
Harry Potter and Deathfalls ( Hiatus )

a boy with peculiar name entering Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. disclaimer, i do not own Harry Potter, i only own my oc, the cover too is not mine. English is my second language so expect grammar error and other thing and yes a problem occurred.

EternalGrowth · Book&Literature
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it's been days without any further accident like usual Allan is wandering in the castle alone.

he go toward the hall, the corridor and other place.

now he is in library, when he hear footstep, he hide on a corner, he also pick the right place to hide so he can see who is it.

the person in question was Hermione she was holding her wand, the tip of her wand give out gentle blue light that can help someone to see in the darkness.

she turn into a corner and take out a book, the book title is [ Fantastic beast and where to find them ] it's a book writed by Newt Scamander, the book is filled with knowledge about Fantastic beast, the weak one to the most dangerous, the little one to the biggest.

Allan observe Hermione turn the page, after a while she stop, ' page 121, the Basilisk, so she found out ' Hermione then tore the page and grip it tightly.

just right then she take out a mirror and use it to see with the reflection.

' smart ' Allan nod, then he hear something from behind her he rise his wand and point it to that something behind her.

" Lumos maxima " a glaring light shot out from his wand and completely illuminate the library but most of light is concentrated on the direction he point to.

a red snake with huge body of around 6 meter is there behind Hermione, the snake has closed eyes while Hermione was petrificated.

' that slight moment huh ' the slight moment the Lumos maxima illuminate the library, the Basilisk eyesl reflect the light and it's eyes appear clear as the sun to Hermione who is seeing with the reflection on the mirror.

' so I choose the wrong move ' he click his tongue, he point his wand to Hermione.

" Wingardium leviosa " he place her on the ceiling out of reach from the Basilisk and the fight that will start.

the Basilisk open it's eyes and yellow red eyes is revealed, like his guess he is immune of it's death gaze fortunately.

the Basilisk seem surprised that something living can remain alive after being stared by it.

' a intellect on par with a human ' he see it's surprised expression.

" Yashatigia " golden flame cover his wand, he take one portion of the flame with his left hand and the other one with his right hand, the golden flame grow longer and when it died out a pair of weapon is there.

" I cannot use your idea Crystal because I want to see if my blade can penetrate it defense " he then move toward the Basilisk with extreme speed.

his body is trained since childhood and using various mean to strengthen it his body is beyond the scope of a average man.

the Basilisk doesn't have time to react when the blade already cutting it left scale and flesh leaving it vunerable on that side.

blood spurt out from it's wound and it begin to thrash about knocking bookshelves the ground shake as it create loud sound.

Allan move quickly to reach below it's head then he jump trying to stab it's head to kill it.

but before the blade reach the it body, the Basilisk move it's position avoiding the blade.

then it turn it's body and escape quickly, Allan is surprised by the sudden turn of event and before he realize the Basilisk is gone.

he gaze left and right to see cracked ground and ruined library with trace of blood there.

' at least now I know that my blade can penetrate it's defense ' he smile, he then make Hermione go down and leave her with a wand on her hand to make it so like she is the one that harm the Basilisk.

he turn the shortsword into his wand again and left the scene with his scarf and cloth still tidy.

' my body is rusty ' he thought.