
Chapter 18 - Charms and First Time Casting

The Basics of Charms emphasizes the importance of practice and repetition in mastering charm magic. It provides examples of common charm spells and their proper usage, as well as tips for developing one's own unique style of charm casting. Overall, the book is intended to provide a solid foundation in charm magic for students of all levels.

As Felix reads the book "Basics of Charms", he learns about the three basic charm spells in the world of Harry Potter:

Wingardium Leviosa: This spell is used to levitate objects. It requires the caster to point their wand at the object and say "Wingardium Leviosa".

Alohomora: This spell is used to unlock doors that are not magically sealed. It requires the caster to point their wand at the locked door and say "Alohomora".

Lumos: This spell is used to light up the tip of the wand, providing illumination in the darkness. It requires the caster to say "Lumos" while pointing their wand towards the area they want to light up.

As Felix reads about the charms, he imagines himself casting these spells and feeling the magical energy flow through his wand. The voice inside his head tells him that charm spells require precision and focus, and that he needs to practice "focusing" and imagine results before even thinking about the spell.

At that time, Felix hears the hermetic voice again, so he decides to call it "hermetic voice" again.

"The charms are "action," "imagination," and "manifestation,", the user needs to know what he wants to accomplish, focus on imagining, and then manifest the result with his magical energy. Different from transfiguration, imagination and action are more important in charms than "knowledge" itself.

The hermetic voice continued.

"This is the reason why Transfiguration is known to be one of the hardest spell categories to learn, as it requires direct knowledge most of the time to be used with mastery."

Felix nodded to himself.

"I understand it basically, but still, I believe my capabilities are limited by my wisdom in the end."

Felix took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second.

Felix focuses his mind on the incantation he just read, feeling a tingling sensation in his finger as he concentrates. He raises his right hand and points his index finger towards the ceiling, uttering the word "Lumos" in a clear voice.

A bright light appears at the tip of his finger, illuminating the surrounding area with a soft glow. Felix's eyes widen in amazement as he stares at the light, feeling a surge of excitement and satisfaction. He can't believe he just cast a real magic spell for the first time in his life.

Felix experiments with the spell, moving his finger around to direct the light and testing the duration of the charm. After a few minutes, he feels confident enough to try another charm.

"Oh, wait!"

Felix thinks a little bit, and then his eyes search around him.

"I am sure that I am able to cast "Lumos" without any incantation. But it would be better for me to not do it anymore here at the very least."

"A fourteen-year-old boy using a wand to cast simple charms is another thing; a fourteen-year-old boy who is able to cast spells and charms without incantations is a completely different thing."