
Harry Potter's Natural Villain-DROPPED!

A person from earth is reincarnated as Draco Malfoy. Armed with future knowledge, he tries to defeat all obstacles while protecting his family, fighting Voldemort and figuring out how to deal with teenage girls. Disclaimer!: All rights belong to the author, nothing belongs to me. I am just translating this for fun. If they wish for me to take it down, then they may contact me and ask for me to do so.

DivinDragonEmperor · Book&Literature
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Chapter 10: Flying Class

"God, why do we have to attend flying class with the Slytherins?" Looking at the notice on the Gryffindor common room wall, Ron and the other young Gryffindors mourned.

As for the Slytherins, they were all keen about Quidditch, with the exception of Draco, who was only interested in flying. As for the Quidditch League and the game itself, he didn't care about it. When Narcissa was absent at home, he was almost addicted to it, but now, he wasn't interested in it anymore.

"Why don't you talk about your experience with the game?" Pansy asked.

"I've got nothing to say." Draco shook his head.

"Nothing?" Pansy pursed her lips. She was clearly very dissatisfied with Draco's answer.

"Draco wants to talk about his adventures on a broom!" Pansy suddenly loudly shouted.

Hearing this, a lot of Slytherin students came round. Slytherin's followed the strong. Draco, who had earned a lot of points for Slytherin already a few days in, was naturally the strongest and most respected among these little snakes. It was also known as the Hogwarts House that accepted only those of the families of the purest blood. Thus, they were naturally very interested in Draco's experience, especially when it came to broomstick flying, a sport that they all liked and enjoyed.

"Hey…" Draco pretended to be thinking, he was trying to make a slightly more reasonable story on the fly.

As he did so, Pansy also gave him a sinister smile.

"In the forbidden place in our house…" Draco started telling his made-up story.

Draco, who was deeply influenced by online novels in the past, easily compiled a reasonable story, which caused the snakes to marvel at it.

At the end of the story, Pansy also secretly asked: "Can I also play with you next time?"

Draco, with an expressionless face, said, "I just made it up."

"I haven't found got you back yet for that, what do you think I should do? Hmm?"

"I suddenly remembered Professor McGonagall's homework that I haven't finished yet." Pansy found an excuse to slip away.

"I have some sweets, wanna eat them?" Draco asked.

"Oh." Pansy slowly lowered her head and stared at Draco.

"Don't get me wrong, you can understand that I am bribing you, I can't finish it all alone," Draco explained with some frustration.

"Your smile looks forced. If you smile with sincerity, I will accept it with compassion." But Pansy's sparkling eyes had sold her out, it was obvious more than one person was guilty.

Never underestimate the lethality of sweets for girls.

Soon it was the afternoon that all the students were looking forward to; it was time for the Flying Class! The weather was beautiful; it was sunny but not too hot. The students hurried down the steps and walked towards the flat lawn opposite the field. The grass was slightly waving beneath their feet. The forest and the trees in the distance were swaying in the wind.

The Slytherin students were already there, with twenty broomsticks neatly placed on the ground.

Their teacher, Madam Hooch also arrived came. She had short grey hair and her eyes were yellow, like the eyes of an eagle.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" she snapped. "Everyone stand next to a broomstick. Hurry up."

Looking at the broom under his feet, Draco shook his head.

Some of the branches on the old broom were poking out weirdly, and some dust could be seen on the handle.

"Extend your right hand and place it above the broom," Madam Hooch shouted in front. "And then say, 'up!'"

"Up!" everyone shouted. Draco was also pretending to do the same, and for those who are already very skilled, this was torture.

Madam Hooch showed them how to ride a broom without slipping from the head. She walked around the students and showed them the correct grip.

Harry and Ron, like the other students, were still doing the usual steps and following Madam Hooch's orders.

Hermione felt a little uncomfortable. She was still holding "Quidditch Through the Ages", she didn't seem to be very good at sports.

As for Neville's, he was shaking, he had a few sweat drops hanging from his head, it was clear that he was nervous.

"When I whistle, slam your legs and leave the ground, you have to use force," said Madam Hooch. "Stabilise the broom, rise a few feet, then lean forward slightly and fall back to the ground. Listen to my whistle – three – two -"

However, Neville was too nervous. He didn't want to be laughed at by everyone. People who felt inferior always want to prove themselves. He waited for the whistle to touch the lips of Madam Hooch, then slammed his feet onto the ground and flew up.

"Oh, look at the poor little fatty." Draco thought sympathetically.

"Come back, child!" said Madam Hooch.

However, it was clear that Neville wasn't in control of his broom. Neville was flying higher and higher. He was thinking of his childhood's unpleasant experience – which was unintentionally falling from a tall building. Neville's face had become paler than it already was, and he felt the strength leave his body from recalling that experience.

He grabbed the broom and tried to cling on to it as much as he possibly could, but this didn't help, as his strength gradually left his body, and eventually, his grip on the broom became weaker and weaker till he fell off.

The tragedy then happened.

"Wingardium Leviosa. Wingardium Leviosa." Draco whispered the spells and pointed his wand at Neville's broom. Only Pansy behind him heard it.

"Hey, look." Neville, who should have fallen quickly, seemed to have received resistance, and the speed of his fall slowed down.

"Thank God." Madam Hooch quickly ran to the lawn where Neville landed. She checked out his injuries.

"Are you fine, Neville? Answer me, boy! It is a miracle that you aren't hurt that much!" Madam Hooch exclaimed. Neville was hardly hurt. "But I still have to take you to the hospital to check you out." Madam Hooch was walking to the hospital with Neville, even if he wasn't injured; they still had to check to make sure.

"No! My Remembrall, and my broom!" Neville seemed to remember and suddenly shouted.

"Remembrall Accio!" Draco had already seen something falling on the grass, so he used the Accio spell.

"I think it's best to put these things in your bedroom when we have Flying Classes." Draco handed the Remembrall to Neville.

"Thank you, thank you." Neville had no idea what to say.

"As for the broom, I think our savior has already gone to help you."

"No!" Hermione shouted, and Harry ignored her. The adrenaline was pumping as he slammed his feet onto the ground and took to the sky.

Neville's broom was drifting in the direction of Forbidden Forest.

Harry only thought about how free he was as if nothing in the world could restrain him. Snape and those pieces of homework could go to hell! He was accelerating further and further. He was getting closer and closer to the broom.

Harry reached out his hand. He held the worn broom tightly.

The students at Gryffindor cheered, and only Hermione was a little unhappy. She was still worried about his violation of the rules. As for the Slytherin students, they were unhappy because the savior was not in their house.

Harry then manipulated the broom and landed on the grass. A bunch of Gryffindor's instantly surrounded him and looked at him as if he were a hero though technically he was.

Harry felt very proud. He finally found his innate talent. When he grabbed the broom and flew to the sky, it felt like it was a part of his body. He could do whatever he pleased!

"Harry Potter!" His heart suddenly sank. Professor McGonagall's words made him fall from the clouds.

"I have been at Hogwarts for so many years – never –"

Professor McGonagall was so surprised that she couldn't speak. Her glasses shone with angry rays of light. "-How dare you – you could have broken your neck -"

"It's not his fault, Professor -"

"Be quiet, Miss Patil -"

"He was trying to help Neville get the broom, Professor." Even Hermione, who had just stopped speaking, helped to explain.

Needless to say…

Professor McGonagall strode toward the castle and Harry followed McGonagall behind.

"Will I be expelled?" Harry's heart was hammering in his chest because of fear, he wanted to explain himself but didn't know where to start from.

"History will always be similar." Draco watched McGonagall silently take Harry away. Gryffindor would soon have one more Seeker.

"Do you think he'll be expelled?" Pansy pulled onto Draco's robes.

"I don't think so," Draco said in a low voice.

"That's really boring," Pansy mumbled.

"The Levitation Charm…"

"Did you actually help a Gryffindor?"

"I used that as a chance to practice using a wand-less spell that's all."

"Do you think I will believe you?"

"Then what do you want me to explain?" Draco stared at Pansy.

Pansy just wanted to ask. "Don't say it, don't say it." Pansy turned her head to the side as if Draco had angered her.

"I can��t always say that I like her the most when I read a book." Draco thought.

Everyone wants to be Harry, but they may just be Neville. Who doesn't have a dream of being a hero when they're young? Since he had the ability, Draco was willing to give to help this timid little fatty. In his last life, Neville's last counterattack was what allowed them to kill Voldemort.

After all, most people may have been as ordinary as or worse than Neville in that circumstance but he made something of himself. Hence, why he was willing to help him.

felt like i had to fill this in. the chapter has 1635 words.

constructive criticsm is welcome!

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