
Harry Potter:I can make deals with other worlds

It's been ten years since 1981. I thought I could use my rebirth to foretell financial freedom by age 30. As a result, on his eleventh birthday, he heard in his mind that ------ was open and asked the owner to accept the first task. A whole new future, it seems. But, who can tell me the mailbox what is wrong with this seal hogwarts slipΣ(°△°|||)?

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Chapter 25 Halloween boss: the Troll 3

Harry and his team had just started running back down the passage, flushed with excitement at their success, when they heard a thud. Harry looked around and saw that the door, which he had just locked, had been smashed open with a stick.

A piece of the door flew straight at Harry. Harry felt he was closing his eyes and waiting to be hit when he was suddenly pulled to the ground with a force that sent the debris flying directly over Harry's head.

Ryan had followed and, seeing the danger, had pulled Harry along.

"Sure enough, the troll has some intelligence. If the toilet is empty, it will give priority to the person closest to it, like the two people who just locked it in." "Lane thought to himself as he watched the situation.

"The toilet door won't stop the troll." Ryan yelled at Harry. 'You made a lot of noise locking the door, trolls startled you. We must now find a way to trap him in the toilet, or we will never outrun a troll in a place like this. ' Ryan then fired a newly learned offensive spell at the troll.

'The fire burns hot.'

Unfortunately, the spell had no effect, as the troll merely blocked it with his arm and then tried to squeeze through the small door.

By this time, RON and Harry had taken the cue, and they, too, were unleashing spells on the troll.



Two spells hit the troll. The troll only paused for a moment, then continued to furiously pound the door frame with his stick in his hand in an attempt to get out. It appears that the book about the troll's strong magical resistance is true.

Hermione, however, recovered herself, using a floatation charm to direct the tap in the toilet that had just been knocked down by the troll. Causing the tap to collide with the toilet floor with a loud noise.

The troll has a low IQ, so he ignores the four living people in front of him and turns his head to check the direction of the noise.

Using this opportunity, the four men crept back, trying to get out of the troll's range.

They were only twenty metres away when there was a loud roar from the toilet. It looked as if the troll had realised he had been duped, and the little ones who had challenged him all ran away.

Ryan was heard Shouting, "Run!" The four men sprinted down the hallway.

Angry, the troll forced his way out by smashing through the walls on either side of the toilet door and ran after them, the edges of the broken wall sharp enough to Pierce the skin on the troll's palms.

Foul-smelling blood flowed from the troll's hands, leaving a red and black trail across the corridor.

'What do we do now? 'said RON nervously, as the Troll drew nearer.

"Turn around here a few times, find a place where trolls can't get past. We can't run to the Great Hall, there might be other students there, we can't take the monster behind us. ' Lane replied.

Turning a corner, they saw a closed door. It was a small door, of an old style, clad in iron. Just over a metre wide and two metres high, it looked like a very good place to hide.

After Harry had used the Lock-picking Charm, they realized that it was not a very small space inside; it looked like a warehouse of broken brooms, old iron barrels, and a whole range of other things.

The four of them pushed their way inside, then closed the door and retreated deeper into the room.

Soon they heard the troll's heavy footsteps stop outside the door, and then the troll's disgusting sniffling noise came from outside.

'Will he see us? 'Hermione asked, and Ryan listened to her with chattering teeth.

'It might, but it wouldn't fit through such a small door.' 'Len reassured Hermione.

With those words, the door slammed open and the troll tried frantically to squeeze in, but it was only big enough for a head or an arm to fit through.

The troll tries the same trick, but this time the wall doesn't budge. The manic troll can only smash nearby debris into the air with an extended hand swinging a club, occasionally poking its head in to look for four people with bloodshot eyes. But this doesn't hurt the four people hiding behind a few shelves.

Ryan looked at the trolls that poked their heads in every now and then, then at the surroundings of the utility room, and a bold idea struck him.

"Can you break the hanging rings of that iron chandelier up there?" "Lane asked.

"The three of us should be fine together." Harry replied.

'All right, you stand by, on the count of 123, you attack the ring together, and then I'll have a plan for the troll.'

"Ready to go." X 3

"1 -- 2 -- 3 Do it! Wingardium Leviosa."

Harry's magic had broken the pendant hanging from the chandelier, but the chandelier was suspended in the air by Lane's spell.

Ryan slowly magically moved the chandelier toward the door, then ended the magic just as the troll poked its head in.

The angular iron chandelier hit the troll's head with the wind from a height of five or six metres, sending its head crashing to the ground with an earth-shattering noise.

One of the corners of the chandelier hit the back of the troll's head, opening a big gash in that spot

and some red and white liquid came out. The troll's neck also formed a strange Angle and looked broken.

Then the body of the troll lay on its side, blocking the door of the room.

"It's done, it's all right now." "Ryan said, and all four slid down against the wall and began to gasp.

They realized that their legs were weak from the stress and fear they had felt.

After sitting quietly in the dark for a few minutes, Hermione said, trembling, "Is the monster --dead?"

'Maybe,' said Len, 'I don't think the troll could be alive in this state.'

There was a sudden bang on the door and loud footsteps, and all four people in the room looked up. They did not realize how much noise had been made, but it must have been someone downstairs who had heard the crash and the troll's roar.

A moment later Professor Flitwick used his magic to remove the troll blocking the door. Professor McGonagall lit her wand and burst into the room, closely followed by Snape, Quirrell at the end.

Quirrell took only one look at the troll, then let out a weak SOB and sat down on a box, clutching his chest.

Snape bent down to examine the troll. Professor McGonagall looked at the four of them. Ryan had never seen her look so angry.

Then Professor Snape stood up with an unexpected look on his face. 'The Troll is dead. Is it a Flotation Charm?'

'Yes,' said Snape. Only then did Lane get a good look at the troll's spattered brains in the light. A sickening feeling came over him, he replied grimly.

'You've killed a troll, which is quite difficult for a grown wizard, and for all of you first years, I'd like to compliment you on your courage and spell-casting. But before I do, I need you to join me in finding Dumbledore, the headmaster, after the death of a magical creature and the near-death experience of four students. The headmaster must take matters into his own hands. '

With that, Professor McGonagall, with a stern look on her face, led the way with Hermione, whose legs looked shaky, while the three of them followed, heading for Headmaster Dumbledore's office.