
Harry Potter: A Magical World

A world full of magic, a twinkle we all remember, a half-giant we all wanted to hug, an owl we all wanted as our companion and a pet, the station we all wished existed and The-Boy-Who-Lived; The magical Britain... But, Why and What If...? What if, the whole world was as magical, if not more? What if the bearded wizard with twinkling eyes, was someone more, someone with different ideals, altogether? What if, You-Know-Who was stronger, way stronger? What if, there were not one but two Boys-Who-Lived? What if, once again my story is more... slice-of-life? Welcome to all, and hope you enjoy.

Doctor_Blue · Anime & Comics
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The Passage Of Time- Magical Incidents

[19 Timber Street- Surrey- Potter House- 1 August 1982- 10 PM]

As the innocent green eyes marvelled at the fast-passing scenery outside; inside, a grumbling redhead was manning the steering wheel.

"Come on, little witch~ We can start the boys' school tomorrow. What's the big deal?" Jeremy tried to soothe the fuming Lily, simultaneously, grabbing the over-head handle for his dear life, "And I know that the car is bathed in your magic something... But could you, for the love of everything holy, slow down!"

"Gwencha na~" A K-drama Lily!!? (A/N: Sorry, couldn't help it~)

Still grumbling, Lily continued, "First, you let them play football inside their rooms. Second, you let them stay awake till 1 AM... 1 AM!" Swerving the car towards their property, "Third, you let them eat all that candy... that too at night!" Turning the engine off, she took out the key and looked sullenly at her father- "Last, you let them sleep till the afternoon of the day when their first day at school should start."


"Hey, Fritzy~" Harry calls out to his twin after taking his eyes off the passing scenery.

"You feel sleepy too~?" Fritz asked knowingly.

"Yeah~" *Yawn* Rubbing his eyes Harry answered


Lily first helped a yawning Harry out of the car, and then she picked up a similarly yawning Fritz. Walking towards the now open door to the house while holding Harry's hands on her right side and holding Fritz in her left arm, Lily called out to Smeagol:


"Dear, make sure you replace every beer bottle in the house- with kale juice, ok~?" She spoke loud enough, so that her father, who was locking the door could hear her well...

"Wha-" Before the gobsmacked Jeremy could refute- Lily turned towards him with a sweet smile and said- "Kids got their punishment when Euphemia and I took their candies for two weeks and if they didn't study well, then for a month. right kiddos~?" turning towards her children she asked with the same smile; Even though Fritz could not see, he understood what the answer should be, hence, he chorused with his twin- "We will study hard, sleep on time and eat candy only after lunch~!"

"Now," Lily spoke every word clearly- "Dad, you will drink Kale juice for a week, then go for a jog every morning. If not; then you are denied to go to any of Chelsea's upcoming games." Now, she waited for an appropriate answer:

"... No Chelsea... Smeagol, dear, I will go for a jog at around 7 AM tomorrow; please prepare my juice," Turning to look pleadingly at Lily, Jeremy asked- "Chelsea...?"

"Follow this routine for a week, then we will talk." In saying so, Lily took the half-asleep children to their beds.


While Jeremy was relaxing with a half-empty bottle of beer in the living room, Lily came downstairs:

"Dad!" With a sad look, she continued, "Do you think I am being a blunderbuss- by telling you to stop drinking." Now standing in front of him, with teary eyes- "Mom is already gone~ I don't want to lose you too, that too, to a stupid thing like alcohol!"

Emptying the bottle, Jeremy stood up from the recliner and hugged her now sniffling daughter: "I am sorry, my little bin lid~" Seeing a sneaky smile on her father's face, Lily slightly thumped his chest. Jeremy then continued with a moderately serious voice: "Don't worry Lily, this was my last drink; from now onwards, I will try my best to bring down the drinks to... let's say- 2 a week, hmm~?"

Now, with a calm smile on her face, head still lying on her father's chest, Lily hummed: "Alright, thanks~"

At the same time,

*POP* Smaegol spoke with an emergent tone: "Lily! Magic seemed to be in turmoil upstairs."

That's all she had to hear- with her wand out, she apparated into her children's room.


It was an amazing scene... a more appropriate term to describe it would be Magical...

Two sleeping children were levitating in the air, their blankets long been removed, even the bandages- that were dipped in medical salvages by Madam Pompfrey and given to Lily so that she could put it around the damaged eye sockets of Fritz and parts around that, were lying on the pillow, on the bed...

Jeremy- with the shotgun in his hand, was amazed at the scene- both the children were surrounded by ethereal twinkling lights- consisting of a multitude of colours, from glittering golden to sparkling black. With a slight hitch, he asked: "What's happening to my grandchildren, Lily?"

With her wand now lowered, Lily answered- in an excited and amazed voice: "It's the 'Magic Awakening'... This is my first time seeing it with my own eyes!"

"It is simply Beautiful~", Jeremy said with the most genuine voice.

All of a sudden, Lily noticed the developing erratic behaviour of magic around her. Hence, with a tone of emergency, she instructed Smeagol: "Smeagol, help me cast a 'Muffiliato' charm around the house!" While she cast it inside the room, herself.

*Snap* "Done." As soon as Smaegol responded-

*boom* *SHATTER* *crack*

All the windows in the room shattered, the walls had slight cracks, and, with a small boom, magic washed over the three and vanished from the naked sight...


"I have repaired it all, Lily," Smeagol said.

"Thanks a lot, Smeagol. Now, go and sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a... well, surely a long day..." Thanking him, Lily sent the head elf of the house to sleep; standing up, she grumbled as she walked to her room: "Another school day missed for those little gremlins... sigh~"

Closing the door, all she heard was her father laughing in fun and her misery...


[Hogwarts- Headmaster's Office- 2 August 1982- 10 AM]

"Lupin, how is the case coming along in the ministry?" With a tired voice, Dumbledore asked.

With the same tired yet slightly angry voice, Remus answered: "They are dilly-dallying..." 

A drunk Sirius cursed: "Those Bellends!..."

Minerva's sharp voice cut in: "Sirius, Language!"

Before Minerva could say anymore, a message came from the private Flu-Network of Dumbledore:


James' concerned yet happy voice travelled from the blue fire: "Professor, would it be possible for you to come and check Fritz and Harry?"

Now serious, Sirius- settled Dumbledore's query: "What happened to the Pups, James?"

"Oh! Sirius." Turning his fiery head to the other side of the room, James clarified: "Actually, yesterday night, they both had their 'Magic Awakening', and, well... although, it was a blessing that Fritz's injuries were healed around his eyes; now there's something different about his eyes, and before we take him to St.Mundo's, we deemed it necessary to ask for professor's help..."

"We'll be there in a few minutes, James," Dumbledore said with authority.


[Burrow- Potter Manor(Second)-Living Room- 2 August 1982- 10:06 AM]


 Dumbledore, Sirius, Lupin and Minerva McGonagall stepped out of the 'Floo-Network', respectively. 

With concern etched on his face, eager Sirius asked: "Where are the Pups, James."

"They are still sleeping," James led them to the children's room.


While using a teensy bit of wandless magic, Dumbledore opened the sleeping Fritz's eyes- and a mesmerizing view came into sight- although he knew it might be somewhat unnerving to most people, especially young children and kids: Two pupilless and without irises, completely black eyes with gold and silver floaters swimming in them... it looked beautiful to him!

"verum revelare," Chanting so- Dumbledore still couldn't determine anything.

With furrowed brows, he spoke: "Although there is no curse of any kind, present. Neither could I detect any disease; let us bring him to St.Mundo's. I will inform Madam Pompfrey in advance."

Releasing a heavy sigh of relief, Euphemia concluded: "Gratias ad verum magicae. Alright, let's have breakfast. Katniss has already set the table. We could wait and see if the children wake up; If they do, they can have a healthy breakfast too- must be quite hungry."

"Hmm~ Sure." Dumbledore- still looking at sleeping Friedrich and Harry, hummed in acceptance.


On an intricately carved, yet looking like a real stump of some magical black tree- a wooden table, surrounded by comfortable chairs made of the same material- lay a delicious spread of food for breakfast.

In between, ideal chatter, Dumbledore, politely cleared his throat to gain unanimous attention: "I apologise, for bringing this topic to a breakfast table, instead of a more formal setting; But, this is as good a time fate would provide as any other-" appreciating everyone's attention, he continued, "I have decided to extend Hogwarts' academic years, from current seven to ten. And I will be proposing this in front of Ministry and Wizengamot by tomorrow."

In the thick of pondering silence, Euphemia's clear voice rang: "Why now, Albus?"

Not getting any more questions from the audience, Dumbledore answered: "Although there exist many minor reasons, the major reason is- The Dark Lords. Magical Britain is the only place, where not even in a complete century- two Dark Lords have arisen, with devastating power and became detrimental to the society..."

"Wasn't Grindelwald, more active in Europe as a whole and the USA?" A confused Sirius asked.

"That..." With a melancholic sigh, Dumbledore clarified, "That is very true, Sirius. But, if you look at the army of wizards that he commanded, at least, eighty per cent of them were from Britain."

A simultaneous 'Oh' rang around the table.

"So what is the full plan, Albus? Or, are you just prioritizing us to inform about the extension of academic years?" Euphemia scrutinized.

Smiling wearily, Dumbledore justified: "Truthfully speaking, Madam Euphemia, until this morning, I was thinking of 'Heavy-Handing' the Wizangamot and Ministry." With a thoughtful look on his face, he continued, "But, after coming here, I realised that starting another war is not the right way... at least, not right now."

"Many loyal and brave Phoenix members lost their lives on the whim of a power-hungry Dark Lord, recently. A lot of great and ancient families and their lineage had completely vanished in the river of time." Looking at the beautiful ceiling of the dining hall and with slightly stinging red eyes, Dumbledore spoke remorsefully:

"Magical Britain, as a whole, is now a stinking, stagnant pond of water. Corruption is rampant and diabolical ideas are thrown around every 'Pure-Blood' noble's party. Although, I am perfectly capable of destroying most of these customs with my powers and halting any new emergence of Dark Lord; I am unable to do so, as the war of that scale would wreak havoc on not only the guilty ones but also the innocents. And if... when I come out on top... wouldn't I become the same thing that I destroyed..."

Now, with some resolution in his eyes, Dumbledore looked straight at everyone present and spoke: "I am getting old. I can not... should not, be the one, to tip the scale of righteousness anymore. I want the future generation- Muggle-borns, Half-Bloods and Pure-Bloods, to be the ones solving future problems, together with might and wisdom. I wish to be the boat that carries them safely, through their dark and weak times, until, they could be the captains of their ships..."

With a bow of his head, he asked, "Would you all, please help me in this endeavour?" 


[St.Mungo's Hospital- Room 19- 2 August 1982- 12:05 PM]

"So, it has been twelve hours, since the incident?" Madam Pompfrey asked Lily

"Approximately, yes." 

"I have checked for every ailment, in my knowledge. There seems to be none affecting them." With pity in her voice, she continued: "Although, I am not sure as to what happened to Friedrich's eyes; He is still unable to see, the 'Magic Awakening' healed the surrounding his eyes, but it was not able to cure his blindness. I apologise, Lily, I still can not find any cure for it..."

"Umm-" Lily tried to ask, but was cut off by Madam Pompfrey, "Sadly, Harry's scar falls in the same category."

Lily gave a dejected thanks to Madam Pompfrey, before moving towards the bed where her children were still in deep sleep.

"Ah~ Lily?" Stopping at the door to the room, Madam Pompfrey turned and asked Lily: "If possible, please meet me in my office, this upcoming Monday."

Quickly gauzing the situation, Lily simply nodded and turned towards her sleeping sons.


Repeating the diagnosis and permitting them entry into the room, Madam Pompfrey went for her next consultation.

Entering the beige room- a concerned James asked Lily: "Are they still sleeping?"

"Yes, Madam Pompfrey hypothesized, that it may be due to either a large quantity of magic coming in contact with their bodies or their early 'Magic Awakening'." Giving a light kiss on his cheek, Lily assured, "Madam Pompfrey estimated that they would wake up till evening, as she has read in prior such cases. She also suggested that we take them back home, the familiar environment would be less anxiety prone."



"Would you be coming along, Albus?" Euphemia questioned.

"Thank you for the morning breakfast, Madam Euphemia, but I would take my leave now. I have much to outline for the plan, I will be proposing tomorrow; I would also like to borrow Sirius from you, if you don't mind."

"What!? Why?~" Whined Sirius.

Noticing all eyes on him, Dumbledore explained: "Sirius, I would like you to inherit House Black, now that most of the culprits are in detention under the Ministry- and join Wizengamot."

Sirius seriously asked, "Is it concerning what we discussed earlier this morning?"


Sighing he turned to his 'brother' Lupin: "Let's go buddy..."

"What? Why me?" Slowly backing towards James, Lupin asked.

With quicker-than-normal human reflexes, Sirius grabbed the 'bone-y' hand of his friend and dragged his whiny ass with him: "I am not going alone. See you at dinner Jameie boy~"

"Well, I'll be on my way, as well," Dumbledore said his goodbyes, but, stopping in the middle, he pointed towards Minerva and asked: "Lily, dear, would it be alright if, Minerva tagged along? She usually stays in the castle in her room, she must be quite bored..."

Minerva took a sharp turn and glared at him, but he completely ignored it and with a mischievous look waited for the answer.

"Of course Professor. After all, how can she deny a simple request from her favourite Gryffindor." With the same mischievous smile, Lily directed her answer towards Minerva.

Seeing the impasse, Minerva sighed then with a grumble moved with Potter family...


A/N: Thanks to the true magic- Euphemia.

Reveal the truth- Dumbledore