
Harry Potter - Another Dark Lord [COMPLETED]

A squib born child will become more than a normal wizard. Disclaimer : I do not own Harry Potter or its characters from the franchise. That honor belongs to JK Rowling. Cover is from www.flaticon.com

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Harry Potter : Another Dark Lord - Chapter 7 : Hogwarts

The train compartment was silent for a second. The timid boy, Neville Longbottom tried to not divert his gaze as it would be impolite. " Heuu, hie. Can we sit here with you, the other compartment are full. I'm Neville Longbottom. ", the kid trembled from shyness. Still, he continued his introduction with his pet toad Trevor, a gift from his great-uncle Algie. Just saying his name, Mikhael shook hands with Neville who relaxed while his toad jumped out of the door entrance unnoticed.

" I know you, we met at Diagon Allay with Justin and professor McGonagall. Hie Neville, I am Hermione Granger by the way. My parents are dentists, something like tooth healers for muggles. I've read about your family in 'The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts'. They were among the light family that fought with their allies, the Potter against the last dark lord, Voldemort. ", the girl would have continued longer if Neville didn't let a small scream escaped at the dark lord name. He explained to her that she shouldn't say its name so openly. The wizard world was still recuperating, You-Know-Who's name was taboo, it brought back memories of his terrible acts.

" While I understand it can bring back bad memories, 'Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself'. This is irrational now, he is dead so why are you still afraid of him ? ", she thanks Mikhael who helped her to lift her trunk. He could have use magic with or without his wand, but he didn't. His body was capable of the effort without sweating a bit, moreover he didn't want to give away his ability.

She continued discussing with Neville about the wizard word while Mikhael studied his potions recipes. He wondered which ingredients he could use as replacements for the most expensive. It would help him a lot, this domain study held great potential. The orphan wouldn't become a potion maker, but this skill would make it easier to strengthen himself with ritual and practice. Nothing was a miracle solution, there was always a catch.

" Hey Mikhael, which house do you think you will be in. I read a lot about it in 'Hogwarts: A History', Gryffindor is where I hope to go. This house is well-known for courage, bravery, daring, nerve, and chivalry. This house also holds most of the muggle-born like myself and you. However, the most important note is, this was the house of Albus Dumbledore, the current headmaster of Hogwarts. He is also the leader of the light wizard, pro-muggle. ", Hermione checked on her book one more time.

" Well, the other three houses are Hufflepuff, known for loyalty, patience, hard work, fair-play, honesty, and tolerance but it's also known for welcoming the leftover according to Neville. The opposite house is Ravenclaw where it values intelligence, wit, cleverness, creativity, and wisdom. I could fit there, but I still prefer Gryffindor, Harry Potter is rumored to be in the same year as us. He would probably go to this house like his father James Potter and his Mother, Lily Evan a muggle-born. ", the girl thought for a moment putting her book in her bag.

" The last house values ambition, leadership, cunning, determination, and resourcefulness. I don't really judge a house based on this but Slytherin, most dark lords came from it. ", she stopped herself when she noticed Neville wide open mouth in disbelief at her long rant. Hermione knew she could elaborate a lot when she talked about something she liked and knew about, but Neville's reaction was hilarious. She refrained her laugh as the shy boy became red.

" I haven't given a thought yet. I don't know how it works but I believe we would be sent to the house we are the most compatible with. ", Neville stared at him with big eyes. " What, we greeted each other before. Your toad is missing. ", a bit upset at the Longbottom reaction, Mikhael stopped him with his remark, wearing his emotionless face.

" Ho no. If Trevor is roaming the train he could be in danger. All those birds and cats would eat him in one go. Gran would punish me if I lose him. What to do, he could be anywhere. ", the pet owner left the compartment and searched forth to the train's head. The poor boy trembled while asking about his toad while opening different doors.

Following Hermione to get a better understanding of his future classmate in other compartments, Mikhael observed as a group of kids threw her away when she wasn't recognized as an heir from any old family. Bitter smile from her failure, the boy patted her shoulder. Though, her bossy behavior wasn't the best, her great memory and ability to cast successfully first-year spells showed her potential. Neville couldn't replicate the same feast nor some of the other first-year they met. Some were interested, some weren't, but none had seen the missing toad.

Toward the end of the train, a redhead he remembered at the Express depart, almost missing the train, was waving his wand toward a rodent. Hermione opened the doorway, tired. " Has anyone seen a toad ? A boy named Neville's lost one. ", the same question she repeated. Still, no introduction since her failure with the blond git and his compartment. The redhead just stared at her before saying no.

" Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then. ", did she forget he was with her. They said no so why wasting time. Mikahel didn't bother entering the cabin, she would exit soon.

" Aghhhemm. Sunshine, daises, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow ! ", zap. Nothing happened, the kid shrugged. Did the redhead thought it would work without using his intent nor magic. Just waving his wand and chanting without conviction, of course it would fail. Mikhael stayed placid but his interior screamed at this boy's ineptitude.

" Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it ? Of course, I've only tried a few simple spells myself, and they've all worked for me. For example... ", Hermione shared his thought about the redhead. She went over and sat across from the other first year. This one was skin over bones with black hair, brighter than his own. She points her hand at his glasses and he tensed.

" Oculus Reparo. ", the glasses, which noseband were battered, repaired themselves in second. The boy took them off, amazed.

" That's better, isn't it ? Holy Cricket, you're Harry Potter. I'm Hermione Granger...and you are... ? ", she forced herself to look at the previous redhead. Mouth full, he hurried to finish his chocolate candy.

" I'm...Ron Weasley. ", Mikhael heard about this pureblood family in Knockturn Alley. They were dirt poor with a lot of kids. That explained his clothes too big for him, probably from one of his elder brothers. The Weasley aligned with the light side, but it was rumored they underwent a dark fertility ritual to bear so many kids, unlike the normal pureblood unique heir.

" Pleasure. You two better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon. ", she got up and left with Mikhael, then came back alone and looked at Ron. " You've got dirt, on your nose, by the way, did you know ? Just there. ", she pointed, Ron scratches his nose, embarrassed. Mikhael frown at her childish remark. True they were tired and failed to find Trevor. Neville would be devastated.


<center>HP - Another Dark Lord</center>


When the Hogwarts Express came to halt, they debarked but no toad in sight. Mikhael saw the upper students entering carriage pulled by what it seemed to be winged horses with a skeletal body face with reptilian features, and wide, leathery wings that resemble a bat's. Strange, no first years seemed alerted by those animal presences. Head down, Neville followed the giant man instructions and shared his boat with Hermione, Mikhael and for the later distaste Justin Finch-Fletchley. The boats advanced forward without any warning.

The castle view stunned the first years. Mikhael marveled at the Scottish building majestic presence. He felt the magic concentration denser when they entered the castle ward, the biggest one he met in his life. Reaching land made the stone construction more intimidating, the first years were minuscule in comparison. With his huge fists, Hagrid banged the doors.

They opened up with the familiar sight of Minerva McGonagall, bring them to the Great Hall doorway. Trevor chose the moment she explained about the four houses and the House Cup competition, to show up. Her stern glared terrified Neville. She finished her presentation before leaving the first years waiting there.

The blond git Hermione met earlier in the Hogwarts Express approached the glasses boy whose she repaired the noseband. " It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts. ", students whispered their savior name. Mikhael looked at Hermione shifting footing nervously. She forgot to tell Neville that this scrawny kid here was Harry Potter.

" This is Crabbe, and Goyle ", both nodded to thugs, not the brightest. " and I'm Malfoy...Draco Malfoy. ", Ron snickered at the blond name. " Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair, and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley. You will soon find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there. ", he extended his hand.

" I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks. ", Harry felt hurt at his friend mockery. Draco glared.

Mikhael couldn't help but compare Hogwarts with his village school, there too, the kid picked a fight for any excuse. Harry's rejection was bound to make them enemies. McGonagall returned and smacked Malfoy on the shoulder with a paper. He retreated with one last glare. The teacher led everyone through two large doors and into the Great Hall, where there were four long tables with many kids, as well as floating candles. The roof appears to be the sky.

Hermione didn't hesitate, " It's not real, the ceiling. It's just bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History. ", she never missed any occasion to show off her knowledge. Mikhael didn't focus on the display of magic. Instead, he fixed the old man he met years ago. This headmaster who said he was a squib, this cement his parents' attention to his freak brother. Dumbledore rose from the main table.

" I have a few starts of term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that the 3rd floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you. ", for the leader of light he wasn't so much, but looks were tricky. Behind his grandpa persona, he radiated magical prowess. He was dangerous, two dark lords were defeated in duels by him.

McGonagall began her sorting, calling first-year's names. The chosen was put on a chair in front of all, and his life choice was selected by a speaking hat. How could it be so unreliable. There were no tests to the redhead's relief. Hermione and Neville were sorted in Gryffindor while Malfoy to Slytherin. Then Mikhael's eyes froze on the new challenger.

" Ava, Jacob. ", a blond hair first year he didn't saw in the train advanced. His face was like Mikhael. The orphan hated that boy, of course that freak would be attending Hogwarts. Ava should be the witch family name that adopted Jacob while letting the second twin on his own at the orphanage. Mikhael focused his magic on the ground level near the chair. His brother sat on the chair only to meet nothing and disgrace himself before everyone. Great, revenge was best served cold, it was only the beginning. He had years of resent to pay, as well as their parent death. Red of shame, Jacob was sorted to the house of the fool. Shame, Mikhael appreciated Neville and Hermione's presence, now he didn't want to be in their house.

" Jones, Mikhael. ", at his name the first year walked to the hat.

" It can't be. ", his brother stood up. " YOU, you can't be here. Not HERE ! ", he screamed, sprinting toward Mikhael. " You SQUIB ! ", so their dislike for each other wasn't as unilateral as he thought.

Mikhael evaded easily his brother jabs and kicks. Slow moves and unexperienced like that would never hit him. Teachers at the table stayed silent at this violent behavior. They let McGonagall reprimanded Jacob who didn't seem to hear anything. That's it, even at school, Jacob was treated special. Bored with this exchange, Mikhael expected his brother to show how he developed his magic but the latter was only using his fist. This was going nowhere. McGonagall was useless. Mikhael dodged one last blow.

The orphan countered with a hit on the sternum, followed by a kick to the chin and a barrage of direct to his brother's head. He would have continued further if the teacher didn't finally react and cast a stunner toward him. Using his brother as a shield, Mikhael threw the body aside. She started preached him on his violent behavior.

" IF you did your JOB and stop his ASSAULT on me earlier I wouldn't have to self protect myself. ", he cut her down. How dare she took points from him, he wasn't even sorted. He was the victim there. " I AM the victim, NOT this DOG. HE is dangerous. So now, let me finish my sorting, professor. ", he kept a composed face the whole time. The headmaster asked for the school mediwitch Poppy Pomfrey to treat the stunned first year while Mikhael could do his sorting. While his defensive reaction was exaggerated, everybody saw how he waited for the teacher to stop Jacob's assault, evading blows.

Mikhael felt a probe on his mind when he put the hat on. The foreign voice asked him to lower his defense so it could browse his memory and sort him. Not convinced, Mikhael didn't lower the same barrier he made around his head with his magic when he was at Ollivander shop.

The sorting took time since Mikhael complied only after gaining information from the hat about mind magic. He didn't want his secret to be seen nor shared. He would have to work on Legilimency and Occlumency, so much to do. So, his mind barrier was strong but it wasn't Occlumency. Satisfied with the hat knowledge and knowing all they discussed was kept confidential, Mikhael let the hat do his job.

' Now let start, Gryffindor. True you are brave, yet not daring. Brashness is not your strength, you need a good reason to face danger. So not this one. Hufflepuff couldn't fit for you. Hard-worker and loyal only to those you choose, you won't hesitate to stab in the back of others. This isn't the house philosophy. Ravenclaw could be your house, you seek knowledge for your own. This drive could excel in this place but you crave more, for power. The last house would be hard for you but not impossible. Greatness could be achieved but you will meet many adversities. So, where to place you in. ', the hat stayed silent for a minute before continuing his sorting.

At Slytherin table, Mikhael wasn't applauded.

I find it difficult to integrate the story with the movie events but I tried my best to make it look good.

Hiehie_creators' thoughts