
Harry potter +18(Various smut fics)

This will contain various smut fics some might be one shots some will have multiple chapters i will name them appropriately i will try to include the characters name in each fics chapter some chapters might include futa ' femboy content etc.. but i will try to mark them

harry_spotter · Book&Literature
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28 Chs

4.A New Master 1 (Bellatrix)

This is it, Bellatrix Black thought to herself as she finished tying down her knee-high boots. Finally, she would prove herself to the most powerful wizard of all time: the Dark Lord Voldemort.

Beside her, Jugson shuffled nervously. "We're sure they're here, right?" He asked the group, eyes flickering around to everyone. Mulciber shuffled his feet, unwilling to support or oppose the man. He was in the dark just as much as Jugson was. There was only one of them that had the complete picture as to what was going on.

Bellatrix snorted and rolled her eyes, taking charge as she was so often forced to do due to the incompetence around her. "Yes, Jugson," she sneered. "They're in there." She gestured to the brick building across the street from them.

Here, up in Manchester, witches and wizards had an entire street in the heart of the city just for themselves. There were dozens of shops lining the sole, straight road, each sporting animated, magical signs out front to attract passersby. Their target was a small bar, The Witch's Brew. It was a nondescript brick building towards the north side of the street with a simple black cauldron as a sign with a ladle enchanted to stir it every few seconds. There were no windows and only two exits: the front door and the back door. They had the front covered, and the sniveling Selwyn boy was keeping an eye on the back. Presuming they weren't so incompetent that they couldn't see someone leave the only door they had to watch, then the targets were still inside.

Everything was accounted for: the Dark Lord's forces were monitoring the Floo Network, ensuring that the targets did not leave the bar, and a corrupt Auror had agreed to delay any Auror responses if things went wrong and some 'goody-goody' decided to report the operation once it was underway. Bellatrix had double-checked every part of the operation herself; she was not going to fail the Dark Lord. She would prove herself, and then he would offer her a place at his side.

And hopefully more.

It was no secret that witches and wizards were naturally attracted to those who had excessive magical power. The Dark Lord was the most powerful man she had ever met, and Bellatrix wanted him. But she knew that she had to prove herself first and show off her own power before the Dark Lord would even consider showing any reciprocal interest in her.

"But how can you be certain?" Jugson whinged.

Bellatrix twirled her wand in between her fingers, itching to curse the man for his insolence. She'd do it later, she decided. She couldn't stir things up too much, not until these pathetic excuses of wizards saw what she could do.

"I'm certain because I haven't heard anything to the contrary," Bellatrix retorted, speaking slowly as one would to a child. "Now, get yourself together. We're going in."

With that, Bellatrix turned away from the blubbering man and started off towards The Witch's Brew, not looking back once. It took a few seconds before she heard the footsteps of the three men following behind her.

The door to The Witch's Brew swung open at Bellatrix's approach. A haze of multi-coloured smoke that coalesced into a dingy black near the top wafted out the open door. Bellatrix's nose twitched at the familiar scent of burnt fluxweed, dittany, and knotgrass. They were popular ingredients in a brand of cigars that seemed to be the latest craze in Britain. Personally, Bellatrix hated the stench.

Forcing herself through the threshold, Bellatrix surveyed the small bar. There were a dozen round tables and wooden chairs scattered around the bar. They were half full with various patrons: witches, wizards, and even a lone goblin hunched over a tall glass of mead at the back. Bellatrix sneered at the sight. The Dark Lord knew best: lesser breeds should know their place.

The bar counter itself was being manned by two redheaded men: Fabian and Gideon Prewett. The two blood traitors had been a thorn in the Dark Lord's side for too long. They thought themselves to be heroes, always interrupting attacks and standing up from the vermin that deserved to be purged from the magical world. Well, they'd get what was coming to them tonight.

There were only two other individuals at the bar: a man with messy black hair who was smoking one of those dreadful cigars and Antonin Dolohov. He met Bellatrix's sweeping gaze and subtly raised his glass of ale towards her. The Dark Lord had sent him here to supervise the operation and ensure that it all went according to plan. It was his determination which would decide if Bellatrix would be inducted into the Dark Lord's Death Eaters.

Bellatrix glanced over her shoulder at her companions. Jugson and Mulciber both seemed much calmer now that they saw their targets in front of their eyes. She could see them stand more confidently with their wands in hand.

Well, it was time to get things started.In an instant, Bellatrix's wand was up and pointed directly at bearded brother, Fabian. "Bombarba!" She cried, channeling all of her power and focus into the spell.

Fabian didn't see the curse heading his way, but, unfortunately, his brother did. At the last moment, Gideon tackled his brother to the floor. Bellatrix's curse sailed overhead, smashing into the accumulated bottles on the shelving units behind the bar counter. Alcohol and shattered glass rained down around the bar as pandemonium struck its patrons.

In a blur of movement, everyone at the tables in the bar got to their feet and started running. They were shouting, screaming, and fighting for their lives. Jugson and Mulciber were cursing indiscriminately, determined to wreak as much havoc as possible before the job was done.

As one patron rushed out the back door, they were suddenly struck down by a bright-green light. Selwyn came charging in then, wand pointed at the patrons who came to a skidding halt at seeing the first among them fall to the killing curse.

Bellatrix grinned. Fabian had survived her first strike, but the operation was going well so far. She dashed forward, moving to the bar counter to finish the job on the twins who had caused so many problems for the Dark Lord. It was strange though. As Bellatrix rushed forward, she realized that the two other men at the counter, Dolohov and the mysterious man, hadn't moved an inch. In fact, they were both just staring at one another, as though they were waiting for the other to make the first move.

Well, Bellatrix paid them no mind. Dolohov wouldn't let her get cursed in the back by that man.

Leaping up onto the counter, Bellatrix saw the two brothers on the ground. Gideon had been cut up terribly by the shattered glass and Fabian was fighting to stitch him up magically. This was it! She'd get them both with one strike.

"Reducto!" Bellatrix cried out.

She watched as the spell left the tip of her wand as though everything were in slow-motion. The blue light zapped forward, right at Fabian's head.

Then, it suddenly exploded against a translucent shield.

"What!?" Bellatrix shouted half in outrage and half as a challenge to whoever would dare to stop her. Neither of the twins had their wand pointed upwards so it couldn't have been them.

Bellatrix rounded, expecting to see Dolohov at her back, only to find the man lying unconscious on the floor. The other stranger at the bar, the one with the messy black hair, stood just a couple feet away with his wand in one hand and that damned cigar in the other. His emerald green eyes mets her black ones.

"Sorry." His voice was gruff, gruffer than she had expected anyhow. "But you won't be killing anyone else tonight."

Though he was clearly an enemy, the man didn't seem to be too interested in starting up a fight. His stance was all wrong: far too loose and uncaring. Now that she got a good look at him, Bellatrix could see that the man only looked to be about twenty years old. That was her age, but she had never seen him at Hogwarts. His accent gave him away as a Brit though. Was he homeschooled? He was handsome, she'd give him that, but it wouldn't matter in a minute when she killed him.

Evidently she wasn't the only one to notice the strangeness of this man. Jugson, Mulciber, and Selwyn were all standing off to the side with their wands pointed at him. Bellatrix faintly wondered why they weren't killing the bar's patrons anymore when she spotted the open back door and barricade of animated tables and chairs that had been used to give them cover to escape.

The man took a slow drag on his cigar before tossing it aside onto the floor. He held the smoke in his mouth for a few seconds before releasing it. "Why don't you all leave," he said. It sounded more like an order than a suggestion.

There was something about this man that gave Bellatrix pause. It was hard to pinpoint, but something just felt off, like a tingle underneath her skin. Normally, she would curse any who dared to interrupt her fun, but she felt herself holding back for some strange reason.

But, despite her apparent wariness, the three men that had accompanied her this night didn't seem bothered in the slightest. "Leave?" Jugson chortled. A cocky grin came across his lips as he tilted his head to the side and looked the man up and down. "And you think you're going to make us?"

Bellatrix could see what Jugson was getting at. The mysterious man was slim, slimmer than most wizards, and not especially tall either. He didn't look that intimidating, but Bellatrix couldn't shake that odd feeling from her skin.

The man's lips twitched upwards. "I could, if you'd like me to."

Jugson seemed to consider that for a moment. His eyes flickered over to Mulciber and Selwyn. Both men nodded back at him. "Alright then." Jugson's grin turned feral. "Let's see just what you're made of."

There was a single volley of spells from the trio towards the mysterious man. Each cast one single spell before Bellatrix saw their blood splatter the walls behind them.

It hadn't even lasted a second. Her companions were all dead, their bodies collapsing to the floor, and the mysterious man had barely even moved his wand.

It was then that Bellatrix felt the sensation again. Only this time it came on far more strongly than before. Now, as it washed over her completely, filling her up with warmth, she recognized it for what it was.


The mysterious man positively oozed power. It was exactly how she felt around the Dark Lord, only . . . only . . . somehow, this man had more of it. The feeling she had running through her was stronger than anything she'd felt from the Dark Lord before.

It was completely intoxicating.

He was staring at her now, waiting for her to make a move, but Bellatrix just let her wand arm fall to her side. She wasn't going to fight him. Even if she wanted to, she knew that she'd be dead in an instant. No, this man radiated true power unlike any she had ever seen before.

She would dedicate herself to him.

"My Lord," Bellatrix said, dropping to her knees on the ground before him. She kept her head bowed, waiting. After several moments of silence, she chanced a peak up at the man's face. He just looked confused.

"My Lord?" The man repeated slowly.

Bellatrix nodded her head fiercely. "You . . . I wish to pledge myself to you." It felt right to say those words aloud. Her magic hummed at her commitment.

The man blinked, staring at her for another second before bursting out into laughter.

Bellatrix felt her face flush. How dare he laugh at her declaration of loyalty? Did he think so little of her? Well, she'd show him just how serious she was.She shuffled forward quickly towards the man. He raised his wand warningly, but Bellatrix ignored it. Instead, she raised her hands to his zipper and pulled it down before reaching in to pull out his cock.

The man let out a strangled gasp, as though he couldn't believe what was happening. Bellatrix didn't buy it for a second. A man this powerful was sure to have women flocking to him. She was going to lay her claim now and prove her power to him later.

As Bellatrix's hand found the man's flaccid cock, she realized that all the stories about powerful wizards were true. She pulled it out of his trousers to see it with her own eyes.

Though he was still mostly flaccid, the man's cock was large. It was about as large as any erect cock that Bellatrix had seen before. She felt her mouth fill up with saliva at the sight of this thing. How big would it get? She wondered.

Well, it was time to find out.

Just as Bellatrix parted her lips and went to move forward, she heard a groan of pain come from behind the bar. The man's gaze shot up towards it and then back down to her. "Not here," he said before grabbing her shoulder and apparating.

Bellatrix landed with a soft rug beneath her knees. She blinked a couple of times to bring everything into focus and quickly realized that she was in one of the expensive rooms at the Leaky Cauldron. Based on the various books, parchment, and remains of past meals spread throughout the room, it was clear that the man had been here for some time.

The man released his grip on Bellatrix and took a few steps away from her. She watched him curiously as he walked over to a table in the corner of the room and dipped a quill in some ink. Quickly, he began scratching things off on a couple different pieces of parchments. Once done, he paused, muttering quietly to himself.

"My Lord?" Bellatrix prompted after a few moments. She was still on her knees, and she'd remain there until she got what she wanted. Her core was hot and dripping and ready for him.

The man shook out of whatever thoughts he had been lost in. "Call me Harry," he replied as he set the quill back down on the table.

Bellatrix crinkled her nose. To refer to her Lord by his name . . . it was unseemly. But, she wouldn't refuse him. She was to obey him in all things.

"Harry," the name came slowly off of her tongue. "Let me pledge myself to you." She gestured down to Harry's waist. He followed her gaze and realized his semi-hard cock was still sticking out of his trousers.

"Right," he chuckled. He started to make his way over to her so Bellatrix subtly tugged at the hem of her black dress, pulling it down slightly to reveal just a little bit more of her creamy cleavage. She was no fool; she knew that she was beautiful, and she'd use all of that beauty to her advantage. It worked, of course, as Harry glanced down to the valley between her breasts. He cocked his head to the side. "So you want to suck my cock to pledge yourself to me?"

"And more!" Bellatrix added quickly. "I'll give myself over to you completely, if you'll have me."

Harry was teetering on the edge, Bellatrix could see that. So, she decided to give him the final push.

Bellatrix tugged her dress down. Her large breasts strained against the neckline before it relented and they popped out into view. They were perfect: perky and flawless with little pink nipples at the peak of her mounds. Her flesh was supple and divine and any man would want to caress her breasts, and hopefully more.

Harry ran his hand through his hair. "Fuck," he sucked in a deep breath. "You really are a slut."

Bellatrix smiled. This was going well already. "Only for you, my Lord. I'd do anything to, with, and for you. If you want to fuck me right here, you simply need to take me. If you want to see what your cock looks like stuck in my ass, all you need to do is push it inside of me. If you want stick your cock down my throat-"

Harry surged forward and Bellatrix broke off her speech just in time to part her lips and accept his rapidly hardening cock. He shoved a few inches inside of her mouth and Bellatrix quickly sealed her lips around his shaft. Harry didn't stop there though. He grabbed the back of her head and forced her forward. Bellatrix stilled for a moment before relaxing and letting Harry's thick, massive cock slide down her throat.

Harry held her there for several seconds as he inhaled sharply. Bellatrix's hands came up to Harry's hips and she held him there, mentally counting off the seconds in her head as struggled to breathe around Harry's giant cock.

"Bloody hell," Harry groaned. "You must really want to be my servant."

Bellatrix wanted to nod her head, but to do so would risk her choking on Harry's cock. She was not going to be the one to pull back first. She had to show Harry just how dedicated she was. So, she stayed put.

After nearly twenty seconds, Harry finally relaxed his grip on the back of Bellatrix's head and pulled his hips back.Bellatrix came up gasping for air as Harry's cock slipped out of her mouth. A large trail of saliva connected her lips to his cock, and even more was dripping down her face from the corners of her mouth.

"My own personal slut," Harry chuckled again.

"Yes, my Lord," Bellatrix moaned. She rubbed her face up against Harry's giant, slobber-covered cock, spreading the lubrication around her face. "I'm your precious little slut."

"Then get back to it," Harry ordered.

Once again, Bellatrix felt a pleasurable hum beneath her skin as Harry's magic rose up inside of her. It felt like an orgasmic wave had just washed over her, and she was sure that her panties were bound to be soaked through soon. She would fuck him, if she could somehow figure out how to get his massive cock inside of her pussy, but her mouth was the focus for now.

He had already been impressed with her deepthroating skills, so Bellatrix resolved to show him just how much more she could do. Her lips sealed around the head of his cock as she tightened her grip on his hips. Then, she yanked herself forward.

Harry let out a deep groan as Bellatrix literally facefucked herself on his cock. She relaxed her throat so that his thick cock could cram its way inside. It was hard for it all to fit in there, but Bellatrix wasn't going to let a little discomfort stop her. She forced Harry's cock into her throat over and over again. It was inevitable that she'd start to gag a little as she went, but those sounds only seemed to turn Harry on even more as his cock pulsed in her mouth.

Thick globs of saliva started to drip out of Bellatrix's mouth. They ran down her jaw before dropping down onto her pert breasts, staining them with the evidence of her devotion to her Lord. She gobbled down his cock, bobbing her head rapidly. His balls bounced off of her chin every time she swallowed him.

"Merlin," Harry groaned. "You are fucking incredible."

Bellatrix felt a swell of pride and another hit of pleasure as Harry's magic reached out and touched hers. She could feel the excitement and lust radiating out from him and it affected her positively in turn. She didn't care that she looked like a sloppy whore as she gagged on Harry's cock; he was powerful enough to warrant the privilege of being pleasured by her.

As the seconds ticked by, Bellatrix could feel Harry starting to lose his composure. His cock trembled in her throat with the need to release the cum that was bubbling up inside of him. Her tongue swirled around his thick shaft, teasing his cock and coaxing the cum out.

Bellatrix released Harry's cock from her mouth with an audible popping sound. She grabbed the base of his shaft and started stroking his thick meat, an action made easier by the sheer amount of saliva and drool that covered him. "Do you want to cum on my pretty face?" She batted her thick eyelashes up at him. "Or down my throat?"

Before Harry had a chance to answer, Bellatrix lifted his cock up and took one of his heavy balls into her mouth. Harry let out a low groan and stroked the back of her head as she slobbered all over his balls, switching between the two every few seconds. She looked up at him, meeting his gaze as she waited for an answer.

"Your face," Harry grunted.

Bellatrix smiled. It seemed her new Lord had a desire to mark her too.

Stroking his shaft faster and faster, Bellatrix continued to suck on Harry's balls. His cock kept twitching and pulsing in her hand as she stroked him.

Finally, Bellatrix felt his seed start to come up his shaft. Moving quickly, she angled Harry's cock down towards her face and wrapped her other hand around his shaft and pumped him for all he was worth.

An explosion of messy, hot cum shot out onto Bellatrix's face. The thick, white substance splattered first on her forehead. Bellatrix's eyes widened as she saw the sheer amount of cum leave Harry's cock on just the first spurt. It was more than most men came altogether!

But, Bellatrix didn't stop stroking. Again and again, cum shot out of Harry's cock and onto her face. Bellatrix did her best to let it splatter all over. His cum was hot and sticky, clinging to her smooth skin.

As the last drops left Harry's cock, Bellatrix slumped back and looked over at the floor-length mirror that sat in the corner of the room. She could see herself in it. She looked completely ruined. Her face was covered in Harry's cum and her own drool. Her mascara had started to run, and it left thick, dark streaks below her eyes. Some of Harry's cum and her drool had dripped down onto her breasts too. She looked like she had just been taken by five men in the back of a dark alleyway in Knockturn Alley.

And she wouldn't have it any other way. Her Lord had marked it, and it showed that he was every bit as powerful as she had sensed.

"Get up, slut," Harry demanded gruffly, grabbing her arm and forcing her to her feet. Bellatrix got up, looking a little surprised at first, only to then realize that Harry's cock was still rock hard. Right, she had forgotten that powerful wizards rarely had recovery periods after their orgasms.

With a simple flick of his wrist, Bellatrix's black dress, which had pooled around her waist, was sheared in two. It fell away from her body to the floor, leaving her just in her matching black thong. She could feel Harry's gaze upon her body and she stood proudly as he inspected her. There were few who could match her appearance, and she knew that he'd be satisfied with her.

Another flick of his wrist sent her panties fluttering to the ground too. Bellatrix spread her legs slightly, letting Harry get a better look at her hairless mound. She was dripping wet for him.

"On the bed," Harry ordered, not saying a word about her body. Rather than being put out, Bellatrix simply obeyed his command. Her Lord should expect the best.

Bellatrix flopped onto her back, stretching out her arms above her head to show off her perky breasts to Harry as he approached. He was still completely dressed with his giant cock sticking out of his trousers.

"I'm going to fuck you now," Harry told Bellatrix.

"Of course, my Lord," she purred in response, spreading her legs wider to show off her glistening pussy to him.

He stepped up in between her legs and rested his thick cock on her belly. Bellatrix couldn't believe just how long and big it was; it even went past her belly button.

"You're going to be my slut now, to do with as I please," Harry continued.

Bellatrix's lustful gaze met his. "Yes, my Lord."

"You're going to moan and scream my name as I fuck you."

"No one else will ever be able to compare."

"You won't be taking anyone else, not while I'm around."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

Harry nodded his head. "Good."

Then, without any further preamble, he pressed the head of his cock against her wet pussy lips and slammed all the way inside of her in a single thrust.

Bellatrix's eyes widened and her mouth opened in a silent scream as Harry's thick cock stretched her out. Merlin, she had never felt anything like this before! His cock was so fucking big that it felt like it was going to tear a hole through her. Looking down, she could even see a bump on her belly that she knew was the head of Harry's cock pressing up against her skin.

"Fuck!" Bellatrix screamed, throwing her head back and letting out a long moan. "You're so fucking massive!"

Her walls were spasming uncontrollably around Harry's cock. They were being stretched to their limits and struggling to contain Harry's giant cock. But then Harry's magic appeared to help her. Now that they were connected like this, Bellatrix could feel Harry's massive reserve of magical power trickling into her body, helping it adapt to her Lord's cock. The discomfort faded as pleasure replaced her. Her entire body tingled with excitement, and her pussy felt hotter than it ever had before.

"You're tight," Harry commented.

The casualness of it made Bellatrix laugh, but the effect was marred by the sounds of her moans mixing in. "Merlin, I can't believe that all that fit inside of me."

Harry shifted around a bit, and Bellatrix felt his cock stir around inside of her. It stretched her pussy even more than it already was and suddenly she was seeing stars from the pleasure. "Fuck!" Bellatrix cried out. "Please, please, just fuck me already," she begged. It felt so good having him inside of her. How much better would it feel once he finally got to work?

Bellatrix's body trembled as Harry slowly pulled his hips back. Her body screamed in protest as it felt him leaving her. The urge to beg him to bury his thick cock back inside of her was so overwhelming that Bellatrix had to bite down on her tongue to stop herself from crying out and begging again. She grabbed the bedsheets above her head and clutched tightly at them as Harry slowly slid back.

When just the head was still inside of her, Harry stopped. Bellatrix waited for a second, then another, then another. After a few seconds had passed without movement, she looked up at him only to find that he was staring down at her with an amused look.

"You look so needy," he teased her.

Bellatrix felt her pussy react to his words. It convulsed suddenly, clamping down on the last bit of Harry's cock that was still inside of her. She needed him back inside. "Please," she begged.

Harry cocked his head to the side, a smirk on his lips. "Please what?"

"Please fuck my tight little pussy," Bellatrix cried out. She could feel actual tears starting to form in her eyes as her need became too great. She needed his cock back inside of her, and she didn't know what she would do if he didn't give it to her right this instant."

"I think you're forgetting something," Harry pointed out.

"My Lord," Bellatrix added quickly."Altogether now," Harry chuckled.

"Please fuck my tight little pussy, my Lord!" Bellatrix's words turned into screams as Harry rammed his cock back inside of her. He filled her up so completely and the pleasure was nothing short of overwhelming. He didn't hesitate to reel his hips back and slam them home again on his next thrust either. He started pounding into her pussy hard with reckless abandon.

Bellatrix's eyes shut tightly, her entire body losing control over itself as Harry's cock made her feel better than she ever had in her entire life. The pleasure was mind numbing. Harry's cock pounded her swollen pussy over and over again in the most aggressive fuck that she'd ever taken or seen.

If it were anyone else, Bellatrix would've felt anger at being treated as little more than something to stick a cock into. Her body was like a rag doll upon the bed as Harry had his way with her. No anger came though. Bellatrix had given herself over to Harry completely. Although she didn't know that it would be this intense, this pleasurable, there was no going back now. Not that she even would if given the choice.

She loved this!

Suddenly, Bellatrix felt the most intense wave of pleasure yet as an orgasm tore through her body. She hadn't even felt it coming on; the sensations of it had been lost under the onslaught of pleasure. Her entire body spasmed, her pussy trembling madly around Harry's giant cock as it hammered her insides.

"I'm fucking cumming!" Bellatrix screamed, her eyes flying wide open. She lost her grip on the bedsheets and took to rolling her upper body side to side as pleasure overtook her mind. Harry kept her lower half in check by lifting her plump ass off the bed and continuing to fuck her. She didn't know how he was even able to move with how tight her pussy was constricting around his cock, but he maintained the same rapid pace that he had set.

A look of pure lust and lewdness overcame Bellatrix's cum-covered face. It just felt so right that her body was her Lord's to use as he saw fit. His cock was stretching her out like nothing else could, and it felt bloody amazing.

"Fuck!" Bellatrix cried out. It was getting so hard to think with this thick piece of meat ramming her over and over again. "So big, so fucking big."

Harry simply grunted as he leaned further overtop of her, his hips relentlessly pounding against her. All she wanted was this, and for him to spill his seed inside of her. But all of her thought, all of the practice that she had prepared for the Dark Lord had gone straight out the window as soon as Harry started to fuck her. There was nothing she could do to make him cum any faster than he wanted to. Bellatrix knew that she was completely and utterly dominated by him.

So, Bellatrix felt her body sag and simply enjoy the pounding she was getting. Her mouth was salivating from the pleasure and the thought of Harry dumping his load inside of her. Bellatrix didn't care as her mouth hung open and some saliva dripped out down the side of her cheek. Her tongue was out and she was panting like a bitch in heat. But that was just how it should be.

One of Harry's hands pawed her left breast. He squeezed it roughly as he drove his cock in, smacking against her cervix. She could feel herself growing close again from all the pleasure.

"I'm going to cum," she managed to get out breathlessly.

"Again so soon?" Harry chuckled. "You really are the neediest slut I've ever met."

"Yes!" Bellatrix hissed in agreement.

Harry snorted. "Well, just get ready, cause I'm getting close too."

The fog lifted from Bellatrix's mind in that instant. Her Lord was going to cum in her! Using all the strength she had, she lifted her head up and looked down to where their bodies met. Harry's cock, slick with her gushing juices, pistoned in and out of her tight pussy again and again. His heavy balls kept smacking up against her ass, ready to release the semen inside of them.

Bellatrix felt it when Harry's orgasm hit him. His cock pulsed very suddenly, and then she felt his hot cum spraying out inside of her. That wonderful sensation, combined with the way her magic sung at the feeling of her Lord's seed spilling out inside of her, was enough to push her back over the edge into her own orgasm.

Bellatrix felt her pussy spasm in time with Harry's cock, making sure that his cum got all the force it could when it shot out of him. Harry kept hammering into her, pumping her little pussy full of his cum. She hoped that she would get pregnant from this, but, even if she didn't, she would still feel complete knowing that her Lord had fully marked her as his.

With a final thrust, Harry suddenly pulled out of Bellatrix's pussy. The intense sensation of loss that Bellatrix felt made her cry out in protest, but Harry simply took that opportunity to jam his cock in her mouth.

Acting on instinct, Bellatrix let Harry's cock slide back into her used throat as her tongue started to swirl around his shaft.

"Yes! Clean it you fucking whore!" Harry groaned, grabbing the back of Belatrix's head and holding her in place

As Bellatrix sucked hard on his cock, gulping down any of her juices and his cum that remained on his cock, Harry shook her head against his hips, rocking her back and forth and making his cock swirl around in her throat.

After a second, Harry gave a loud sigh and pushed Bellatrix back onto the bed. Bellatrix spluttered as Harry's massive cock left her mouth.

Harry was already up, throwing clothes on while Bellatrix lay back in bed, her breasts heaving up and down as she gasped for air. Reaching one hand down between her legs, she managed to feel Harry's cum practically pouring out of her used pussy. She tried to capture as much as she could in her hand and then brought it up to her mouth so that she could lick it all up.

"I'll be back in a few hours," Harry said as he tugged his shoes on. "When I get back, I expect you to be naked and tied up on the bed. I have a feeling I'll have some frustration to work out after I finish cleaning up your fucking mess back at The Witch's Brew."

Consider throwing some powerstones this way atleast to gphelp me figure out how this thing works