Coming back to their dorm, Tom noticed that Black seemed to be in a foul mood and was lost in his thoughts.
He tried calling him twice but to no avail.
Not in the mood to disturb the other person and become a target of their ire, Tom went to his bed, closed the curtains around his bed and tried to think what had prompted the other Slytherins to marginalize him.
In the next few days, Tom noticed that he was being intentionally left out of house activities; the study groups that were formed in each year, even casual talk never included him.
He felt angry at the unfair treatment he was being subjected to but he didn't know what to do.
In the Muggle Orphanage, he had hurt the other kids whenever they tried to act as if they despised him.
However, it wasn't feasible here.
Magic seemed to him to be a great equalizer and he was worried that if he did something and the others reported him to the Head of Slytherin; it would raise even more problems for him.
The momentary flash of his future being similar to what he had endured in the muggle world, made him feel as if he had been submerged in an ice-cold lake with no way out.
Tom wondered if he was destined to never have any kind of safe harbour in his life.
The people who were supposed to be his family for the next seven years used such hurtful words against him, in his vicinity intentionally.
Would there be no reprieve from the constant shunning of his person?
This fueled Tom's anger and in retaliation, he started his petty brand of revenge.
Even if he couldn't hurt them physically, he could hurt them in a way that wouldn't leave any clues behind and yet give him the satisfaction of getting back at his tormentors.
Thus, Tom Riddle started participating actively in his classes - whether the practical demonstrations or the question-answer segment that most professors preferred.
He took personal gratification when he mastered all the Transfiguration spells and Charms before anyone else in the class.
Except for Hadrian Black and even with Black; they mostly mastered the spell within a second of each other.
Next, Tom made a point to answer all questions his Slytherin counterparts seemed to be stumped about in class, which admittedly wasn't that frequently.
--------Line Break--------
Today, the Slytherins and the Ravenclaws were attending another Charms lesson with Professor Flitwick - who was trying to teach them The Locking Spell - Colloportus.
Professor Flitwick had explained that The Locking Spell will shut and lock a door, preventing manual entry and that the door could only be unlocked with the use of a key or unlocking spell - which they would learn in the next class.
The students had been provided with a miniature wall model that had a door in the middle, on which they were asked to practice the spell.
Just as Tom was about to perform the charm, he saw that Heir Black also moved the wand at the same moment.
Now, nobody would have found this movement suspicious since all of them were trying to learn the said spell.
However, Tom had a niggling suspicion that the only reason he almost always tied with Black was that the other person intentionally timed it that way and not because he was genius.
Performing a spell, charm or even concocting potions almost at the same time could be a coincidence once or twice, but doing it in every class wasn't a coincidence.
It was a deliberate action.
Trying to prove or disprove his theory, he stopped his wand movements abruptly and he saw how Black also aborted his movement.
Then, he made as if to try the charm but at the last moment furrowed his brows, as if he was having some difficulty.
He caught Black looking at him with a baffled look - as if the other person couldn't comprehend why he was having trouble with the charm.
As a final confirmation, he flicked his wand quickly and within the next second, two children had performed the spell - Riddle and Black.
"Ah! The first ones to master the spell, as usual, Mr Black and Mr Riddle. Five points each to Slytherin."
Professor Flitwick smiled at both of them looking excited about their talent and quick learning ability.
Tom knew he should feel pleased that the other person took him into consideration during the classes.
It seemed that Black had been doing it since the beginning of their school year.
Yet, Tom didn't feel the usual pleasure he used to feel for competing with Black.
He didn't feel happy for almost beating his opponent - even if he was an opponent only in his mind which was apparent from Black's actions.
Thinking about it, Tom didn't feel thankful towards Black.
Not at all.
Instead, he felt angry and humiliated.
Why was Black doing this?
What was he trying to prove with these ongoing stunts of his?
Was he taking pity on poor poor Tom who didn't have any friends in his own house and was being generous with his sympathy?
It wasn't as if the other boy had offered him his hand in friendship or even allowed him permission to call him by his first name.
He hardly ever even bothered himself about anything.
Most of the time, Heir Back was either lost in his thoughts—all the while caressing that damned bracelet which he had received from a 'very dear friend' or was busy roaming the halls of Hogwarts.
If Black was in the mood to socialize, he would always go to that Third-year Slytherin - Heir Malfoy and his group of friends.
With each thought warring with each other and Black's actions, Tom felt his anger rising by the minute.
He decided that he needed to talk to Black and see what this was all about and put a stop to it.
He was already on thin ice with other Slytherins.
If someone noticed this oddity of always completing any assigned task within a second of each other as he had, it would spell even more trouble for him.
--------Line Break--------
As soon as class ended and other students filed out of the class, Tom dogged Black's footsteps.
He had followed the other person to a secluded corridor.
Just as he held Heir Black's hand from behind, Black flung his hand as if burnt, pivoted on his feet, hit his knees; making him fall on the floor.
Tom could see stars as his head collided with the stone floor and as he looked up, he saw Black's wand pointed at his chest and above him, he saw Black standing with a feral look in his eyes.
Heya Folks
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Shiksha Jerath x