Arya's mind was in turmoil as she went through the letter in her head ' Dear Arya, it has been brought to our attention that you have become quite close with Harry Potter current heir to both the Potter and the Black houses, it is about time you considered the future of the family and stopped lazing around. We expect you to continue to foster the relationship as we bring the idea of marriage between you two to your grand-uncle, the current head of Rosier. Keep in mind once we are given lordship when he passes as we expect that if you don't have the relationship in hand we will be forced to wed you to the Goyle family to keep the family pure. We will give you until the start of your fourth year in Hogwarts to solidify the relationship with Harry Potter or we will be forced to take matters into our own hands for the greater good of the family. Do not think for a moment that your parents can save you once we have lordship we are solely responsible for you. Take care and keep your grades up. Lord Tyrus and Lady Casia of the most Ancient and Noble house Rosier.'
Arya felt so empty inside once again her family is using her as a tool and now Daphne has created a distance between them, who was she supposed to talk to about this. Arya dropped her food to the plate and stood up abruptly making a beeline out of the Great Hall. Unseen to her a twinkle was in the eye of Albus Dumbledore who was thinking 'I love when plans come together'. Her friends all saw her rush out of the hall and were worried Harry and Theo rose up together and with a nod to each other rushed out after her. Daphne was left grimacing as she forced herself not to get involved and Hermione was almost crying seeing how her family used her and had no idea what to say.
The walls all blurred around Arya as she rushed out with no clear direction in mind just wanting to escape. Arya arrived at the quidditch stands and saw a group of students playing and laughing on their brooms with no worries in mind. She envied them, they looked so free and happy in the air while she felt herself falling further and further into a pit of despair. Her downward spiral was interrupted as she felt herself enclosed on both sides in a warm embrace. She broke down into tears and she loudly sobbed into the arms of her friends. Theo was the first to speak "What happened little dove? Talk to us, you know we are here for you no matter what" Arya got a reign on her tears and explained the letter to both of them. Harry was left in confusion as he had no idea what to think right now 'Arya is amazing, strong and talented why would a family force someone of her abilities to do anything against her will. Marry me? I mean she is really pretty and super strong but I am not ready for that, I don't even know her that well yet. Wait stop thinking about me for now, she has told me how her family treats her I need to support her right now' Harry tightened his arms around her.
Meanwhile a aura of anger was radiating from Theo, he couldn't believe her grandparents are trying to do this to an eleven year old girl. 'I mean I have grown up in the same environment as her and this is how things have been done but you would think her family would consider her feelings more especially considering her talents. I have no doubt she will stand at the peak of the wizarding world in no time.' Theo thought to himself as he too tightened his embrace around Arya.
Arya finally pulling herself together pushed out of their embrace and looked into the distance as she thought to herself ' I am done being a tool I swore to myself I would never be put at a disadvantage again, I promised myself to become powerful enough to always be in control of my situation, nothing has changed it is time I stop being a little girl only capable of following what those around her tell her to do. I will stand at the forefront of magic and will not let anything stop me'.
Determination filled her being and the boys could see a light glow in her eyes as they saw her stand full of determination and look at them. " I apologize for how I acted, it wont happen again, regretfully I ask you both along with the others to keep your distance from me until after the duel. I am done being a pawn of my grandparents plans, I will get stronger but I need to do that by myself without your help. Please respect my wishes, I promise after the duel everything will be explained but for now I must go" said Arya. Harry and Theo were taken aback at her but could see that nothing would dissuade her at this point so they merely nodded and promised to let the others know. Arya gave her thanks and bade them farewell 'Time to take control of my future, I will need my grand uncles support for my plans to work' she thought as she walked towards the owl sanctuary.
After writing her letter to her Grand Uncle Arya departed for her classes with a new confidence in each step. Everyone around her both teachers and students alike saw a change in the prodigy and grimaced to themselves as they had no idea what was going to happen next. Arya continued to excel in her classes even got a passing grade in a pop quiz in Herbology which greatly surprised and pleased Professor Sprout who was thinking ' Soon Ms Rosier you will come to thrive in my class I have just what I need set up. Next week after the duel you will see a reason to love Herbology' as she darkly chuckled to herself. Arya's friends minus Daphne tried to talk to her but after a lot of one word replies decided to leave her be until after the duel. Arya attacked dueling lessons with a vengeance and Draco was left on fear at her progress while Professor Flitwick laughed manically at the potential of his student. Finally the night before her duel Arya received a response from her Grand Uncle and smiled to herself as she thought 'Soon the world wont know what hit them'. With that thought in mind Arya headed for an early night as a lot of changes were coming to her life tomorrow.
Yo. I would never leave such a cliff for my loyal readers for a whole week. I hope you enjoyed the chapter the duel shall happen next time and Arya will show her changes to everyone watching. Expect the next chapter today or tomorrow I am super excited as we have reached a critical part in her character development. As always leave your thoughts below.