
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Book&Literature
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242 Chs

Chapter 57

Kokabiel a ten-winged fallen angel and a Cadre of the Grigori walked out of the abandoned building that serves as headquarters to him and his minions.

He was expecting many things waiting for him outside his headquarters, the young devil heirs, the exorcists, or perhaps Sirzechs Lucifer and Serafall Leviathan to come and find him, not this soon but it didn't matter to him, all he cared about is restarting the Great war and proving the Fallen faction's superiority.

But he never in his life expected the Harry Potter to appear 'along Gabriel and Serafall' right on his doorstep, in hindsight though he should have known better, he was trespassing into Yokai faction territory and that was a big risk on his part.

Though that was part of the plan as well, he had hoped that the devils, Azazel, and the church would be too afraid to move against him in fear of catching the ire of the Yokai faction and Harry Potter, giving him enough time to go through with his plan.

He knew the risks of any fallen angel being found anywhere close to Japan, he had been there on some occasions when the dismembered pieces of other fallen angels that had been delivered to Azazel after being found in Japan suddenly appeared on his desk, he has seen first hand the brutally that Harry Potter was famous for among the Grigori.

So he froze the moment he saw him up there just floating in the sky and glaring at him, it was at this moment that Kokabiel knew that he must have made a mistake and he couldn't help but exclaim "Well... shit".

Harry heard Kokabiel's exclamation and nodded at him "It seems you really were unaware that I moved to Kuoh and now protect it huh?".

Kokabiel frowned, he didn't know that as matter of fact he was sure no one knew that, after Ares tried to start shit with the Yokai faction all spies from every faction were found and killed on the spot so no more information was sent out, the entire supernatural world was in the dark about the Yokai faction.

Kokabiel then looked up and stared at Harry "I have nothing against the Yokai, this is between the three Judeo-Christian factions, don't get involved in this matt-arghh!".

Kokabiel was cut off when Harry suddenly pointed a finger at Kokabiel and fired a Death Beam through the Kokabiel's right knee causing him to cry in pain and fall to his good knee.

Harry stared at Kokabiel "Gabriel, Serafall would you girls please take care of the fallen angels and mages inside the building, I'll take care of Kokabiel but do bring me the guy helping him with the Excaliburs, he's currently doing something with them and I want to know what it is".

Both Gabriel and Serafall nodded and disappeared in flashes of light and ice while Harry floated down and softly landed on the ground soon enough screams of pain and agony began to come out of the abandoned building, both Gabriel and Serafall showed no mercy and it was showing as no one was allowed to even get out of the building.

Kokabiel stared at Harry as he began to walk up to him "I really don't care about your faction's problems with the other two, I care even less about your plans but I do care that you, a fallen angel decided to trespass into Japan knowing full well that you would be killed on sight, I take that personally and I feel quite insulted by your faction's constant disrespect to my me and the Yokai faction as a whole, just tell me... what should I do for your race to take me seriously?".

Kokabiel growled and spread his attempting to fly off but Harry suddenly called Oblivion to his hand and swung so fast that Kokabiel didn't even see the slash.

He definitely felt it though, when five of his wing on one side were suddenly cut off by a wave of darkness causing him to scream in agonizing pain as he fell down onto the ground and harshly crashed into it.

Harry let go of his dark Keyblade and it disappeared in a flash of darkness while he continued to walk up to Kokabiel who had landed face-down on the ground.

Kokabiel was trying to get up when Harry suddenly stomped on his back and harshly pushed him down, Kokabiel growled but then began to panic when he felt Harry grab hold of one of his wings and began to pull.

Now Kokabiel was screaming nonstop as he felt his wing being ripped out and the began to panic when he felt Harry grabbed another one and then another and another.

Kokabiel had lost himself from the pain he was feeling and had finally passed out but Harry had no intention of letting him rest or feel the comfort of being unconscious, so he then placed his open hand on Kokabiel's back and released a discharge of electricity.

This causes Kokabiel to wake up screaming and Harry continued to electrocute him for a while until he let go and the kicked the groaning no longer ten-winged fallen angel.

Harry stared at the black wings he had ripped out of Kokabiel and thrown to the side, he then decided to teleport them directly to Azazel.


Azazel was reading through a folder he just got a few minutes ago, in it was a report of how some of the Excalibur blades were stolen from the church and that Kokabiel was involved {Tch!.. Kokabiel are you really this stupid to try and restart the Great War on Japanese soil?... What to do? I can't just risk him starting a conflict with the Yokai faction and Harry Potter}.

Suddenly five bloodied black wings landed on his desk and he stared at them, he recognized them right away "Kokabiel... you stupid fool...".

Azazel got up and went to go find Vali to send him and try to save Kokabiel as fast as he could, hopefully, the young dragon will be able to control himself otherwise he might have to do a lot of groveling and apologizing to Yasaka and Harry Potter.


Kokabiel has never been in this much pain, he couldn't even defend himself against the onslaught brought to him by Harry Potter, he moved so fast and without hesitation, that Kokabiel didn't even have time to react.

Painfully he rolled to his back and stared up into the sky "Heh.. cough.. maybe Azazel was right and I should have just relaxed".

Harry walked up to him and he stared down at the downed Kokabiel "You should have just left Japan out of all of this, perhaps your plan would have worked then but no... you had to be cocky and think you could get away with it here in Kuoh".

Kokabiel coughed and then glared at Harry "I wasn't being cocky, I had prepared so much in order to get here and be around without you noticing, I even used Ophis's snake to further improve our wards, honestly I don't know how you found us".

Harry shook his head "I'm flattered that you're taking me somewhat seriously but I have many friends and allies that have all kinds of skills and abilities they're always willing to give me a hand, your mistake was actually using Ophis's snake, she was the one to give us a clue as to how and where to find you".

Kokabiel frowned "So the Infinite Dragon did join up with you... tch! What did you offer her, did you really kill Great Red?".

Harry shook his head "I didn't give her anything and I didn't kill that annoying lizard, she chose to stay with me and even chose me as her mate, don't ask me why I still don't know why she did that but she's now a member of my family".

Kokabiel stared up at Harry Potter for a good minute and then began to laugh loudly "Hahahahaha! how humorous... to think that my plans and the plans of the Khaos Brigade will be stopped because Ophis got a boyfriend!".

Harry just coldly stared at Kokabiel and then violently stomped on his neck, silencing him forever, he was about to teleport his corpse to Azazel when Gabriel walked out of the building dragging a kicking and screaming priest by the hair and for the first time ever Gabriel looked absolutely livid, in her free hand she was holding a small white orb.

Serafall came out of the building with a frown on her face as she held what Harry could only describe as the most horrible-looking sword he was ever seen, even its light seem to have been so corrupted and dark that it completely disgusted not only Serafall but Harry himself.

Gabriel then swung the Priest and then threw him right beside Kokabiel's corpse and glared at him as the priest began to beg for mercy.

Gabriel then turned around and handed Harry the orb and then walked up to the priest and stabbed him in his chest with a light spear, causing the priest to flinch and gurgle as he began to cough up blood, Gabriel then twisted the spear and with one mighty pull, ripped her holy light spear out of his chest finally killing him.

Gabriel stood and glared at the corpse of the priest while Serafall walked up to Harry and handed him the sword and began to explain "That was Valper Galilei, he was the one behind the Holy Sword Project... when he saw Gabriel kill everyone around him he panicked and then began to frantically speak to Gabriel and beg for forgiveness but then he handed her that orb that your holding as recompense but as soon as Gabriel touched it she snapped and began to drag Valper here, I took this sword from a magic circle, my guess is that Valper was trying to combine all the Excalibur blades but... I think he needed the rest, this thing is just too butchered to even be called an Excalibur".

Harry frowned and then put the misshapen Excalibur in his Inventory and then began to examine the orb.


It was sudden and the supernatural world wasn't prepared when an ungodly amount of pressure fell upon the world.

The planet began to shake and nature began to act out as if it was angry as well, all the supernatural factions were brought to their knees by the pressure itself.

Everyone who knew Harry was safe from the pressure but they could tell something was wrong, something happened and Harry was pissed, this pressure was insane, they could feel the rage and bloodlust that no one in the Yokai faction or its allies had ever felt before but that wasn't the only thing they could feel and worry about, no it was the overwhelming sadness that was coming off Harry's pressure that made everyone who loved and cared for Harry freeze.

Vali who had arrived at Kuoh by flying as fast as he could was suddenly pushed down by a massive pressure, nothing he did could stop him from harshly crashing against the ground, his Balance Breaker armor instantly shattered upon impact and Vali found himself unable to even move "Albion! What is this!?".

Albion grunted, he was also affected by this strange and overwhelming pressure that was beginning to crush him and his host {I don't know urgh... but whatever it is, it's utterly and completely filled with rage!}.

Vali grunted and tried to get up but the pressure continued to push him down and so the White Dragon Emperor was forced to lay there and struggle to even breath

Meanwhile, all over the world many supernatural natural beings were shocked, terrified but most of all confused as to what or who could be letting off such horrendous pressure.

Even the Gods of the many factions were brought down to their knees and no one could get up, not even Odin or Zeus.


Serafall widen her eyes the moment she felt Harry let off an enormous amount of pressure and Gabriel turned around in shock at what she was feeling.

But what had them staring at Harry in disbelief was the tears running down his face from his eyes as he stared at the orb in his hand, an orb holding the last memories and dreams of a group of children that were killed for no other reason than just cruelty.

Him having had a horrible childhood and understanding how defenseless these children must have felt as they died couldn't help but have his heartbroken, if there was one thing that Harry Potter hated the most was watching children suffer like this.

But besides the sadness he was feeling he was also angry no, he was livid! At the people responsible and the faction who would allow something like this to happen, for the first time in so many years, Harry Potter lost it and snapped, and the entire world felt it.

Gabriel and Serafall widen their eyes and jumped back the moment Harry began to transform into his Dragon form and could only stare in astonishment as Harry suddenly let off a deafening roar of rage and sadness.

The barrier that he had created shattered and the entire world heard his roar as Harry then began to glow in an ethereal light and the orb that had landed on the ground when he transformed shattered setting the poor souls trapped within free.

Harry then spread his to pairs of wings and suddenly light and energy began to gather and engulf the children's souls.

The lights and energy surrounding the souls burst out letting Serafall and Gabriel see that the souls now had a body and were once more alive, Gabriel teared up in happiness while the the children slowly began to float down onto the floor peacefully sleeping.

Harry then let up his energy and pressure and gently curled up around the children and covered them with his wings.

In a flash of light Kokabiel and Valper's bodies were teleported right on top of Azazel's desk and Harry, the children, Serafall, and Gabriel were instantly teleported to the Potter's household backyard where Harry continued to curl up around the sleeping children.

Gabriel smiled at Harry and then patted his snout while Serafall smiled and then left to let everyone know what had happened so they could calm down, she knew they must have felt Harry's energy and were more than likely very worried.

Gabriel then spoke up to Harry "Thank you Harry for giving the children a second chance at life".

Harry nodded and then turned his head to look at the sleeping children "I... I erased their memories of what happened to them back then and their time in the Holy Sword Project... tomorrow I'll take them to Kyoto, I'll make sure they're allowed to do anything they wish, go to school, join a guild, learn whatever they want... I'll make sure they have a great and happy life".

Gabriel nodded and cuddle against Harry's snout, Harry said one more thing before closing his eyes to try and relax "Gabriel... if Michael doesn't do something with the church then I'll destroy it... I'll burn the entire thing to the ground and then rebuild it into something better...".

Gabriel nodded "and I will help you, hopefully, my brother will... what was that you said to him once?... Ah that's right! Hopefully, he'll get his head out of his ass and fix everything".

Harry chuckled and then nuzzled Gabriel and he continued to protect the children while Keeping an eye on them, he was still very angry, very much so but right now these children needed him more, later he can take his anger on something or someone.


The next morning Harry went to Kyoto with the children and build them all a house with the use of Mokuton (wood style) and then introduce them to all his friends and family.

Most of the children decided to help Hagrid with his work at the Monster House, the place where he keeps and takes care of the monsters, Monster Tamers leave in order for them to grow and live.

These children not only fell in love with the many kinds of monsters that live there but they were completely taken by Hagrid's kind and friendly demeanor.

Of course, the gentle giant immediately got attached to the children and promised Harry that he would take care of them, Harry knew that he would and that the children would learn a lot with him, though he did ask the Digimon Knights to keep an eye out for them just in case and hired a couple of Kitsune and Nekomata maids to take care of their needs and care for their house.

Others joined the Kyoto Healing Temple where Ophanimon immediately took them under her wings and pretty much adopted them on the spot.

Harry tried to leave afterward but the kids pretty much jump on him and hung from his body trying to prevent him from leaving, it made the people of Kyoto laugh watching their leader walk around wearing the children like accessories and look like he wasn't even giving them a ride, eventually, Harry promised to visit once in while so he could play with them and the children were happy with that promise and finally let him go.

Before he left Kyoto he asked the Anbu operatives to protect them from the shadows and then went to see Yasaka who was in her office working, she immediately smiled at him when she saw him, and Harry waved at her. he then sat down to speak with her.

Harry explained what had happened and Yasaka sadly frowned, as a mother hearing how a bunch of kids were killed just like that, made her feel both anger and sadness.

Harry nodded in agreement and then told her that he would be paying for their education and whatever they wish to pursue as their future career, so he handed to Yasaka his vault key and told her to take money as needed from his Potter account.

Yasaka smiled at him and nodded, she knew that Harry was kind especially to children so she wasn't surprised but it did make her happy nonetheless.

After that Harry and Yasaka spent some time together speaking about future projects and allies and how the Kyoto and Konoha relationship was going.

Hearing that it was going great put Harry at ease and he felt happy that both his old home and his new one will be striving to make a better future together.

Soon it was time to go home but Yasaka didn't want to let him leave without a goodbye kiss, Harry chuckled and told her that she was as clingy as Kunou was when she wanted his attention.

Yasaka pouted but Harry smiled and gave her a small peck on the lips and then immediately left with a grin on his face.

The poor nine-tailed fox was so caught off guard that she stay standing right there while staring into the doorway but eventually she began to blush and giggle to herself from getting a kiss from Harry.


Meanwhile, in the Vatican, Michael lead a crusade against the corruption of the church along with his brothers Uriel and Raphael.

The entire church was both confused and terrified, this wasn't Michael the leader of the Heaven faction but the Archangel who had killed and slaughtered many devils and fallen angels during the Great War.

Michael began a whole cleanse of the church and as more time passed the more disgusted and upset he became with everything that some of the members of the church had done recently.

Harry was right, the church had fallen so far down that even he wanted to burn the whole thing to the ground but if he did that it would affect many people not just the church and so he began to clean up.

Many were found guilty of horrendous acts in the name of his father and were immediately punished and sometimes even killed on the spot.

Many asked him why would he do such a thing and he responded with "If I don't do this myself then something far more sinister and brutal will do it for us, be glad it is me who is doing this".

Most of the members of the church accepted his words while others rebelled but were swiftly taken down by Michael and his brothers.

Gabriel had told him how Harry reacted to what Valper had done and that resulted in the entire supernatural world being brought to their knees by Harry's rage alone.

He wanted to avoid that from ever happening again, this time he'll make sure that nothing like the Sigfried cloning plan and the Holy Sword Project ever occurs again, he didn't want him or the church to be the cause for Harry Potter to one day say, enough and destroy them all.

Heaven will never forget the day that the entire world felt Harry Potter's anger, that was the day that everyone bowed down to the one true Dragon God.


In the underworld, in the Grigori headquarters, Azazel was found looking down at the mangled corpse of his brother Kokabiel and Valper Galilei.

He frowned as he stared at the lifeless body of his battle-hungry brother "You stupid fool... what did you do? Who did you go and pissed off...".

Vali who was standing by the doorway just stared at Azazel, he was hurt and in pain from his violent crash against the ground, even Albion was hurting for being so close to whatever it was that had unleashed that awful pressure "I don't know what that was Azazel but even Albion was hurt by that pressure, I'm still recovering from the strain too... ".

Azazel looked up to Vali and nodded, deep down though he was lost in thought {I think it's time to move up our plans for peace between the factions, we're going to have to start working together or things might get too bad for us as a whole...}.

He had already gotten a report of Michael doing a whole clean-up of the church and that sort of information terrified him, he had seen how Michael was back then during the Great War and he never expected his older brother to ever be like that again.

Someone must have lit a fire under his ass for him to do all of this and he suspects that it had something to do with that presence that the entire world felt.


In Lilith City the devils were still recovering from the pressure that had brought them to their knees, everyone was affected. well for some reason the children didn't feel it but they knew something happened.

Something out there was mad and sad they just didn't know who or what that was and that left the entire devil faction in a state of panic.

Sirzechs and Ajuka were also afraid but Serafall had told them what had happened and so they knew the one responsible for that pressure was Harry.

This just further cemented his power and Sirzechs decided that it was time to reach out for peace, things can't continue like this or someone was going to mess up and cause their extinction.

He knew his people and he knew that someone was bound to eventually say or do something to Harry Potter and piss him off, something must be done to prevent the entire devil faction from getting destroyed and he decided that changes had to made.

The Great King faction's power had to be taken away and the Old Satan faction had to be eradicated or every devil was going to pay for some other fool's mistakes.

He had already spoken with Serafall, Ajuka, and Falbium about all of this and they all agree, it was time for them to stop being controlled and limited by the the elders, it was time to show why they were chosen as Maou.


Harry had gone back to Kuoh after speaking with Yasaka but he wasn't feeling like going home right now, no at this moment he was still very much angry and so he stayed up high into the sky just staring down at Kuoh.

Harry had a frown on his face and a pensive look in his eyes, it's been a while since he has been this mad at someone and it has left him feeling restless, Harry looked up at the sky and reminisce about the first time he had been this angry and frustrated.


The second world he had traveled to, a world of Shinigami and Hollows, it seemed so long ago when he had gone to high school with Ichigo, Chad, and Orihime.

When he arrived in that world the first thing he saw was a monster attacking a young boy and his mother, he was still quite high-strung from his battle against the Demonlord Raphtorn and acted in a split second to save both the child and his mother.

With both Ultima Weapons in his hands, Harry jumped and completely eviscerated the strange monster killing it and saving the child and mother.

But something was still wrong with the mother, she was for some strange reason still dying and so he tried to heal her, over and over again but as he looked at her it seemed like something was taken from her, something very important, he just didn't know what it was.

Harry grew frustrated and angry at this situation, he had never seen this before and now he had a dying mother while her son was crying and trying to keep her awake.

The mom smiled and him and thanked him for trying to save her, she called him a brave boy since he was back to being a kid again and she finally closed her eyes.

Harry froze and watch her son scream and cry, it was here that Harry snapped all of this was too much for Harry at the time, he was still weak back then and only had the magic he had learned from Hiro and Jessica and the spells he learned from his Keyblades, he had never expected to be in this situation as soon as he arrived into a new world.

But no matter what he tried nothing helped but then something flashed in his mind, the title Ereshkigal had told him belonged to him and only him, he was the Master of Death and in his anger and disappointment in himself, Harry used a power his body wasn't ready for.

He called upon Death and asked it to bring this mother back to her son, he begged Death the one who was supposed to serve him to please help him with this.

Death, who has never been asked or begged to, she who was hated and feared was asked by her master to help, Death hearing this was flabbergasted at the time, but deep down she was happy and so she decided that this one time she was going to do something that she had never tried to do before.

She was going to perform a miracle, by using her master as a temporary vessel she grabbed hold of the power that was suddenly ripped out of the young mother, unknowingly causing the being that had caused all of this to happen to be blasted back and suffer a great deal of pain.

This being only known at the time as the Quincy King didn't stand a chance against the conceptual being known as Death and was for the first time hurt and scared and so he withdrew his presence from Karakura town in fear of this being who had caused him so much damage.

Death while still using Harry's body then blessed the mother's power which was ripped out of her and then gave it back to her so it would never be taken again and then she used Harry's only Revive spell he had at the time, 'Kazing'.

The young child watched all of this happen with eyes widened in shock and amazement at the display of power before him, his mind was too young to understand exactly what was going on, the only thing that he knew was that something amazing was about to happen.

This proves to be true when a golden light engulfed his mother and gently lifted her off the ground and then it burst out causing the young boy to cover his eyes.

Death seeing that her work here was done she left Harry's body and gently laid him on the ground, she stared at him with a soft smile as he lay there unconscious.

In her mind, she was intrigued by her new master and something about him just made her want to see more of his adventures but with this, she decided that Harry Potter was definitely the most interesting master she had ever had.

No one else would have asked Death to save a life, after all, Death giggled at the silliness of it all but then she gave Harry a soft kiss on his forehead and left vowing to always keep an eye out for her new beloved master.

After that, the young mother stood there and open her eyes in a panic, she looked around in confusion until she noticed Harry on the ground unconscious and pale.

She turned her head to the side and saw her son standing there and covering his eyes, she then turned back to Harry and picked him up "Ichigo! What happened?".

Ichigo opened his eyes and stared at his mother in disbelief "Mom... your back, he brought you back!".

Ichigo suddenly hugged his mother tightly shocking her but she understood the implications of her son's words, she had died and someone, no, this young boy brought her back to life.

She couldn't remember a lot of her time being dead but she remembered a red-headed woman smiling at her and telling her to go back, that it wasn't her time, the next thing she knew was that she was suddenly standing and very confused.

But she knew one thing for sure, this mysterious young boy had saved her and Ichigo, so she would take care of him and make sure he was safe.

She had to help him recover because she can tell that whatever he did weakened him greatly Masaki Kurosaki vowed to protect her little savior.


Harry smiled as he continued to look up into the sky "... I wonder how the Kurosakis are doing?".

Harry chuckled because he was pretty sure Masaki would pull on his ear and tell him to call her mom "Hmm it's been a long time since I've seen them".

Suddenly Harry had a big grin on his face as he came to a decision "Well nothing is stopping me from dropping by a visit, I kinda want to see them, though Yuzu and Karin are going to be pissed when they see me... damn I should have visited them sooner, the twins are definitely going to let me have it and mom is probably going to cry, hug me, and then fuss over me".

Harry might seem to be complaining but anyone watching would immediately see the big smile on his face as he talked about his adoptive family.

Coming to a decision he nodded to himself and then opened the multiverse jump tab and looked over the worlds he had already visited and then picked the one named Bleach.

Suddenly the world cracked around him like glass and then shattered into millions of pieces, Harry Potter was back in Karakura town.

What will he find, how are his friends doing but most importantly of all, how much have things changed since Aizen's defeat?

Harry couldn't wait to find out and he looked down at Karakura town as he watch its nightlife glow brightly he couldn't help but excitedly grin.

It was night but the town seemed so alive, suddenly it began to rain and Harry then began to feel that something was very wrong, something was happening to Ichigo right now, he could feel it in his bones.

So with a worried frown on his face, he began to sense out where Ichigo was and he located him somewhere very far away from town.

He didn't like this one bit and decided to go and check it out as soon as possible, so he took off flying at high speed.

Harry had no way of knowing what had happened to Ichigo right now that he was made powerless once again and couldn't do anything but scream out in pain at having his friends, family, and power taken away from him by those so call Fullbringers.

But one thing is sure, these Fullbringers are about to find out what happens when they hurt someone Harry considers family.

This entire world will feel the wrath of a Dragon God and a lot will once again change by Harry's mere presence alone.