
Harry Potter and lust

This not my book it someone I only post

Nameless345 · Book&Literature
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58 Chs

Chapter 44: This Way to the Egress

The Lust of Gryffindors

Chapter 44: This Way to the Egress

The Pride experienced some drama the next week. It was the first time Harry had seen anyone cry there. Luckily, they weren't tears of hurt or recrimination. Dane Murphy was leaving them. He had begun dating Regina Mburu from Hufflepuff, and the relationship had quickly turned serious. She wasn't the kind of girl who would be interested in joining the Pride, and he felt that continuing to attend would be a betrayal. He also admitted that he had grown a little tired of all the debauchery.

Everyone was sorry to see him go. They couldn't throw him a proper celebration, as that would have involved sex. They settled on cake and butterbeer instead, and a promise that he was welcome to return anytime he wanted, even if it was just to study. It wasn't as if he were leaving the school, after all.

Even so, it was a sad day. Dane had been one of the regulars for the last three years, and had close if not intimate friendships with many people there.

Harry wondered if he would ever grow tired of the promiscuity in the Pride. Would he be bored with it by his seventh year? It was fun to satisfy his lusts, but lust without joy was empty. That's what made the place so special. It was important that the Pride was filled with classmates and friends rather than strangers. It was even more important that he was sharing the experience with Hermione. That made it an adventure rather than just a surfeit of sex.

Not for the first time, he wondered whether Pride members stopped indulging themselves after they left Hogwarts. Perhaps he would have to ask a few alumni. Were Livia, Saoirse, Stewart, and Malcolm meeting each other to hook up? Or had the Pride been an illusion that was dispelled by the real world? Neither answer would surprise him. Maybe there were adult sex clubs for whoever wanted the party to continue, though Sirius had never hinted about such a thing.

There was drama of a different kind with Ginny. Harry relayed his encounter with Luna Lovegood to her. Ginny was furious with what he revealed, and blamed herself for not remaining closer to Luna. They were neighbors in Ottery St. Catchpole, he learned, and had once been close friends as children. They didn't speak often at Hogwarts, and Ginny's membership in the Pride had curtailed their interactions even further.

Her description of Luna matched his brief experience with her. Kind but odd, and given to flights of fancy. She believed in a variety of conspiracy theories and fantastical creatures, most of them a result of her eccentric father's influence. The whole package made her ripe for bullying.

Harry offered to go to Flitwick, but Ginny insisted that she wanted to handle the situation herself. She felt it was her responsibility to talk to Luna first. If something needed to be done, they had a Ravenclaw prefect right there in the Pride, one whom they trusted to do the right thing.

For now, he decided to leave it in her hands.


"Hmmm," Tonks murmured. "Getting better. Jump and down or something."

Harry did a jumping jack, and he could see his body flicker out of the corner of his eye. A moment later he came fully into view.


"Yep, you're still flickering. Part of the spell is being able to imagine yourself as invisible. It's harder to do than it sounds, especially when you move. Most people drop the spell when they start casting."

"He's always had a lack of imagination," Hermione said smugly, and Harry gave her the finger.

She was pleased to have mastered the disillusionment spell before he had. It was a reversal of their usual roles with Tonks. Last year she had equaled or surpassed him when they were learning new spells, even if she lacked his power. But when it came to advanced defensive work, he consistently outshined her.

"Just keep practicing when you're alone," Tonks said. "Meditate on being invisible late at night in your bed. Once it becomes second nature, you just tap your head and go."

"Alright, I'll get it. I can't always count on my cloak."

"Especially if you keep loaning it out to people so they can give invisible blowjobs," Hermione replied.

"Oh, God, I don't wanna know," Tonks said.

"You're just disappointed you didn't get a turn," Harry said to Hermione with a silly grin.

"I give mine in public, thank you very much."

"So did they."

Tonks burst out laughing, and her hair turned bright red. "Do you two have any idea what you sound like? Fucking Merlin."

Hermione smiled. She had grown to trust Tonks implicitly. With her willingness to participate in her experiments—at least in the future—she had decided to share many of her ambitions with the metamorph.

"Someone's got to keep his ego in check," she replied. "Half the school wants to sleep with him this year."

"What can I say? The girls here know quality."

She rolled her eyes. "Speaking of quality, I have another favor to ask, Tonks."

"What is it?"

"I want to test the qualities of your ejaculate again, except with you in another form. Preferably Harry's."

"Say what now?" he asked.

She smiled sweetly. "You'll have a role to play too, Boy-Who-Can't-Turn-Invisible. I want to see how your goop differs from hers when she climaxes in your form. We know she doesn't have swimmers, but I want to know what that shimmering stuff is."

"You're turning into a mad scientist, Hermione."

"Mad Unspeakable, more like," said Tonks. "So you want me to turn into Harry and jerk off into a petri dish again?"

"What does this have to do with writing a sex manual?" he asked.

"Nothing. But it's still fascinating. I can't do a proper DNA test, but I might be able to figure out what Tonks is producing, and whether you produce it too. I already know I don't when I'm polyjuiced as you."

He shook his head. One day, Hermione was going to revolutionize both magic and sex. Probably at the same time.

"Whatever you say, Doctor. As long as you don't start cloning me or something."

"I won't do anything stupid. I can't send anything magical to a muggle lab, but I still want to experiment."

"Just keep this craziness a secret," Tonks said. "You want it now? I won't see you until next week."

"If you don't mind."

Tonks winked at Harry. "Assuming he's okay with me abusing his body."

"You haven't already checked out my goods?"

"Of course not. I don't violate my friends like that. Just strangers. And enemies. And celebrities. And pretty much everyone else."

He laughed. "I don't care what you do with my body, so long as you're not robbing banks."

She quickly morphed into him, then reached between her legs and felt around. "Seems like you've got plenty to work with."

"He does," Hermione said. "Here."

She handed her a petri dish and stepped back. "We can wait outside until you're finished, if you like?"

Tonks smirked at how she made it sound like a question. "But you'd rather stay and watch, I assume, you dirty Gryffindors."

"Well, I've already seen Harry's equipment many times, and he does have a voyeurism fetish."

"Hey! I have no desire to watch myself masturbate."

"Morgana's muff, you're both barmy. It's Harry's body, so you can watch if you want. But if you do—this absolutely has to stay between us. No joking around with Sirius. I trust you both, but still."

Harry and Hermione looked at each other and couldn't resist a grin. He was very curious about what Tonks could do, even if she would be turning into him. Knowing that she would be touching his hard cock, despite it being on her body, made everything less weird and more kinky.

"As long as you're okay with it," he said. "We promise we won't say a word."

She shrugged. "We're friends, and I'm comfortable with what my body can do. I just don't want to freak you out."

"Go for it then."

Tonks still wore her own clothes despite being in Harry's form. They were a rather tight fit now. She unzipped her fly but realized she was wearing knickers.

"Oops, gonna have to take off my kit."

She pushed her trousers to her knees without hesitation. Her knickers followed, putting Harry's lower body on display. Her cock—or rather his cock—was already semi-hard. She began stroking it casually as they watched.

"This is a bit strange, even for me," she said. "I don't think I've jerked off with witnesses before."

"Bit stranger for me," he said. "It's my cock, and you're speaking with my voice. Hermione freaked me out the first time she did it."

Tonks laughed. She tugged and squeezed on her new cock as the pair watched. It was hard in no time at all, and Harry found the situation surreal despite his experiences with Polyjuice.

"Damn," she said after an admiring whistle. "Big, but not too big. I'm impressed."

"Thank you."

"Of course, it could be improved a little."

Her dark pubic hair suddenly turned a bright pink. Her balls grew in size, and the cock in her hand lengthened. Soon she was stroking an impossibly thick twelve-inch shaft with a huge, bulbous head.

Harry gaped at it. "There's no way that fits in a girl."

"Not really, no, but it's fun to play with. Feeling envious?"

"Nope. I'd never get laid if I had that monster."

She returned his cock to its normal size and resumed stroking herself.

"You don't have much of a chest either. I can help you there."

Tonks grew out her breasts to huge proportions, stretching out her shirt.

He winced at the sight of his body with giant boobs. "Now that's just weird."

"Nothing wrong with a nice set of baps," she said, examining the petri dish in her hand. "I'm getting close. This thing's not very deep, but I suppose you don't need much."

"No, just coat the bottom of it if you can control it," Hermione answered.

"I can."

Tonks closed her eyes and stroked faster, and a few seconds later grimaced and shot several stripes of cum into the dish. She kept stroking, her orgasm continuing long after she stopped producing cum.

She sighed and handed the dish to Hermione. "Well, that was high on the weirdness factor. Enjoy."

"Thank you," she said with a pleased smile. "Now I just need Harry's to compare it to."

Tonks turned back into herself, her cock instantly retreating into her body, to be replaced by a small patch of pink pubic hair. Harry blinked, not sure if she had intended to flash him. He looked away as she pulled up her knickers, and missed her smirking at him.

"Well, Harry?" Hermione asked, holding up another petri dish.

He rolled his eyes. "I don't have a problem being watched. But I wouldn't mind a helping hand, since this is your project."

She winked at him surreptitiously and handed the dish to Tonks. "Okay, I'll make short work of you while Tonks collects the sample."

It wasn't lost on him that Hermione was increasing the amount of teasing they did in front of their instructor. She probably wanted to sleep with her more than he did, and was using this situation to test her boundaries. Tonks looked between them and snorted, but didn't raise an objection.

Harry disrobed, and they both approached him. He was only slightly aroused, so Hermione got to her knees and took his cock into her mouth.

Tonks laughed. "Whoa! I'm getting a peep show now too?"

"Feel free to participate," Harry said.

"Not just yet. You're still my students. Remember our deal."

Hermione paused in her licking and looked up at her. "This is an independent learning project. Technically I'm the Professor here."

"You're about as subtle as a sledgehammer, girl."

She shrugged and returned to Harry's cock, using both hands to stroke him while her tongue teased his crown. She took her time and put on an obvious performance for their older friend. Hermione kissed and slurped on his crown far more erotically than was necessary, and licked the entire length of his shaft. She even rubbed his cock along her nose and slapped her cheeks with it, continuing long after he was hard.

Tonks was aware of what she was doing and decided to put on a show of her own. She morphed into Professor McGonagall and peered closely at his cock.

"That's quite good technique, Miss Granger, but do pay more attention to his bollocks."

Harry groaned and closed his eyes. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Language, Mr. Potter. Five points from Gryffindor. And take care not to hit her in the eye with your spunk."

Hermione started laughing and had to stop teasing him to recover. "Oh, God, Tonks. That's just wrong."

"My dear, the poor boy can't finish if you stop. Prefects must be diligent in their duties."

"Yes, Professor."

She took him back in her mouth, trying to repress the urge to giggle. Harry kept his eyes closed, mortified to have a McGonagall clone commenting while he received a blow job.

"You are so gonna pay for this. Both of you."

Hermione began stroking him in earnest. Her soft lips wrapped around his crown, and she worshiped it wetly and adoringly for Tonks' benefit. He breathed harder as orgasm approached.

"I'm almost there."

She pulled her mouth away. He felt Tonks place the petri dish just under the tip of his cock.

Harry sighed as he spasmed in her hand. He shot rope after rope of cum into the little dish—and beyond it, if the surprised gasp was any indication. He opened his eyes to find that he had soaked most of the dish, as well as part of Tonks'—or rather McGonagall's—hand. There were two long stripes of cum along her wrist too.

"Holy shit, Harry."

Hermione smirked. "He always does that. Sorry I didn't warn you."

"Purely accidental, I'm sure."

She removed the petri dish and covered it while Harry tucked himself away. Tonks examined the mess on her hand, unable to decide what to do with it.

"There is a rather impressive volume of splooge on my hand, Mr. Potter," she mused, still in McGonagall's form.

"You could always just lick it off, Professor."

She raised an eyebrow. "That's true."

Tonks looked him right in the eye and morphed back to herself. She licked his cum from her wrist and hand, slurping it ostentatiously, then swallowed.

"Well, that was my protein for the day, I'd wager. Thanks, Harry."

"One of these days, Tonks…" he murmured.

"Yep, but not this one."


Hermione's next patrol was with Anthony Goldstein from Ravenclaw. They hadn't known each other well before becoming prefects, aside from a few interactions in Arithmancy. She preferred patrolling with him or Susan Bones when she couldn't be with Harry. Ernie MacMillan was amiable enough, but he couldn't stop chattering aimlessly. Padma had the opposite problem, as she didn't seem to like Hermione's friendship with her sister. Bulstrode hadn't bothered her yet, and she didn't know what to make of Blaise Zabini. He was a handsome and haughty boy, and she couldn't tell if his politeness was a mask for disdain.

Goldstein was more on her level in terms of temperament. He was one of the smartest students in Ravenclaw, and she was starting to appreciate his wit. Plus, he wasn't half-bad looking. His hair was a thick mop, and frequently hung down to obscure his eyes. He was slim and not quite as reserved as his fellow Claws.

"I suppose everyone's in bed at this hour," he said. "What do you say we have a seat and relax?"

"Works for me," she said. "I brought a book."

"I did too, but I was hoping to soak my feet. Perhaps we could go to the prefect's bath?"

Hermione shot him an amused look. Soak his feet? She'd once said the same thing to Harry. Hearing it from someone else really did make it sound like a lame pick-up line. None of the other prefects had propositioned her this year, which left her somewhat surprised, given the rumors she'd heard. Harry had already sworn her to secrecy about his tryst with Susan Bones.

"The prefect's bath?"

"It's rather comfortable, isn't it?" he said casually, but fidgeted a little under her gaze. "Of course, I wouldn't dream of being untoward. I don't want Harry Potter after my head—if you're even dating, of course. Not that it would be any better having you after my head. You're quite a formidable witch."

Hermione smiled at the subtle question in the compliment. If everyone assumed she was with Harry, it took a bit of bravery to make such an opening salvo. She decided to be bold and see how he reacted.

"Thank you, Anthony. I'm not dating Harry, though we're very close. Just to be clear, are you propositioning me?"

He blinked at the direct question. "Er, I—wouldn't want to say something that earned me a hexing. I'm simply saying that I admire you. And if you were seeking someone to express his admiration? Well…"

She cheered internally. Except for Viktor Krum, no one had hit on her outside the Pride. Possibly because they were afraid of Harry. Or her. Or both. It felt good, and the idea of testing the waters elsewhere was appealing. If Harry could have a lover outside the Pride, why couldn't she? She grew increasingly aroused as they walked.

"I suppose it depends on what you mean when you say you admire me," she said. "You're an admirable wizard too, but I'm not looking for a boyfriend. In fact, I'd say I'm actively avoiding it."

"I see. No need to be worried about that. I just thought it would be nice to pleasantly pass the time together. We're just two bored prefects on patrol, aren't we?"

"We are. Of course, my reputation is important to me. You know how the Hogwarts rumor mill is."

The idea of earning a scandalous reputation no longer left her terrified, but it was still wise to make her view on the matter clear.

"I am the very soul of discretion."

"What a coincidence. So am I. I suppose it's our duty as prefects to improve interhouse relations."

His smile slowly turned into laughter. "Wow."


"I didn't think you'd say yes. I thought you might curse me."

"I'm full of surprises, Anthony. Shall we head to the bath? We only have two hours left to discuss the virtues of our houses, and I'm in the mood to be quite thorough."

He shook his head as she led the way. She couldn't resist a smug grin. That familiar ache between her legs had started to spread across her belly. Hopefully he could satisfy it.


January had just turned into February when Hogwarts—and the rest of Britain—experienced a very unwelcome shock. The chaos at the World Cup had merely been an embarrassment. The Tri-Wizard Tournament, a scandal. The attacks on Harry Potter, a cause for alarm and confusion.

But this went beyond all that and straight into horror.

Ten of the most notorious Death Eaters had escaped from Azkaban. Most of the dementors guarding the prison remained, but some had disappeared and were no longer under the control of the Ministry. It was the most alarming event in recent memory.

Harry and Hermione read the article from The Prophet along with everyone else. It had come with the morning mail, and what had begun as a groggy, routine breakfast quickly descended into chaos. Students and Professors alike were yelling and gossiping and discussing the news worriedly.

The Ministry seemed unable to explain how the escape had occurred. They revealed only that an Auror had been killed, and said nothing of a battle or how the prison's defenses were breached. It had Voldemort written all over it.

They looked at each other grimly when they finished reading the article. Ron, Ginny, and the twins held similar expressions, and Neville appeared ready to stab someone with his knife. Harry looked to the Head Table, but the Headmaster wasn't there.

The duo rose and approached Professor McGonagall.

"Professor, do you know if the Headmaster is available?" Hermione asked.

"He's not, Miss Granger. He is out of the castle for the foreseeable future. Why do you need to speak with him?"

"It's not an emergency, ma'am," Harry answered, nodding at the article in front of her. "We just had some things on our mind."

"So do we all. I shall inform him you wish you to speak with him when he returns."

"Thank you."


It was two days later when Dobby delivered a summons from Dumbledore. Curfew was still two hours away, and Harry was revising in the dorms to escape the noise of the common room. He grabbed his cloak and went off in search of Hermione. She was likely in the Pride. They had already spent the afternoon in the library, looking up what information they could find on the escaped Death Eaters.

The news was dispiriting. Their crimes were laid bare in several books and newspaper articles. Each of the escapees was guilty of multiple murders or worse. He shuddered just thinking about the sadism of Antonin Dolohov. Narcissa had called Bellatrix Lestrange evil, and she was right.

He walked down the stairs that led to the Pride and looked around. It was almost empty. The seventh-years had a major essay due for McGonagall, and most of them were in the library. There were a few girls gathered in a semi-circle around a loveseat, however, and it was there that he found Hermione.

She was standing next to Ginny, Demelza, and Parvati. Beneath them was Colin Creevey. The girls were clothed, save Ginny, and Colin was on his back on the seat. Ginny was wearing nothing but a thick strap-on, and it was buried deep in his ass. All four of the girls were laughing and cooing at Colin as she thrust into him with long, slow strokes. Harry stood behind them and watched with amusement.

"You like this big dick in your ass, Colin?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah," he breathed.

"Such a tight asshole. Perfect for a girl's cock."

Colin's cock was soft, but his stomach and chest were covered in cum. The girls had clearly been pleasuring him for quite a while. Demelza was tickling his balls while Hermione squeezed his little crown between her thumb and forefinger. Parvati watched them with a bemused smile. No one had noticed Harry's presence yet.

Hermione flicked his cock with her finger. At the moment, it was little more than a nub. "Look at this cute, little thing. It's like a baby's cock. It doesn't even have a shaft."

Ginny giggled as she thrust. "Are you sure it's a cock? I've seen bigger clits."

"Do you mean that little head peeking out?" Demelza asked in disbelief. "That can't be a real dick."

"I think Angelina's belly button is bigger, and she's got an innie," Hermione said.

"It looks like a Bertie Bott's bean."

"Aww," Ginny cooed as she slid deeper into his ass, eliciting a gasp. "Poor baby has the tiniest cock in the world. Do you have to pee sitting down, Colin? Like a girl?"

His cock twitched in Hermione's fingers and began to grow.

"Oh, look! He does have a shaft! Kind of."

"Do you think he could put his little clit inside a girl?" Demelza wondered.

"No way," Parvati said. "I wouldn't even feel it, and I'm tight. Itsy bitsy baby cocks can't fill up my spout."

Colin groaned as his cock grew harder and Hermione flicked it back and forth.

Ginny thrust into him harder, flexing her pale ass. "He can certainly take a big one. You've got eight inches in your boy pussy, Colin. Do you like my huge cock?"

"So much," he murmured.

"Oh, his balls just got tight again!" Demelza said gleefully. "They look like acorns. Where does he hide all that cum?"

Harry shook his head as he listened. Colin was smiling, enjoying every word. Did it count as humiliation if he loved it? His kink was well-known throughout the Pride by now. From Hermione, he knew that the boy sometimes begged for such treatment from the girls. They said variations of the same thing every time. It didn't seem to affect him outside their club. If anything, he was more confident. He had even asked Hermione for her old notes on transfiguration, and for some private tutelage. None of the other younger students had dared to do such a thing.

Colin's cock had grown fully hard now, and Hermione was stroking it with her thumb and middle finger. It glistened slickly with the evidence of his previous release. His crown grew swollen and pink as she teased it. Ginny slid the full length of the strap-on inside him with increasing force. She seemed intent on making him moan, and she was succeeding.

"Do you talk about me when I'm not here?" Colin asked breathlessly.

"All the time," Ginny answered. "We laugh and laugh and laugh. Your dicklet is our favorite topic."

"We need to take a picture of it," Demelza said. "I'll take it to class and show it to everyone. They'd laugh so hard. You want them all to see your tiny cock, Colin?"

"Yes," he sighed happily, and the girls looked at each other with unconcealed mirth. Hermione wrapped her hand around his cock, making it disappear.

"Wait, where did it go?" Parvati asked in mock confusion.

Hermione released him. "Now you see it, now you don't."

The girls giggled as she resumed stroking him with two fingers. It pulsed against her grip, as if straining for more of her touch. Or more mockery.

"Look at that adorable thing twitch!" Demelza exclaimed. "It's so hard! Are you sure that's three inches, Colin? I don't believe you."

"Two-and-a-half at best," Hermione tutted.

"We should have a dick measuring contest," agreed Parvati. "I think mine is bigger."

Demelza squeezed his balls almost lovingly. "You like us making fun of your baby dick, don't you, little boy?"

"Merlin, yes."

Parvati looked up and noticed Harry standing nearby. She looked abashed for a moment, as if she had been caught doing something wrong, but he smiled and motioned for her to continue.

"Harry's here, Colin," she said. "He can see your cock and hear every word we say. He knows how much of a sissy boy you are. You like that?"

"Yes," he gasped.

Hermione looked over her shoulder at him and winked. "His dick is so much bigger, Colin. He's like a different species. I'm going to fuck his brains out right after this. I love how he stretches me. I wouldn't even feel your skinny little tadpole."

His cock twitched in her fingers. Colin whimpered, and the girls laughed as he began spurting copiously all over his stomach, adding more white stripes to the mess.

"Aww," Demelza cooed. "It cums! How precious!"

Colin closed his eyes, a little smile on his face, as Ginny shoved the strap-on deeper and leaned forward to lick a stripe of cum from his chest.

Hermione kissed him on the cheek. "You know we don't mean it, Colin. We only do that because you beg us to, sweetheart. Next time, you're going to put that little guy in my bum and I'll love every second of it."

"Okay," he said, not quite daring to look in Harry's direction. "Thank you."

Ginny gently removed the huge dildo from his ass. "Want to wear this thing and show me what you can do with it? You made me really horny."

Colin sat up eagerly. "Sure."

Hermione stepped away from them to talk to Harry. She too looked a bit sheepish. "We usually praise him more than that. He wanted us to be brutal tonight. It's kind of fun."

Harry shrugged. "None of my business, as long as it doesn't mess with his head. He seems to love it."

"He adores it. Did you need me for something?"

"Yes. We need to see Dumbledore. And then I'm going to make you moan in front of Colin, just like you said."


The Headmaster settled into his chair, too tired to even offer them a lemon drop. He looked as if he hadn't slept in days.

"I shall tell you what I've learned," he began, "but you must keep it between yourselves and the Weasleys. I don't want rumors causing more panic."

"Of course, sir," Harry said.

"As you know, Voldemort has made his first move. We expected something like this. Madam Bones posted more guards at Azkaban, but if the dementors turned on them, it was always going to be a lost cause. They had instructions to hide and protect themselves if they were attacked en masse."

"Is that what happened?"

"I'm afraid so. It's likely that Voldemort himself released the prisoners after negotiating with the dementors. The Aurors were forced to barricade themselves in a locked room. Unfortunately, one of them was kissed during the attack."

"Merlin. Did the others report that it was Voldemort?"

"They didn't see him. They saw only a powerful hooded figure. Minister Fudge wouldn't believe the truth anyway, and we are not yet ready to shatter his illusions. He believes it was a revolt orchestrated by a rogue Death Eater."

Harry closed his eyes. This was exactly what they had feared. Voldemort was no longer alone, and could make plans that required manpower. And now that he had supported Fudge publicly, it would be harder to remove him. The politicking he had done to free Sirius might come back to bite him in the ass.

"Did he get his entire inner circle back?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, my dear. They are likely in terrible shape after more than a decade in Azkaban, but they are dangerous people nonetheless, particularly all three Lestranges and Antonin Dolohov."

"I was thinking about Bellatrix on the way up here," Harry said. "What if she visits her vault and discovers the cup is gone?"

Dumbledore sighed. "That is a very real danger, and there is little we can do. I had the same worry. For now, Alastor Moody is stationed outside the bank. But if she uses Polyjuice to enter, we will never know."

"But Narcissa Malfoy has her key."

"That won't matter if she shows up in person."


"It's possible that she will not visit so soon after her escape. Even if Voldemort discovers its absence, we must take heart that he can likely create no more horcruxes."

Harry rubbed his faded scar. "Likely. We're playing defense again. I hate this."

"I know, but we don't yet know where or how to fight him."

"Snape can't reveal where he's hiding?"

"Professor Snape, and I'm afraid he can't. The location of their base is unplottable. He doesn't recognize the area, and can't snoop around without making himself suspicious. Voldemort doesn't yet trust him. He is doing what he can."

"Isn't there some way to track the people who visit him, sir?" Hermione asked. "You could put a tracking charm on the Professor."

"That wouldn't work, unless he knew exactly where to fly on a broom. Their wards disable all forms of tracking when someone apparates or portkeys in."

"And the dementors? Can the Ministry discover where they've fled?"

"Alas, no, my dear. We will follow reports of unusually cold weather or mysterious muggle illnesses, but it is unlikely that Tom will keep them nearby. He would be aware of that vulnerability."

"What about the snake? Nagini," Harry asked.

"I know of no way to track snakes."

"Hmmm," Hermione mused. "A snake that big needs space to move around. It might go outside to hunt, unless he feeds it himself. It probably doesn't hibernate in the winter anymore, and a horcrux certainly couldn't freeze to death."

"What are you thinking?" Harry asked her, recognizing the look she got when her mind was in overdrive.

"Is it possible for snakes to track other snakes? If Nagini goes outside, perhaps they could pick up her scent or some sign of her. Particularly if they were magical. And since you speak parseltongue…"

Dumbledore's eyebrows rose. "If I conjured them myself, they would last perhaps four or five months, and be invulnerable to cold. Harry could give them precise orders."

"And they could tell me what they've learned! Would that work?"

"I have no idea. But it is the work of a few hours to conjure an army of snakes and send them forth to search. We could even portkey them all over the country."

The trio looked at each other in sudden excitement. "Let's try it," Harry said. "We've got nothing to lose."

"Very well. I'll summon Remus to help me with portkeys and maps. We'll need to devise a system for them to report back if they learn something. Settle in, Harry. I might as well start conjuring them tonight."

Hermione smiled, happy to have made a potential contribution. In the back of her mind, she chided herself for not thinking of it sooner, even if it was a longshot. "Maybe she won't be that hard to find. She's so big, she probably hunts chickens and goats."


Harry was on patrol with Susan Bones again, counting down the minutes until they could retreat to her secret Hufflepuff lair. He was growing fond of her company. They had only hooked up a few times this term, but he liked discovering the different layers of her personality. At one moment she seemed like she could be Lavender's best friend, gossiping and giggling about silly things; the next, she was no-nonsense and reminded him of McGonagall; and when they were alone, she was as lusty as anyone in the Pride.

Right now, he was trying to pump her for inside information. The last few days had been frustrating. They had sent out their small army of snakes, but neither Sirius nor Dumbledore could tell him more about what was happening. There had been no Death Eater sightings anywhere, and they didn't appear to be recruiting.

"Your aunt hasn't let anything else slip?"

"No, Harry," she said acerbically. "But if she made me promise not to reveal anything to you, I wouldn't."

"Sorry. I'm just a little on edge."

"It's okay. I am too. I know something awful is happening, beyond the Death Eaters escaping. She won't tell me more. You know what it is, don't you?"

"I'm not really supposed to say either."

She huffed. "But it's okay for you to interrogate me."

He sighed. If anybody in the school had a right to know, it was the niece of the director of the DMLE. That relationship might put her in danger. He was surprised that Madam Bones hadn't already told her everything.

"Susan, I trust you, okay? But if I tell you what's going on, you can't repeat it to anyone. You can't tell your aunt I told you. She already knows, but I don't want her after my head."

"I won't say a word."

He looked around the corridor. There weren't even paintings within earshot, but he cast a muffling charm and lowered his voice to a whisper.

"Voldemort is back. He never fully died."

She stared at him in shock. "What?! Are you serious?"

"No, that's my godfather, but yes, I'm serious."

She blinked, not quite able to believe he would make a joke about Voldemort's return. "That was awful, but please tell me the situation is under control."

"We're trying, and we've made some big hits against him. That's all I can say. He tried to come back in June last year, but Cedric and I stopped him."

"Merlin," she whispered in horror. "So that wasn't just a pair of rogue Death Eaters?"


"And the Wizengamot doesn't know?"

"They wouldn't believe it, and we don't want any sympathizers to seek him out. I think our side is talking about removing Fudge and spreading the news, though."

"I can't believe it."

"My godfather attended his first Wizengamot session last month. He was horrified at how incompetent and petty everyone was. He thinks only Voldemort's potential enemies should know, for their own safety."

They trudged on in silence for a while. Susan needed some time to assimilate the new information. That was fine with him. They still had twenty minutes before they could safely neglect their duties, and he needed time to think about how to approach the next topic anyway. After revealing his secret to Hermione and getting permission from Angelina, he had decided to take the risk of telling her about the Pride. He just hadn't expected to make the offer after talking about Voldemort.

"We can talk about something more pleasant if you like," he ventured.

"Like what?" she said glumly.

"Well, you've said you want to meet with me more often. I might have a way to do that without risk."


"Did Cedric ever hint anything to you about secret clubs?"

"Secret clubs? You mean—wait, really?"

He smiled, knowing her instincts had hit the mark. "Yes. I happen to know that Hufflepuff doesn't have one, though you do have rooms for people who want discretion."

"Yes, we do. Cedric told you that?"


"Merlin," she said, and couldn't stop a giggle.

Harry was pleased that he had managed to distract her from their earlier conversation.

"So there's actually a club in Gryffindor—for that? I've heard rumors before, but I thought they were ridiculous."

"I really couldn't confirm or deny anything, and you can't tell anyone we had this conversation. Alright?"

Susan laughed. "You dirty, dirty boy. I knew you were a slut. Don't worry, I won't spill your secrets."

"You don't even know them yet. Out of curiosity, am I the only person you're sleeping with?"

"No comment."

"Well, that's a 'no' if I've ever heard one."

"Hush, Harry Potter."

"I haven't even started teasing you, Susan. I expected to have this conversation tonight, and I think you might have fun at our little club. But before I can tell you anything else, you'd have to sign a magical contract. It doesn't commit you to anything. You just can't talk about it."

She eyed him warily. "My aunt would have my head if I signed a contract without her reading it."

"She probably doesn't want to know about this one. Let's slip in here."

Susan followed him into the closest open room. He locked the door and handed her a parchment from within his robes.

"Take your time and read it closely. There's nothing harmful about it."

She frowned and read it, her eyes roving over the document several times.

"Did Cedric sign one of these?"

"I really couldn't say."

"But, I mean, you let in people from other houses?"

"I can't say more unless you sign. I'm sorry. But you know you can trust me. And if you decide you don't like the idea, that's fine. No harm done. You never have to show up."

Susan examined his face for a long time. "Alright, I trust you, Harry."

She signed her name to the parchment. It glowed and rolled up, and he pocketed it.

"Well?" she said impatiently. "Please tell me I didn't just make a terrible mistake."


Susan sighed as he slid into her. They were spooning on the big black and yellow rug. Harry was behind her, and moments ago had convinced her to try anal sex. It was a bit of a surprise that she hadn't done so already. He'd given her a few minutes to get used to the sensation, and was now pushing gently into her ass. In this position, her canal was so hot and tight that it was difficult to move.

She was squeezing his cock exquisitely, but there was no way he could go quicker.

"You like that?"

"Yes," she said. "It feels weird, but good."

He reached around to knead her breasts from behind. She covered his hand with hers. Harry kissed her neck until she shivered. He was far from an expert on anal sex, but wanted to try something new with her. It was their fourth position of the night. Susan had already tried to ride him dry for the last half hour. She could cum like nobody's business, over and over again. The Pride might be a good fit for her, assuming she could be convinced to try it.

"That feels good," she whispered. "You like my boobs, don't you?"

"They're gorgeous. As fun to play with as Lavender's, and that's saying something."

She laughed. "Merlin. I'd be insulted if I didn't know you were part of an actual sex club."

"You should be glad I am. It's the only way I'd know how to keep up with you."

"Oh, hush. Are you complaining?"

"Not a bit."

Harry thrust into her a bit harder, and she reached between her legs. Even though he was deep in her ass, he could feel how soaked her pussy was, both with his release and her own arousal. Her wet lips brushed against him every time he filled her. She opened her leg a little wider to have access to her clit.

"There are other clubs, you know," he said. "Only Hufflepuff doesn't have one, as far as I can tell."

"What are the others like?"

He reached down to squeeze her ass with one hand, opening her cheeks a little wider, and she moaned.

"Dunno, but I've heard ours is the best by far. Cho certainly thinks so. She implied Ravenclaw's was boring, and Slytherin's is supposedly no fun at all for the girls."

"I bet not."

They were silent for the next minute as Harry slid in and out of her asshole tenderly. The pace was almost relaxing. Susan sighed with each penetration, and her fingers began working her clit more vigorously.

"I just can't imagine an actual orgy," she breathed. "Or Neville Longbottom attending one. Or Hermione. Or Leanne, for Merlin's sake. She seems so normal."

"We don't do that all the time. Most of the time it's just simple fun with friends."

"Filthy Gryffindors. I thought we did some scandalous things in Hufflepuff. Did Cedric tell you to invite me?"

"No. I had no idea you were close. You slept with him last year, didn't you?"

She breathed out hard as he delivered a kiss to her neck and kneaded her ass firmly. "Yes. I suppose it doesn't hurt to tell you."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you're so promiscuous."

"Harry Potter!"

He laughed and smacked her ass so hard it jiggled. It made her asshole clench tight around his cock, so he did it again.

"I'm just teasing. If you visit the Pride, you'll realize everybody's a slut when there are no consequences involved."

She started panting as she considered his words, hardly able to focus on anything but the way his cock was massaging her depths. He desperately wanted to know what she was imagining. Considering what she was doing to her clit now, it was something depraved. She opened her leg wider, allowing him to pick up his pace.

"And I could just watch if I wanted?" Susan asked. "I don't know many Gryffindors well."

She began pushing her ass back against him, meeting his thrusts with her own. Harry gripped her ass firmly and began driving into her harder. The tightness was so overwhelming that he couldn't last much longer.

"You wouldn't have to do a thing," he said. "But we'd definitely make you feel at home."

Susan made little grunting noises with each thrust now, and he was impressed that she could keep talking. Her ass was shaking, and he could feel the tension rising in her body.

"And—and you can really just—sneak me in through a back door?"

"As long as you keep the back door a secret," he said, sliding his full length deep inside her and wriggling his hips.

Susan moaned and rubbed herself as she came. The contractions of her pussy were mirrored by her asshole, and it sent him hurtling over the edge too. He winced in pleasure and shot load after load of cum deep in her ass. Her sphincter squeezed him tightly even after they were finished. It was unused to the intruder there, and Harry loved how her little aftershocks made it clench around him.

They remained silent until their breathing returned to normal.

"Okay," she said. "I'll visit your kinky sex club—one time, as long as no one can talk about it."

He smiled. "I hoped you would say that. Just tell me when you want to visit. You can come with Leanne if you want. No terrible pun intended."

She snorted. "I'll talk to her. Now get your dick out of my ass. It feels like you're in my stomach."


Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed the antics with Tonks and Colin. Sorry for not showing Hermione with Anthony. If there's demand for it, I'll add it as an omake. It was there to set up more interesting encounters for the future, and the chapter was already approaching 8k words.