here?" Elena shrugged and said "No idea. I came with him, but he didn't say anything to me. All I know is that if we want to follow him, then we must go to the port and get in one of the boats. Without all the teachers. Only the eight of us."

Jessica asked "Why should we even follow him? I personally want to meet him for personal reasons, but why would all of them come?"

Elena replied "You see what he did today? It had two purposes. One was a warning to everyone having any ideas about chasing him down. It seems it worked wonders, I already saw quite a few of them get back in the fountain. The second objective, was for you. To entice you. I believe you now are all curious about him, aren't you?"

Liu Feng said coldly "Curiosity kills the cat. Do you think we will risk our lives because of curiosity?"

Elena shrugged and said "Your choice. Moreover, now that you are out of your schools, why not take the chance to train? Do you really think you will be able to train with the teachers next to you? The place Arthur is bringing us to, although I don't know where it is, I know that it will represent a big challenge for anyone going there."

I asked "What gives you the confidence of going there? From what I remember, you don't have a death wish yet." Elena replied "Because he will be there. As long as he is, nothing will happen to any of us."

I squinted my eyes and said "You are not as good as you think, you merely are children throwing a tantrum. Now he killed them, great the others will fear him for some time. But have you even thought of the consequences. Maybe you will be able to come back to school, but do you really think a mass murderer would be admitted in Hogwarts?"

The confused face I expected didn't appear though. Only a sarcastic smile, and the words "Why are you so confidant he wants to come back to Hogwarts?"

For how they can speak to each other so easily, I assumed that English is a language learnt by everyone in the magical community. In the fourth book the students from both of the other schools spoke English, all of their students, so I decided to go for the easy way.

Also, I'm curious about how many will stop reading the story because I made him drop out of Hogwarts? But what did you expect, even without this massacre, the murder he commited at Oakshaw, even though it wasn't considered a crime becasue of where he did it, it still was murder, and you don't get back in Hogwarts after murder.

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