
chamber of secrets

After a few hours passing by all the students in Ravenclaw went inside their dorms. I entered my room and call Gazlow once again.

"Gazlow, apparate me first in the manor." We appeared in my room in the manor.

"Brick!" Brick my house elf in the manor appeared.

"What can I be in service of master?" brick bowed

"Check on Asuna call her here, wake her up if she is sleeping tell her I need her in my room."

"Right away master."

"Master here is the list of rooms that have detection spells in their entrances. I did write all that we elves know about." as the elf handed me a piece of parchment.

" Nice work Gazlow, go back to Hogwarts and check if Filch is in his room, if not find him and return here and report immediately."

"Yes Master." he snapped and begone out of sight.

"Young Master," said Asuna as she open the door of my room slowly. "I have been trained on the art of pleasuring a man. It's my honor to be the first to serve you."

"What are you talking about? I did not call you for that."

"But brick said that you need me to service you in your room."

"Yes, I do need your service but not that. I need you to prepare for a battle we might encounter trouble tonight. get your weapons and armor and be back here I will teleport you to my mini-world ask Anita to prepare as well after you go in."

"It's good to know there are still possibilities. I will prepare for the battle my daggers are screaming for action."

"This gal sigh. "

Now is the perfect time to unleash the primary plans. As Asuna returned I sent her to my mini-world. Gazlowe came back and told me that Filch is roaming the castle to look for curfew breakers. I told him to apparate me in Filch quarters.

In Filch quarters I went to find the filing cabinet labeled "Confiscated and Highly Dangerous" which Fred and George found during their second year in Hogwarts. This is the first day of the school year and I sure it will be still there. I need the marauder's map. I also want to study it.

How could a student still in Hogwarts for schooling created this complicated map. I shall investigate.

Finding the map, I said the password "I do solemnly swear I am up to no good." And the parchment started its intro blah blah blah. After finishing I opened the map and see if there is anyone near the place I will go.

I asked Gazlowe to apparate me inside moaning Myrtle's lavatory. Apparating inside, I search the room immediately for Myrtle, luckily she is not her yet. Maybe because I did not enter using the door and trigger her. The magic alarm here in moaning Myrtle's Bathroom is to send signal to Myrtle that informs her that some enter the room and she will immediately go to the room is she's not around or peek through her clavicle.

Ghost don't show on the marauders map. So as the animals, Only persons. I walked closely and silently to her clavicle and opened it.

"aAaaaaaah how did you get here. do like startling Mrytle. Do it over and over and change my name from moaning Mrytle to startled Mrytle. You like that don't you. It rhymes doesn't it? Aaaaaaaaah.

According to her habit, when she gets upset or get angry she will dive down her cubicle. in case dumbledor ask her if she is her spy hear in this room she can tell i pissed her but did not know what i did after that.

After that i face the chamber of secrets' entrance. i walked toward the faucet with a snake head design in it. then spoke [open!].

The secret entrance started to morph itself just like the movies, but much more mesmerising. A hole appeared where I must slide to enter another door. I jump in to slide.

Reaching the bottom there is no shedding of snake skin around it must have shed it in the future when Ginny release it. It must be in hibernation.

Reaching the second door it stop to said the password. [abandoner Salazar I am here to collect your debt dues]. There are two password for this door one the simple parseltongue [open] and the password that will activate a mechanism that will make a path to the real Slytherin's private room.

The door opened and showed a wall. Well a path but it immediately turned to the left. I followed it and it leads to a stairs. As the magical torches in the wall lit up whenever I am close to it the path shows that it was made from high quality granites and marbles very.... old style but elegant.

In here I summoned out the three Moriah, Asuna and Anita. [This is the layer of a previous family relative Salazar Slytherin. There is a basilisks inside and I wand you to befriend it there is a hole slide here to the chamber of secrets. Moriah lead the group, you are immune to the basilisk death eyes for you are a higher bloodline species, you two aren't so you two stay behind as back up. If the snake is not friendly with you you know what to do. Bring this deer too] I summon a dead deer from my mini world. [And don't forget the password to the door of the basilisk room is speak to me Slytherin, greatest amongst the four.]

[I'm counting on you three ok.] I gave them encouragement. Moriah needed that she is currently experiencing lack of self confidence. Anyway I walked up another stairs and now the private room of Salazar is now in front of me. This door require blood rights of passage. It needs a blood that came from an Ophias family. There is a bid snake head at the door it's body decorated the whole door. I prick my finger on one of its fangs and let my blood drip at the tongue.

A few moment past the snake moved as if it was retreating, as it does the door slowly opens. 'A nice door, I will investigate... other time, I entered the room and it is filled with potion making tools. This is his private lab.

Shelve full of bottles of ingredients that became ashes due to decades of decades that has come past. Another cabinet to hold vials of potion some evaporated already and empty, while some, the airtight ones, have still liquid on it. I stored it all. A bookshelf full of notes personally hand written by Salazar himself, store it. There was a ritual circle full of runes, a small Pilar standing in the middle with an egg displayed on it. I will store it after I know what does rune circle is. On the right is another room. A bedroom with its own bathroom. On the left was dinning and kitchen room.

So this is where Salazar made the basilisk or research about it. You see basilisk are not natural magical creatures they are a result of a specific ritual. I read about it in our Ophias information Library. I think the ritual circle for that is in the basilisk chamber and not on this room. I can see anything resembling a ritual circle for that.

What I do know is that Salazar use the basilisk he summoned to empower himself and his contracted familiar but failed and killed his snake familiar on the start of his experiment. Very regrettable mistake but he did use the carcass of his familiar to summoned more powerful basilisk.

The summoned basilisk will now be loyal to the first person it see. The basilisk has two eyelids. When it on a hunt or feeling danger it open both eyelids. It's transparent eyelids, the one that prevent magic releasing it death gaze is usually closed or the basilisk will always be tired due to constant releasing of strong magic power through its eyes. It might even die from it.

That was a complete description of how it's eyes work. On our data Library. That is why I have strong faith in those three to succeed in befriending the basilisk.

Apparently, Salazar was twisted in his interpretation of pure bloods and summoned a basilisk that will be ready for the ritual to strengthen the heir of Slytherin or his lineage. Hmm looks like he is really on the verge of abandoning the Ophias family as a back up plan.

In our Ophias family if you went out to find a partner and did not came back after you will be branded as an abandoner and another family member will hunt you down including the alliance with the Nagas and Isises, When you reach the time limit of ten years. Salazar proposed the plan to make a stronghold in the outside world to make ready available resources needed to conquer the outside world. The council of elders agreed and that was his start of fame and glory outside the family.

Still he was branded as an abandoner. And about the dark mark he studied it and pass it to his heir. That mark will inform the main family is there is danger on the bearer and will send signal to anyone outside the Ophias communitt for help. Apparently, the real reason was lost in time after passing the knowledge from heir to heir. But the notes on how to use it and brand it to yourself was passed on. That is how Tom Riddle encounter this mark and used it for his personal purposes.

The Ophias family modified it slightly to know which dark mark is calling. The original or the copycat.

After gathering all the useful things I went down to follow the three and be updated.

I do have to make a living. At least for food and bills so bear with me in the delays of releasing a chapter.

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