
Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Everyone is afraid of mysterious people. The savior Harry has bad luck. Allen Harris has the Xueba invincible sy美漫世界黎明轨迹 stem. Watch the Xueba go down in the wizarding world and create legends!

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Gu Ling Pavilion

The north wind was tight all night, and in the quiet night, Allen felt that in the haze a huge figure stood on the head of the bed, and a figure with a sickle and a tattered black cloak caught his heart from the air.

Allen struggled to open his eyes, sat up from the bed, and took a long breath, turning out to be just a dream. But how could he dream of such a scene for no reason? Worries made Alan unable to fall asleep for a while, and the toss and turn of the night made his spirit a bit uncomfortable.

In the early morning, after washing, Allen took her sister to play in the hall, waiting for others to get it clean and eat breakfast.

"Allen, you and your sister eat first, don't wait." Mrs. Harris happily directed the soy beans in tomato sauce and Cron bread to his plate, and after pouring a cup of Ceylon tea for herself, Several children brought milk.

"Okay, mom." Allen was in a better mood to be able to taste the only authentic English breakfast in British cuisine that he could do a little better.

Although their family is not too wealthy, with the savings left by their husbands when they came to England, they will not be as tight as the Weasleys. Therefore, Mrs. Harris is not stingy about the children's diet.

As a therapist at St. Mungo 's Magical Injury Hospital, she knew too much the importance of a healthy body for the wizard. Not only that, but in terms of diet and dress, she personally manipulated, trying to maintain the decentness of the pure-blood family to the outside world, instead of being reduced to the Weasley family, which became the talk of others.

"Good morning, mother." Renn has been very neatly dressed.

"My dear, I smell the aroma of food." Mr. Harris also followed.

Daisy was a little later than Albert, and she kept rubbing her eyes when she finally came down. Obviously, getting up was too difficult for her.

Albert was eating breakfast unhurriedly. When Mrs. Harris urged him, he expressed a little bit complacently that he would not go shopping today, and he would return to the department to report some work.

Since he received the task of protecting Harry Potter half a year ago, at the direction of Mr. Harris, he transferred Alan, who was the same age as Harry, to the school where Harry was, so as to approach the famous Harry, hoping to himself His children could be friends with Harry before returning to the wizarding world. Many pure-blood wizards probably thought of this idea, but forced by Dumbledore 's deterrence, only they succeeded in taking advantage of this work.

Allen before the accident, he used the confusion spell to get the principal of the Muggle school, successfully became Harry and his brother's new teacher.

But for this matter, Alan before the trip did not understand at all, these adults never explained the purpose with him, and now Alan probably understands his father Owen 's thoughts, but for Harry Potter himself, Ai Lun didn't really want to be too intimate with him prematurely. It was okay to know in advance in the Muggle world. It should be enough after Hogwarts, otherwise the old bee will be arranged as Harry's follower But it 's not good.

Harris and his wife were very capable and tacitly packed their belongings.

Allen is looking forward to departure very much. I do n't know if it is a wizard 's magic carpet or a magic broom, a door key, a phantom shifting shape, or using flyway powder to connect to flyway network?

"Allen, come on, no fireplace today." Mrs. Harris had already greeted him outside the door.

Now, a family of six came to a street lamp in the garden, and then stood hand in hand next to an old tire.

Just after his father Owen took out his pocket watch for the second time to check the time, he touched it with one foot, and Allen felt as if there was a hook behind the belly button with an irresistible momentum. Feeling off the ground, he felt like he was flying. Flying like a gust of wind, nothing could be seen right in front of him.

Allen felt that there was wind noise next to his ears, and there seemed to be talk and laughter, and there seemed to be nothing, but the flow of blood and blood in his blood vessels.

Seems to have passed a long time, and it seems to be just a moment.

Stumbled a few steps. He was already in a moving Kovarsky bakery chain with a beautiful portrait of a beautiful witch with curly blond hair as the signature.

The streets around the corner are bustling with the sky.

"Fei Lufen, you kids are very easy to miss the destination. The door key is more convenient for the family to travel together. The disadvantage is that you must apply for registration at the Ministry of Magic." Renn actually also prefers the door key. Feilu Fan will His well-tended clothes stained.

"Okay, kids, now we need to go to Gu Ling Pavilion to get some flowers, and then you can get this month's pocket money." Mr. Harris blinked at Allen and happily watched the children cheering .

"Maybe I can buy a new robe for myself." Amy's Daisy looked forward to it.

"Then you will be very frugal next month!"

Fairly, Mrs. Harris touched her little daughter's soft, light blonde long hair lovingly.

Emily is still young, and buying a sweet ice cream is enough to satisfy her.

The family walked and talked, and came to a tall white building-Guling Pavilion arrived.

The first thing that catches your eyes is the shiny bronze gate, which has witnessed the rise and fall of many wizarding families.

Stood at the door of a goblin guard wearing a scarlet and gold uniform, bent over to salute as the Allen family stepped into the door, and stretched out crumpled, hairy palms to guide the family.

Walked for a while and saw a silver gate with verses engraved on it to warn people not to be greedy.

"It is indeed so, the wealth obtained with both hands is the most reliable. Don't try to get nothing for nothing."

I saw the youngest son watching and Irving took the opportunity to educate.

"It is said that if you do n't take the stolen wealth as your own, you will not get bad news, so Harry Potter successfully broke in and took away the Golden Cup with both hands. The thief negotiated. I gave him what I stolen, and he gave me the stolen things. Will the two of us have bad results? "Allen thought.

Go through the second silver door and enter the spacious marble hall. A huge cone-shaped chandelier hangs in the center of the hall. A huge marble column supports this beautiful hall.

About a hundred fairies are sitting behind the long counter, some are registered on the big account book, some are called coins with balance, and some are used to check gems with eyepieces.

"Vault 666." Mr. Irving Harris handed the key to a fairy behind the counter who was wearing a suit like a little old man.

Allen heard that the two cultures were in conflict in his mind, and he couldn't help but sarcasm in his heart: "This number really doesn't know whether it should be ominous or awesome."

"Please follow me." The goblin bowed his way, but he was upset, and the tone was as if Allen came over to take his own property, not his own wealth.

"Oh dear, I am waiting for you here. Do the children want to stay here with me?"

Mrs. Harris thought that she did not need to withstand some bumps.

"Mom, Emily and I are with you."

Happens to fit Daisy's mind, she is afraid that crossing the corridor quickly will mess up her carefully arranged hairstyle this morning.

Allen and Lenn followed his father and got on a metal cart under the guidance of the goblin.

Trolleys quickly traversed the labyrinthine winding road. During the fast driving, Allen saw an underground lake, and the walls and ceiling were covered with huge, strange-shaped stalactites and stalagmites.

The cart stopped in front of the giant stone gate marked with number 666.

The goblin opened the stone door with the key, which was different from the miserable scene guessed by Allen. There were dozens of gold gallons and dozens of silver west in the stone room with a fascinating halo.

There are also some very old stone and iron tools of unknown use that are placed orderly on the shelf against the wall.

"Maybe some magic is protecting them. Although it seems that there are historical vicissitudes, it is obviously carefully protected."

Compared to money, Allen is more interested in these cultural relics.

"The number is still impressive!" Renn sighed in satisfaction.

"Diligence and frugality is a virtue, especially if the wealth is left to us by our ancestors." Owen quickly grabbed a few gold gallons, and packed a large amount of Yinxi in a leather bag.

"It should be enough." Owen patted the leather bag satisfactorily and led the children towards the cart.

Came out of the Gu Ling Pavilion, and Owen handed the leather bag to his wife.

"10 gold gallons, and 10 more silver xixi for you to buy some snacks. Daisy, I think it should be enough to buy a new robe ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Oh! Thank you, mom, I am so happy La, love you! "Daisy took the coins happily, then hugged her mother and kissed her like a little girl to express her thanks.

Mrs. Harris took the same amount of Jin Jialong and handed it to Renn, and then gave him a pair of new dragon leather gloves coins.

"Thank you mom." Ron took the coin and quickly put it in his backpack.

Allen stared at Mrs. Harris.

"Okay, Ren and Daisy can move freely, remember to gather in front of the Moon Palace restaurant at twelve. You are not allowed to turn over Alley." Mrs. Harris said.

"Mom, what about my pocket money?" For the sake of money, Allen spared no expense.

"Good boy, you go with us. How about we go to Tom's store and buy you a big ice cream? Tell me if you want any other toys." Mrs. Harris comforted her son.

"Okay." Although Alan is also eager to have some free wealth, but the taste of reaching out for money is really uncomfortable, and he has not thought about what to buy.

"Dear Morgan Le Fay, let's give Alan a few Jin Jialong first." Seeing his son's frustration, his father Irving couldn't help but plead.

"Okay, okay, don't lose it." Morgan Le Fay loved her husband very much and asked for compromise.

She handed 5 Jin Jialong to Alan to see the younger daughter, and put 10 Yin Xike in Emily's pocket.

"Okay, let's go." Irving waved his hand and took his family to go shopping.

"It feels good to have money in your pocket." Alan looked at the dazzling stores on the street and felt the coins in his pocket as if he was asking to spend them.

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