
Flying Lesson

When Arthur got out of the potions room he reunited with his friends. But as soon as he arrived Karol asked harshly "Why were you so warm toward Malfoy?"

Arthur looked at her surprised and said "Chill out Terminator, I only created an opportunity for the future."

Karol then regained her usual temperament and said quietly "Sorry I lashed out…"

Arthur shook his head and said "It's okay, just don't do it ever again if you don't want to get hurt."

The three rolled their eyes at the threat he gave. In that weak together, they had discovered that Arthur took pleasure in threatening people. At first they were scared too but when they understood he wouldn't do anything and it was just for his own fun, they simply began to ignore them.

And they were right. Arthur was annoyed his threats didn't scare people anymore. He found it funny to see others pale in fright. But his friends had stopped caring.

Was he the problem? Arthur shook his head and whispered "The problem doesn't lie within me. I'm not the problem. This is a perfectly normal behavior. Fuck them. No that's too much… Curse them? But I don't want them to explode…"

The students walking next to the group of four looked at Arthur like he was crazy. He looked crazy for sure, whispering to himself.

Elena, Karol and Peter ignored him however. They knew he tended to do that. They all understood their friend was very weird. And unstable. Even them sometime wondered whether Arthur was crazy or not.

Like that the four arrived outside the castle, to their flying lesson. There the Gryffindor were waiting for the Slytherin.

As the members of the two houses arrived they looked at each other with hostility before taking place, waiting for their teacher to arrive.

As he arrived Arthur looked at the crowd of Gryffindors and saw Harry was looking at him. Arthur smiled at him and Harry smiled back. Before being nudged by Ron who whispered to him.

Arthur looked coldly at Ron who suddenly stopped talking and shivered. So here is the real reason Harry didn't come…

Arthur didn't do anything but engraved it in his mind. He wouldn't forget. Damn Weasley.

Arthur then looked at the rest of Gryffindor and couldn't help but notice that most girls were looking at him with star-filled eyes. Including a certain girl with bushy chestnut hair.

Arthur then looked at the Slytherin and saw that the girls were looking at him in the same way, although a little more discreetly.

Arthur hadn't even paid attention to this before. He leaned toward his friends and asked "How come you two are impervious to my charm?"

The two girls looked at him in disdain. Karol said "What charm?" Then Elena continued "Who would want someone like you? Uttering death threats here and there…"

Arthur blushed and said "Okay, okay, I understand, no need to be so harsh…"

The two girls giggled and Arthur looked at Peter for help. But Peter winked at him and sent a flying kiss "I'm not impervious sweety, I can be your other half."

Arthur facepalmed and said "Why did I choose to have friends…"

Peter laughed "Stop being narcissistic, we choose you, you didn't choose us." Arthur raised his hands and said "Right, whatever. Anyway quiditch is trash…"

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT THE GREATEST SPORT LIKE THIS!!!" Peter suddenly yelled at Arthur.

Arthur smiled slyly and said "Quiditch is for idiots. Flying on a broom and catching balls is too easy to be considered a sport."

Peter's head became as red as a tomato as he shouted "Show me then if it's so easy!"

Arthur nudged his head toward the rest of the class who were looking at Peter the Weirdo and said "You made quite the show."

Peter growled "You bastard…"

Arthur turned his head and ignored him. Peter was about to curse at him for humiliating him when their teacher finally arrived.

Peter squinted his eyes and said "Quiditch is the best." Then he held his head high and walked next to Arthur.

Arthur looked at him and said "What do you about Quiditch? I mean, it must be pretty boring to watch, no?

Peter shook his head vehemently and replied "You have never watched Quiditch before so you don't know. And flying must be so thrilling…" Then Peter began praising Quiditch until the lesson started.

Ms. Hooch, their flying instructor, arrived with tens of brooms following her. She waved her hand and all the brooms flew down, forming two rows.

She then yelled to the stupefied students "What are you waiting for?! Come stand next to a broom. They are all the same."

The students were quick to do as she said, and once everyone was positioned she said "I will teach you during this year how to fly on a broom safely. If you are talented then maybe in the next few years you will be selected for playing for your house."

She stopped walking and stood next to the only broom without anyone next to it, and said "Now try to make the broom rise to you. Speak with conviction and clearly."

She extended her hand above her broom and said "UP!"

The broom magically left the ground and jumped into her hand. She looked at the students and said "Your turn."

At once all the students yelled "UP!"

However, the results varied. Some like Harry or Draco succeeded on their first try, while others like Neville, Ron and Elena didn't even make it budge.

As for Arthur, when he placed his hand above the broom he felt a connection establish itself with the broom, and felt that he didn't even have to speak to control it.

It was just like spells, all he had to do was manipulating his magic in a certain way. Moreover this was nothing but a beginner version of the spell 'Accio' which he already mastered. But he still said "Up!" as not to stand out that much right from the beginning.

Arthur looked around and saw that Peter was grinning, holding his broom tight. Karol succeeded in making the broom levitate a little during her first try, but it fell down. It was on her second try that she could grab it.

But Elena… Let's just say she isn't made for flying. The broom just didn't want to obey her. At the beginning she was yelling like the others but now she was more threatening the broom than anything else.

Arthur sighed looking at her. Since her transformation where she got her new hair color and the little beautifying, she seemed to have grown more brazen. Of course it could also just be the fact that she woke up on her left foot, but it made more sense that her physical transformation influenced her personality too.

A minute later everyone had finally grabbed their broom. Seeing the disappointed face many had because they took so long, Ms. Hooch forgot her harsh tone and said with a little warmer voice "Don't be crestfallen because you had trouble grabbing the broom. Some of the professional players were like that once too."

Hearing her words Arthur nodded inwardly. Just like in the original novel, Ron had eaten his broomstick. Yet in the future he will become a pro in Quiditch, playing nationals and all that stuff.

Once everyone regained their spirits, she took back her strict tone and ordered "Now get in position, sit on your broomstick. Don't forget, you must sit on the back, and if you don't want to fall you must put your legs…"


She stopped talking and looked at the commotion. Her eyes grew wide in anger as she saw Neville was already in the air.

"Mr Longbottom! Get down!"

But Neville answered panicking "I can't, I can't control it!"