
Harry Potter and Fates Work

My Name Is Adam Silver and my world just got tipped over. You'll have to read the story to understand but let just say that fate loves to f### me over.

Ibrahima_Diallo_9444 · Book&Literature
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Harry potter and fate work : Chapter 5: Rage

The feelings of anger from the previous owners body flourished again when I heard those words. It took almost all of my mental energy to keep myself from dropping him then and there or blowing him up with magic.

I knew I couldn't harm him without risking starting a war because the general public loved him. The only reason I had been able to harm him before and gotten away with it was because of the fact that him and Draco were about to fight. Unluckily, nothing like that is happening here so I can't touch him. So I covered my emotion with a layer of magic to contain them, as my face went blank.

Someone else didn't have that problem as I heard a crack from where Harry was, as I turned around to see Rose standing over Harry. I could guess what happened by the mark that was imprinted on his face.

"Rose wtf is wrong with you" He screamed like the little bitch he is.

"Don't even talk do you realize what you just said, you just mocked the fact that both of his parents died right in front of him" Rose said anger spread across her face.

Warmth filled me as I realized she really was mad on my behalf.

Harry finally realized what he had just said and looked down in shame. 

After that incident

Me and Daphne grabbed our clothes and left right after, I could tell Daphne was angry but she could also understand the situation enough, to now we couldn't do anything to harry, without starting something we aren't strong enough to stop.

That's why the next place we went to was Ollivander's to get our wands since Daphne can't use magic without it and believe me I checked, it's just that her connection to her magic is way to low so she can't control it.

It's time to check if my theory about how wands work is true, because if it is then i'm gonna have to not use one at all. So I grab the handle of the door pulling it open to reveal a pretty dirty and dusty room, with wand holders stacked against the wall. 

I go over to the bell on his desk and go to ring it, just for me to get the worst scare in my life.

"Interesting interesting you seem different from the other children who come here intriguing" I heard someone say, as me and Daphne whipped are heads back in fear, just to see an old man. Standing about an inch away from my face.

"Holy shit" I screamed in fear.

"Oh sorry young man I was just intrigued about you, you seem different" Garrick Ollivander, one or the greatest wandmaker ever standing about an inch away from me .

I'm just gonna assume you came to get your wand since there is no reason for you to come here if you didn't. He said before going to one of the shelfs and grabbing a wand off.

"Let's see here 6 1/4, unicorn hair, and ash wood tree" He says  passing it to Daphne just  to take  it back immediately.

" That wouldn't work well let's see, oh I have just the wand for you Daphne Greengrass" He says, before taking a wand box off the wall.

"This is the one,  7 ¾ inches, holly, ashwinder ash core" He says and when he passes it to her it erupts like fireworks.

"Good good now for you young man hmmm, I can't get a read on you that's a first" He says just before going to one of the shelfs in the back

This wand I recognize as I realize what it is, this is the original harry's wand, made of, Unique Holly wood, with a Phoenix feather core. 

.The moment I touch it the wand's tries to connect directly to my magic so it can gather it for me, meaning my theory was completely correct. I don't want to lose the connection I worked so hard to create to my magic to disappear, so I push back on it then I drop it to the ground.

Luckily Ollivander grabs it before it can touch the floor, as I see him give me a weird look before it disappears.

I think I know what wand I should give you" He says as he grabs a really old looking wand from the back.

"This is made from Adam tree wood, a leviathan scale, and a Pure magic stone as the core". He says nonchalantly as if he didn't just say it had a pure magic stone.

Pure magic stone are made when an already rare natural diamond, comes in contact with pure magic. If your wondering what pure magic is it makes sense because pure magic is just like the words describe.

It is when about a full nations worth of wizards magic  is gathered in one place the place it is gathered in has to have three conditions for it to work. One It has to have a densely packed nature filled environment around it to gather earth energy, it needs to have a river around it to gather water, it also need to have a very high amount of  heat along with the scale of a dragon to make one Pure magic stone.

So after a few seconds of thinking I go to the wand and place my hand on it as I tense up my magic. Surprisingly I feel a gentle nudge on my magic the opposite of the first wand I decide to give it a little. I feel my consciousness slip away as I here something I wasn't expecting.

"Thank you" I hear as I open up my eyes to see a beautiful colored lady with black hair and eyes sitting in a chair in front of me.

"Who are you!" I say with shock written on my face, for some reason this lady looks familiar to me.

"My name is adriana and I am the Gate keeper for this wand" She says as I realize there is a giant gate right behind her.