
Harry Potter: A New Battlefield

Harry Potter finds himself in a high-stakes chase through the desolate streets of an unknown city in the United States. After a mysterious encounter with the Veil in the Department of Mysteries, Harry is transported across dimensions into a world where his magical abilities mark him as a unique and powerful individual, but also paint a target on his back. Dressed in unfamiliar clothes to blend in and running on sheer adrenaline, Harry struggles to evade a relentless pursuit by heavily armed military forces. The tension escalates with the arrival of helicopters and a growing number of pursuers determined to capture him. Despite his exhaustion and the limitations of his magic, Harry manages to keep one step ahead, using his wit and a few desperate spells to navigate the maze of the urban landscape. As Harry dodges bullets and confronts his dire situation, he encounters a strange figure—a man in a blue suit—who offers a cryptic clue and a momentary respite from his escape. But the chase is far from over. Harry's journey through this new world is fraught with danger, unaware of the new allies and formidable enemies that await him in this strange new universe. Caught between the familiar magic of his past and the mysterious forces of a world governed by mutants and superheroes, Harry must navigate a war of a different kind, seeking allies in unexpected places and using his unique powers to fight for survival. Enjoy Early Access on Patreon! Craving more of Harry's thrilling adventures in the new world of mutants and magic? Don’t wait for the next chapter to drop! Join my Patreon and get early access to advance chapters before anyone else. Experience the excitement of Harry’s journey through dimensions and battles with iconic characters ahead of the crowd. Become a patron today and dive deeper into the universe of "Harry Potter: A New Battlefield" with exclusive content and behind-the-scenes insights only available to my Patreon supporters. Your support not only helps me keep writing but also brings you closer to the heart of the action! Visit my Patreon to unlock your advance chapters now and join a community of fellow enthusiasts who share your passion! Patreon Link: patreon.com/FantasyFusionForge

FantasyFusionForge · Book&Literature
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Chapter 33: Night of the Green Goblin Part One

Swinging over the New York City streets, with the greatest of ease, one thing was for certain and nothing beats doing the web slinging thing. At least that's what one friendly neighborhood Spider-Man would say when he propelled himself from city street to city street. It had been a few weeks since the battle with the Sinister Six and things had been oddly quiet. Perhaps a little too quiet if the web slinger was honest with himself but only a fool would jinx the good fortune he acquired.

'So far not even a jay walker or a pick pocket,' the web head thought when his web slinging was his guide. 'Could it actually be that I'll get through one night without any trouble? Could it actually be that I'll go home before eight PM tonight?'

A loud explosion of a bomb cut the friendly neighborhood hero out of those thoughts and he shook his head. Those thoughts went out the window faster than he could even realize.

'Right, I couldn't be so lucky.'

The web slinger made his way to an apartment complex and gagged at the green smoke that came out. The friendly neighborhood hero thought he cut a decent pace when he made his way inside and dropped down to see the grisly sight before him. Spider-Man looked around with a wince, that turned his stomach to the bone and he looked around to see the body toll.

There was a family of four on the floor, all dead. It was nights like this that made his job rather hard as there were a lot of psychopaths out there. The web slinger clutched his fist to see if the man or rather monster who committed this was still around or if it was a simple duck and run attack. Spider-Man took a couple of steps forward to look at the sights.

"Nice night for a murder, isn't it, Spider-Man?

The web slinger's body snapped around, growing rigid with each passing moment and his heart thumped into his chest. He wondered what he was up against and the figure that he heard, he knew there was a voice. But as for a face, a body, or whatever else, that was a mystery that Spider-Man could not solve. The web slinger stepped towards the shadows and wondered happened, the palms growling cold.

"No, it's not and who are you?" Spider-Man demanded but then his spider sense went haywire.

It was easy to see why, an exploding pumpkin bomb sent the web slinger staggering backwards and he dodged the attacks. He saw the nasty figure on the glider and another explosive flung at the friendly neighborhood web slinger.

This mandated a duck and roll, with the web head trying to remain one step ahead of his enemy, but the laughter and the explosives caused Spider-Man much frustration. He figured that it would be a good idea to take a trip out the window now; otherwise this dangerous individual would blow up half of the apartment.

"Now, now, it isn't nice to run from Uncle Gobby."

The nutcase followed him out of the window on a glider and sliced through his web line with a blade to cause him to spiral down to the ground. The web head tried to latch onto the building and by some miracle he grabbed onto it. He dangled over the side of the building, kicking his feet and breathing heavily but somehow he made it.

Then he got a good look at his enemy, in all his nasty glory, the green skin or maybe it was a costume, it was kind of hard to tell in this particular light. The sunken in eyes that showed a promise for much sadism to come and that caused something to turn in the pit of Peter Parker's stomach.

"You've finally met your match, Spider-Man!"

The web head dodged an attack.

"Yeah, and I'm not happy about it, especially with you killing innocent people."

The goblin laughed. "Innocent, hardly. All of us our guilty Spider-Man, especially you."

The web head found confusion reign on him. "Guilty, what did I do?"

"Don't play dumb, you know what you did," the criminal stated in a nasty voice when he hurled more explosives at Spider-Man which he dodged. "You let Norman Osborn die and now I'm your judge, jury, and executioner! I'm the Green Goblin, know the name Spider-Man, for it will be your doom!"

"Green Goblin, catchy," Spider-Ma mused when he dodged out of the way of the attacks and spiraled himself upwards to meet his enemy. "Nice and alliterative, which will ensure that people will remember it."

As it turned out, that particular line of attack was a critical error. The web slinger flew backwards with a huge smack and landed on the ground with a thud. The web head winced when pain visited him, lots and lots of pain as it turned out. The web slinger did not have a good night and it was about to get worse.

The Green Goblin shot a bolt of energy from his hand and knocked Spider-Man backwards. The web head crashed onto the ground, breathing heavily and shaking his head a little bit. The criminal dropped down off of his glider and reached down at the downed Spider-Man, before grabbing his mask but retracted his hand.

"No, too soon," he muttered before he pulled back and looked down at the web slinger. 'The fool never saw me coming so he didn't call his playmates. Such a pity, but the Green Goblin shall bring the fight to them. And for now, Spider-Man will be my prize."

The Goblin scooped up Spider-Man before he fastened his hands together and made sure the web slinger remained unconscious. The bolt of energy shot through his hand would immobilize him for several hours, although Goblin found that he could increase the bolts of energy and kill people rather easily. There was nothing to murder as he found out.

The one thing he knew was that Norman Osborn was dead and all that allowed him to die would pay, the streets of New York would reign in blood. That was a guarantee that the people could take to the bank and cash in and when the Goblin gave his word, all listened.

Spider-Man hooked to the Goblin Glider, flew off with the monster, unable to move. No doubt there was someone who was underneath that mask but when the time was right, the mask would come off. It would be after the wall crawler's spirit broke beyond all belief. Then when all was done, Spider-Man would beg him to remove the mask. It was a plan worthy of a devious mastermind.

The X-Men were on his list and then Doctor Octopus, there was no way the Green Goblin would allow him to get away. The chemicals boosted his strength, skill, and endurance, along with making him invulnerable to magic thanks to the hair nearby the chemicals when they exploded to give birth to the Green Goblin. All while the sanity stripped from him and made his mind decay within his form.

Every Goblin had his day and his moment of reckoning was at hand.

Captain George Stacy arrived at the scene much too late. Eye witness accounts indicated that Spider-Man fought some nutcase dressed like a goblin on a glider and the battle ended badly for him.

'If someone is able to take down Spider-Man that easily, then what hope does the rest of the NYPD have?' Captain Stacy thought when he shook his head.

He liked to have faith in his men and women but over the past year, he'd be a liar if he did not admit that Spider-Man did not make his job a lot easier. While he was not going to go as far as make a spider themed signal to flash in the sky every time he needed help, he respected the web head. And now that he was dragged off and likely good as dead, who knew what was going to happen now.

"Your powers, they're much stronger when you're feet are on the ground then they are elsewhere," Harry stated when he walked with Amara, the two of them walking next to each other. Through the training, the two of them got to know each other rather well. "You've improved by leaps and bounds."

"I'm glad to see that you approve," Amara answered with a smile crossing her face when she took a look at what she perceived to be a god in living flesh before her.

There were many times throughout history where myths existed in her culture about people like Harry, who could give women pleasure, multiple women at once in fact. The fact of the matter was that one of the myths resembled the young magical mutant before her.

"So am I the one who improved the most?" Amara asked when she smiled and stretched back a little bit, to unintentionally reveal a small amount of flesh that was her midriff area.

Harry gazed at the dark skin that she showed, it was toned and healthy, she was in good shape. "Yes, you've improved a lot, the most, with Bobby being the second one although he has some issues."

"You mean being a bit annoying," Amara answered with a smile on her face and Harry offered her a reproachful look which she looked sheepish about. "Well, he's doing good I think, all of us I mean….we wouldn't have gotten as far as we had if it wasn't for you. You're a great leader Harry, a great teacher."

Harry smiled, he decided not to correct Amara and state that technically speaking Scott was still considered the leader of the squad. Of course, technically speaking, if they wanted to look for the young mage for advice, he did not question it, he went with it. Especially with these beautiful young women before him, including this sexy dark skinned princess of Nova-Roma.

"You've helped me gain the confidence I need, and I'll never forget that, ever," Amara stated when she placed her arms around Harry's waist lightly. She had no idea why she was being so bold. Normally she would not be so brazen to commit such an act.

"I'm happy to help, to do anything to help anyone," Harry responded when he turned to her and she smiled at him.

"You're building quite the group of young ladies, first there was Kitty, then Rogue, and the Rachel, and who knows who else might be coming around when they pop back," Amara whispered to Harry when she smiled. "I'm sure you'll get the best, most powerful ones."

"I'm sure I should leave a few for other people," Harry answered but really he did not say that like he believed it.

Amara made a noise with her mouth and shook her head. "Harry, if the others can't step up their game, that's their problem, isn't it?"

Harry's powers grew stronger, even after the incident at Oscorp when he inhaled the formula that caused his powers to increase, the ability to copy other people's powers with ease, not simply learn from them. He did not need to touch them at all like Rogue does, rather a few minutes observation and he created the mental notes he needed for replication.

"I want to thank you," Amara breathed hotly in his ear, the fifteen year old mutant wrapping her arms around him and Harry wrapping his arms around her, pulling her into a nice embrace.

Two sets of powerful lips met with a searing kiss, the type of kiss that caused a girl's toes to curl underneath her. Her breath hitched up, before Harry's hands traveled a bit between her legs to feel the warm heat.

"Someone's ready," Harry breathed in her ear hotly and Amara nodded.

"Ready for you," Amara stated when she looked at Harry, figuring that she wanted a sexual experience with someone who she could trust and who knew what he was doing.

She squealed in surprise, when Harry scooped her up in his arms and trafficked her back to the bedroom, the pair of them disappearing in a flash of light.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Harry stripped Amara's clothes off to reveal her tanned, hot body with round and firm teenage breasts with brown nipples, a flat stomach, and a smooth pussy, with lips glistening with her arousal. She looked absolutely beautiful, there was no question about that to the powerful mage.

His fingers probed her pussy and she breathed heavily when he teased her. By the merest touch she was driven wild and holding back at the same time. A roguish smile crossed Harry's face when he considered the beauty beneath his probing fingers.

"My room is charmed against any damage, so if you want to erupt, have at it," Harry stated when he pushed his fingers into her pulsing pussy. She was hot as the substance of her namesake and that's the way Harry enjoyed it.

"My….you're a god," Amara breathed when Harry reached one hand around her breast and squeezed it lightly. Her eyes closed and she felt the rush that went through her. Another squeeze of her breast brought a shuddering pleasure to her hot body, her core tightening around his finger.

Harry probed her pussy a little bit more and then suddenly, Amara looked up at him, through glazed eyes. Her breasts heaved with the delight and the princess's eyes flickered towards the young wizard. She asked him the burning question. "Don't you think you're a bit underdressed?"

A wide smile crossed Harry's face when he removed his clothes with his telekinetic abilities that he learned from watching Rachel. Each bit of clothing moved off him, causing him to reveal more and more of his body to the young princess on the bed. He probed her pussy when she breathed heavily when his fingers worked their magic.

"Eat my pussy, while I suck your cock, please I want to taste it," Amara begged him and Harry was never one to back down from a request from loyalty. He spread the young thighs of the Nova-Roman princess before his tongue pushed into her dripping hot pussy. "Oh, yes, mmm."

Amara licked his cock briefly, teasingly, before she managed to push every inch into her mouth, her lips wrapped around it tightly. She gave her very first blowjob, even if she learned about the techniques through books. Books were one thing compared to what the real life thing was.

'Use your tongue more, love, take it into the back of your throat,' Harry breathed when he grabbed her hips and munched on her molten hot peach. Her hot juices splattered onto his face, splattering onto him. 'I can take anything that you can give me and more.'

'And more, huh, well I wouldn't want to…disappoint,' Amara stated when she took Harry's cock deep into her throat, squeezing it tight around her.

Harry's tongue switched tactics, when he began to recite the Alphabet backwards in Parseltongue in Amara's pussy. Her thighs clenched together when he ate her with precision and expert skill, lapping up her juices onto his tongue.

Her breathing got shallow when Harry nibbled on her before he returned with the efforts of Parseltongue, which drove Amara to the brink of insanity. The princess wanted more of this, this hunk of manhood feasting on her warm and womanly depths. She sucked him deeply before her lips sealed around his cock.

The pleasure in Harry's cock burst to send the juices flowing into her mouth after a time and Amara swallowed the load greedily. She needed every drop Harry had and more.

Amara laid back, the burning in her pussy could only be fulfilled by one thing and one thing alone. She rested on her back, spreading her legs apart and pulling her lips apart, to reveal the wet and warm opening. With her legs spread like that, there was only one think for Harry could do.

She screamed when Harry pushed his cock into her, the pain of her virginity giving way to the massive phallus ripping into her. Her hips rose up to meet his incoming thrusts when the pain faded away.

"So good, feels so good," Amara panted with the deep thrusts ripping through her, each movement burying Harry's cock into her hot pussy, her body and Harry's body surrounded by the molten fire when their two sex organs clashed with each other with the love and desire.

"You haven't felt anything yet."

Harry lifted up Amara's legs behind his shoulders and slammed into her burning pussy, spearing deep into her perfect cunt. The snug snatch wrapped around his cock, giving it a burning hug when the two of them combined their dance to take it to new and unforeseen levels.

Amara panted when Harry's arms rolled all over every part of her body. She got a bit more than she bargained for in this case and to be honest, she liked it. There was an instant where the dark haired wizard buried his thick phallus into her warm folds so deep that she thought that it would come out the other head. However in the heat of the moment, this near impalement brought forth utmost pleasure.

"Heaven, warm and hot heaven," the wizard breathed when he rolled his thumbs over her dark nipples, covered in a sheen of sweat and feeling her pussy dribbling with the tender love juices lubricate his probing prick.

"YES!" Amara yelled when she felt herself brought to an orgasm, erupting in more ways than one when Harry pushed into her, pulsing into her hot center.

The thrusts got deeper into her and she liked it when his cock buried inside her womb, finding its new home in this newest pussy. Hot and tight, wrapped around him and Harry thrust into her.

"More, yes, please more," Amara breathed when her eyes flickered shot.

"Tight, beautiful, I love this," Harry managed when he sped up the pace a little bit, his cock squeezed in the warm box that was the dark skinned woman's womanhood.

"This is our best lesson yet," Amara mewled when her legs wrapped tightly around Harry when they slid down her body.

"Agreed," Harry breathed when he felt her hot legs around him. She was the perfect package, an exotic look, dark skinned, pretty decent sized breasts, tanned legs, and a round shapely ass. "Going to cum my love."

Amara raised up and down with the cock thrusting into her, she knew that she wanted to have it in her and Harry thrust down, thrust deep into her. The pleasure in his groin exploded to send jets of burning hot cum into her and caused her to spasm, pussy clenched around her and pushing up against her. The young mutant felt the desire of the cum splashing inside her pussy and Harry pulled out of her.

With that moment, Harry grabbed her around the hips and flipped her over on the bed.

"More, yeah, I can handle it," Amara stated when Harry took a look at her hot ass and smiled, squeezing it. This gave her pleasure.

She was always curious about what anal sex felt like and now she hoped Harry would do it to her. Amara breathed when his cock head brushed against her asshole, feeling the pleasure.

"Please, please do it, I want your cock shoved beneath my cheeks," Amara begged him and Harry was not one to leave a lady hanging.

He pushed his cock deep between her tanned cheeks wrapped around her firm buttocks. Amara's anus squeezed around him, it was hot as the rest of her. She felt her anal virginity give way when Harry pushed into her tight hole.

"Feels good," Amara breathed when she looked at her and Harry gripped her breasts, squeezing them in his hands. "So good, so long, fuck me hard."

Harry plunged his cock into her asshole, spearing it inside her, when the beauty played with her twat, feeling how wet it was. He picked up the thoughts of her mind and the intentions she had with her probing fingers so Harry decided to help her out a tiny bit with is own fingers.

The two of them fingered Amara's pussy, bringing her to more pleasure when Harry also cupped her swinging breasts, first her right breast and then her left breast. His hands rolled over her tanned peaks of pleasure, the dark skin feeling good, tinted with arousal and the sweat that rolled down her body when she panted heavily at his thrusts into her bowels.

"Tight, I love it, I'm going to fill up your ass with my cum," Harry breathed when he squeezed her breast and diddled her twat all the while. "Say it?"

"Say…ah….what?" Amara asked in a curious voice when Harry continued to beat into her ass with his cock.

"Say who your ass belongs to?" Harry responded when he fired back.

"Harry….Harry Potter, I'm yours, my body is yours for you to do anything you want with," Amara breathed when she felt Harry cut a great pace into her, each instant getting closer to the finish.

The cock squeezed in her tight buns made a tender embrace, with greater motions when he pushed deeper into her, the ass squeezing him delightfully.

After a matter of minutes, his cum exploded into her ass, filling her anal cavity up with a series of thrusts. Harry pumped some more into her, draining his balls into her ass and inspiring great pleasure when he did so.

No sooner did Harry finish he felt another hand on his balls, a very familiar and welcome hand, no scratch that, two sets of hands.

Kitty and Rachel stood on either side of him, stripped completely nude, except for the smiles on their faces.

"You didn't think that we would miss out on all of the fun, did you?" Kitty asked when she grabbed Harry's cock firmly and stroked it back up.

"You projected some strong vibes from where I was standing, I could feel the psychic pulses coming all the way from where I was," Rachel answered when she played with Harry's balls, before getting down between his legs and licking at his wonderful phallus.

Kitty pushed Harry on the bed, and then the warmth of the brunette's pussy wrapped against his prick, while Amara came down on the bed. The brunette mutant sank her slim hips down onto her lover, gyrating it.

"Missed this cock, it's only been a couple days, but still miss it," Kitty breathed heavily when Harry grabbed her around her tight ass and forced her down onto him.

"It's missed you…ah fuck, squeeze me, I want to cum in you," Harry responded when the brunette bounced up and down on his pelvis, with him grabbing and tweaking her nipples.

"Yeah, feels so good," Kitty moaned heavily, throwing her head back when the two of them matched each other's strokes.

Rachel, meanwhile, grabbed Amara and dove between her pussy, collecting the cum that spilled on the dark skinned princess's thighs with her tongue. Harry's eyes diverted between her and Kitty bouncing on his hard rod. The red haired mutant dove into the hot princess's folds with immense passion, licking and slurping the creamy delights from off of her cunt.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, yes," Amara breathed, being brought to another orgasm that rocked her body and Rachel delved into her mind to find the better pleasure spots.

"They're so hot, but we can be hotter, can't we Harry?" Kitty asked when she forced her lips down onto Harry's mouth. The dark haired wizard grabbed his lover, cupping her ass when she sank her tight box down onto his throbbing member. The love organ squeezed in the sheath of flesh when the two of them continued the dance of passion.

'You know it Kitty, you know it,' Harry thought to her and Kitty smiled through the kiss. 'Amara taste good?'

'Amara tastes great,' Kitty agreed when she pushed herself up and down, riding Harry like the stallion he was, the two of them clashing together in the age old dance of passion.

Harry's stamina increased by leaps and bounds, and he drove Kitty onto him, with the pure fun and joy. The two of them battered and beat against each other, their hips met together with their passions.

"Mmm, yeah, more," Kitty breathed when she continued to ride Harry.

"Yeah, so good, so tight, cumming," Harry managed when over a half of an hour passed, with Rachel driving Amara nuts with her delightful tonguing.

The explosion burst in Kitty's cunt, splattering the juices into her. The brunette mutant screamed out loud when her lover's juices filled her up, spilling into her delicious cunt.

Kitty fell back with a sigh and then it was Amara's turn to dive between her legs.

"Oh, many talents, yes," Kitty breathed when Amara lapped up the juices that dribbled from the brunette's pussy, the tangy smell filling the air.

Rachel grabbed Harry and pulled him over, giving him a long kiss, before she rested back, legs spread.

"My turn," Rachel answered in a voice that dripped with pleasure and passion when Harry grabbed the telepaths hips, feeling her delicious rear and supple breasts.

"Get ready for the ride of your life," Harry stated before he plunged into her moist depths and his cock fit snugly in her pussy.

"Oh, yes, more," Rachel breathed when Harry cut a pace into her.

The young redhead's legs locked around Harry when the two rocked back and forth, the cock drilling into her moist womanhood. The strong mage pushed his probing penis into her welcoming sheath to feel the pure sexual magic the two of them had when their organs met.

"You can….do anything that I desire, I love you and your cock so much," Rachel panted when she looked up at Harry, her green eyes burning with desire. Each passing push hit her in new spots that drove her wild with desire, from the tips of her ears all the way down her toes and everything in between.

The dark haired wizard to fuck Rachel on the bed, causing her to feel a rush of pleasure, when her legs locked around him and fingers sank into his back.

"I'm your bitch, fuck my pussy silly, yes, I need it, I love your cock!" Rachel groaned through gritted teeth and Harry smiled.

"I'm sure you love it," Harry responded when he palmed her breasts, squeezing it tightly with his hand and playing with it. His finger encircled her nipple to pinch it and the pussy closed around his cock.

Meanwhile, the erotic desire Kitty felt when Amara munched on her peach defied all description, eyes flickering and her breathing, chest rising and lowering.

"You're mine now," Amara stated but Kitty grabbed her and took Amara's pussy into her mouth.

She was going to see who belonged to who when the two mutants ate each other in a sexually charged sexy nine position.

Harry kept his eyes on that sight but also he made sure to give the telepath beneath him her share of life and attention. His palms rolled over the rosy nipples and she pushed up, draining her fluids onto his cock. The slurping and suckling of Kitty and Amara made the sorcerer go further in his lover.

Rachel gasped when his cock pushed into her.

"Fucking tight, I'm going to make you beg for my cum," Harry grunted when he pushed deeper into her.

"I love it when you make me beg but please don't make me wait," Rachel panted when their sweaty bodies clashed together, sexual desire flowing through them, each using their own mental gifts to make the experience even more worthwhile.

Harry milked his motions for as long as he could be allowed, he wanted to make the moment last for a long time. Of course, it was very hard to hold himself at bay with the erotic sight of Kitty and Amara chewing on each other's cunts in a sixty nine position. The two of them really went to town on each other.

With a few more solid thrusts, Harry pushed into her before his balls tightened and without another word, he came into Rachel.

Rachel screamed in pleasure when his fluids drained into her but the four of them were not the least bit tired.

"Switch!" Kitty yelled when Amara went back to Harry and Rachel and Kitty went for each other, until the dance continued anew.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

After much time passed, Kitty, Rachel, Amara, and Harry rested on the edge of the bed.

"Rogue's going to be upset that she missed out but she was out of it after the last Danger Room session," Kitty responded shaking her head.

"Oh, I'm sure Harry'll make up for it later," Rachel responded when she looked at Harry and then turned her attention to Amara. "Good for your first time, newbie?"

"Yes, I imagined he was amazing but I never realized how amazing he would be," Amara responded with a swift smile across her face.

Kitty smiled when she looked at them all. "I don't think that I can speak for Rogue when I say this but I think that we'll all follow Harry to the ends of the Earth."

Rachel and Amara nodded in affirmation and Kitty curled up in Harry's lap, leaning against his chest, and resting against him. If it was not for Harry, Kitty was uncertain if she would have even turned up at the Xavier Institute, and she knew Rogue might have not shown up. It was Harry who lead them here in his own ways after all.

"I'm glad, I can trust you three, well four if Rogue's not here," Harry responded when he looked at them.

"So, you're going to find Jean, and bring her back?" Rachel asked when she looked at Harry.

Harry paused, deciding that Jean had enough time to cool off to discuss matters with her.

"I'll talk with her, but I'm not sure if she'll come back, right after I'm done with Wanda," Harry remarked to them and they nodded.

Rachel somehow knew that Jean would listen to Harry above all overs. Scott must not know that Harry went to talk to Jean, especially given the distaste from the Phoenix had towards him. It would end badly for him if Scott caught Jean in the wrong mood.

"They're actually letting me out of here?"

Harry saw the hopeful look on Wanda's face, it was one that reminded him of him when the Dursleys allowed him out of the cupboard, for something that did not pertain to school and work.

"Wanda, it's a trial basis, only a weekend," Harry responded but Wanda smiled when she walked forward outside the cell. "Now, they have this wrist monitor on you and I'm supposed to have the button, but I won't use it on you, I swear."

Wanda placed a hand on her friend's face and peered back at him. "I want you to use it if my powers get out of control; it's for my own good. I trust you won't abuse it like they did."

Harry's eyes widened at this instant but he shook his head and turned back to Wanda.

"Did they hurt you?" Harry asked but Wanda shook her head again.

"Forget I said anything, alright," Wanda responded and sure enough Harry let the matter drop for now. "So where am I going, the Xavier Institute?"

Harry nodded but Wanda looked apprehensive and he could tell that she was not the biggest fan in the world of Charles Xavier.

"I have to take care of something for a couple of hours, but you can hang out with Kitty and Rogue, they both won't judge you, I've told you about them, haven't you?" Harry asked and Wanda responded.

"Yeah, two of your girlfriends," Wanda answered when she turned around and hid the smile that she had. Each passing session Harry visited her, she trusted him more and more.

Harry worked to get Wanda out of here but the problem was a Raven Darkholme was given power of attorney by Magento over his daughter. He wanted to have a discussion with the person that Gwen recommended to him before too long, to see what his legal options were.

"After I'm done with this, maybe we can go watch a movie or something?" Harry asked when he looked at Wanda. "Something that normal teenagers do."

Wanda's face twisted into a bit of a sad smile. "Are we normal?"

Harry did not answer that question but it turned out there was no need for him to answer it, Wanda shrugged her shoulders, normality was overrated and once they were outside of the Mental Facility, he placed a hand on young magical mutant's and the two of them disappeared in a flash of light.

Despite herself, Wanda found herself impressed by this and knew that Harry had a few tricks up his sleeve. Kitty and Rogue waited outside.

"You must be Wanda!" Kitty said in an excited voice that was genuine and not fake like some people Wanda knew. One of the doctors had the bubbliest personality in the world but really it was just a front. The injection marks on her arm proved that. "I'm Kitty Pryde and this is Rogue."

"It's nice to meet you," Rogue responded with a smile when she reached her hand forward and shook hands with Wanda. She did not believe how much she enjoyed not having to wear gloves all the time thanks to Harry's bracelet.

"I'll catch you three ladies later, I've got to see what I can do with getting Jean back here," Harry answered when he walked out.

Little did Jean know that Harry knew exactly where to find her so he could figure out where her head is. Was she going to come back home? Harry did not know, the ball was in her court. It was a matter of talking to her in a civil manner.

Jean sat on the couch at the hotel room she holed up in. She wore a tank top that stretched over her ample curves that showcased a generous amount of cleavage and a tight pair of black pants that hugged her nicely, her supple ass wrapped around it. The young redhead mutant rocked herself back a little bit, closing her eyes after what happened six weeks ago.

The Phoenix popped in her mind, shaking her up a little bit and she nearly injured people. If it was not for Harry and Rachel, things could have went really bad for a lot of people. Ororo and Logan tried to track her down a couple times but Jean kept ahead of them, giving them a warning shot. Ever since the Phoenix arrived, her telekinetic abilities, strength, and telepathy became more controlled. She could shut off her mind easily and not have the thoughts of others overwhelm her.

The words of the Phoenix burned through her mind which Jean shook her head and placed her hands on her hips, leaning back on the couch. Xavier trying to lock away the Phoenix out of fear, well Jean sympathized in some ways but also found herself distrustful of the intentions of the Headmaster of the Xavier Institute. There was one thing for certain, if that was fixed in her mind, then there was no telling what else could have happened in her mind.

As for her relationship with Scott, well that was an interesting thing. After what happened on Asteroid M, Jean found herself losing a lot of faith in her friend's ability to stand strong in fact of adversity. And there was the fact that the Phoenix made a lot of sense to some realizations she came to. She thought that the assumption that he would lead the team without challenge burned him up.

Jean wondered if it was expected that she got together with Scott, it seemed that Xavier put them together in a lot of situations. While she liked her friend, he was just that, a friend, and there was a sense that Scott had a lot of issues. The fact of the matter was that he would always be submerged in the shadow of Xavier forever unless he found a way to break out above the fact.

Then there was Rachel, Jean suspected something about her, although could she figure it out? She had a few theories and she was certain that none of them were true. Yet, the fact of the matter was she was here and she knew a lot but what was the question?

A knock on the door brought Jean out of her thoughts and she stepped forward to reach for the door and open it up to see someone standing there on the other side.

"Harry?" Jean asked when she looked at him, surprised that he showed up but she was pleased about it never the less. She threw her arms around him and greeted him with a warm hug. "I'm so….I'm so glad you came."

In spite himself, Harry smiled, when Jean pulled herself away from him.

"Hi Jean," Harry answered when Jean took a step back to allow the dark haired wizard to walk inside. "I missed you at the Institute."

Jean considered Harry for a mere moment before she shook her head. "I know I'm missed but Harry, you understand, I don't think I'm coming back, at least not soon."

"Where are you going to go Jean?" Harry asked her when she looked at him.

"Where are you going to go?" Jean fired back when she placed her hands on her hips and looked at Harry. "I'm not stupid Harry we both know that the Xavier institute was a temporary living arrangement until you get back to your feet. The only people who keep you there really are Kitty and Rogue, and let's face it, those two would follow you anywhere."

Harry smirked, Jean did not need to read a mind to figure this out about them and shook his head when he faced her.

"You get along with everyone there, but mostly everyone there," Jean answered with both of them avoiding bringing up the elephant in the room that was Scott for now. They also avoided bringing up the entire Phoenix thing.

"I've got plans to move away before the next school year but if Xavier wants to keep me on as a teacher, well he can pay me," Harry responded when he looked at Jean.

Jean smiled, it showed how nice Harry was when he decided to do the teaching work at the Xavier Institute for free but naturally that was likely as a thank you for Xavier for allowing him to stay at the place. He could not keep paying him back forever.

"Maybe I'll open up my own school for the gifted," Harry remarked in a casual voice when he looked at Jean.

"Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition," Jean offered when she smiled at Harry. "I'm really glad to see you."

"Didn't seem to be glad to see Ororo or Logan when they showed up?" Harry asked to Jean but he added. "It was a bit too soon, wasn't it?"

"I wasn't in the mood for visitors, I'm guessing they got the hint," Jean responded when she sat down and invited Harry to sit down next to her. The dark haired wizard did so, with the two of them sitting rather close to each other.

The two teenagers sat next to each other, not knowing what to say.

"The Phoenix seems to think that you're more powerful than anyone in the X-Men realized," Jean answered when she looked at him.

"I am," Harry whispered to her and then he explained. "A while back, my powers evolved. I'm not able to just read someone's body language, but I'm able to copy their powers and when they're copied, they stayed copy. It's like Rogue's powers, only without the memory baggage."

Jean found herself intrigued.

"And my….allure has gotten stronger," Harry answered and Jean raised an eyebrow before she motioned for Harry to continue. "There's an allure that I have…when women are attracted to me, it doesn't take that much for them to be attracted to me."

"You can't force them to like you though," Jean offered but butterflies beat against her stomach when she looked at Harry.

"No, I can't, the feelings have to be there or at least some level of attraction," Harry responded when he scooted to the side so he could talk to Jean properly.

"I see," Jean responded when she looked at Harry and the two of them stared each other down for a little bit. "And you're forming a little…collective of girls."

"Trust me, all of them come away satisfied," Harry answered to her and Jean smiled.

"You seem to have a pretty full opinion of yourself, Harry."

"Well, they'd tell you themselves," Harry answered when he looked at Jean and scooted a bit close to her.

The energy pulsing between two powerful beings were second to none and they stared down each other, time ticked down when they looked at each other. Jean and Harry stared in each other's eyes, with a pause stating.

"I won't know without the firsthand experience," Jean offered Harry with a shrug but suddenly, a buzzing went off. "Trouble?"

"I'm guessing so, we're going to have to pick this up later," Harry answered with a sigh when he knew that he had to cut this meeting short with Jean. "I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah, I'll be here for today, if you want to come back," Jean responded when she watched Harry leave, not taking her eyes off him until he was completely gone.

She wondered if Harry stopped himself from making a move out of some half- hearted attempt to keep the peace with Scott but the problem was that Jean was not sure what she wanted. The Phoenix's words spoke to her and a confusion maelstrom of emotions ran through her mind. Every time she picked up those thoughts at the Mansion, her curiosity grew and new scenarios taunted her dreams about what could happen.

She smiled a little bit when she thought about the possibilities.

"Harry, I really appreciate you popping over here on such short notice, I know that….I know that you're really busy with everything."

Gwen backed off from the doorway in her house, to allow Harry to enter inside. The dark haired wizard took quick strides, making his way inside and stared her down. It was apparent to the young wizard that the blonde young woman needed some time to compose herself.

"Gwen, take a deep breath, and tell me what happened," Harry said in a gentle voice and Gwen took the few moments that she needed to compose herself and her mind .She walked forward and walked into the kitchen area of her house.

"Three days ago, Peter did not come home and I know why," Gwen answered when she looked at Harry. "Spider-Man fought this new criminal….they call him the Green Goblin."

"The Green Goblin?" Harry asked when he raised an eyebrow.

"I don't name them, I'm just telling you what they're saying," Gwen responded when she walked up the stairs and Harry followed her. "Anyway, the battle didn't end too well I think and now Peter….well Peter's missing. The Green Goblin is….he's taken Peter out."

"Where did this Green Goblin come from?" Harry asked when Gwen lead him upstairs.

"The battle a month ago, that Spider-Man had with Sinister Six, Norman Osborn was missing, presumed dead I think, I heard," Gwen responded when she bit down on her lip and folded her arms. "I hacked into Oscorp, into the security camera footage and well….this speaks for itself."

Harry saw the explosion of the chemicals that somehow increased his powers. Something caught his eye and he raised a hand up to halt Gwen.

"Pause and stop, right about now," Harry stated when he saw the explosion and watched Norman Osborn get caught in the explosion. Slowing down the footage, he was able to pinpoint something. Osborn was in the blast still, nearly burned to a crisp in the fire.

"Harry, what is it now?"

"Osborn's….the chemicals done something to him," Harry answered when he looked Gwen in the eye and Gwen stared at him. "When I inhaled the chemicals, something happened to me, it changed me."

Gwen's face twisted to a frown before she turned around to look at Harry for a moment. Any number of scenarios went through her head and now she felt herself a bit worried for Harry as well.

"You inhaled chemicals….did you feel any side effects?"

"I was sick for about a day and then I recovered, stronger than ever," Harry answered when he held out his body and looked at Gwen. "I'm fine, really I am."

Gwen took a moment to look at Harry and frowned so Harry imparted more information for her. He could tell that her curiosity bubbled to the surface.

"My powers….they increased, they're stronger than ever before, and I can do things that I couldn't before. I'm more in tune with my magic and I can copy anyone's powers, memories, abilities, you name it, just by looking at them."

"I see," Gwen responded when she frowned and prompted Harry to go forward. "Is there anything else?"

Harry paused before he added. "My allure is stronger."

"Your allure?" Gwen asked when she looked at him, an eyebrow raised, curious to see what this is about.

"Can you keep a secret?" Harry asked when he looked at Gwen and she gave him a look that made the mage confident that she would. Plus reading her mind a little bit indicated that she was able to keep secrets. She did with Spider-Man after all. "It is strong around women who have an attraction for me, and the stronger the attraction, the only likely their inhibitions are to give way. I can't force anyone to do anything and I'm sure a strong-willed women could resist unless I'm in constant contact with them."

"How constant are we talking about?" Gwen asked curiously.

"A couple hours every day, for several days, maybe a few weeks, a month or two," Harry responded when Gwen turned and looked at him. "It's increased my sex drive and my stamina, I've given….this sounds arrogant I know…..but it gives my women an unmistaken sexual fulfillment.

Gwen smiled, thinking about this a bit more than she wanted to, then again she had been with a very stressful last couple of days, so she needed a bit of time to shake her head and clear the cobwebs. Both the horny teenager and the science geek within her thought about the possibilities of Harry's powers and could agree that they were immense, the potential was endless even.

"The Green Goblin's struck here, here, and here," Gwen remarked, putting her mind back on business. "Which means…"

"You know, if it is Osborn, he's at one of the Oscorp facilities, but there could be many," Harry answered and Gwen considered that, a frown going across her face, before she nodded.

"Hundreds, at least, in New York alone. In Jersey and the rest of the Eastern half of the United States, we could be going in the thousands and Spider-Man….he could be anywhere."

"If anyone can find him, I will and I'll get the X-Men on it," Harry answered and Gwen got up, with a grateful expression on her face.

"Thanks, Harry, I appreciate you looking, even if you do find…his remains," Gwen stated when she looked at him, before getting to her feet and standing on her tip toes, before planting a brief kiss on his cheek.

"So how were you two doing before this?" Harry asked to Gwen.

Gwen turned around and smiled, sadly. "We're friends and it's not him, it's his enemies."

"The common cry for the super hero," Harry responded and Gwen nodded.

"I suppose I can't fault him for trying to protect me, all things considered," Gwen answered with a slight shrug and a shake of her head.

Harry turned to her with a smile, he could tell that Peter Parker, Spider-Man had some real emotional baggage about not getting too close to anyone.

"And there's his aunt, trying to set him on this blind date with this girl, it drives me nuts, it drives him nuts as well," Gwen answered when she looked at. "Why do I have a feeling that I've been friend-zoned?"

"Whatever is meant to be, it's meant to be," Harry responded when he stepped back and left Gwen in his wake.

"Good luck," Gwen answered when she watched Harry leave, with a smile on her face when she watched him leave.

It was a quiet afternoon for the Brotherhood, in fact, the four original members felt that they gotten a reprieve from something. Todd, Lance, Fred, and Pietro saw that Sin and the Taskmaster were gone and that was something that brought them a great deal of happiness. As for why those two were gone, well that information was on a need to know basis. They simply were not told about everything that was happening and they did not know what to think about that.

"Hey, good thing that crazy girl's gone, she was knocking us around," Todd responded when he shook his head and winced the strained list. "First Mystique, then the Taskmaster, then here, and there's the X-Men, whose next?"

The windows in the Brotherhood Boarding House blew open and green smoke filled it.

"Just a question no need to….whoa," Todd stated when he showed saw the figure show up on a green glider.

"What the hell are you supposed to be?" Lance asked, ready for a rumble.

"The name's goblin, Green Goblin," the criminal stated before he held up a pumpkin bomb and hurled it at the Brotherhood which caused them to scatter. "My card."

Another pumpkin bomb flew out of the Green Goblin's hand and landed on the floor, exploding with an impact.

"I've got this one," Quicksilver stated but the Green Goblin flung a green wire out of his hand and wrapped it around the speedster's ankles to cause him to fall on his face.

"And now, you're eating the ground," the Green Goblin stated when he tutted. "You X-Men are so sloppy."

"Say what fool, we're not the X-Men!" Todd exclaimed.

"Yeah, those X-Men live up the way, ritzy place, mansion, can't miss it," Pietro managed when he pulled himself back up from the ground, his feet tied together still.

"Oh too bad, I seem to have gotten the wrong house, oh well isn't this embarrassing?" Green Goblin stated when he shook his head before pulling out a pair of pumpkin bombs and hurled them towards the Brotherhood, causing them to scatter.

The Brotherhood trembled when the Green Goblin smashed through their house on a glider.

"I thought we said we weren't the X-Men, why are you still attacking us?" Lance asked but then a bolt of energy knocked him down.

"Just because!" Green Goblin yelled before he laughed and sent another pumpkin bomb, causing Blob to topple down to the ground. "Xavier can explain to you kids why I'm after you guys. You mutants are on the list, after old Charlie X decided to take a little knocking around Stormin' Norman's mind and made him forget you muties existed. Well, it just so happens that I remember it and I'll raze you all!"

More pumpkin bombs exploded and Lance, Todd, and Fred were down on the ground but Pietro rushed from the Brotherhood Boardinghouse as fast as his legs could carry him.

"And now that you chumps are down, it's time to pay a visit to the X-Men, they're next on my hit list!" Green Goblin yelled at the top of his lungs before he flew off.

Jean sat at the hotel room, waiting for Harry to return, if he returned. There was a knock on the door and the red head bolted towards it, opening the door and seeing Rachel on the other end of the door.

"Oh, hi Rachel," Jean answered when she smiled at the other red haired girl. "Um…."

"You were expecting someone else, weren't you?" Rachel asked when she stepped inside and Jean nodded when she stepped inside.

"Well, it's just…it's complicated," Jean answered when she spun around, looking out the window into the city.

"Life's complicated, imagine that," Rachel remarked when the two young women stared at each other. "Are you ready to return home or not?"

"Where is my home?" Jean asked when she looked at and she turned away. "The Phoenix….when she was there, she told me something. She told me about what Xavier did to me and how Scott….he was not going to be the one for me….how he wouldn't be the perfect match for me"

It was at this instant where Rachel paused and took a moment to walk forward.

"Did the Phoenix decide on who was a perfect match?" Rachel asked when she looked at Jean.

Jean paused before she answered, her voice dripping with a hal- truth. "She wasn't specific, but she hinted. It had to be a powerful being, one that could withstand the power. I've been researching all of the myths on the Phoenix Force and it's been around since the dawn of time. It is a primal force, and it's searched for millennia for its one true mate, but there has never been a powerful enough mate for it. There needs to be someone who can withstand the passion, and the fury."

Rachel wondered a lot about her upbringing, she wondered about the events that lead into the future that lead to Scott and Jean getting together and her being born. A lot of what she found out was second hand information at best, and there was….well Rachel did not understand a lot about everything that happened. The red head thought about the future she came true and what her father….the man she assumed her father was did.

For all Rachel knew, her father could have been Spider-Man or the Thing or Deadpool, all he had was the word of her parents that Scott was her father. She assumed that to be true, but she was nothing like him. She looked at Jean and saw what happened to her in the end. The happy teenage spirit broken down by all of the stress and trauma, she could not let this doing.

In some ways, she also wanted some clarity for Scott as well, as with each passing year, he seemed to get worse and worse, no one questioning his leadership With Harry, everything change, but the weird thing about the young man was he never seemed to existing. The moment she arrived from the past, the rules changed, and she wondered if it was even possible to change the future.

She could be a temporal anomaly without a place in the world.

So far she remained there, even if there were many theories about time-paradoxes and what not.

Jean and Rachel stood together, the awkward moment hanging in the air.

"What do you think I should do?" Jean asked after a moment.

Rachel appreciated the irony of her mother coming to her for advice.

"Follow your heart," Rachel offered, feeling this statement was the best thing in the world.

Before anything else could be said, the doors of the hotel room blasted open and a Vertigo effect knocked them down, bringing the two mutants to their knees. Jean's eyes flashed with fury when she saw the Marauders there.

'The Marauders…how?' Jean thought to herself when Arclight knocked them back, and Harpoon threw the exploding harpoons at them.

Rachel and Jean were in the fight against the new and improved Marauders, cloned by Sinister to be stronger than ever, and the two young mutants, as powerful as they were, had an uphill battle.

'Harry! I need you!'

Both of them blacked out when they were drugged by the Marauders.

Wanda tapped her foot on the side of the couch when she sat on the couch at the Institute. She could tell that some of the members of the Institute were uneasy about her but she did not let that bother her that much. Scott in particular knew all about her given what Xavier told him.

"Are you okay, Wanda?"

"Fine," Wanda stated to Kitty before shaking her head, not happy about the look Scott gave her, like she was a bomb about ready to go off. "It's just….I'm waiting for Harry to get back."

"Something's come up, something always comes up," Kitty answered when she looked at Wanda but there was a knock on the door that brought them out.

"I'll get it!"

Kurt walked over to open the door and pulled it over, to see Quicksilver of all people on the other side of the door.

"What are you doing here?"

Wanda's eyes widened when she saw him on the other end of the door and her mood darkened when she saw him.


"Wanda?" Pietro asked in a surprised voice to see his sister of all people here.


"Oh boy," Kitty whispered underneath her breath when she saw the cataclysm that happened.

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