
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
242 Chs

Chapter 75

After announcing who will be moving on to the next event Midnight then loudly let everyone know that there will be a thirty-minute break before she announces the next event to allow the competitors to rest and for the public should take advantage of this break to go buy something to eat, which a lot of people did so.

Izuku and their friends were glad for the break, all of that action made them all super hungry and so all of them decided to go and get something to eat together.

However, Shoto stopped Izuku and told him that he wanted to talk to him about something, Izuku frowned but decided to hear him out.

Ochako and the rest told him to hurry up and catch up since they were going to order something for him to which Izuku smiled and nodded at them.

Shoto then took him to an empty hallway and stared at Izuku for a long minute, Izuku not liking the fact that Shoto was wasting his time decided to speak up "Hey! If you're not going to talk then I'm leaving!".

Shoto frowned but nodded "You made me use his fire...you overpowered me so much that I broke my pledge not to use that side of my power".

Izuku frowned because he knew of the fact that Shoto doesn't use his fire and the reason why he was present when Luna was giving Nezu her report on the Todoroki family, after all, he knew how much both Shoto and miss Rei had suffered, still Izuku couldn't help to think that Shoto was being too naive for holding back when everyone in their class and in class 1B was giving their all.

Shoto went on "Your quirk is very similar to All Might's and he himself seems to be very interested in everything you do... are you his illegitimate child?".

If Izuku was the same guy he was before his two weeks of training he might have panicked and probably made a fool of himself but Harry's influence has changed him a lot and that's why he reacted very differently from how his past self would have.

So Izuku raised an eyebrow and then started to loudly laughed "Hahaha! I wish! It's true that my quirk is similar to All Might's and that's the reason I approached him, as you know I'm a late bloomer and I had a hard time controlling my quirk, you saw how badly I hurt myself when I used it, so he's been giving me tips and training methods but that's it, Harry-sensei is the one who's been helping me the most".

Shoto frowned and narrowed his eyes, what Izuku just told him made perfect sense, and right now he didn't even know what to say to Izuku next, his response sort of caught him off guard.

Izuku then shrugged and shook his head "Don't compare me to All Might, we're completely different people, I know of your father Todoroki, and his rivalry with All Might but that has nothing to do with me, don't drag me into things that I quite frankly don't care about".

Shoto's eyes widen and just gaped at Izuku after being berated by him, Izuku turned around and began to walk away but then stopped and turned his head towards Shoto "You should stop holding back because when you face one of us who have been training with Harry-sensei we're not going to show you any leniency, we're going to come at you with everything we have...".

With that said Izuku walked away from Shoto and went back to his friends to eat something, Shoto however just stood there seething in both anger and disbelief at what Izuku just said to him.


In one of the empty Hallways, Endeavor was walking around trying to find Shoto to speak to him but to his surprise he found All Might instead.

However something in the Number one Hero's eyes just made him feel nervous for some reason, All Might stared at Endeavor and then spoke up "It's been a while, ten years I believe... how about we have some tea?".

Endeavor frowned and scoffed at him "Don't act like we're friends... I don't have time to waste on your nonsense!".

Endeavor moved to leave but All Might spoke up "Enji, we know what you did to your son Toya and your wife Rei".

That made Endeavor stop in his tracks, he slowly turned around and stare at All Might with wide eyes full of shock and a bit of fear.

All Might narrowed his eyes at Endeavor "I can't touch you because of your reputation, trust me I tried to do something about this but you did a good job covering your tracks, Nezu was going to do something about it but someone else decided to deal with you instead".

Endeavor glared at All Might but inwardly he was panicking, he was right to think that Nezu had something to do about Rei's disappearance and Shoto's move to the U.A. dorms but to think that the reason for it was the things he tried to hide for so long.

All Might just tiredly sighed and then calmly said "Enji, give yourself up to the authorities and confess your crimes otherwise something really terrible will befall you, the person who decided to deal with you can't be bought, can't be reason with, he will come for you and make sure you pay for everything you have done, make things easier for yourself before he comes for you".

The way and seriousness with which All Might just told him all that made Endeavor begin to nervously sweat, in the end however he's arrogance won and he scoffed, he soon left in a hurry.

All Might just stared at him leave and sadly shook his head in disappointment he then spoke out "I'm sorry Harry, I just had to try".

Harry appeared out of nowhere showing that he was there the entire time under his invisibility cloak "It's fine All Might, this shows just how much he really cares... either way now I know how he looks, I'll be keeping an eye on him and then deal with him today".

All Might nodded, he already tried to help Endeavor but now all he could do is let Harry deal with him, it was really too bad, Enji had always had a bad attitude and quite the disregard for public safety but he was also a great Hero.


Izuku caught up to everyone, he ate and spoke with his friends and fellow trainees about everything they did in the Sports Festival so far.

Sometime after Himiko who was carrying Eri on her shoulders joined them, everyone smiled at the bundle of cuteness who immediately wanted to give everyone a hug for the great job they did during the two first events.

Everyone was happy to get a hug from Eri and together they all ate and spoke with Eri about all the cool things they did.

Inwardly Izuku was worried about Todoroki and what he might do with that weird and negative mentality he seems to have plus he was also keeping an eye to see if he caught sight of any of Hitoshi's teammates, he was still curious to know why they choose not to move forward in the competition.


Inko Midoriya was very proud at this moment and happy for her son, he has reached the final event of the Sports Festival one of the biggest televised events in Japan, and her son has made it to the third event.

Throughout the entire thing she had been on the edge of her seat in worry for her son's safety, she knows she was being silly since she was aware of what Izuku was capable of now but as a mother, she couldn't help but worry about him.

Though in hindsight she was probably the only one besides Harry who knew what her son was capable of, her son would always show off to her everything he could do, so she was aware of his multiple Quirks and techniques.

She still doesn't know how and why her son has multiple quirks or why none of them had any resemblance to hers or his father's but she was glad that it awakened, late but awakened.

Perhaps the reason it took a while to awaken was that he had multiple ones, it certainly makes sense if she thinks about it like that.

In any case, it didn't matter, right now she was more focused on cheering on her son, all she had to do now was wait for the third event to begin so she could continue to watch Izuku fulfill his dream.


Nezu was extremely happy with Harry's students and their improvement, not only with their quirks and tactics but because they seem so confident as well.

It's too bad not many took the offer to take Harry's extra lessons, he can see that his students are not only going to be powerful but kind and caring Heroes.

He can already see how the public and some important heroes were already very interested in them, this was great because he now has the hope that these young heroes in training might just inspire the next generation to be the best they can be.


After a while, Izuku and friends walked back to the the stadium to hear the announcement after making sure that Himiko took Eri back to Harry and the girls, along the way however they were stopped by Neito Monoma along with a few members of class 1B, who was complaining about how class 1A were just a bunch of show-offs and the only reason they made it so far was because they got help from Harry.

But Izuku and his friends just ignored him, to them Monoma was just an idiot that hated them for no good reason and they really didn't want to deal with his nonsense.

Even Ibara, Kinoko, and Pony didn't want to get involved with him and his hatred towards class 1A especially since they're good friends with some of the students of that class.

Momo however got tired of Monoma always provoking them and just running his mouth off so she did what she thinks Harry sensei would have done in her place.

She punched Monoma in the face so hard that he actually twirled in mid-air a couple of times and then dropped to the ground unconscious.

Her fellow trainees gaped at her in shock while Momo just huffed and then spoke loudly to everyone else who was supporting Monoma "Enough! I'm tired of hearing complaints and whining from all of you! Harry-sensei offered his extra lessons to everyone! so don't come crying to us now! You never even tried to ask him for some advice or even tips!".

Everyone looked down not having a response to the scolding Momo was giving them, but Momo was on a roll and just went on "And all of this aggression and hate towards my classmates and me make no sense! We didn't ask to be attacked by villains! Some of us almost died that day and it's only because Harry-sensei saved us that we got out of that horrible situation safely! But I don't understand why most of class 1B hates us! It just doesn't make any sense why Monoma and some of you just continue to antagonize us".

Momo just shook her head and glared at the ones who stood behind Monoma "Grow up! You're trying to become heroes and this is not how heroes act".

With that said Momo walked out and her fellow trainees followed her, leaving Monoma on the floor unconscious, the few students who actually supported him just stood there stunned and surprised by her outburst but right now all they could think about was on Momo's words and how true they are.


After a few more minutes all the students who made it to the third event gathered to hear Midnight announce the third event and explain what was going to happen next "The next event has been decided and were having a full-on tournament!".

The public cheered loudly while Izuku's and his friends smiled maliciously which made most of the students and even Midnight nervously sweat.


Harry maliciously smiled as well knowing that the third event was going to be super fun, Eri tilted her head not knowing why her daddy seemed to be very happy right but she just shrugged and went back to eating some candy Izuku and his friends bought her.

Luna, Susan, and Hermione smiled as they grew excited about their friends' upcoming fights.


With Shota and Hizashi, Hizashi loudly said "And the third event is a tournament! An epic struggle between rivals, friends, and enemies! this promises to be very interesting!".

Shota just sighed and then sighed "Well Cementoss is sure going to earn his check during this event...".

Hizashi sweatdropped "... Why would you think that?".

Shota shook his head and then said "Harry's students are bound to be very destructive... As a matter of fact, Harry! Do something about the ring so we don't have to keep fixing it!"


Harry chuckled and nodded, he then flew up off his seat and floated down towards the ring, it didn't take him long to arrive on top of the ring where Midnight was standing.

The R-rated Hero grinned at Harry "Hello there handsome~ here to work your magic?".

Harry rolled his eyes, which caused Midnight to giggle "Hello Nemuri you seem to be having fun, and yes I might as well make sure my kids don't break the ring to easily".

Midnight nodded and grinned, Harry then bent on one knee and placed a hand on top of the ring, suddenly the ring glowed white for a few seconds and then stopped.

Harry nodded to himself and then stood up "Alright, now this ring is self-repairing and extra resistant so there shouldn't be any problems".

Midnight nodded and Harry then began to fly up, Cementoss suddenly yelled "Thanks Harry!".

Harry nodded at Cementoss and then waved at Midnight who winked at him causing Harry to just shake his head in amusement.

Midnight was definitely a fun woman and one that liked to flirt a lot, the funny thing is that she will flirt with anyone to who she took a liking to, when Harry and the girls met her she flirted with Luna who just smiled and let it happen.

She then flirted with Susan who just laughed and told her that she was hot but not that hot and that she wouldn't cheat on Harry, Midnight called Harry a lucky bastard for that one.

Then she flirted with Hermione who blushed and got all nervous which made Midnight try even harder, she even flirted with Mr. Goop who just smiled at her in amusement.

But besides that, she was a good and caring woman, one that has become a good friend to them even if she was always flirting with them.


After Harry went back to his seat Nemuri then announced the pairings for the tournament "Alright everyone! Here's the pairings! First we have Izuku Midoriya vs Shinso Hitoshi! Then Shoto Todoroki vs Sero Hanta! Ibara Shiozaki vs Tooru Hagakure! Ida Teyna Vs Mei Hatsume!".

The public was very excited and kept loudly cheering every time Midnight announced a pairing while Midnight went on "Then we have Mina Ashido vs Kinoko Komori! Momo Yaoyoruzu vs Tokoyami Fumikage! Eijiro Kirishima vs Tsuyu Asui and finally Ochako Uraraka vs Pony Tsunotori!".

Izuku and his friends turned their heads to each other and grinned at the same time, they have never had the chance to face each other in battle and this is the perfect chance to do so.

Izuku nodded and then spoke, "Alright! Let's do our best! and give it our all! I want to see one of us win this whole thing!".

Every member of Harry's students fist pumped and roared in excitement, they all wanted to prove themselves, and what better way than to face each other in this tournament?

Soon after everyone was then taken to a bunch of stands on the side of the ring and were told to wait a few minutes to get everything ready, while they waited the students who didn't make it past the first and second events were given a chance to participate in a bunch of game like events in order to at least get some offers from Hero agencies, Mashirao took advantage of this short break to approach Izuku to talk to him "Midoriya be careful with Shinso, don't respond to any questions, as a matter of fact, don't talk to him...".

Izuku nodded "I see... I wanted to talk to you guys about what happened but I didn't see you or anyone else in his team during the break, what happened Ojiro?".

Mashirao frowned and looked down "We don't know, everything during the second event is just a big blank, that's why we decided to not go on forwards it just didn't seem right, during the second event I bumped into someone and I sort of snapped out of it but that's it, I don't remember anything after answering a question Hitoshi had".

Izuku nodded to Mashirao understanding that his decision came from his sense of pride, Harry had taught all of them to be proud of themselves and everything they had accomplished so he can understand where Mashirao was coming from "Okay, I'll be careful, thank you Ojiro".

Mashirao nodded and went back to his seat but then stopped and turn his head "Midoriya please do your best for me too" Izuku smiled and nodded to Ojiro who smiled and then began to walk back to his seat again while Izuku began to think what could have happened to Mashirao and the rest of his team {This sounds like Hitoshi has some sort of Mind Manipulation... Ojiro said not to talk to him... maybe his quirk activates upon the target speaking to the user?...}.

But Izuku didn't have any more time to ponder because Midnight called him and Shinso to come up to the ring to have their match.


Soon everything was set up and ready for the tournament, Hizashi then began to cheerfully announce for the third event "Ladies and gentlemen! The third event is about to begin with the first match!".

Shota nodded and then spoke, "This match promises to be an interesting one but I do feel bad for Shinso... he has zero chance of winning".

Hizashi, the public, and Hitoshi sweatdropped at how bluntly Shota had said that, Hizashi recovered and then spoke up "Err... in any case! The first match is between the mysterious and quite frankly freaky Hitoshi Shinso! Against the green-haired tactician and monster Izuku Midoriya!".


Both Izuku and Hitoshi walked up to the ring from opposite sides of the stadium, Izuku has an excited grin on his face while Hitoshi had a frown on his.

Midnight then spoke up as soon as both young teens reached the middle of the ring "Okay boys~ I want to see a clean fight! Go all out and show the world what you can do, me and Cementoss will stop the match if it gets too out of hand".

Cementoss waved and then said, "Yes! Don't worry and give it your all, we'll be here to make sure nothing to bad happens!".

Both Izuku and Shinso nodded and then Midnight raised her whipped and swung it down causing it to loudly crack indicating the start of the match "Then begin!".

Izuku stared at Shinso and was about to go on the offensive when suddenly Shinso spoke up "I can't believe your friend is such an idiot to waste this chance on something so foolish as pride... we have to be willing to do anything to fulfill our dreams right?".

Izuku's eyes widen and then he scowled the moment Shinso spoke ill of Mashirao, the way Shinso just insulted Mashirao's pride like that, Izuku couldn't help but feel angry "What did you just say!".

Shinso glared and maliciously smiled, Mashirao groaned and then said "That idiot! I even went through all that trouble to warn him!".

However, something was wrong, very wrong and Hitoshi noticed right away when he saw that Izuku was still glaring at him "W-what!? That's impossible!".


The public was confused, no one knew what was going on, and all they could see was that Izuku was very angry.

Hizashi was confused and didn't know what to say but then Shota sighed "This is why I keep saying that the entrance exam is illogical... Shinso's quirk is perfect for hero work but because it isn't a battle quirk he wasn't able to make it to the hero course, it really is too bad his first fight is against Midoriya...".

Hizashi didn't really understand but nodded at the fact that the entrance exam has to be updated or changed since even he himself had seen how unfair it was to certain types of quirks.


Thinking that it was a fluke or something Hitoshi decided to try to use his quirk one more time "Your lucky that you've been blessed Izuku Midoriya".

But Izuku just continued to glare at Hitoshi which began to make the purple hair student very nervous, Izuku then spoke "I see... your quirk activates when someone responds to you right?".

Hitoshi began to panic and lose his cool since Izuku figure out his quirk "You shouldn't be able to move! What did you do!".

Izuku frowned "... I and the rest of Harry's students are immune to mental attacks, it's something Harry-sensei gave us in order to prevent something or someone from brainwashing us or taking control of us, especially with how powerful we have become".


Everyone in the stadium gaped, and Hizashi loudly exclaimed "Ah! Dammit Harry! Just what are you expecting your students to be doing in the future!".

Shota chuckled "Well, it is a very logical thing to do Harry is just making sure to both help his students and to make sure they're safe, he's doing his outmost best to prepare his students for anything".


Nezu once again cackled in glee liking the way in which Harry was preparing his students for the future, he can just imagine how nervous so many villains are getting about these future heroes.

All Might and Nana grinned and sent a thumbs up to Harry in thanks for always helping Izuku and his friends be the best they can be.

Harry of course just chuckled, he promised that his kids were going to be the best heroes they could be and like always he always keeps his promises.


Shinso gaped for a second and then glared at Izuku "Your truly lucky Midoriya... you have a perfect quirk and a good teacher, while my quirk just makes everyone consider me a villain in the making.. life is just unfair to people like me".

Izuku narrowed his eyes as he listened to Shinso rant, he knew how blessed he was to have the support of so many but Harry-sensei had also made him understand that he deserves that support, that he can be proud of everything he had done and endured to this point.

So Izuku didn't like what Shinso just said to him "Shut up! Don't speak to me like you understand everything about me! You don't know me! You don't know what I've been through! How hard I trained to get to this point!".

Shinso took a step back from the sheer intensity of Izuku's words while Izuku went on! "Don't come crying to me about how unfair your life is! Do something about it instead and... don't ever insult one of my friends again!".

Izuku then activated his quirk and a shockwave of energy and green lightning burst out of his body causing Shinso, Midnight, and Cementoss to cover their eyes.

Izuku then crouched low and got in position to use a technique that Harry-sensei taught him, the green lightning engulfing his body then began to lash out as he then pushed himself forward.

As his foot pushed him forward the ring actually cracked from the force of his push and he actually disappeared in a blur.

Shinso uncovered his eyes and wildly began to look around only for his eyes to widen in astonishment when Izuku reappeared right in front of him crouching.

Izuku then swiftly kicked Shinso on the chin so hard that he was actually sent flying upwards and unable to even move, the only thing he could do is grunt in pain.

Izuku then jumped after Shinso and appeared in a blur right behind him, suddenly Izuku activated Blackwhip and wraps Shinso tightly with his quirk, and as soon as Shinso's trajectory slowed down and began to fall Izuku then began to spin him at high speed "'Black Omote Renge! (Black Front Lotus!)'".


Harry watching his student use his version of the Omote Renge snapped his fingers and made the ring soft so Izuku wouldn't accidentally kill Shinso.

Though he doesn't blame him for being angry, he himself was upset with Shinso's words, still, he's going to have to talk with Izuku about using techniques like these out of anger.


To everyone's surprise and shock Izuku and Shinso had become a black drill of sorts and were heading head first into the ground at high speed, just when everyone thought that they would crash, Izuku deactivated Blackwhip and jumped away from Shinso who ended up crashing against the ground.

Izuku span on the air for a bit and then softly landed on the ring and turned around to see the aftermath of his technique while the public stayed silent.

Shinso was on the floor, laying on his back breathing hard and in so much pain, he was barely conscious, suddenly he coughed some blood and groaned.

Izuku walked up to Shinso and instantly recognized what had happened, he looked over the stands where Harry was sitting and nodded at him in thanks knowing that Shinso was only alive because Harry had done something, Harry smiled at Izuku and nodded at him.

Izuku sighed and then turned toward Midnight who nodded at him and walked up to take a look at Shinso the moment she saw how hurt he was she made a decision right away "Participant Hitoshi Shinso can no longer continue! The winner is Izuku Midoriya!".

The public then exploded and cheered, Izuku however just glared at Shinso who was just looking up at the sky in silence and reminiscing about his past, and how everyone around him treated him like a villain in the making, Izuku walked up to Shinso and then said "... I hope you get a spot in the hero course, you might be an asshole with a massive chip on your shoulders but your quirk is amazing".

With that said Izuku walked away from Shinso leaving him to the assistant bots to pick him up and take him away to Recovery girl's infirmary.


Meanwhile, Hizashi was loudly commentating "What an amazing technique used by Midoriya! I've never seen such power, skill, and speed being put into use!".

Shoto nodded "Yes, to be able to pull off such an attack at that speed and to be able to maneuver in the air like, that is not an easy feat, the amount of training Midoriya must have done to be able to time this technique to such a skill level is sure impressive".

Hizashi nodded in agreement and then said "It seems that Shinso's usual method of making use of his quirk backfired when Midoriya instead reacted in anger!".

Shoto sighed and then said, "Yes, I admit making an opponent angry is usually a good method to get inside an opponent's mind but it can also make them unpredictable and occasionally react extremely aggressively, Shinso just got a bit to cocky and ended up angering the wrong opponent, it's never a good idea to underestimate your opponent especially if you don't know if he's immune or resistance to your Quirk".

Many heroes watching the Sports Festival nodded in agreement but some of them were very interested in Shinso's Quirk and its practical uses in hero work.


After Izuku went back to the lower stands and smiled at his friends, he then sat with them, meanwhile, the ring immediately began to repair itself from the damage it got from Izuku's Quirk and technique.

Midnight and Cementoss watched in awed interest how stone and cement healed in front of their very eyes.

Shoto who knew he was meant to go next, silently got up and began to head to the tunnel leading to the ring to come out as soon as he was called out however on the way there he was stopped by someone standing in his way.

Endeavor knowing that his son would fight next decided to wait for him in the tunnel he was supposed to be coming out of to talk to him, Shoto narrowed his eyes at him and try to just walk ahead of his father and ignore him.

But Endeavor decided to speak up "I'm disappointed in you Shoto, why are you holding back? Stop this rebellious attitude of yours and use your fire, stop playing around you have to surpass All Might!".

But Shoto just turn his head and stared at his dad "I will never use my left side, I'll win this tournament using my mother's ice...".

Endeavor frowned "That tactic will only work while you're still in Highschool but out there in the real world you will be forced at some point to us- gak!".

However, to Shoto's shock, Endeavor didn't get to finish his sentence because Harry appeared behind him and held Endeavor up by the throat with telekinesis.

Harry then moved his gaze towards Shoto and the young teen took a step back in fear from the glowing green eyes on Harry's face "Shoto go, leave your father to me, it's time for him to pay for his crimes".

Shoto gulped but nodded, he was actually happy that Harry-sensei was going to do something about his father, so he turned around and began to walk but Harry said one more thing that made him stop "Shoto, your mom is watching the Sports Festival! Make her proud!."

Shoto turned around and stared at Harry who grinned and nodded at him, Shoto for the first time in a long time smiled and nodded to Harry.

The young hero in training then walked away since it was almost time for him to be called for his match meanwhile Harry slammed Endeavor on the ground causing him to grunt in pain.

Harry then stomped on his chest "I've been waiting to get my hands on you Enji Todoroki, I hope all the suffering you put your family through was worth it because after today I'll make sure you regret it for the rest of your life".

Endeavor looked up at Harry and glared at him, the number two hero then made his quirk Hellfire, flare as hard as he could to try to turn Harry into ash but to his astonishment, Harry was completely unaffected by his fire.

Harry grinned at Endeavor "You call that flames? I'll show you real flames but first, let's go somewhere else I rather not have innocents get hurt by our battle".

After having said that, Harry then teleported himself and Endeavor into his home's training room.

Harry then stepped back, Endeavor got up and growled in anger but Harry glared at him, Endeavor then decided to talk "Do you have any idea who I am?".

Harry chuckled which caused Endeavor to get even angrier "I know who you are Mr. Number Two Hero, I just don't care".

Endeavor gritted his teeth and then flared his fire "You picked the wrong person to mess with! I'll make sure to destroy you!".

Harry shook his head "You're quite arrogant aren't you, right now Nezu is releasing all the information and evidence we gathered of what happened to your son Toya Todoroki, your wife Rei Todoroki and Shoto, your so-called reputation won't matter, you won't be able to hide behind your title as Hero Endeavor! By the time I'm done with you, every news network and the authorities will know everything you've done!".

Endeavor took a step back and began to profusely sweat, he couldn't believe this was happening to him right now, just who was this young man?

Enji Todoroki had no way of knowing how much his actions had angered Harry, the number two hero just was not ready to deal with a pissed-off Dragon God and after today he will regret every bad choice he has ever made.