
Harry Potter: A New Path

Darkness was all Harry has ever known, first, it was the cupboard, now an underground lab. As Hydra slowly but surely eradicated all his mental barriers a strange blue box became the salvation for the older twin. !AU,!Marvel Crossover,!Twin to BWL,!Alive Potters.

WN_LightNovels · Book&Literature
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51 Chs

Mopping up trouble!

{Dungeons, Hogwarts, Scotland}

{08:46 PM, 23rd Jan 1992}

Harry stood next to Flint who was holding the potion in his hand as if it was his lifeline, the potion was locked in his fists so Harry had to act with intent if he wanted to take that potion away and reduce that variable, and he wanted that potion. Especially when someone was targeting him, he recollected all the information about Marcus Flint in his mind.

Marcus was a fifth-year Slytherin prefect, he was also the captain of the quidditch team, well connected in the house his influence also soared when he gained the alliance of the Malfoy heir this year, maybe that would be the motivation for this attack, he could see the brat who was in the process of being hidden by several spells. Harry decided what to do, the 9-on-1 situation was a bit tricky but it wasn't hopeless, he just needed to target and immobilize a hostage when everyone was still trying to hide themselves...

"Quicker, we need to get everything ready in the next five minutes, Ryan keep in mind that we need to get Hector's attention..." as Flint started to tell Ryan his plan he was about to hide the potion tube back in his robes, Harry decided that now was the optimal time to attack.

"Osi Evenas~" Harry cast the bone vanishing charm at Flint's right hand and then summoned the now falling potion tube, chucking the tube into his inventory Harry then let dropped the Disillusionment charm, as the notice-me-not charm's effect was broken when he drew attention to himself.

Meanwhile, Flint was screaming a little as he stared at his right hand flopping about, from below the elbow he had no bones and his hand was now just hanging there.

'I don't even want to imagine what it would feel like, what about the nerves and blood supplies that are attached to the bone, do they vanish too?'

"Protego Duo~" Harry cast, shielding himself from all the curses fired at him, the Protego Duo was a stronger version of the shield charm, it was also easily manipulated, and can reflect the curses back at the casters hence Harry's choice of the spell during this fight. As the group of people hastily cast a shield charm of their own to absorb their own Harry looked at his mana points, the barrage of spells nearly took a thousand of his mana to withstand and he could handle at most 10 more of these, so it was time to mop a few of them up.

"Scutum Frange~" Harry aimed a shield breaker charm followed by a stunning spell towards Ryan, he just needed to subdue the two leaders and capture Malfoy for this group's struggles to die down, both spells that he fired were concentrated pieces of magic so Ryan was send sprawling to the floor before he could stop his shield and dodge.

Capturing Malfoy was even more straightforward, he was groaning on the ground as a deep gash was opened up from his chest to his shoulder, the cutting curse that he had fired was blasted back at him and he was totally unprepared for the spell to return.

Harry poured mana into his shield to withstand two more barrages of spells before he concentrated and build a large wave of mana.

"~Oscausi~" Harry chanted in parseltongue as he watched skin grow over everyone's mouth sealing their lips shut, Harry watched them with interest, the scene reminding him of the pictures of mummies that were excavated from HYDRA's Egypt expedition...

The corridor was silent all of a sudden, or maybe silent is not the right word, there were no more spells being cast as Harry recalled most of them were 5th years, maybe just a silencing charm would have been more interesting, but the muted horror on everyone's face was a delight as well, well everyone but Malfoy who was still groaning pathetically on the ground. Harry turned to the kid next to him and ordered, "Take him to the hospital wing,"

Harry took a few measured steps and then arrived in front of Flint, his mouth was shut up as well but Harry could read the panic in his eyes, seeing the distracted visage of Flint Harry decided that maybe a little dive would be ideal.

'Ligilimency' Harry thought as he dove into the mind of Marcus Flint, after the connection was formed Harry was bombarded with hundreds of meaningless images before he took control of the connection and started influencing his mind to think about Hector Jackson. A minute later Harry came back to his senses now knowing the reason behind the assault but not understanding why.

Apparently, 2 days ago every one of them had gotten a letter from their fathers instructing them to attack Hector Jackson today after his detention, Harry tried to connect the dots, trying to figure out who and why would anyone even do that, what would they even gain and who has enough influence over these many Purebloods to get them to attack him.

He was broken out of his musings by Flint fainting in front of him, his mind was probably taxed after the forceful invasion, thankfully a wizard's mind was stronger than a muggle's so Harry wasn't in any trouble, at least for now, if he had tried to gain this much information from a muggle, then they would become the permanent resident of a Hospital.

He looked at the 5 purebloods that stood behind Ryan, who Harry noticed was still sprawled out, one of them was trying to enervate Ryan but it wasn't working and small sparks were shooting from the end of his wand. Their gaze flickered to the now passed-out Flint that was now lying before him and their panic rose.

Harry felt several mana pings on his senses, he figured that Dumbledore must be arriving soon as he had to let someone take Malfoy to the hospital or else the pureblood scion bled out, he looked at the 5 mute people and decided to undo the spell, there was no need to broadcast the fact that he had used a dark spell, his wand won't survive the scrutiny of the 'Priori Incantatem' this time.

'Finite Incantatem~'

As their mouths were suddenly unsealed they immediately retreated and used Protego's to protect themselves, Harry was expecting them to try and attack him but their defensive stance made explaining this to the teachers a little difficult, and now he would actually have to try...