
Chapter 57 - The Main and Show

Felix was walking in the hallway, lost in his thoughts, when he saw Harry, Hermione, and Ron coming from the opposite direction. They were laughing and chatting, and Felix couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. He had always been a bit of a loner, preferring to spend his time studying and practicing magic.

"If one thing is not changed, it is my people and social skills."

Felix was no strange to these feelings. In the back at his original earth. where there was no magic or wizards, he was still a loner. Not looking for many people.

As they walked past each other, Felix tried to be inconspicuous and not draw their attention. He continued down the hallway and rounded a corner, but he couldn't help but glance back to see where they were going. He saw them enter the library, and he debated whether or not to follow them.

Felix shook his head, trying to rid himself of the feeling that he was somehow missing out on something. "Stay focused," he reminded himself. "There are more important things to worry about." He walked towards the nearest empty classroom and began to practice some spells on his own.

As he practiced, Felix couldn't help but overhear some students talking in the hallway. They were whispering about Harry, Hermione, and Ron and how they seemed to be getting into trouble a lot lately. Felix paused for a moment, wondering what they could be up to. But he quickly shook his head and refocused on his spells.

Later that day, Felix saw the three of them again in the Great Hall. They were sitting together, laughing and joking as they ate their meals. Felix felt a pang of loneliness again, but he quickly pushed it aside. He didn't want to be seen as someone who was desperate for friends.

As he finished his meal, Felix muttered to himself, "The main storyline has started. I wonder where this will lead." He was curious about what Harry, Hermione, and Ron were up to, but he knew that he had to focus on his own studies and goals.

One day later,

Felix sat in his room at Hogwarts, counting the hours in his mind. He knew that Harry, Ron, and Hermione were on a mission to put the three-headed dog to sleep using music, and he couldn't help but feel excited about it. As he counted down the hours, Felix thought about the adventure that lay ahead for his classmates.

"Three hours left," Felix muttered to himself. "I have to give it to them. They are smart to learn from Hagrid, how to pass the three-headed dog."

As he sat there, he thought about the different spells and charms he had learned, and he wondered if he could be of any help to his friends. But he decided against it. He knew that Harry, Ron, and Hermione were a tight-knit group, and he didn't want to intrude on their mission.

"I'll just sit back and watch," Felix said to himself. "I don't want to get in their way."

As the hours passed, Felix became more and more excited about what was going to happen. He knew that this was just the beginning of the adventure, and he couldn't wait to see what other challenges lay ahead for Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Two hours left," Felix said, smiling to himself. "I wonder if they're nervous."

Felix thought about how Harry, Ron, and Hermione must be feeling at that moment. He knew that they were brave, but he also knew that they were just kids. He hoped that they were up for the challenge that lay ahead.

"One hour left," Felix said, as he stood up from his bed. "I better get ready to watch the show."

Felix walked to the window of his room and looked out over the Hogwarts grounds. He could feel the excitement in the air, and he knew that something big was about to happen. He couldn't wait to see what was in store for Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

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